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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 11 Apr 1912, p. 1

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Offise and Residence, Queen | <8 30 10 a.m; 1ted pm, wii hg. -- » In office and house; open night er the lines jes connected tho'residence of G. L. Robson, Vi8, Perry, Nov. 15,1804, ~~ T and with Po ~ BARRISTER, &c., Bucgessor $0 and o nt of the "oces of the Jute F. M. Yarnold. Port Perry, Ont. HONEY TO LOAN. - Private Funds at 4 per col Pel, 1901. Jno. W. Crozier, ARRISTEN. SOLICITOR, CONY.EY ANCKR, ce nt residence, 6th Con. - 3 Moxey To Loan: - gE. BARRWELL, K.C, LL.B, Coont J . Crows Attorney, Barrister, County Sol sitor, &o., Nutacy Public and Conveyuncer Iftive--Soutit wiig Court House, Whithy, W. A. SANUSTER, DENTAL SU RGEON. - Office' Hots <9 to 12 a.m., 2 to 6 p.m. Also open Satarday evenings. ex (Gold Fillings, Bridge and Crown Work a Npecialty." Vitalised Air. DR. 'R. L. GRAHAM Suovmssor To De. FD. McGratTaN DENTIST 'PORT PERRY, ~~ X -- --. ONT. All branches of Dentistfy, ~incloding Crown and Bridge Work successfully Y racticed. Artifical Teeth on Gold, Silver, Aluminum or Ruhbar Plates. ; Filings of Gold, Silver or Cement Painless extraction whet tequireat && Prices to suit the times® North Ontario Observer A Weekly Dolitteal, Agricultural ana kanily Newspaper 1S PUBLISHED AT 8 FORT PEERY, ONT. KVERY THURSDAY MORNING ay H. PARSONS TERME 4 sna, i paid in advance not JRE Oh Arges, No subscriptioa taken. for les. than six pantie} pads no Dupet duoniiniet LETTERS Sontaining hp hen direst to Su: fo WB ah and ADVERTISEMENTS cgosived for publicaon, with. lal. ment will be le LA irortiss A LIDERAE dun Stomp toolset chr terme will in sll cases be strictly adhered Lo Receipt Books, Business Oacds + Viitiog Cards; ke, WHLH. HARRIS, BA, LLB. - Bs (one mile west of Port Perry )-- tlexible ; it is a square mesh ; ilis a © wma gE eukly Evensong, Wednesdngs 8t 8p. m, R, 0. CHURCH. ~_ , . REV -- RICHARDSON. Third Stiuday at 10.30 a. m, Dillon Hinge-Stay Fence Mannfactared by the Owen Sound Wire Fence Uo. Ltd., and sm prepaied to supply (his whole community witlo the very BEST | WIRE FENCE produced on this | Continent and at prices that can not fail to satisfy purchasers. The DicLon Fence is without peer It is the BEST because it ic "perfect hinge-stay fence, therefore t is impossible to bend the stays, n fact it is the best fence made ir this or any other country. Before purchasing a Wire Fenee don't fail to inspect the Ditios Funce. : J. H. Brown, D&ALER IN AGRICULTURAL IMPLE "MENTS AND MACHINEKY. SRAGRAVI April 6, 1903. I= returning thanks to the public for th patronage extended to me for over 3 years,'I wouid respectfully ititiniute that am, as nsual, now ready. fot business, and have a Large & Assorted Stock OF DOUBLE AND SINGLE WARNESS which I am deterwined to sell yery CHEAP . As an inducement to Cas purghaseis =A Dison of 10 gor om will le allowed on all Sales from now until Jan, Tst uext. ~All work being £2 MADE BY' HANDEJ and" no factory work kept in stock, the super ority of iny gooda will at once become spparent. utending purchasers will find that by giving me a cull hefore looking elsewhere they can he suited in quality and price, my long expe -jeuce in the trade being an indis putaule guaranty that fect sutisfaction will le given by any artidte| nw > , Everthing in my line of business kept constantly on hand aud repairs neatly and promptly attended to. JOHN ROLPH. ort Petry, Dee. 1, ; : TEREGY % EUROPEA 4 CITI" ESALE 1 x. Cominco in Bari 'Port. Perry. Brandi BlacKatoc a Branch, at Bo willie touifville, WG ST 3 AS 5 } Department at Every Branch. © #7} H. G. Hutcheson, Manager. » Oshaw cerlan: os SAE ON R. 1. Coulson, Man '. Hortiston Station Branch, I'. H. Coulson, Manager. Whitby, Claremont, he 0 4 and Brooklii. DAVID J. & DOU Banket's and Brekers. Marriage 2 Agents CP. R., Se. MONEY TO LOAN (4 per cent upwards-- British Capital.) IN SURANCE "REAL ESTATE Licenses, O nN S IN 24 HOURS C1 painles ly rema¥8 Risy corn, «thet Cor bioeding, by applying Putnam's . IL never burus, leaves io sear #3 is haruiless because con posed : Filly years ruggis * IAMS PAINLESS SCORN EXTRACTOR Vou wd, so in Le Mails Close. mi Bue Port Perry as folloa A Going North-- 9. Gui Y Going North-- 5.15 p. m. Going South--10 p.m. GEO. JACKSON; Licensed Anctioneer, Valuator, &c. FOR THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO AND TOWNSHIY OF CARTWRIGHT, \ ISHES at this the commengement of another Auction Sule Season fore: sura thanks to his numerous pa rons fer past favors. In requesting their esteemed and contfutied patronage he desires to state that uo effort or pains will be spared on his part to make all sales entrusted to hin successes. His very extensive practice in the past should be a sufficient recom mendation as to lds ability. All Sale given info his chatge will be attended ¢ with promptness und dispatch ~~ Sale list male out aud blank notes supplied free, on application. Pacties wishing to engage his services may consult hia SaLz RXGISTER either at the Observer or Standard Offices, Port Perry, for dates claimed for Sales, and munke arrangements, or write to his address &r Phone at Residence, No. 81. ma CHARGES MODERATE. GEO. JACKSON, Port Perry P. 0 Central Livery PORT PERRY. ; J BantiLy thanking the publio for the "EX liberal Pitzonnge received during the many years I have kept a Livery Establish ment in. Port Perry, 1 have much pleasure in ~.", announcing that I have romovea MY LIVERY! to Nov. 1, 1801. CURED rince Genrge TORONTO In Centre of Shopping and Business District. 250 ROOMS -- 190 with Privats Bathe EUROPEAN AND AMBRNICAN PLAN A la Carts Restaurant SAM. H. THOMPSON, Pros. Ee 1 i Mexloan "Sport" as Viewed | Through American Spectacles. TACTICS OF THE TOREROS. They Were Better Rufiners Than Fighters and Displayed More Cow- ardice Than Bravery--Mirth That the Natives Couldn't Appreciate. "Thank you, Aguirre, but 1 hardly think I want to see one of your bull- fights. | have heard etough about them fo make me sick of the thought." I had seen every other kind of fight, from messeuger boys up to bull moose and buffalo, and Aguirre felt that I would forever regret it if I left Mexico without at 'least once witnessing the national sport. I reluctantly conserited to fccompany bim, and after our dinner, instead of taking the usual siesta, we went to of such fights, and after the series of three bad been finished 1 wondefed if any wtitér bad ever takén the trouble to describe the ridiculous and funny stunts that crop out during the course of the fights. The first bull that was released went through tiie ordinary course of sprouts, first goring & broken down race horse which had seen service ou many of the tracks in the 8 Dress and Mantle Maker TISHES 'to inform the lad metly GLAS ADAMS, | engl Yaghormentor, pre ~tremrrde | Ezmall BULL RING ANTICS. the ring. 1 had often read the storles | APRIL ther you owe It fhmily fo Ha ds pain and It [ ot 'tts 'voice. _ Bportamen, in that no mention ts made fact, al veigh; experience of a naturalist detually 4 » p watching he had the good fortune to hear the giraffe. It was making a bleating noise, but Mr. Percival says it is quite impossi- ble to describe the sound in writing. "The nearest | can get to it," he says, "is 'warre' rather drawn out, not just a 'baa,' like a sheep, but more pro- longed, and the softening at the end more noticeable.--London Field The Strange Sea Spider. One of the strangest creatures of the sea Is a certain species of sea spider ed with sunlight. could not perform gestive of darkened Uves. gy An Up te Date Fable. A lion ouce Invited a fox to visit him in bis cave. "I should be glad to call," sald the fox, "but | have observed that all the tracks are pointed toward your door, and there are none leading away." "Pooh!" said the Hon. "That phe- nomenon may be attributed to the great esteem in which | am held by my guests. | treat them so well that pamed Nymphon gracile It has a body about the size of a bit of thread four knots. The head looks like the end of a thread split into two horns. satehing hifeby Yelpers who were arm- ed with long pikes and preveuted the beast trom seRiingd the fence. | ®pringing Sten n dozen yards towxrd the center of the ring, the frenzied creffure stopped short, spread bis front fe@h out ns far us be could | tnd madly paved the ground. lo his | shoulder the 'Wiked barb sull stuck, and to it were tagtened a Lig yellow ! rosette and @ haif\dozen red siream- | ers trailing the groynd. | Presently @ ¥ulunleer notite torero | (bullfighiter_ gn foot) Jumped over the feuce ou the morth side of the ring and advanced a few feet ward the defiant | bull. Oué figunt off the torero's red | bandera (bapnert aud the bull becd ing !a demon. With hexd down be rushed nt the novice; who meanwhile bad lost his nepye, for be stood quaking with fear wien. he should have been advancing to; meet the ovrusbing ani mal. WhemnsHhe Iatter was only twenty the volunteer dropped the espndn sword) and put tor the (enf@ as fast as he could go. The fenea Sv@s- about four feet high, ud the oreo cleaied It in a straight way dire, 'Lhe poor Hl was not so fortunate. nMiboneh pe, was gnme enough to at tetupt. theffénee mn his mad effort to le landed on yards uwy bandera a From each of the four knots start two | legs, one on each side, makitig eight in all The legs are three or four timed longer than the body, but the odd | thing about them is :that the alimen- tary tube Into which the food goes | runs down into every one of the legs, so that whatever the spider eats circu- Iates through his legs, and, In fact, the legs are lke the body ih internal structure. Another curious feature of this form of life is that the baby sea spider 18 not in the least like the grownup of the same family. It is | much more like a crab, but how it de- | velops from a crablike form is not yet ascertained.-- Etthange. reed. | Lost and Found. | "Alinost too strange to be true," sald |a woman wbo bad lost and found |agaln a plece of jewelry 4 few 8ayd ago. On arriving at her husband's of- fice In the Wall street district she dis- | coverad that an amethyst was missing | from an ornament which she wore. | The prongs which held it had evident- { ly worn away, and the stone was given | up for lost. She went on a shopping | tour and when leaving the Seventy- | second street subway station on her | way home dropped ber muff. She stooped to pick it up and close to one of the fron pillars saw her lost ame- wre "there; ind legx In the alr, ont lensed bY some attendants fired trom the other side of eap of fur out of the antics the bull. and was wd lnngh all to myself while EW ix poling wild with disgust wirdice of Alberfls when fvised we to suppress my fhere would be trouble for Lie f Brier was restored the little b of muscle, brawn and grit tht (uto the inclosure for the but It took the eftofts of ors (bullfighters on borse- professional foot fighter to nd bis defeat was then due fact thut he was exhansted. old we that It ®ds bad exico to lgngh at anything tht but the death of the ball, '#8Barked to him that In all 3 would not fiud a gringo @ not instantly grasp the fof that particular bullfight Mt home so that others might pe Denver Repuldicsts he Reluctant Requést. hel, I've left my umbrella Etbel-- Well? Edgar--I'm i'l huve to lend me the gold yrelln yon gnve me on my Dettolt tee Press. ly we say a judZttiedt falls : for something Ia him we SelCen. ANESE LEGEND. ~ A tty tory of the Origin of jo Chrysanthérirum, janese have an Intefestifig Lgonnection with the origin mnthemum. In a garden soft moonlight & young commenced 2,3 oi gE thyst. "1 wos so glad to find it," she Haid. 5b people dowt Believe the sto: ry. Even my busband made d (leer face when 1 told it."--New York Trib- une. So Fact and Fiction. "YT suppose your wandering boy will come home and pay the mortgage off the farm as they do in Christmas sto- ries." "No," | through makin' suggestions it general- | \y means another mortgage." --Wash- | ington Star. What Bachelors Miss. "Yon bachelors don't know what you | miss," sald the married man. kuowlng that what we do miss Isn't lifted from otit pockets while we dre asleep," retorted the bachelor.--Phlla- delphia Record. \ Move Or, Do not gate backward nor pause to cotifemplate anxiously what Is In front, but move. If yon are faithful God will carry you through.--Froth- Ingham. it ts dificult to persuade mankind that the love of virtues is the love of themselves. --Cicero. RK ROYAL FLUTE PLAYER. Frederick the Great Used to Move Hie Auditors te Tears. Abdu! Hamid used to amuse himself while he was enjoying life at Yildis kiosk by strumming "Il Trovatore" on the plano. George III. was fond of shouting the. melodies of. Handellan chortises "fot' thé Wdélectation ot His court, but the world has seen no real royal. musician since Frederick the Great played his last tune on his flute. It seems that the king excelled In adagio movements, into which he in- fused a warmth asd tendetitss of feeling that would himfdly have been Et Ft a a quarter of an inch long and tied into | replied Farmer Corntossel; | | "that ain't his custom. When he gits | "Well, we have the satisfaction of | when they leave they walk backward | tor a long distance to show their re- | spect for me, You will mieet a moss | delightful and distinguished company when you call" "If you will give me thé nimds atid | addresses of a few of the survivors," | answered the fox, "1 will call and see | if their reports are satisfactory. so | will accept your invitation." Moral.--Avold ~Pearson's Weekly. Forests of Africa. One of the great natural treasures of Africa ls the Immense éxtra tropical | forest that extends almost unbroken | from the extreme southern end along the eastern highlands to the equator. | There are gaps In it, and the trees ctnnge In kind somewhat with change | of latitude, but upon the whole it bas | the same character throughout. The | altitude abov¥ the sea changes regu- | |1arly with decrease of latitude. Near the cape tHe forest grows at sea level; | In Natdl and the Transvaal Its aiti- tude Increases to 8,000, 4,600 'ghd 5,000 feet, and on sppioaching the | equator it rises to 7,000 feet and finat- ly to 10,000 feet. In the equatorial highlands the growth Is very vigorous, and the forest Is enriched with the pencil cedar of Abyssinia. -- Youth's Companion. Taking Care of the Heart. A physician writes: "Life would be piolonged by a little mre attention to | tha heart, by payiug.a'little respect to | the most faithful servant we ever have. Much good might be done also If pat | ents would teach their children the'| | danger of overtaxing the heart. They | should teach them to stop and rest a | few moments daring thelr play when they begin to feel the violent throbbing i 8éfidus Complication. "I know how to sympathize with you, Mrs. Polhemus," sald Mrs. Lap- sling. "My left eye was affected once Just as yours ts, and 1 had an awful time with it. The doctor said the | trouble was that the subjunctive was | | granulated."--Chicago Tribune. Consistency. Maud--Where are you going? Bea- | trix--Out to buy. a birthday present | for Belle. Maud---Mercy! [1 dislike | that girl so much | bad forgotten har | utterly. Get something for rar. oushess.--Marlows. | THE HUMAN FOOT. | 1t fe Bald to Be Changing and In Time May Become Toeless. A London physician, Dr. R. Clement Lucas, says that i map keeps on wear- ing shoes and Ifving under the present conditions he may eventnally develop into a one toed animal, or, more prop- erly speaking, a toeleas one. A number of years ago Dr. Lucas pointed out that the gradual disappear ance of the little toe was getting ahead of the textbook, for while it had al- ready lost one of its extensor tendons in quite an appreciable percentage of cades, one of its flexor tendons was absent also. On thie other band, the great toe had undergone extraordi- nary developments because the inner side of the foot was the first to catch the center of 'gravity im transferring the weight of the body from ome foot to the otliér in walking. : Thé horse, which Wis once a: five toed animal, now moves about so breath, - which made him eschew or chestral accompaniments for the more delicate assistance of the clavichord savige faces ard widely separated and stuck ott on different angles, the big thrown far out g pd EEE i: 7 2 i g LET IN THE LIGHT, fealth, Darkened rooms are too SUE | It | invitations' to 'wed- | | ding anniversaries and whist parties. | bearing: have pounds Viachiarae 2h) gums, 4nd I feel better an ve for a long time, I think any woth Is foolish 4 suffer us aid for the sake of a few dellard. '"You can use my letter as a nial. It may encourageother poor women who suffer as I did to use your Vegetable: | Compound." -- Mrs. GEO. COLLICUTE; Haliburton, Lot 7, P.E.L hr 1 Read What This Woman Sayss New Moorefield, Ohio. -- *"I take great g you for what your . Vegetable Compound | has done forme. 1 fi} had bearing down . {| pains, was di g oak, had 8 id lower beck and could; would feel better, - { bit when I would: get up those bearing" | of their hearts against the chest wall" | me to | | give her, too, will youl--Harper's Ba- | Excess of wealth is cause of covet- pactly bullt now, for the toes of the down pains would come back, and the: tor said I had female trouble. Lydia J. Pinkham's Vegetable pop wpa the only medicine that helped me I have been growing stronger ever since 1 commenced to take it. I hope it will, help other suffering women as it has me." You can use this letter."'--Mrs. Cassin LLoYD, New Moorefield, Clark Co.,Ohio. GUARDING A SECRET. The Number of Persons Whe May Share It With Safety, . ' 'In the renlm of tlre miiltipticatfon tate, where, for example, two and two can be relied on to make exactly | four, reckoning is easy, but when you leave the field of abstract numbers and deal with persons strange results some- times appear. Such a case ig describv ed in Lady Dorothy Nevill's book, "Un- der Five Reigns." 3 With regard to the number of per' sons who may safely be trusted with a secret, there. is no proverbial author- | ty for belleving it to exceed two. We | AFe- todd: fn several languages | thads "the secret of two ls God's secret, the" secret of three is all the world's," and the Spaniards say, "What three knows all the worid knows." : E A gentleman who had gained pos-~ session of a valuable commercial se-" | eret confided it to a friend who ap-' | precianted its value. A short time | afterward this friend came to ask per' mission to conrmunicate it, under oath" of eternal secrecy, to a friead of "Mis who would be likely to assist in utilis tng the secret to the best advantage "Let me see," said the original pos-' sessor of the secret, making a chalk' mark on a board at band. "Xk know the particulars. That makes one." "One," agreed his friend. y "You know them," continued bé& making another mark by the side of the one already made. "That makes"-- "Two!" cried the other. "Well, and If you tell your fpjend, | that will be"'--makitig a third mark. | "Three," said the other. | "No," was the reply--*111."--Life. The First Seciety of Authers. ¥ | A society for the protection éf au | thors was founded ds long agp as IT88, | Authors themselves were not meme" | bers of the society, which was insti-' | toted for their benefit by noblemen and gentlemen, who subscribed 2 gufth: | eas annually in addition to an en- trance fee of 10 guineas. - Their purpose, as defined by them-' selves, was "to assist authors In the" publication and to secure to them the entire profits of their own works"-- - that is to say, they published books, | but took no fees for doing se. They * | were amateurs, however, engaged in' tepde In competition with profesifon~ als, and their enterprise was cessful. The society wus wound up in 1749, and the balance in hand (£20 12s) | was presented to the Foundling hosp tal.--Leondon Autber. . rt tte > ed two tows of white ivory » "Imitativeness; causality and' comes | sctentiotispess small which with' your | weak mouth ibdicates"- ° 3 "Don' you be so shu' "bout me bab-; bin' a weak mouf. | kin crack nuts in ma teef."---Satire, : A Pardonable Paredox. of "That young son-in-law of. mh® Mig Mr. Gumrox; "says I'm uoreas sonable. And maybe be's right" bak

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