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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 7 Mar 1912, p. 2

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the J the County': is the champion of the Agricultyrists aud of the more con- 5 y€ and practical class of peo- a, igmot a favorite of schemers, and cliques ; it is the Oldest and' Best Established--founded in 18§7--the most original and best in #ts local and general news depart- "ment and is printed entirely in the place of publication--Port Setrys *FmrMs--$1 per annum in advance, if not paid in edvence, $1.50 will be j08 ING-- THE MOST MODERN STYLES 3 AND AT Low PRICES. : North Ontario Observer. "(The.OMcial Paper of the People.) FOUNDED IN 1887. Suly Paper Printed and, Fablished in PORT PERRY, MARCH 7, 1912 The correspondence' Sonya Citizens Honored" arrived too late for our issue of this week. Mr. Jos. Britton having leased the Allin Blacksmith and Wood 'Shops intends opening business "about the 15th of March. "* A South Renfrew barber won a wthousand dollars on the election. Not by a close shave either. day brings to light at further proof that it was Nas Sime for a change last Septem. ~~ The women students of Ohio Wsleyan University have voted by #30 to 58against suffrage for women. There were 125 deaths in Toronto Mast week from pneumonia, tuber- dculosis, diphtheria, and scarlet fever. ; Belleville woman had her hus- "hana arrested for passing himself off a8 a widower when away from home. A Report of the proceedings of 'the Annual Meeting of the Liberal .Cemservative Association of South Owtatio which was held at the "Town 'of Whitby on Saturday "afternoon of last week will appear 3 +n our next issue. 18 Luck.~The Dominion Gov- * ernment has decided to expropriate site for new departmental build- at Ottaws. The land will about five million dollars. Of site to be expropriated Mr. ul reply. This impulse found pe weeks sgo in a cold 'mixture of criticism, badin- age, and causticity. This was an error; © We should have no- quarrel with the' Editor of the Whitby papers and we desire none ; person- ally we'are, and desire to be, on {friendly "terms; aud the least.and the most a gentleman can do, if he have 'hurt another's feelings by unfriendly or unguarded &ct or word, is to claim the privilege to SAPS Inge! -- eaten. tn "of this entire community, the dcca- . | sion_ being the Annual Course in Stock and' Seéd * Jiidging under the auspices of the Ontario Depart- ment of Agriculure, through the Agency of the Ontario County Branch at Whitby, when competent and expert judges in both Live Stock and Seeds will judge and dilate on what constitutes perfec- tion, or as near ag may be, in both these important adjuncte to farm- ing. Mr. J. H. Hare, B.S. A, re. presenting the Ontario County Branch at Whitby, will have charge is a sufficient gurantee as to the success of the course, and what is of considerable 'importance as re- gards this grand opportunity of obtaining expert and correct know- ledge as how to produce choice Live Stock and perfect Seeds is the fact that no charge whatever is made but all jare requested to be present. Let the turn out be in keeping with the importance of the occasion. Remember time and place--at Port Perry on Wednes- day and Thursday next. A Higury SuccessruL ENTER- TAINMENT.-- This whole community owe the Ladies' Aid of St. John's (Presbyterian) Church a debt of gratitude they never can repay for the splendid 'manner in which they entertained all who patronized their Entertainment held in the Town Hall on the evening of Wednesday of last week. The cast of characters, a Sisters was, did we say, perfection personified, while their burlesque and unique presentations in every instance did the Sisters great credit and exemplified that their accom- plishments as entertainers of a bigh order and well worthy of the plaudits given. The other Act --*The Teeth of the Gift Horse" -- in which beth ladies and gentlemen participated, was put on the boards with rare talent, the acting demon: strated 40 perfection that professi- onals, pot amatuers, were in reality elucidating as [to the value, withput {ooking into the mouth, of the Gift Horse. That the large and intelli- gent audience were more than inter- ested and delighted with the play was made manifest by the almost continued rapturous applause. All 'concerned 'are to be congratulated od the great success, in every re- spect, of the entertainment. The coffers 'of: the Ladies' Aid being largely '#ogumented as a result of the financial success. A Fine Car or CLYDRBDALES FOR Tae Westr.~--On Thursday last Mr. W. J. Henders, of this place, one of the best and most expert judges of clydesdales anywhere to be found 1d pped fof the west a car of #pien- | | did horses, ine of which were cly desdales. - Three of the 'nine were especially five 'animals being the Dunure Much d in a e and som thought. | ful and helpful papers were given. The next meeting is to be held at Mrs. Jas: Costes'; March. 13th, when Mrs. Geo. Kilpatrick is to enlighten us in regard to Canadian Authors and their work; and. Mrs. : Jas. Henry will explain the. Food| wanted to marry Value of Eggs and different ap-|and was trying to petising ways of serving them. A good meeting is expected, be sure| and be on time and not miss any, of it. HOW. TO KEEP YOUNG. [By Miss Iva Gissow.] As every one knows youth and beauty with an agreeable character 18 welcomed everywhere, therefore let us make the best of what we have to be in that class, for. Will torney what reas for making these said he did not 'carry them. oul and Mra. Wilson their residence in larewell, Aftera able time, and at Rev. J. H. Kidd, fe areincl get spondent and imagine everyone else has got a better chance than we have, when, if we only knew, they have perhaps a harder struggle and more temptations than we have ourselves, To keep youth bloom: ing do not allow our imaginations to harden into realities despite our sordid environment, let us be as particnlar about our appearance one time as another, make a pleasure of your work and of helping anyone who comes in your way without expecting any returns, it will be appreciated and we will get our reward whether we are aware of it or not, There is nothing will wear one out or cause them to looose their youthfulness so quickly as mental annoyances, physical work will not do nearly so much barm As mach light joutdoor exercise as we can get and plenty of sun and fresh air in our homes is very beneficial to our health. Associate as much as possible with young people and their amusements. Our own thoughts count for a great deal as they are expressed in our face and manner so plainly, cleanliness and comfortable clothing is also a great help to our feeling, a proper diet, palitable food and agreeable company, early to 'bed and early rising, from six to 'eight hours is supposed to be sufficient for adults but an afternoon nap is to Alberta, Mr. Ne: The Cartwright good citizenship, ul sed, at the late me tion eulogistic of -M same time regretting froms Cartwright, but ~--Messrs. Wilson N very re- performed loss of time as you can more thanlg (Vv, Croxall, Uxb make up the time. afterwards and!qhe bride. The. bi feel better, the oldsaying "an ousee! drawi > cure" is worth + 80 be; over w your own doctor and quit before you ing in bridal attire have te. Still look forward to the most popular: youn future with glorious prospects, district, she is a g many live as a burden to the earth, with all, The bride do not live in vain but keep thy suit of navy blue sei mind keen, intense and apt for all! Lot hat with wi hid band 4 | Alter the wedding ] an ndeur, er an 2 yh 3 Sidi ale an hundred pid wedding broakfast; 15 2 eaith7 body, fal at Ease; and Mrs. Lane leat And simple pleasures, that always please. | Short trip to Newmi points west. On th T ill reside at Vale TEACHERS LETTERS Wil tepal> READ AT INQUEST. Baker Wrote That She ould End Her Life. Saintfield, March 1. -- Letters from the late Evelyn Baker, the school teacher of Saintfield whose mysterious death here on January 14 has caused much discussion, to Edward Bailey, veterinary, of Ux- bridge, threatening to commit sui- cide if he "turned her down," were read at the adjourned inquest held] here this afternoon and evening. In one letter she said if 'he was not true to. her she would do away with herself, and that she <had the] goods todo it." i: "Bailey was the principal witness. He told the story of deceased's re- fation with him. His recitation o the happenings and the reading ofp the letter was painful to many of those in - attendance, . 'While. letters were being read Bai Evel Every mother 3 her. own girlhood. between early womanhood. Th ing girls - droop bloodless and ne calling for more n the can distress are a a s| down completely. The istets of the late Miss of ready secured a fine P ready to acknowledge filled for a number years, his wish and his family prosperily wh their lot may be cast, | Black Lodge held Monday night for thelr who are soon to leave fo rt Parr and J. A. Stewarl an sented to the former a gold and to the othris gold ting en Lane-- Walker, A quiet wedding was Walker, ¢ Ridgedale Farm on Thurday afternoon, Fel half past two o'clock, w second daughter Alma, in marriage to Mervyn L entia, Rev. Mr. Laidlaw o the _ ceremony, freshing and [it is by no means a|yedding march was played B ag 2 8 in the Elavorite in a ne vel "plume y. d, Mr er on a 1d other rn they the grand opportunity such "animals" and implements as should be on a well regulated farm. ER mn be sure to at will be seen by the large posters that Mr. Isaiah Trwin, Jr., Tot fo, cop. 8 Reach, (two miles nor IMPORTANT AUCTION "Satast by public "Anction, at wo . 4, Tow oe fot the Town, of Uxbridge 3% hah LN etc., has given Me. Jackson inbituc: tion to sell the same without reserve to the last minute Farm Machi 't fail to attend this sale. Reach, on "Tuesday, March 19, and cattle are all young, and others as good as new. Don't fail to attend Mrs. Boynton's sale. : Mr. Jackson will be Auctioneer. A Cartwright Oouncil. MarcH 4th, 1912, Regular meeting. Members all present. Reeve James Byers, pre: siding. Communication from Lt. Col. '| grants from the different municipal: County of Durham. tenis and table. The above com: Capt. Kidd and Capt. Farrell ; both being present. towards the above communication. {red. Left consideration. O motion N Pv) 'Were a thma! the remaining part of the term A Bylaw will be introduced by Councilor Forder at the April meet ing to appoint Pathmaster, Pound - | keepers and Fenceviewers. .| Orders were signed as follows: Geo. Porter, 8635 ft culvert timber, $148.95. ° T. White, '1 sheep killed § value $6. J. R. McLaughlin, Treasurer, #52. Received from Wm. Armstrong, tent of 10ad, $1.50. "Council adjourned to meet April 1 W, Beacock. most sweet 'and endearing inesday, go d all will go at Auction: Prices:| Avqrion Saiz. --Poslers are out for Mrs, Wm. R. Boynton's Auction Sale of Farm Stock," 'Implements, ? | &c., to take place on lot 20, con. 1, when a complete clearance will be. made at Auction Prices. The horses while many of the implements are new Preston, stating that the Officers of the 46th Regiment were soliciting ities in the County of Durham, as the 46th Regiment belongs to the The grant is to supply the Regiment with mess munication was supported by Rev. On motion the Council gave $50 Thos. Richardson applied to have .| con. 10, west of Zion Churoh, open- on the table for further Municipal World, blank forms, $2.08 services as esteemed husband, : like him she lives and long continne to live lin the years with great success; for Gen- Garden, Len making 7 ue ae mpany- has already Se Tons in this logality. © Sold in/Tw Ton, Apply to 3 "J McLOCHLAN, ~ District Or MALCOLM--BEARE, THE CANADIAN as the Largest Milage in ei Settlers' Excursion The Canadian Northern Lines are a network in the prairie provinees ; they have the largest mileage in Manitoba, Saskatchwan and Alberta reaching every point of importance and opening up new rich territories where lie great spportuui- ties for the settler 35,000 Free Homesteads open this year near Canadian Northern Lines z SETTLERS' 'EXCURSIONS at low one way Tares every Tuesda 30th, commencing March your ticket reads eA "Canadian Northern Baltway®" For full particulars apply nearest Tic. het Agency. RL FAIRBAIN, Asst. Gen: Pass. Agent, 68 King Street East, Toronto, Ont. DECEMBER 11, 1011. DETAILED STATEMENT of all election nses incurred by or on bebalf of W. E. N. Sinclair, a Can- ' | didate at sad election inclu ments in respect of his personal Pripting and Advertising. "| Reformier Printing & Pub- lishing Co ..........$59 B CA fellow cae 33 3 ' -&8 €8% na 2 aves? 88 ®182%58888 It has been used for the last 30f eral Field Crops, Fruit Land and} It is easily applied. Ey get no weeds from it. 1t"helps fof make rapid growth and can be ap- | plied very easily, at different times, |: garden, _ This Seventy |. 0 undred pound Bags, up to thel Superintendent, . Agent, Port Perry or Manchester. |: Horiba Railway) Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta | Mel Bin CURLING RINK Wednesday&Thursday 'March 13 and 14, 1012 Announcement This Course" is "being arranged for by the OxriAnio DEPARTMENT 'OF AGRICULTURE, through he Agency of the Ontario County Branch at Whitby. No better opportunity was ever offered to the farm- 'ers of the surronnding district to. inform themselves regarding the fine points in the judging of farm stock, and to become acquainted with the inherent qualities of pure, improved seed, is Course will be entifély Frke to every one interested in either seed or live stock, and towns- people as well as farmers are cordially invited to attend every Session. - Seed Judging Discussion .on the seeds of various crops and practice in seed judging, will constitute a special feature on the afternoon of Wednesday the 13th. Each person will be furnished with samples to be examined and judged, and the discussion will deal with the relative merits of the samples, with impuri: tues discovered in th and with methods of seed with other sam prese «andes. the direction of MR. D. JAME3 of Thornhill. && The 'seed jadging will take place in the Town 2 Hall. 2% Judging Stock As outlined ou the program, both morning and afternoon of second day. will be devoted to the study "and jndging of Live Stock. From theanimals brought in the instructor will illustrate the ideal form in each class, show where defects may occur and emphasize the strong points 'desired, Every person present will be:given an opportunity fo examine each class' for mmself and to place them In the discussion which . follows, the instructor will give his placing together BE 'his: reasons, and will thoroughly discuss any; 4 4 "Special points 'and 'comparisons illustrated by eacl ©** MR. JOHN GARDHOUSE will conduct the work in. judging Live Stock. } Programme 1 Wednesday, March 18th Wednoaday Hn ma fo ownip ET . March 14th © $30 amy--Light Horses, 1.30 p.m.--Heavy Horses. - ' Judging Draft Classes. MR JoHN GARDHOU: pia bs : oo PORT PERRY |

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