Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 18 Apr 1912, p. 3

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| fe Crean additions and Te - list of [meriber | to al. Manager or bat Special heats De-f oqo Office Departing t, Mo Phat Ottawa, 15th March, 012, G. C. SNDRREO, EEE 1 ito, 24,800, CE ing--makes eRe that siection #iies delay. Write for will be mailed o anyone making Canadian an Sostivrn Buliding} Toronto, Ont, ALONG THE LINE OF THE © CANADIAN NORTHERN RAILWAY : I Manitoha, Saskatchewan and Albers. gyn fg rs oy J, peti Se te ss for entry. Maaitoba--the oldest Rs which avs been throwa. ope Saskatchewan, 48,080, roposed | | tet. cos EEA SRE Soupicd se Soe nerchui bok Hocapondrar apdly blog fake up, snd nendio stirs v1 be well advised to rou booklet giving the location and a déscription of the land being offered, nating sppbeniion 4 Re 1, Pétrbaln, Asst. General Passenge! pe settled Alberta, 74,000. is nd with in the combined tin "Toe atmosphere the needs of mixed farming. honid Super nish at Colle Fa whenever. ears' e J i oa WL ore) i an nce, Largest tral ada. Eater any day. aranteed. you (8 to) to ony ard and learn while you earn, write for particulars, NO VACATION Peterboro Business College GEO. SPOTTON, President. "Free. Burning Coal CHBAFI GO TO= £dblish; ished du uring th ve past. 30 "years "The largest traitiers in Canada. OW ow: ing tp otk connection all over Ontario, we do better for our gradu: fl ates than any. othei School, You N may study al at homie of pa: home and finish at the Col 8 Affiliated with The Educators' = As¥ciation of Canada 1t would be well for you to investi- gate hefore heansiug. Exclusive right fot Ontario the world- 8 famous Bliss Book-keeping System, x which i8 unequalled. It is Actual Commerc i i from Start to Finish, and § Qrehard's. Corrected weekly by +] and Seed I rebidnt | April 18, Fall Wheat ........ $0 go @ §o Spring Wheat ...... 095@ Goose Wheat,:.:.:: 0 80 @ Barley ... ov gn @ Rye ... t10@ Oats . 0 45 @ 035@ 022 @ 04} @ 6 50@ Eg Cattle, per Ib Hogs, per 100 lbs.. PORT PERRY MARKETS: as, Lucas, Grain 1912 93 the keeps same books as Chartered Banks and Whole sale Houses, Enter daily itidividual institictiof. Fall Term From August 28th 8 Write, call or phone for particulars, PETERBORO time, N | Cu'ters aod Sleighs in 1arge numbers BUSINESS COLLEGE | (Feunded 1833.) GEO SPOTTON, - PRESIDENT # Spring is s {he Time for Rouse - Cleaning, I am prepared to do all kinds of Papering, Painting, &c. Paper and Paint furnished i required WwW, F. NOTT, (Successor to k A. Rodman. 2 doors north of Mr Widden's store DOYOU USE FERTILIZERS? IF NOT--USE The Nationa Fertilizer years with great suce <= eral Field Crops, "Fruit Land and Gatdeu. tis easily applied. You get no weeds from it. It helpsto make rapid growth and can be ap: plied very easy, at dif rent times, when making your garden. This Company has already sold Seventy Tons in this locality. Sold in Two Hundred. pound Bags, up to the : Ton. Apply to J. McLOCHLAN, District Or MALCOLM BEARE, Agent, Port Perry or Manchester. 3 'Farm for Sale. "HE ATE offers for sale that excellent farm being lot 15, _concession 4, in the township of | § v "Reach, containing 200 acres more or less, of choice land a large por- tion of which is cleared, the balance being splendidly wooded. The land is in a capital state of cultivation. "There is on the premises an orchard and a complete sapply of water. - There is' a large barn with cement floor stabling, and a smaller barn on the north end of the lot} also a fame dwelling house on the south and. The location of the farm is a capital one, being about 1} miles from Port Perry on a leading road. This farm i, in every respect, a first class dairy, farm and 'is only bal a 'mile from Manchester rail way station. For particulars and terms, apply io the proprietress on the premises. S..A. PHERRILL. Abert, June 28,1911, Grass Seed. Geese Chickens. ... Superintendent, | § Beans icin aviv: 150@ "ies 7 00 @ Alsike Clover. .... 10 00@ Red Clover 12 00 @ Peas-- Black-eye yds 2s @ Peas--Small.. 1 oo@ Buckwheat 0 55@ o15@ o10@ 0 10@ 0 10@ seecaneBIaivecoennes IRE Ducks... BE a ed Why We Excel We have the most modern, the most practical and the best § equipped school in Easiern 4 Ontario The courses are § thorough and facinating. An i entirely, Canadian Bilsinees Procodure Hor (he training. of the ambiti- 8 ous young people of our coun- 3] try. Onur Graduates @ are cuccessful, ask a student or fl cx.student, they are our best ® advertisement. Homa Study Contfes d Lindsay Business College A. H. Spotton, - President, Enter Any Day. HEADAGHES are nearly always caused by . TIRED EYES Which require. spectacles REFRACTING F. BE LUKB, Gena, 159- Yonge 8t, Teronte. Opposite Simpsons', Stewart M. Graham, LICENSED AUCTIONEER, ; PORT PERLY, . Graduate of Jones' Nationa! School p licited, flertns 1 : C, R. Brower, Principal. Consult me Patronage GRAND TRUNK RY SYSTEM. TIME oy A BL Bn BE. BE. LOGAN, Principal. Cui a] CAWHER BROS' (Successors To Jamieson & DrNNISON,) 3 LIVERY Having purchased the Liven business curred on by Jamieson & Dennison, and the premises con: nected therewith we intend lo RE-HORSE THE STABLES with first-class animals, and install New and Up-to-Date Vehicles with modern Trappings which for comloft and convenience cannol be surpassed. Special attention requirements of Confmercial Travel ers. Out charges are moderate and we guarantee to please our patrons, Patronage solicited: £2 Plone No. 2: CAWEKER BROS. Sittings of the Division Cours OOUNTY OF ONTARIO. 1e12. t.. WHITBY --Clerk, Miss E. I.. Mac- douell, Whitby --Jan. 15, Feb. 5, March 4, April3 May 2, Juno 6, July 8, Best 8; Oct. 2, Noy, 7, Dec. , Jan. 14, 1914. nil Miss EB. 1.. Mac: + donell, Whtthy--Jan, 18, Feb 6, ¥ March b, Apri t, May 8, June 7 gus 4, Sept. & us, 8; Nov. 8; Deo. an, 14, x oveiaY A M. Glegeony, 4. Greenwood--Jan. 17, March 6, May ain" ® 5, Set: 5, No, 1k, Jan. 15, 20FORT PEREY Clark, a 'W. Burn m3: Perry--Jan, 7, ham, Pa CANNINGTON. Clerk, Goo. Smith; "¢ Cannington -- Jan. 11, March 27, © May 18; July 25; Sept. 12; Nov. 31, § Jan 9, 1918. Gordon, verton--Jan. 1 £ B May 18, Ju July 4, Sep 1 6" 'BEAVERTON = Ol br Olark, TT > sdonard, A March 29, May: * Nov. 19, dun. 2,1 | N | | | {| of road traffic Wyre Staton, Ont. WISH TO STATE to the publie that my Livery is now Swipes and "Tam iu a far better position than ever to supply the most Modern Couvey- ances, ete. Upsta-the-Minute Autos, Nine Firsr-Class Drivers, Twa Extra Larga Trunk 'Wagous, with Buggies should ha sufliciont to meet "the demand in this vicinity, and if {t i+ not, I am prepared to increase the rass Lamp Free Light given to the person having the most Wrappers from AND QUICK NAPTHA SOAP "At the 80th Day of April Marmalade Oranges 25c dos, avel Oranges 25c dos. ists, ve Port Perry, Jone 24. wa EE ie T0 Rd : Being composed of Lot 21 con.' B Town ie ns ht, 160 land aid i ly for Sows ossession immediately. For farther partilulars apply ry. i E. H PURDY, Wither, Coma along and bring your friends. The prices will please you. FOR RALE--Automobiles, Buggies, Cutters, Harness, etc. PC RTLLAND CEMENT--A full stock constantly on hand. Gasoline and Coal Oil always in stock Phons Orders--Bell or Independent -- promptly attended to. Yotirs tril, JW. DISNEY. April, 1912 ov, | dwelling, stone cellar go x Sheep on FOR THE Township of Death 308 paid 10 te|T0 Fix Awards 3s fot Damage Doi 0 Steep b by Dogs Notice rMHAT ALL PERSONS 1n the Town: ship, of Peach aliegiip to have Sheep killed by dogs in the future, and whi-fu the person aggrieved intends tn make cain, for compensation from the Council of the Muuicipailty, they must first notify one of the following Stinep Valuators who will fuvestigato the injury dous within forty-eight hourd after notice thereof is given to hit, a1 @ the sald Valuator shall forthwith mak § his report, in writing, to thaltluik of the Council giving, in detail, the ex nt of injuries and amount of damage done. VALUATORS. Peter Parrott Ileiry Tavler Wm. Parrish Sinelair Robertson tanry Davis rant Christie Thos. Boynton Chas Honey Alex. McGregor Wenley Akney J W. Re 1 M. A hos Wannamaker T'ake hos. Clarkson ichsiel Qu igiey Stewart Me Bilas ao £ WAR ast-half of Lot 12 12, Concession 6, Cartwright, Durham cont, the mises are a good os 18x 24, woodshed 18x24, god. | baru, stone stables 8ox4o, p! va bard 18 and 118x241 ih ig! | mixed tim 3 , one acre of Orchard, oi ir fi Se y accepted the Agencyfor bili Flour Mills Go. [Mullers to the Royal Family.) And are prepared to promptly fill all ordets entrusted to their care. one Flour that gives satisfaction to the} consumer--THE ROYAL HOUSEHOLD fills the bill, every pound is guaranteed, After giving dtia fait trial if riot satisfied retnrn the balance (if over 5 Ibs.) The thilliondire cannot ROYAL HOUSEHOLD, nor even the Chey have t and your mapéy will be cheerfully refunded. buy a bettefigar than THE poorest family Mase a flour that is more economical. f0AD JUST RECEIVED Agents Port Perry and vicinity. Port Perry. Olovet and Fimoth F Market Prices. ¥ for Sale at at Blacks thing! RAAEERAR FT AviNG LEASED MR. ALLIN'S BLACKSMITH SHOP, PERRY ST.. ul -- PORT PERRY Em: 1 will be prepared to de all kinds of Dlagksmizaing. Horse Shoeing a Specialty is ' All tires will be Hot Set Mr. Allin will conduct the Wood Shop in connection with the Business. JOS. BRITTON. Port Perry, March 19 912. Nothing Like Beef! HAVING purchased the Butchering Business and good will of Mr. I. J. Wheeler 1 would like to inform nli-his old customers ahd as many' new ones as possible that I intend to keep at all times a good assortment of all kinds of the Best Meats--Fresh and. * Keeps in Stock a full | Supply of up-to-date OTHES 'Suitable for all Seasons -- | Salt--obtainable and at reas- onable rates as passiblé. ) I am also: {ti thie market, at all times, for Choice Cattle, Hogs, Sheep and Lambs Calves, Hides and Sheepskins, at the Highest Market Prices, E> Fresh Fish every Tuesday. Courteous tyeatment and prompt delivery May 26, 1909. WwW. a BOYCE. A FULL STOCK OF EVERYTHINGIN THE Farness Line CHEAPNES8 STYLE Durability and Farm for Sale| containing 100 acres. Erected on | | . Rail- | the village of STRENGTH Cannot be urpassed nm the County. \ ny Suis, bid Tks

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