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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 29 Feb 1912, p. 3

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ey onizes Sir i and rroduce, RE oleh 3 2. -Demand Tor eggs Jy increasing on acount £33 ia ls ceasing wn Sd Sete ek ihe! te HI 90 to En Ea An a pit, = Sh day Ba FEE : ors. 226; ae, $28; 38 to v ; ts, $15 to $13. Lew oa ins oevemmery, So to die} he urea $8 15 toc. rr bag, cor lots, nw 0 A flied, $10 to ountry, eavy Canada short cut Tesh 2 fo 45 pleces, $2.50: Can 4 to' 66 Poses, t 'back s, barrel Tara--Compo and "tlerces, 875 lbs, hos Fa Ibs ner, Blci pure, tierces, ure, 'wood pails; 20 Tbe. he Ebi P oo ibe. 2 8 5d; No, « quiet: Mareb, 7s 10d; May, Tn 4d. Coru---8pot.¢ ik ane Blends American ed, old, new; kiln y x 5. 115d. loUr--Winter patents, 23s 3d: . Hops in Landon, Pacirle luna, of £9 ITw to £10 1ém . CATT LE TIA I JARKETS, ORONTO, "Feb. Peb, 22. The railwayH ported 37 carloads of live stock at the City Yards, consisting of 845 cat- le, 1145 hogs, 3067 sheep and lambs, 82 calves anl G horses. -% oronto Live Stock. utchers, = pringers. far re bi wee fot Prices rahgeq 1 is IX qui Bold a ny oe Trt $30 each. Traded. jis rica So veal eAles; with prises Al at wi! "Khees and La obs, ek at os, $8 to $7.60 per ogs. leiects fed and watered were quoted al yo d $0.40 .t.0.b. cars at country poini i 'East Buffalg Cs*tls Market. Sheer Tar Tams ow # $f; ead: Market fairl 5 re steers, $7.25 to $8; butcher to $6.75. $3.95 i | Calvos-Receints, 50 head. Market, ats tive, Sev; cull to choice, $6 to $10.25, Sheep and Lambs--Receipts, 3000; fleet, tion '%o higher; chore' sbs, 6.5 [to Rha to. Latty $5.25 lo Ba. ; year] sheep, dotive, 15e pig, 46.35; ip i oe : tha ig "would i the shitty " £ arly' March ra | ; je BROS §-& Ad cwt.} + | requirements of Comrifercial Travel Fangest SHE iilreiial rs for sale that excellent farm bring lot 15, concession: 4p dn lies towrship of Reach, :containing. 200 acres: more or:less, of choice land a Jarge por- | vion of whicli is €leared, the balance | being splendidly wooded. The land sina 'capital state-of gulivation Thre is on the premises an orchard and a complete sipply of water. There is "a large baru with erment [figor stabiiny, and a smaller barn on the north end of the lot; also a fame dwelling hanse on the; south and. "The focafion 'of the farm is one, bemg about 1} miles from Port Pesgy on a leading road. This farm is, in every respect, a | first clags dairy farm and halfa mile from way station. Far particulars and terms, apply to the proprietress on the premises. S. A. PHERRILL. Prince Albert, June 28,1911. is only Manchester rail Under the Management of the Agricultural Departmeatiof the 1 WHITBY HIGH SOHOOL. i all classes of Farm Stock 1s a prominent oF © eCourse. Trips are take' to the best stab] ines n nity for thiswork: ; branches, Siock, Bilin Nurse: y Stock," Laying out Orchard, Pla ing Trees, Best Vaffeties to Plant, Care and . Manageme: of the Orchard, Picking, Packi: ¢ and Marketing, Spraying for lnsects-and Fungus:Diseases, etc. STUDENTS WILL BE GIVEN INSTRUCTION IN BOX PACKING FRUIT atthe Fruit Packing House of the Oshawa Fruit Growers Association. Other subjects studied are: AGRICULTURAL BOTANY, including a study of weeds and weed seeds and methods of eradicating; SQIL CULTIVATION; FARM DRAIN- AGE; FERTILIZERS AND MANURE; POULTRY CULTURE in alt its branches ; Co-operation ; the keeping of FARM RECORDS and FARM ACCOUNTS. No young farmer in the district can afford to miss this opportunity, It comes at a season when the work on the larm is not pressing. TERE COURSE IS FRIEH. Write for further information to J. J Ber, Principal High School, \WhtTBY, of to J] H Harg, Agricultural Ottice, \Wnirsy. Phones i-- Bell, Whitby, 86. Independent, Whitby 53. 09000600062000190909006006865000 Having purchased the Livery busivess carried on by Jamieson & Dennison; and the ptemises. con- nected therewith we intend to RE-HORSE THE STABLES with first-cliss animals, and install New and Up-to-Date Vehicles with modern 'Frappings which for comfort and convenicnce cannot be surpassed. Special attention paid to the £r8. Qur Char ate méylerate and we gnarantee to please ole patrons. Pationage saliclied. - Six "7 EF Phobe No. 2.0 +. CAWKRH BROS. gerade ltl ae 3 Sings of the Livision Conris ~_ODUNTY OF ONTARIO. 1. . WHITOY Olek, Miss E. du Me. - ie darr= 15, Feb, 3, yas May 2, June 6 fi a Nov. ?, Yer, Ingrams' Ilave accepted the Agency for [Mullers to the Royal Family.] And are prepared to promptly fill all orders entrusted to their care, They have the one four that gives satisfaction to the consumer-- THE ROYAL HOUSEHOLD fills the Lill, vvery pond is guaranteed, After giting it a fair trial if pot satisfied retnro the balance (it over 5 Ibs.) and your money will be cheerfully refunded. I'he millionaire cannot buy a better flour than THE ROYAL HOUSEHOLD, nor even the poorest family use a flour that is more economical. A CAR LOAD JUST RECEIVED INGRAMS?® Agents Port Perry and vicinity. IF YOU WANT THE BEST. Scranton Coal | STEAM OR SOFT Free Burning Ceal : OEK ALT ® ® Spring Is the Time for House Cleaning. Beautiful Brass Lamp valued at $10 fitted for either Coul Oil or Electric Light given to the person having the niost Wrappers from RICHARDS PURE SOAP AND QUICK NAPTHA SOAP At the 30th Day of April. Marmalade Oranges 23c doz. I'am prepared to do all kinds of |. Fapsring, Painting, &ece n for Sale, EF. HB. PURBY WiLL CONTINUE THE SEED + BUSINESS = at the Old Xtand and will have a full supply of CLOVER & TIMOTHY SEibB on hand at Moderate Prices, A'Geod Sccond-hand Cutter and Hartess for Sale-- Perry, an. 20. 191324 Perry 6. 19 , Xe DOUBT MERCHANT TAILOR, Keeps in Stock a full supply of up-to-date LOTHS Suiteble for all Seasons SOGEENLEHRIR FLRRRERY ING MY ABSENCE in the Great West I negotiat-- to Sell over 50,000 Acres of Land; in froma quarter to any number of sections--improved and oy fon venient to Railways and Markets in CAND ALBRRTA, p ta $70 per acré; according to location 'an > Aud further, I have. personally examined 'S 2nd guarsnre. them Fear skwill be intending purchaser A ened | $3" NO NAMES USED or ArHOUT WRITTEN : THREATENED WITH PARALY arER gee 2 I fai doctors, Like Fadl PE enced the wp and | saved yl mont was likes ng th EE ag os wa SURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY A SNE YRS rm : We treat URINARY CO peculiar to Men. CONSULTA duh {4 Fad oF Michigan Ave. and Crinold st, Mich. BagFNOTICE OTE Cc AM letters from Canada must be eddressed to our Canadian Correspondence Depart- see us ment iu Windsor, Ont. If you desire to [ sonally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we sec and treat $f. no patients in our Windsor offices which are for Correspondence and # Laboratory for Canadian business only. Address all letters as follows: DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Winder, Ont. Write for our private address. Nothing Like Beef! i HAVING purchased the Butchering Business and good will of Mr. I. J. Wheeler I would like to inform all his old castomers and as mony new ones ns possible that T intend to keep at all times a good assortment of all kinds of the Best Meats--Fresh and Salt--obtainable and at reas: onable rates as possible. ' a I am also in the market, at all times, for Clivice Catt', Hogs, Sheep and Lambs Calves, Hides and Sheepskins, ow the Higliest Market Prices, EZ I'resh Fish every Tuesday. Courteous treatment and prompt delivery. May 26, 1009. A FU tL STOCK Harness Line CHEAPNESS STY LE Durability and STRENGTH Cdnnot bd urpassed u the County, Robes, Blankets, Bells, Trunks &c., in abundance, | Oomparison of Prices Courted | W. A. BEATTY | FRESH & TENDER CAWKER BROS, In returning thanks to the | public for the extensive pat- | ronage bestowed upon them would intimate, that as in the past only choice fat animals will be slaughtered, so as to ensure the choicest and ten- derests Cuts possible, and we intend at all times to have an ample supply of which we will cut to vlease and deliver promptly. §% Swoxen AND SALT Meats A SPECIALTY. HEADACHES are nearly always caused by PIREBD BYES BUY LOMIDA LAND- iy? Because! : er ; it 3 very vroductive, 2. Tt is Which require spectacles in sa rod r gud oir: wr Li . Consult me T+ ; EEERA 6 ? Ei TR k B LORE; SEomaeee. | Yonge St, Taronto. os Simpsons' 4 'Stewart MS

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