Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 21 Mar 1912, p. 1

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; over the lines with the residence of G, Bort Pofry, Nov. 15,1 <n NL ET Yel | Port Perry. MONEY 'TO LOAN. Private Punds at § per cont. do Jno. W. Orosier; Ee Out. Dillon Hinge-Stay Fence Manpfactiated by tlie Owen Sound GED. P. SCHOLFIELD, General DAVID J. & DOUCLAS ADAMS, ~ Bankers and Brokers. MONEY TO LOAN (4 per cent. upwards-- British Qapital.) | | ='Ere's a blighter "00 wants to 2% lel} i ie aiils mething, and the a * ita efforts. He raised a-re- i i De Byiva aside. A bullet into the wall bebind them, "Look eut. mister™ be. bel 2 hist you quickl" De Syiva's glance sought his adver as to his tac- bly ciosed with tachment met dur- the day's operations. . bout midday. thefs, they eanse upon @ guard of a column sent eariier by the expert at with Instructions to arrive | at Las Flores before sunset that very pstantly tbe twenty-nine cbarg- | ual celerity the el Sle 2 yourmedicine. I have advised several women who suf- fered as I did to try your remedies. You may publish this if you wish.'"-- Mra,' Davib R. Morms, Beith Wellington, Vancouver Island, B.C. 3 N6 other medicine for woman's ilishes received such wide-spread and unqualis' fied endorsement. We know of no other', medicine which has such a record of sue-, cess as has Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta So Conv E¥ixtih, Y BE lies, 6th Con. 1 (oie mile west Of Port Perry,)-- Mowsr To Loan. - . Fiye mén rity fires sptead themselves e rocks, Philip veslung bis carbine, and twenty-four rifles indulged | in long range practice ob & Darrow mountain path crowded with wen and animals Wire Fence Uo. Ltd., and am prepared to Supply this whole with the very BES1 bith FENCE Producaion thi: + Cio Barrister, County Sal: | - 'Cofftinent dud at prices that , &8., Pablic and Gotteptnace not fail to satisfy purchasers. 4 . g Court » '| The Dion Fence is withiout « » th . peer It is the BEST because it ir W. A SANGSTER, flexible; it is a square mesh Méis a DENTAL SURGEON. INSURANCE REAL ESTATE Marriage Licenses: sary, He produced § revofter which 3 filtherto, had re. | 5 mained hidded iu | > a pocket. Per | haps Its bullets were Dot meant | ing the period of Fn If you havé the slightest doubt that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta~ ble Compound will help you, write, | to Lydia B, Pinkham Medicine Co. confidential) Lynn, Mass., for ad- ce. Your letter will be opened,' read and answered by a woman, | and held in strict confidence: 2. a E. FAREWELL, K.C, LL.B, Caunty for an enemy. He | nNoyping inore was needed. It Bas od the tall | bred wy atfeady thing tie Btesihians mad, A violedt | iked lohg rauge shooting. There swerve of the |... o stampede. The scouts occupied two irregujar | op, ridge until sundown and were re- ranks of soldiefs | ¢\ ne leisurely to report the pres- | crgened each | ence of the column when they fell tn | -- poor Baivador!™ be cried. | it we had lost yod st the Jd San Benavides. "1 ram | | awayre & | Even tn his dire extremity Dé Syiva | go = | smiled. = | §F Agents C- P. R., &e. JERI perfect hinge-stay fence, therefore Office Houri--9 to 12 a.m., 2 to 6 p,m. itis impassible to bend the stays, Aled open Satlirdey eveningr. in fact it is the Lest fence made is ow dild Fillings, Bridge and Crown . Work a Specialty. Vitalised Air. DR. R. L.. GRAHAM . Suooesson to Dr. FD. Mbnarran DENTIST PORT PERRY, 2. okr. ; _ 'Oifloe over the PORT PERRY. es of Dentistry, ivoluding and Bridge Work successfully Som ArtificH Teeth on Gold, Silver, Aluminan: : or Rubber Plates. Filags of Gold, Stiver or Cement Puinless extraction when requirea: 8% Prices to suit the times wt North Ontario Observer A Waskly Ponitiéal, Agricultural ana * Family Newspaper "IB PUBLISHED AT * PORT FERRY; ONT. EVERY THURSDAY MORNING Ford BY H. PARSONS rE ; than six 3 Lures n y, to this be at our risk. and wodactory work ke, sup [wilt be gh this or any other country, : Before purchasiitg a Wire Fenec don't fail to indpect the Dirroa Fence. J. H. Brown, ' Deacer nv AdficurTurar Tere MENTS AND MACHINERY. © April 6, 1904: SEAGRAVE r retiring thanks £0 the public for t) patronage extended to me for over 3 years, I wouid respectfully intimate that am, as nsual; wow ready for busincss, and have a Large & Assorted Stock OF DOUBLE AND SINGLE HARNESS which 1 am deterniffed to to sell very CHEAP As an iudncenrént to Cann purchasers -4 Diooest of 10 por onde will be allowed on all Sales from now until Jan, lat next. All work being &F MADE BY HAND%3 o in stock, th y of my goods will tf cued broome tending purchaséfs Will RU shat, on »! giving me a call hefore looking at they can be suited in quality and price, m; périévce in the trade being an ndis that perfect satisfaction bpaivuntiste urchased. Everthing business Fy 0 tly on hand #id promptly svtumied to. Stpuirs rene us JOHN ROLPH. '| many years CO. 2. R. Time Table. MYRTLE STATION. Going East Goma Wrst - 1017 a.m, r 6.92 & mn. G27 pm. 0am 11.03 pan. pm. 11.50 pan. | A.J). DAVIS, Town Ag ¢n ng n Going South--I1.20 &. m. Going North-- 5.15 p. m. oiitg South--10 p.m GHO. JACKSON, YOR TILE COUNTY OF ONTARIO AND TOWNSHIY OF CARTWRIGHT, ISHES at this the commencement cf another Auction Sale Season to re- turn thanks to his numerous pa:rons for past favors. wd coutfauéd patronage he d¥fires to state time no effort or pains Will be spared an his. pate 46 make all sales entrusted to him glfccédses. Hin very extensive practice in tho past should be w sufficient recom wendufion as to his ability. All Sale given into his charge will he attended t with promptuess and dispatch Sale list made odt und blapk notes suppiled free, on application. Parting wivling t6 engage his services may consult his SaLz REGISTER either at the Ohserver or Standard : ses, Port Perry, for dates claimed for "Sales: and make arrangements, or write to Meare 4 Phone at Residence, No. 31. %&. CHARGERS MODERATE, GRO. JACKSON, Port Perry P. O Central Livery PORT PERRY. EARTILY thanking the public for the liberal patronage received during the e have a Livery ment in Port , Ehave much pleasure in announcing that I' have removea MY LIVERY ! Wate r STeot Nov. 1, 1801. of whioh Tam about to' 1a oly 'extend 'in- fe lis Hh Th Fa Licensed Anctidneer, Vil¥ator, &c. | Bir requesting their esteeriéd | {mounted cavalry or gunners, a fiw. Mi i morrow, = {~ 'Ine Hessian looked arotitd. His | eye i Deedlessly ou the cowering | | Care 3: He was searching for Iris, | who tnd been compelled by Coke and | | Hutmer her uncle to take shelt | bentudd fie score of saliors who still | | femdiinel 9¢ Las Florese | | "It sgrue vevertbeless," be said la- coiculige #1 knew ibe game was lost, | 504 eu to try 10 save a lady." | rmela? You thought ef Ta "Would that otbers bad fun lke yod, | my Salgudor!" be said. '"I'ben we | nd [ror ve been in Pernambuco toe | Ra y Sto Wa, feruily threw berself oa ber Author of the "Pilldr of Light," "The Wings of the Mom- |¢ | ing" and "The Captam of the Kan » 3 it is true! she shrieked. "H§ save me, but | preferred t& with you, father, and with ! p/Corria did not understand these pris. but he bad no ume for Bullets were crashing through sed veuctinns. Light they most | ir the defense would become af | Copyright, 1909. by Bdwiid J. Cleds if seit destruction, yet light wad jost dangerous foe when men iE [conTiNUED. | oo WRT xa A ae ME ahoot ing (row the somber depths | CHAPTER XVIL ot thbhirees | a copr.or THE WaroLioric odin |. 9% i ssnilants were steadily closing | ARMBLA went back td a house i (he buue. Thetr rifies covered | bold thal paid scant teed to her | Boor aud window. Esch minute | sefédtiing. Dom Corria was | D gd t up fred bands in tess and . ». Abere, bareheaded. his gorgeous Se xt the Al last Barraca Dimself ar- janiform sword siasbed and bicod be- | ume werbbeny 68. Bld ! haxty survey of the situatiom. spattered. Geoeral Rumo, too, was were some 300 men avaliable, beating his capacious chest and shout | gidilid ali probability Dom Corria could pag: | ster one sixth of that pumber "Uod's Boves! Lif 68 make s fight | js a crisis that called for vigor. of 1tr San | valry lance was twenty miles A of soldiers, all am '1 s base, and (befé as no kmow- brig hat accident might reunite the Liberationists. Ove cola: fit of the Nationalists bad falléd i$p its revdezvous of last des-; I® stand at Las Flores would have 8 a sheer Impossibility. dishéveled bad accompanied Ue Sylva in bis fight With reckless fery be sod Russo bad tried to | lrally tbe troops camped at headquar tera. It was a hopeless effort. Half breeds can never produce a miuitary. caste. They may fight fdllantly wr JM i bet enthusiastic suppor om Miguel's taxes without fur partey. A scheme of concerted was hastily arranged. Sled 'messengers of ibeir own disaster. The ely fvo detachments cowardly geotus at Pesquelra bad Planned a surprise. He would not lead Ei ih H A Hi tthe otber. | Lip (pe first batch of fugitives from | An opening of- | 'tng vapey. fered, and the man who had sin- gled out Dom Forthwith Philip became general and each scout an officer. They reasoned and whacked the run- | | aways into obedience, picked up quite Corria for his | . , mper of men who were willing special vengeance fired again. , The 23 HE PULLED DE 6YLVA ASIDE. per staggered and sank to the floor. His flery eyes gazed up into Verity's. "Damme If | aln't holed!" be roared, his voice loud and barsh, as if he were Coke In the AEE ar David dropped to lis Ebees. "For Gawd's sake, Jimmie" bho moaned. "Yes, I've got it Sarve me dam well right too! No business to go ag'in me own pore oid ship. Look 'ere, Verity, I'm done for! If you get away from this rotten muss see to my missus an' the girls. If you dod't-- blast you"-- ot "Firel" shouted & gtrong voice from without A withering voi- | ley crashed through the vpen windows. | Full twenty of the dssatitits fell, Dom Miguel de Barracs #mopg them. There was an instant of féfrible silence, &s between the shocks of an ea uske. "Now, come on!" sBotTéd' thé cathe Mie | velce, and Philip Hozler rusbed into the ballroom, followed by his scouts and & Horde of Brasiiian regulars. No one not actually stl é5é witness of that thrilling spectacle woald béileve bullet dtroek | breast. The val | tant litle skip- | Coo near thing. Five minutes later enough to fight If told what was ex- pected of them, and the rest was a matter of simple strategy such as Macaulay's schoolboy would exhibit In the escalade of a snow fort. But it and Hozler might have seized the pres- | | Mdency timselt. | And mow as to the night and the next day. Philip's litle army &s u nucleus. Bra il bad duly elected Dom Corria, as provided by the statute, and the news spread like wildfire before morning the Liberationists were 10.000 strong. Before night closed the roads agalw the Pesqueira genlus wrote to Dom Corria under a fiag of truce and point ed out served the president, sot yo Who 84) be was pres: Good bat {Be Dhopored individual in whom the people of Braxil placed their trast. Dom Corria replied in felicitous terms, and, as the Dewspapers say, the incident ended. The navy sulked for awhile, becanse it heid that Russo's treatment of the Andorhina was not cricket or baseball or whatsoever game appeals most to the Brazillan sports man. It was mot éven [rofessional football, it sald, but an acrimonious discussion was closed by a strong bint from the treas@ry that pay day might De postponed fndefitltely If too much were made of a regrettabie accident to the gupg of the Macefo artillery. eanwhile Dom Cetria, the man who 41d not forget, was puzzied by two cir cumstifices not of national importance, San Beoavided, never a demonstrative lover where Carmela was concerned, was a changed man. He was severely wounded during the fight. and Carmela nursed him assiduously, but there could be no doubt that be was under her thumb and would remain there. eo] were subtié, but up- kable. Carmela even announced the date of thelr marriage. Dom Corrta remembered, of course, what San Beoavides and bis daughter | when they ail met in tbe ball | It seemed to him.that Salvador di, on Russo and his diminished Riv Jeti or, more oprieny, --uung" 9 TOTS, pedo Heutenant "Torpedo JXath? on "Sparks" and the navigating officer "The Navy." Even a landlubber would know tha "Tommy Pipes" was the boatswaia, "CRIpE' the carpenter, "Jimmy Bungs"¥, tho' doopét and "Salls" the sa A ~--New York Triture. MUSIC RUSKIN HATED. Sore Wagner Compositions Filled Him With Blind Fury. It is of course well known thai' when the great litterateur and philoso pher, Ruskin, disliked any one or anys' thing he did not hesitate to say so im' the most forcible language the occasion might require. f » 1t is doubtful, however," if any denunciation Ruskin ever pema~- ned or uttered equaled his outbursé- gter gome of Wagner's music, which, g to Mr. E. T. Cook fu ? Life of Ruskin," filled him with fury. Thus to Mrs. Burne-Jones: "Of all the bete, clumsy, blundering, boggling, baboon blooded stuff I eves saw on a humagd sage that thing last fight ('The Melstersinger') beat, as far * as the story and the acting went, and ~ of all the affected, sapless, sotlless, be ginningless, endless, topless, bottome 1 less, topsyturviest, tuneless, scrannel piplest, tongs and boniest doggerel of sounds I ever endured the deadliness, of, that eternity of nothing was the - deadliest, as far as the sound 2 ® e* Ag for the 'Lied' I never fil * out where it began or where it ended," éxcept by the feilow's coming off the horse block." 3 What on amazing prodigy, by the way, Ruskin was! He recited the One Hundred and Nineteenth Psalm before he was three, at seven he had a work entitled "Harry and Lucy cluded, Printed and Compésed by & Little Boy and Also Drawn," at eight bad turned Scott's "Monastery" into Niied of verse, and at eleven h wrote 2,000 lines called the "Iteriad,™ ~ @Qescribing a tour in the lakes.--Pear son's Weekly. The Wood Pile Philosopher. h 2 Mt. Erastus Johnson. the umiy cSlor * ef man' in WoprogkiTi-the-Hills, bas thought out many 6f the secrets of eas- ing the tbl that he knows best and iS ever ready to impart them to others. "When they comes to me fer advice, * bie'suid to oue of the campers, "I alwus ~ tell 'em it depends on what thelr pei' fession #8. If they've arrived at the," dignity o' sawin' wood 1 alwus tell" Ed i : fi

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