Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 7 Mar 1912, p. 3

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are arest se i rary cards--made him, list, Hr she handed to t i in Ii' pocket and promised di aE "ht 'night she reminded i "promise, as 'going to give you your fav. te Jessert, hot glarerbren] with § and whi cream,' Fes him reproac a8 hit 1 ad no er and not eno y raisins #0 I couldn't! The grocer didn't bring 4 1 ox You jor otter, hy al idn't t forget," he assured "I am otly sure 1 at's' 0: » 'Wes tho answer. Tr are not 'usually careless about What clerk did<you see?" | EE he repeated vaguely. "I don't seem to remember seeing Any * elerk" Then in a flash ot hn mR we added, with a . I ida see re 1-1 did had to the list, but I am afraid I ed 4% in. the card catalogue Yndes ries!' " And thers, indeed. nd it the next day. ord Tims Cure for Seasickness. A curiou3d cure for seasickness fs gen in an old homeo, athic gedies) "The Bchool of Salerne.' that would crosse the sea," runs z= tion, "must a fey day es veins shi mingle the sea water P EA is a remedy for : ae ara Tich; but if it be & poor hen he must drink sea water ns that he may the easier eschew y The reason hereof js becaute oa water is salt, and with its salt- nesse and /the stipticitio that follow oth saltnesse: it closeth the mouth of the stomach, 'con ] carried from year to year 1 the Sie eased part, be it leaf, fruit or branch. esence of any of this diseased . 1 in the orchard or vineyard res: the chance of the appear- ance and spread of the disease anoth- er year, Nothing is #0 destructive to the fungous spores as fire, and all af- fected plants or parts of plants should bo eut ut end burned. 7) eed © Not His Trouble. Swit boy docsn't seem to haye got along here- very well," said the oftice boy's father. U™YWell, to be periectly frank with four replied the employer, "I must he' does not" "Ah! What's -his trouble?" Ay hasn't' any yablo. rest of us who have had tha kom, Shon FER Pe Te Le the The Unexpected. "Eay, Who is that Deefy" fellow over tere 'with the remarkably broad, ders?" er at's the ¢bampion chess player college: "And. who is the' midget with the' fi o stoge, di ; sary Yes $ him ac WE "up. Tr emer Fri he end of ; "cus young pragle of 'our coup- Quy oly . : Our rhdutes 3 are successful, ask a student o E ex.student, they are our best advertisement. ¢ Home Study Ghursen -- -- 'Lindsay Business College § C. R. Brower, A. H. Spotton, HB if Principal. President: Enter Any Day. | + i IB "Who did you not show these letters to her mother or father or her sisters ?' asked the Crown At torney. "I did not think she meant any- thing by them." Bailey said he was not thinking of getting married, but' he weuld have married the girl rather than have her do what she did. On the night of January 14 he drove her home from Uxbridge. They arrived about 2 o'clock in the morning. They talked for a while, but Bailey did not notice anything | wrong She did, however, give lum back a ring of his, saying that mayte she would uot see him again: | They had no quarrel, Bailey stop i ped at the Baker house 'all night. en he went to bed he heard a wnstairs a and went down lo said i to hier: "You haven't been tak ing anything have yon ?" She said #No, Ed5 I have not Then he went to bed again and after a few mutes he heard Miss Baker cry cut in: the next room, "Mother, I am dying." He ran in 10 see her. She was lying on the bed in'convulsions. He called _ the family, and Dr {Mellow was sentffor. He thought che showed symptoms ol strychnine poisoning. a . Mrs, Alita Utter, Hamilton, sister of deceased also testified. a ane ret Desperate. Johnny, aged Ave, bad been chas- 23 or his father for disobedience. and, running to his mother, said, "Mamma, were all the bad men drowned in the flood?" "Yes, dear," she replied. ell, yf euinioed Joho, foe t bis father with a frown, "do yo think' there will be another flood soon?" : 3 "Milk na Buttermilk. The nutritive value of milk as com=" pared with buttermilk is not near 'sv, great as some appear to think. It about as twenty to eighteen, Youiget et; many en units out of pint. ir ape a ry ot buttermilk: do ok ol one pint of seed i | e bacteria | PE "sat in Beli Tee soldi, "Priat'cs eomin' home ne ti emt i ty for?' demanged: | . 2 = Didws the old ga pr 4 2 [5 on anisrsiimad offers for sale that excellent farm being lot 135, ¢oncession 4, in' the township of Reach, contaiping 200 acres more or less. of choice land a large por- tion of which is cleared, the balance being splendidly wooded. The land is in a capital 'state of cultivation | There is on the premiscs an orchard 'and a complete supply of water. There is a large barn with cement + floor stabling, aud a swialler barn on the north end of the lot; also a fame dwelling honse on the south and. The location of the farm is a capilal oue, being about 1} miles from Port Perry on a leading road. This farm is, in every respect, a first class dairy farm and is only half a mile from Manchester rail way station. For particulars and terms, apply to the proprietress on the premises. S. A. PHERRILL. Prince Albert, June 28,1911. Haring ad the Livery bu-iness curried on by Jamieson & Deconison, and the premises con: nected therewith we intend to RE-HORSE THE STABLES with first-class animals, and install New and Up-to-Date Vehicles with modern "I'rappings which for comfort 'and convenience canuot be surpassed. Special attention paid to the requirements of Commercial Travel: EIS, Onr charges are moderate and we guarantee to please our patrons. Patronage solicited. &=Z Phone No. 2. CAWKER BROS. Siftings 0 of he Division Cour.s COUNTY OF ONTARIO. 1912. 1. WHITBY Clerk, Migs E. L. Mac- 'dondll, "Whitby --Jan. 15, Feb 3, 'March'd, April 8 May 2, June 6. July 8, Sept. 8, Oct. 2, Nov. 7, Dec. a, Jan, 13, 1918, HA AWA~Clork, Miss 2 1. Mac- © donell, WWhishpsgun "h 6 'March 5, April 4, en June. 7, July 4, Sep. 4, Let. 8; Nov. 8, Dee. Jan, 14, 1918. a. om, 2 By hy ay 18, i for Sale rPMIAT ALL, PERSONS fn 'the To vn- ship 'of Keach alleginy to bhve whare the person agg.eved intends to make claim tor compensation from the Council of the Municipailty, they must first notify one of the following Sheep Yaluntcrs who (will investigate the injury done within fort: -cight hours after notice thereof is given tn him, and the said Valuator shall forthwith make his report, in writing, to the Clerk of the Couneil giving, in detail, the extent of injuries aud amount of damage done. VALUATQ@RS. Peter Parrott Henry Tas lor Wm Parrich Sinelair Robertson Henry Davis Grant Ch istia Thon. Boynton Chas Honey Alex. MeGroegor Wesley Akney J. M. Real John Wannamaker Thos, Clarkson Michael Quigloy Stawart McKay Silas Revnolds Jobn Howgam. ALEX. LEASK, Manchester, Feb. 12, 1912, Reeve. IF YOU WANT THE BEST Scranton Goal STEAM OR SOFT F reeBurning Coal CITY Al] --GO TO-- Quehiard's. 1 ast half of Lot 12 Conctssion 6, Cartwright, Durham County, containing 100 acres. Erected on the premises are a good frame dwelling, stone cellar 30 x 20, 18 x 24, woodshed 18 x 24, good frame barn, stone stables 80 x 40, pig pens 40 x 18 and 18x24, 15 acres of wixed timber, one acre of orchard, a never failing stream, hard and soft water. One nnle from Rail- vay, one mile from village cf Black<tock, 2} miles Irom Caesarea, the famous Summer Resort on Lake Scugog Situated in the best farm- ing section in the county of Durham. For further particulars apply to the undersigned. Davip J. & DouGras Apams, Port Perry, Ont Levi C. TavLor, Nestleton, Out, &heep killed by dogs in the futurg, and |, Spring is the Tinie House| | - Cleaning. '1 am prepared to do all Jinge off. Papering, Painting, &c. 1 Wil Paper and Paint _ furnished A! A EF : valued at $10 fitted for either Coul Oil or Electric given to the person having the "'tmost Wrappers from AND Quick NAPTHA SOAP At the 80th Day of April. 2 : Marmalade Oranges" 25¢ doz. Navel Oranges: 25¢: doz. © accepted the Agency for Ogilvie Flour Mills Co. [Millers to the Royal Family.) prepared to promptly fill all orders entrusted to their care, the one our that gives satisfaction to the! consumer--THE ROYAL OUSEHOLD--flls the bill, every pound is guaranteed, bg it a fair trial if not satisfied retnrn the balance (if over 5 Ibs.) money will be cheerfully refunded. The millionaire cannot er flour than THE ROYAL HOUSEHOLD, nor even the ily use a flour that is more economical. OAD JUST RECEIVED GRAMS? A gents Port Perry and vicinity. MERCHANT TAILOR, Keeps in Stock a full supply of up-to-date LOTHS Suitable for all Seasons NCE in the Great West I negotiat~ er 50,000 Acres of Land, in from a quarter any number of secti --improved and ilways and Markers in : locati urther, a personally « nd guarantee them as. repr : ive. sade purchasers all the' desi "Hr LUKE, spel dh eats BR {EVERYTHING PRIVATE AND eee READER: DER, No matter who hus treviod 5 corn pinto Mathis 8 El, Dhseical will = Cor. Mickizan Ave, and Griswold. All Tetters from' Canals rast NOTICE to our Canadian Corr be ijtened SEEIDESEEES ment in Windsor, Ont. If you desire to paints call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat ests in our Windsor offices which are for Corre spondence and % for Canadian business: only, - Adie all eo as follows: RS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, 'Windsor; Ont. Write for out grivats Adress, = ' HAVING purchased the Butchering Business and goon ill 6f Mr. I. J. Wheeler would hike to inform all his old customers and as many new ones as possible that I intend to keep at all times a good assortment of all kinds of the Best Meats--Fresh and Salt--obtainable and at reas- onable rates as possible, I am also in the market, at all times, for Choice Cattl Hogs, Sheep and Lambs Calves, Hides and Sheepskins, the "Highest Market Prices, EZ Fresh Fish every Tuesday. Courteous treatment and prompt delivery. May 26, 1909. W. A. BOYCE A FULL STOCK OF EVERYTHING IN He - \ I¥armness I.ine CHEAPNESS STYLE Durability and STRENGTH Cannot be urpassed n the County, - " 4 Robes, Blankets, Bells, Trunks &c,, in abundance. Oomparison of Prices Courted W.. A. BEATTY FRESH & TENDER CAWRER BROS. Tn delirhlig thanks to tho public for the extensive pat- rouage bestowed upon them would intimate, that asin the | past only choice fat animals willbe slaughtered, so as to ensure the choicest and ten- derests €uts possible, and we intend at all times to have an ample po oF Bhoaus 1. It Ja very productive. hot in summer aud tk caused | TIRED BYERS Which - require spectacles Consult me iN. R : Ee KE, Shida | 159. Yonge St. Toronto: Opposite Sipser.

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