Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 16 May 1912, p. 3

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"Hin uhirts alone ard b wonder i | ves in their winekeil dozens, of the dafntfest cambrie and many hued Joseph's coat--shirts of pitk dain. tip vatteraed with white. flowsfs, bie shirts, bug shirts, of olive green and, most beloved ot all, of durk purple. 'His bandkerchiéfs are. of the most fragile ind five cambric, each bearing 1 bis cipliet embroidered fn the corner id txquisite Kjtchery or inlet In the form bt guiplite lace." His tie pins dazzle the eye with their peurls of pink and Parple and black, each i Hawiess and tostly gem. His vest buttons fdr Bvelt: ing wear, with studs and cuff loki td | match, are marvels of cnainels, gurneta br. tmother-of-peart enshrinlng rare jew bls. He fas watches for all times and sea. pons of wear--one fur Evkhiiig, another for town wear in the daytime, a third Yor shooting, a fourth for bunting. and bo on. And his bats and suits in thelr fnfinite variety for every conceivable wollld thnké many a lady oF soclety green with envy. Aod what shall we say of his cor ety, which dower bis figure with an Bigant walst. or, It he is no longer youl, of his array of wigs and tou 'es, eyebrows =nd eyelashes, which Hive to mixty of seveoty the facint, comelipess of the twenties. He wears few Jeitels. but he bas cas- | kets full of them ut Home which would not sllame a society belle ut tie Height of ber citteor of conquest. And be 1s a greater connoisseur of delicate per fumes than the dandy of Queen Anne's day, who before he promelindéd in the purk deluged himself from Howling pe mike to gold clo ked stockings, with musk, elvel or orange flower, Qur modern dandy. however, ta mote @lacrlininsting und Jess prodigal. He | afects suchets, enrties a tiny phial of bis favorite perfume-in bls waistcont pocket and with a rilver sprinkler eign his lingerie before he puts it oh. 1 sure, 10 any less {many a female breast. Nor is lie by hny means content with such home treatment as pomades and (feums and toilet waters plitced at his disposal He haa his own face .epécialist, to whom he pays periodical visits at 80 many gulueas a time. for steaming, massaging and other mysterious proc. pares for restoring the smooth texturd tnd the complexipn of youth. If he has a tendency to baldness and the usoal lotions fail to stimulate growth or {tf fie in troubled by bair in tindesirable places be has recourse to' the beauty doctor, who, for a sub stantial fee. will remote {he latter af - foduee. # lutntiant growth of "the foriler with the ald of electricity. The electric spark will equally remove {any pimples with which too generous fiviog has distigured bis fas and of massage falls) tbe wriokles with which utiota, me threatens bis youthful. i. dandy must, of course, pay regular visits to bis manfetirist at & ines or more n visit. for he may be pronder of his delicate bands #nd fi- bert nails than any debutante of her cream and roses. Fo must also devote part of every day to physical exercise apder "expert guidancd tq order to keep, bis too solid flesti in decorous subjection and fo retain the supple and elegant figiire of his younger days. If be pours a _few shillings' worth of {perfume Into his, morning bath, Whe shall Gnd fault with such an effeml- inate extravegance? He cad "Well af ford It, and, at any rite, cleanlivess is or a vinve we cannot cael of And if I this costly care of Lis 3 , with an annual month some foreign » Sawai, be Ai rom Peas--Small. estern Canada fs 30 i iE Wp Se eB wl be a bei a (ye pcos Sulton, 48,080. Ap farming, condition is met wif he pc fC tons » nds rolling ad et aud Se BEL 2 Homusendasrs ply Bri ibhen up, and intending setiors wi be well advised 49 ; the locati dese! Write oh Sele Fiption ul thd Sid lang beiug, offered. A eopy Abeta, on : sto eels of mixed fa eral Passonger Ages, | od is well known to ex leshien th nl io frui S8oure Your Agency Now 7 We want a good reliable: man for this district, because the demand for fenit trees never was so gobd, Good pay, Outfit 'tree. Whole or part time.agtee- ment, and you will represent a ficm of thirty five years expeiis ence with over six hundred acres of land under ctiltivation. Write : PELHAM NURSERY CO'. " TORONTO, ONT. "HOME STUDY Thousands of ambitions young people are being iustiuet din .their homaa by our Home Study 1: pt.» You may Huish at Co'lege if you desire. Pay whe never you wish. Thirty vears' exfler fenca. Largest trainers in Can- ada. Eater any day. Positions : guaranteed. If you wish to save board snd learn whils you earn, write for particulars. RO VACATION Péletroro Business College GEO. SPOTTON; President. din omit FORT PERRY MARKETS. [Correi ted weekly by Jas. Lucas, Grain aud Heed Merchant | May g. 1912 Fall Wheat $0 go @ $0 95 Spring Wheat. ..... gs@ 1 00 Goose Wheat...... £3 @ 0 oo Qo @ 1 00 4 1 ELL 45@ o duller ..: ria isis 28@ oO Eggs... : 20 @ 4 RET 0 4} @ 0 05 ¥ 6.50 @»3,_5¢ 0g - 1iso® 14 Grass Seéd.....:.. 700@ 8oq Alsike Clover. .... tv co @ 11 00 Red Clover........ 12 4d 13 60 Peas--Black-eye ... 00 05 56 19 12 © =] Buckwheat Tutkeys ...... Geese .. . Duclis .. . Chickens 29.039 @ ru vs ob rs ddr elt Hh SERRAE®T CE-- Why We Excel 'We have the most modern, the most practical and the best equipped school in astern Ontario - The cotirses are thorough and faciftating. = An entirely: Canadian Business Procedure for the training ©f the ambiti. ous young people of otir cotin- try. » Ofir Graduates "are succesaful, ask a student or ex.student, they are our best advertisement, Home Study Courses Lindsay Business College | CR. Brower, A. H. Spotton, _. Principal, President Enter Any Day. are nearly always cauged. id ntiect Ontario, we do better foro our gradu: 3 tes than uny otlier School. You may study aliat home or partly at # home and finish at the College 3 } ciated | with 'The in jaucatory Association of Canady 3 : {would be well for you ut inh vesti- ; oy beforé chdosit xcldsive right for Ontario of "the world- fawous Bliss Book- keeping System, 8 Wich is Snetjyia/ elt It is Actual Hsiiiess froth Sta to Figish, and MN the studept Jeeps sale, Boys as Chartered nks and Whole sale Houses Enter any time. Individual instruction. | Pall Term Prom August 28(h Write, call or phone for particulars. PETERBORO BUSINESS GILLEGE (Founded 1885.) GEO SPOTTON, - PRESIDENT E. E LOGAN, Principal. | CAWEER BROS' ¢SuccessoRs Tn JaMIEsoN & Besser). Having porchasal' the Livery business cariied on by Jamieson & Dennison, and the premises con nected therewith we intend to RE-HORSE THE STABLES with first-class aniitfals, and install New and Up-to-Date Vehicles | with modern Trappings which for comfort and convenietice cannot be surpassed. Special attention paid fo the requirements of Commercial Travel. ers. Our charges are mgilerate and we gliarditet to please our patrons. " Patronage solicited, &= Phone No. 2: CAWKER BROS. Sittings of the Division Cour's OOUNTY OF ONTARIO. 1912. r. WHITBY =Clark, Miss BE: Ly; Mitc- _ donell, M hithy Jan. 16, eb. 5, March 4, April 3 May 2, June 8, uy RB, 'Sept. 8, Oct. 2, Nov: 7, Dec. Jan 13, 1913. 'OSHA WA--Clerk, Miss E. T.. Mac- donaell, Whithy--Jan. 18, Feb 6, Murch 5; April 4, May 8, June 7, July 4, Sept 3 Vk. 8; Nov. 8; Det. 9, Jan. 4; 2, a -- Clerk, M. Gleeson, Greenwood--Jan, 17, March 6, Ma 8 0 July 6, Sept. 6) Nov: 11, Jan. 1s, 8, PORT PERRY--Clerk, J. \V. Burn 4 haw, Purt ne rry--Jan. 18, March 7, | 8, Bi pt 4, 'Nov. 12 % CNL GTON- Clark, Sheep Valuators FUR THE Township of Reach To Fix Awards for Damage Done fo Sheep by Dogs 1'alkc Notice fMHAT ALL PERSONS in the Town. ship of [leach alleging to have Sheep killed by dogs in the future, and where the person aggrieved intends to make ¢lalin tor compeflzation from the Council of the Muuicipaiity, they mist first notify one of the following Sheep Valuators who will invi3tigate the injury done within forty-eight hours after notice thereot is given to him, and the said Valudtor shall forthwith make bis report. in writing, to the Clerk of the Council giving, iu detail the extent of injuries und amount of damage done. VALUA ORS. ter Parvort 0 ary Tavior Win. Parrish Sinclair Robertson Henry Davis Grant Ch istia Thos. Kovoten Chas Honey Alex. McGitégor Wesley Ani y JN teal John Wannamaher cevie Thvom Clark aoii Michael Quigley Stewart McKay Sins Revuolds ohli Howsam. ALEX. LEASK, Manchester, Feb, 12, 1912, Reeve, C. 2. R. Time Tablé MYIFLE STATION. Going East GUIXa WksT 10.17 wan. 6.82 a.m, 6.27 p m. 8:0 a.m Hi p.n. 550 p m. 1.50 p ih. A. J. DAVIS, Town Agent. Farm for Sale { ast:liatf of Lot 14, Concession 6, Cartwright, Durham County, containing i1oo acres. Erected on the pfetnises are a good frame dwelling, stone cellar 30 x 20, 18 x 24, woodshed 18x24, good frame barn, stone stables Box4o, pig pens 40x18 and 18 x 24,75 acres of mixed timber, one acre of Otchatd, # never failing stream, hard and soft water. Ufie mile froth Rail- way, oné mile from the village of Blackstock, 24 miles from Caesarea, the faftoits Summer Resort on Lake Scugog. Situated in the best farm- ing'section in the County of Durham. For further particulars apply to the undersigned. Davo J: & DoucLAs Abaifs, Port Perry, bat, Levi C. TavLor, Nestleton, Ont. BUY FLORIDA LAND--¥1y? pols Reve sour Iargé winter fd&l bill: work all sammer to Tota you live ROYAL After givi and yar buy a bett poorest | A CAF por Po tat be BST possible, and.our. IRESS SHOES b Latos Bbyles at $2.50, £3, 83.50 & $4. And are pi goney will be [Millers to the Royal Family.] ited to promptly fill all orders entrusted to their care. They have the one Flour that gives satislactiot to the consumer--THE otUSEHOLD ENS the bill, every pound is guaranteed, t.a fair trial if not satisfied retnrn the balance (if over 5 Ibs.) The millionaire cannot ROYAL HOUSEHOLD, nor even the cheerfully refunded. our than THE y use a flour that is more economical. LOAD JUST RECEIVED GILANMS® . . P ort Perry and vicinity. Agents nM BEING. COMPOSED: F 160 ACRES more of Ess le from Nestleton - Post Of~ ibd store 'and two miles from tcp Station. Soil, clay 'and + A first-class Bank. 'all ; ¥ stable Hog a 'Hen House on. stone foundation ; a good bearing Orch- ard and-Frame' House, For terms and possession apply 10 E. H. PURDY,. 4% To Port Prrryv. May 12, 1912. ! ) AVING . LEASED MR. ALLIN'S BLACKSMITH SHOP, PERRY ST. GEES PORT PERRY SHEED I will be prepared to do all kinds of Blacksmithing. Horse Shoeing a Specialty All tires will be Hot Set EZ Mr. Allin will condutt the Wood Shép £7 in contettion with the Business. : Jes. BRITTON. Port Perry, March 19, 1gi2. Nothing Like bal AVING purchased the Butchering Business and good will of Mr. L J. Wheeler 1 would like to inform all his old customers and as many, new ones as possible that 1 intend to keep at all times a good assortttient of all kinds of tht Hest Medts--Fresh atid Salt--obtaittable #nd at reas- onable rates a3 pUssible. I am #130 in the market, af all times, for Choice Cattle, ix. DO i I BT Hogs, Sheep and Lambs Calves, Hides and Sheepskins, at MERCHANT TAILOR, Keeps in Stock a full supply of up-to-date the Highest Market Prices. EZ Fresh Fish every Tuesday: Courteous treatment and prompt delivery May26, 1909. Ww. Rh. BOYC = A FULL STOCK OF EVERY1 HINGIN THE IXarness CHEAPNESS STYLE § purcthised tite Livery Stables at M: & W. Disney, and stocked them Durability and D. @. ROSS & SON MYRTLE LIVERY Myrtle Station, Ont. }SuccEssors To J. W. DisNEY} t 2.20 and 7. 28 Bell i Btudependent Phones. rile Statin gid god wit of a large nudhiber STRENGTH Cannst be urpanséd a the County, -- Robes, Blankets, Bells, Trunks da 1h sbindancs. eps 80% of Prices Sburted Cw A BEATTY 4 pS The énd of on so a F RESH & a" crops' the Year round ; nc 2 ? ; l-came. Serkily, the stabi ts oa nt oat * Directory § forced them showing in every syllab 2. Yoor x Erin are. rel tn market Btill Loder was uncomprehend! dead af Sinner ther Siutinent is : 5 brid . TELEPHONE § 8. Splendid mar 9, Regulal Ad penta santa Pure water 'obtal ¥ i{ He could not or would not understa Again Chilcote caught and jerked bis sleeve. "Don't you see? Can't | see?' "No." Chilcote dropped the sleeve and p lef across his fi = in rpeied. i seliseing thks to.the want you." ic for the ext i ™ st them | Tov ther ' ie know I'm taking you ff 1ONAZE bestowed awares," he sald. "Bat it's not §l would intimate, thar, fault. Os my soul, [ts not! The tg past only choice f Stoond, sinking wd evo mel Cie tiaghtoral in tht, without preparation?' Fis vo a sume

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