Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 30 May 1912, p. 2

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---------- Port Perav.--On Oanada's Tarn Now. Torey o 0 | 1 ain ar ing . We| The ec md 0a Co. in this|have been so accustomed lately tojabove Council wag place wa burgalarised. The rob read about importations of butter | day, May 25th, Bers seem tohave obtained an easy and other food products into Cana:| The Court of , : 1 : 3 | entrance ? They made a complete da that they have become -some- | members all presefit It will be seen by our advertising nse. te and ver what commonplace. It was, how the declaration of offie 4B columns; large poster cards, and]. wesck howeyer.o the = ever, rather refreshing to read an| On motion Mr. . programs that the celebration of orTEN--Al the Manse, Blackstock, on Wednesday, May feigratoribué sly obtained a small | (Et CEC can market | was appointed cha a the King's Birthday (June 3rd) will| ~ 3,"002 "6 "ihe Rev. J. - ~ oe Sh tomer the Sr Ban exchanges the other day to the| The Assessment K fai be on a large scale in Port Perry. 'Forster, Talmage Henry, of a sal pe oe 1 the re. | effect that butter had been brought | the table, and on ex The enterprise and liberality of King | Burketon, to Miss A. A. Wotten ; a a, only con Belore leavi® from Canada to meet the recent|found that the Bell ) Edward Loyal Orange Lodge to- aunt of : W. M. Wotten LAKE COUCHICHING Sele ' Bening. dere aoorop. | stringency in the butter supply of | were not upon the Roll. gether being ably assisted by the| ngton. KAWARTHA LAKES, Erc. | OF Ee eT ot valetts PE aon | New York City. Itis to be hoped instructed Mr. Am Dusiness wen and. others of Puri , DIED. re orgs = that items of this kind will come[to have the said 0 i ForMAN--In Hermon, California, on ROU. dothergoods. All sssympath . s ] : cially get up a program of evens os b on ND TRIP aE Messrs, ea Cr ey along frequently. They give some|sessed in proper fo on so gigantic a scale and offer such 0h as Br I i BOMESEREERS TRCTRSIONS toes. Asyet there Js 00 doe the hope that this great agricultural|adjourned until 15th d prizes that saint fal ko Epresl ig formerly of Reach in his 48th year. | 7 ta : i i its op- ; a the owners of t ST : : ; 3 So ' - country will yet rise up to its op-|two o'clock p.m; 2% e Owners. 0 speediest and} neceased was born. in' (Borelia) i Unozr tae Ausrices or King Epwarn L. 0. L. No. 223. on Perry has made it possible to finan- To the West perpe teal fi 5. 4 portunities, and not only produce! The Council now ; best Porat Siiywliete 13 be Jonna now part of the Western portion off | Bh ; y At Low Rates The s of Old England|e;ough food products for its own cession. Minutes of ing|as well as Baseball Clubs whose | the corporation of Port Perry, and ; RD \ 0 : Via SARNIA OR CHIOAGO Ladge, Ng, 9,5. 0. Ey aCCOMPAN | people, but supply a large share of | read and confirmed, skill have proved drawing cards early in life identified himself with ¥. 3 191 * Cy Lwrstuce, ee shi fall Hier ied by a. ptigber-of visiting Dretiten those needed by the people of other| On motion of Mr, % : and whose laurels have been won | he Salvation: Army and hia superi- Iw 3 \ AEE | A Ef DUFF, District Passenger from Uxhyidge, attented pe lands. 'that is as it should be. In |the Treasurer was insf d , gh many 3 well fapghs eld 3 or abilities 'and devotion 9. the | Will be duly @elebrated with great eclat on 'the magnificent ' deryice EW Church of the Ascen-| 4.500 oroducts, in meat products, | Mr. H, Parsons $22 8: reer and Shroyable 0 A catise he espoused soon claimed him |: | Park-Grounds which contains the Best and Fastest sion, on' Sunday cvening. On re-| 41d other products produced on a \ so seasonable atime of the year, | & Captaincy, which office for many |: y Ee Series, by he Ea the farm, Canada should have al. _ motion 'ol etary, ( : 3 se | he filled with | credit {6 1 ways enough for her own } 4 4 1d proves Fa oad in- thibeeify EN IW Wat "Moved and _ ni 1 more for the|pay the raf > "| by Bro. Dr'S. 5: Mellow, seconded | iis wh are mot so' fortunate | snow : Me Pp tite: nd for some years had charge: HUBERT L. Sa by Bro. A. . Allin, that this Lodge | ,¢ +o be blesssd with a domicile in| A. E. Simons, §3; Frank est relied on. | church of that d tion in the 2 wish .to conveyto Rev. G. St. G |, favored a country as this is. All| 83; Orma Gerow, $3. An active and: reliable committee [town of Uxbridge; here again he 4 < : ive an DED Tyner gi gl god a, that is necessary to accomplish this| ~Op motion of Mf Geo. Hood, the tre doing their utmost and oe. pat exhibited his prowess for doing good [Hdrse: Race, 2 35 class--Trot or Pace .. .. $50 thanks for the able, eloquent and liq (or our phople to wake up to the | Treasurer was instructed" to pay er until seven years ago, hé moved with Fite Mile Naratnon Race (open) .. .. 25 , F aseball Tournament .. - . 25 thoughtful address which he has de- privileges they possess. We may | Messrs John Ploughman, 63¢; Thos. picesof which it is being held, | his family to Hermon, California, Hi eas) = 2 4 HE OBSERVER Has a GooD CIRCHLATION, and is livered oe iw S Soverd) not feel the need of outside markets | Clarke 75¢; Geo. Goose, $26; and make §j in every respect, a record | where he still presided over the Mile Race--open 1 5 2 2 soustanti growing 3 ny] > members of the, Joca, an Visiting | for many of our products so long as | Oliver Williams, $1, for shoveling breaker,and far eclipse the highly | the Free Methodist Church of that b5,4 yard Race--open > re ne 3 a u oe County to the mnie of the | lodges, in short addresses, re people continue to come to this snow. Success/al oie 3 ot, at hey place until about four months before [504 Yard Race--open Ya 2) 2 2 1 pe Se a re oo dorsed the mee expressing thelr | country by the hundreds of thous- | On motion of Mr. George Sweet- A ar o nr ost his demise when his health became k Race--Boys 16 yearsand under .. .. 3 2 1 : 1+, is not a favorite of schemers, hearty $ppoval 2 ands. But this will pot always man, the Treasurer was instructed | moment doubts. The track and badly impaired during which time [3 po War * ge vs § Box Cigars 7 sie Sag one he Oe Mr. Donald Tanson who has continue, and the time will surely to pay wire fence bonuses to Messrs, | athletic grounds aré in the best | be was inthe city hospital in Los Fat Man's Race (200 Pounds and over) . Ear tas a orsinal aud best in established a Horse Exchange | return again when we shall need J. F. Gerow, 32 rods, $8; Wm. condition for, the occasion so that | Angeles, the complaint from which be ? : wi - its local and general news depart- | business in the County Town of | customers outside of Canada for Savage rods, Ll new and important records will | |e cuffered so severely being diag CONDITIONS ~Horsk RACE--5 to enter and 4 to start ; entry 5 per cent. of purse ment and is printed entirely in they, . ¢ d : + 94 y $2350 M1 doubtless be made. 3 ot --§ per cent additional from money winners 5 MILE RACE-- Entrance Fee 2. place of publication--Port Perry. Whitby, of considerable magnitude, | our surplus. --Canadian Farm. Reader, 16 rods, &; Jas.Davey, 7 eR nosed by leading physicians as ~~ BAskBALL TOURNAMENT --Entrance Fee §2; draw takes place ot to o'clock, all vi lili / "teams must be represented Entries must be made with the Secretary up to 1 TrsMs--§1 per annum in advance, if not|and has erected 'extensive stables King's Birthday a Legal rods, $1.75: Clarence Fralick, 20| Press Notices ot the Talent to deadness of the nerves. He devot-|- June 1. pe in advance, $rso will be, 4 ies i last Holiday. rods, $5; Wm. Graham, 53} rods,| Appear at the flee oncers ed the major portion of his time| _71_ ' > 7 LE LIL week made a {rip thipugh this pov te $13.37; Geo. Jackson, 45:rods,| 1B the Town Hall, Port Perry, and talents to the best interests of | © op : rhe 2 Tur Most Moonen) ns. tion of the Cotnfy in order to pro-| Ottawa, May 26.--Canada on $1.25. on Monday, June 3rd. Lis beloved Zion, was much esteem: | LINDSAY CITIZENS BAND IN ATTENDANCE : : -------------------- | CUT€ few excellent animals of a June 3 will celebrate the Ring's, On motion [of Mr, James {Davey, Mildred Walker Elocutionist and Soprano | ed as a citizen and proved highly [ sadam A ; North Ontario Observer. certain size and heii and Sis a. 31508! and bank holi- | the Treasurer was instructed to| Miss Mildred Walker, whois the warthy of his popularity with all = Both the Track and Athletic Grounds will be in fine condition. r in Scugor he purc! hased one of r. | day, although the observation of pay the following bills 46r: shovel. | possessor of a beautiful soprano voice the people. He is survived by hie "The Gate Ticket gives permission to the public to have access to any | v ) me | orne Grabam that just filled the| the day asa general holiday will, as | ing snow; Messrs. C. & J. Hope. of much power and swectness, sang | widow, two sisters and three broth: |. part of the grounds irrespective of fences. z (The Offical Paper of the People.) bill, a grand, young pure bred mare | last year be optional with the. pub-|g8;; Hen.y Demera, 84 ; Wm. Hope "Flecting Days" with great artistic |. o Mg A. Hardman, New West- RESERALL : : 2 FOUNDED IN 1887. that cannot fdil to provea good in-| lic threughout the Dominian. A|g;; Orval Stone, soc; Robi Mec. i Her toi Show to gent minster, B. C.; Miss Mary M. For-| at 10 a.m., Sharp! AFTERNOON at 1 o'clock Sharp ! = vestment, notwithstanding he paid proclamation will issue declaring | Kinl $4; G ; A advantage In MAsscy *| man, Whittier, California; David + ADMISSION --Adults 25 cents Obildren 15 cents. only Paper Prigied Publ ; inley, 84; Geo. Schell. $3.50 ;|given a flattering reception and encor ' ' ; 3 Port Perry a handsome sum for her. Mr. Ian -| the day a legal holiday. R. Jackson, repairtng culvert, 75c. |es, and was presented witha beautiful | Forman, Vancouver, B C.; Wm. | Grand Stand--Free. ----------------------------------------------=" | gop will doubtless prove an 1mpor-| A ELT Jol On motion of Mr. Geo. Hood, boquet of roses.-- Toronto Star Forman, Roseburg, Oregon, and| _g La 3 - - Sd Ht ; o s pid PORT PERRY.MAY 30, 1912. tant acquisition to our good old TOLD OWN FATE. Treasurer was. instructed b-pay| As for Miss Walker, versanlity, and | Tomas Forman, ~ Prince Albert, Grand Concert in the Evening == County Town. ! ctured 6 for eptional t f the art of . ; J ; ounty Tow n Tale, In 1882, Stead Pi 4 Col | Mr. Robert Jackson $6.36 for shoy- an cxceptional mastery of the art © Ot When the following Talented Entertainers from the celebrated "Harry Potato Oanker lision Between Liner and Iceberg. eling snow. gesticulations and facial EXPICSSION, | oe eeee---------- po go NOW THAT Monday, June «her wirbngest poms. Combing meer "-Rich Concert ard Entertainment Bureau" will make their first ap- a Intimate friends of William T. ion "oi By Pror. J. E. Howitt, O. A. C,, 8rd, has been proclaimed by the| giaag 8 . On motion oi Mr, Wm Jeffery, |. ih te farrenchi pearance in Port Perry: GuELPH, ONT. Dominion authorities a HOLIDAY, Bread foul! 8 Shary WB ih 1s Shinelt $10.58 was paid to Mr. N. Byers, J ait COUNTY COUNCIL ai LORED WALEWE, (Entertainer and Soprano) Mr. H. T. Gussew, Botanist, Domin- the people within a large radious| The Review of Reviews, London, pub- [bonus on 41 rod fi i id" » finished Artist, Miss Uounty of Ontario : ARD, (Character Oomedian and Monologist) Tr lished in December, 1892, entitled 41} rods wire fencBRLUIRTGOIE bf the Aaished J, J : OHARLES EMERY, (Humorous and Dramatic Entertainer fon Experimental Farm, Ottawa, has of Port Perry will'have the oppor- "From the Old World to (he New.' for Mr. John Collins, as pe der | Walker soon won her audience, and already, through the press, called atten- tunity ode lives y RR a chapter of which tallies in almost | from the same . |grew more and more popular as the| The June meeting of the Council and Comic Vocalist) tion to this most destructive potato oue of tho most enchantiug avd | guery detail with the wreck of the : : \ a rogram progressed.-- Stratford Her- of the Corporation of the County of | A 54 a Tr ease and the grest dangerof ite being entertaining Celebrations éyer held | Titanic, o On motion of Mr. Geo. Hood, a Pre prog Deciar or the year. ort. will' be DMISSION--25C Reserved Seats, 35 cents. pa@y~Plan of Hall at Flints. troduced into C: fn this district. The Athletic| Mr. Stead, in this chapter, which [tile culvert was ordered tobe pot --.o| held uant to adjournment, at 3% : <r oe. ie Conn, o mpoteg| ne a, Tue he 3 So Gln Cm TH con ve evwein, 7, Has | CH Sais EP Va he coms Hone ne own of] OG BALL Trens . ¥ INGHAM, W.OOOK, W INGRAM °o Bp 8 an encoun - N. AE hi 3 a ation ' . ' . . to the farmers of Ontario which the in- Sores; the Spelion iy Tasals, icebergs at sea. His characters are a | 20d Geo. Crozier's, The humorist of the evening, Mr Whitty, Tuusday the 4h day of ng gion of potato canker would cavee | iain por, oe os a group of Setivh tourists. They are | On motion of Mr. George Sgeet-| Charles Emery, made a decided hit in Jona ab a on = : i =. place to warn all inter- nee) ; the ng antic on board the man, Mr. John Milner w3 op int | varions songs and -other- sketches. | © "200 Cuneta be laid efore the Explosion in Spanish Moving GOOD JERSEY COW d th i p ig to boon the| succosstulbeing 8 ia tic of the White 8 The, 3 28d, : Is e lai ' T ' uy din Lid oe weed | Fto soiu E. na stas Bip fonadenty sans Whos ei Paihingasiet i Fond Bil 3 uld le come 4gain he, Lbs oe Council should be forwarded to the| if Ficture, i hn FOR SALE pots A onteful 'scrutiny of the and glory... The entries for the he on English writer, lon in place of J. A. Sweetma, resign - sng gn Ail re an Clerk, properly certified, at least| ofc Disas RIT ae seed potatoes should enabieany one to| trophics far.the Baseball Tourna-| known for his ideas on alin ed. ; Chante rs he bod Niner Tre deysielors the meeting of the | iatlaton, Spun, May 27.--Eighty A oe tact > i . wat oa REE ouncil. Fi parsbus were killed to-night in a five in LL Soubteet {Bs prevonee of the canker Wegt arg umercus, and to witoess | olairvoysnes And | mera) telopatty, On 'motion of Mr. GE8.F Sweet- | 5nd his. impersonation in songs and JNO E. FAREWELL. |a theatre at Villarreal, whch was cans SALE -.coming in'middle of next ill th far | brings all into play in his thrilli a Badly deceased tubers can be noticed at the many ,games will be worth (ar) J 5% 5) FL Bor aan 18 | man, the Treasures was ipstructed | monologue was excellent--he was _re- County Clerk {od hy the explosion of a ciuematograph | mox«ih--good milker and fine but- ter cow. Tobey . i Th 3 3 S : s a glance as they are misshapen: and more than the admission fee. There | jo ines the joebergs, fog and condi- |to pay Mr. Geo. Schell for repairing | called time after time.-- Toronto Eve- completely covered with warty excres- will be the choicest of music| {jong of sky and sea and on board the ; i 3 ences. Badly diseased potatoes how.| supplied by the Lindsay Citizens' | Majestic { and ses and on board the | culvert and pails 85c, andih Dem. | ning Telegram. i Notice to Creditors. G 3 hg ever, are not likely to be found in the Band, OGF. railroads are doing been able to send an accuunt of what | era for drawing lumber and repair- Jack Howerd, Oharacter Comedian and > : Port P, igi ELT Pan toch ; ir Lostto. make the day to bo| Yok place on that fateful Bunday WHERE Monologist ARE seed potatoes but tubers which are only their Lest'to y to evenits recently ib could ing culvert §3. a T. M. A. Benefit at Savoy Theat slightly affected and which at a casual celebrated at Port Perry a stupend- | (000) TE ans oid nok have On motion of Mr Gea. Hood the Pus a Tor: In the matter of Frank W. Dugham, of ot L : en mor : Hood, the 14 ) glance appear sound. These may be ous success by "issuing Single Fare Jack' Compton, a passenger, has | Treasurer was instructed 40 pay Mr | next appeared in a singing and danc- the Village of Port Perry, in the FARM FOR SALE X = SRE \ $3000 Will buy 112 acres be. ug composed of parts of lots 23 and 24 in the 1oth con., Town- ship of Reach. For particulars apply to Wirrian WICKETT, of dutected by examini the : Tickets. ~ the po { automati ting. : oF : : v bib ihe aos Whirl ey a Wm Sanguins' $2.25 for fepairing [ing act, and pleased the crowd with-| Connty of Ontario, Hotelkesper. will be found to be sligfitly protruding is acting i = ; The surveyors of the Toronto and| John Thomas, a Scotchman, who is d drawing tile... out a doubt, his acting is very refined 5 $ snd composed of (clusiers of nodules. | porary' Electric Railway have been | an old friend, and he (Thomas) has culvert and drawing tilET and his dancing very good.--Hamil- Nuter 1S HEREBY GIVEN THAT D elm . 2 Potato cauker is found in England, | woking west of the village during the | been saved in the wreck of the Mont- On motion of Ar. James Davey, ton Spectator. the above named Debtor bas made kreland, Scotland, Scandinavia, Ger- pret week, «It: is rumored that the | rcse which was in collision with an |the Treasurer was instructed to pay Mr. Jack Howard as aa ohtorainer us Sasigument to me in; pene of the . . ntario Act, 10 . ap Te many, France, Italy, and found- | Cherrywood route will be abandoned in | iceberg. The messages continue to tit fbi . 3 Sa : ng, y, and Newfound-| Pherry® OO try tht lake shore which | come. © Meanwhile pro Suny hee | 83 to Mr. Frank Pettit fbr cuiting had the audience with him.--Milwaukee | specting assignments for the benefit of rr land. On accounut of the shortage of : 3 ! 1 4 ill after leaving Pickering run south- | agked the captain of the Majestic to | wood on roadside ¥ Free Press reditors . A meeting of the Creditors{ & : ¢ E 1 the potato crop in Ontario last year, % st, passing south of Dunbarton and J < " yo£ ? 11 | for th inti t of I t a] '2 - DWIN Mark, iis fo pun crops Ov et vor: Toe pln Sih of Datars 5 ut Blob on Ami I0 |" On motion of ir, Go tiood | Me Feed Race, of Texoma, wi haf on Bim Seven-Mile Island | **™ "ue prin. fmported especially from Great Britain ad Sraviugeiti ol vos ian pt then his own vessel comes within a the Treasurer was inst! to pay | be accompanist for the Concert in o foe Hstate wilihe lied at ny office, in| Little Britain, May 8, 1912. - The danger lies in the planting of im- West Froct tg Toronto, and will pass Jisire broadih 24 being rocked by ea Mr. Geo. Shilnk $1.50 the Town Hall on Monday evening, ne RE day by To x SCUGOG. puta poreioes jutesssa Jipgasken through a ach re thickly populat | ih lotr op po aa | culvert in Mr. Orma June 3rd.. A.D 1012, ste hour of Thies io the 2 rr LARGE AND VALUABLE TAN "armers should make a nt now- | ed district the other survey: d ---- Afternoon. itors are nest: to fn . tat ing the source of Jo ot route. "I will be more costly to build A en $2 to Mr. Orma G yione ; file their claims pti ie with | Patties desirous of negotiating for |. COLOR VALISE LOST, they are using, and of making a care- thap the other, but 7 should reneives gL Majostio j y brit cord of wood. EALTH m, witiiadevit Seashell; 'alee nature Cam in Lots Sg . rODAZ® an ou! ~ . ful inspection for any ¥ign of canker larger pai vapid routs to Yitind hel eemed that steamship w go un- | On motion of Mr. J ; FOR YOUNG GIRLS Betore the day of such meeting, mr > p g . \Y, Y ILL the party who borrowed, before planting. Suspetted potatoes Pickering News. - he setting of the story and the de the Council adjourned e 15th ! J. B. PAXTON, on'one of the most beautilul Sum |, ¥ about two years ago, a large - should: be sent to Mr. H.Y. Gussow; ee al ons yg the fosbergs and the day of June or on call oN Shetiff, C. oO mer Resorts--SEVEN-MILE IsLaND and valughie Tan Colore Valise of botanist, Dominion Experimratal Farm, Made Windows Rattle. yavek Ser ne the tragedy of Bun. | A deputation from Perry The Mood tne oid Bio Dx. de Adige. oli pod rand in the appiice fhe i return the: Ottawa, or to the Botanical : ay night. time and place also Fame a: Dated at Whitby this 27th day of May, | tiohs or apply personally e Depart composed of Messrs. H. Make. 1913. "| proprietors. J. W. MEHARRY. ment, OA. C., Guelph, for examina-| Jemiiton, May #7. The earthquake | 867% with those of that Bunday's ce. tion and report. Ou we account should was fh boro this morning shortly be begin Trig eg =e yaed] eson, George Gerow,, Ei. any suspected potatons be planted until | fore eight o'clock, when the residents | tain had under his care'jus two thou. and James Waddell » report upon them hag bees received. | of the city and digkict for miles around | #and souls and-s cargo worth st leas} the Council with a vi ) ic mesons were aroused by a low rumbling noise $2,000,000. Perbaps the only differ |ihe new road around . Coat Quotations for 1912 pHi emia, In Sn a Nr ved ia) |nill completed. They 3 am prepared fo Quote Prices for : ¢ 2 Port Perry, May 6, 1912. COURT OF REVISION Township of Scugeg OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the first sitting of the ° Court of Revision to revise the As. sessment Roll of the Township oF Scucoc forthe year 1912, will be beld in the Town Hall, Scugog; on Perhaps you have noticed that E r daughter in her "teens" bas de % To g fitful temper, is restless Ontario Liquor License : Act and exciteable. That she complains -- oo weallkess and depression; fecls| License District of Sonth Ontario. tired: out alter hutle exertion; 3p oi 1 petite variable, complains of head- OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Il put|,ches and is growing pale. In that that Frank Dusham, Port case remember that the march of Perry, has made application for per- time is leading her an to woman- | mission to transfer his tavern license hood, and that this at this period a | for the premises knows as the 8t great responsibility rests upon moth- | Charles Hotel, Port = Perry, to 3 THOS, SINTZEL & SON, NC Port Perry P.O, 15, 1912. " . mont. diativet Mpg, var abd able and influential gent ndows . sente! 8 ere there 1. 2 a Ta oF any hme thie ion of houses was felt. SThe| from other writings of Mr. Stead are discussion of the road Be i os in Sopa | shock was #leoolt ot the Beach, Bur:| S1o8 [oad [0 which it might eepm |forth. The Scugf rR *.¢. L. VICKERY. | !ingtou, Bartouville, Grimbev, Dundas, ha he Espect Een ssiien oy mows Hat ninety | wn. and other surrounding | pomparison ih bis book, "How 1 | the traffic, integest, and % 's Bix i On Sopbia Street here several| Know the Dead R: which hss ER Ri aa : Pod rape 0] NG's Bigysoay CrLrBRATION | Points: © R ? vio: 0 a: the people of Port Perry : erection beginn eis. Th mptoms of anaem- | George E. Cole, of 'Toronto, .ai s at Pox Praey, (June 31d), prom- ho. 48 ope, of rh onan fie Fine, Come ot ihe "oraven {ship of Cartwright, Be a blpodiessness. aod no bat id "application inte |SATURDaY. MAY as 192, at: 3 best Then one" shore | gre i i | tiroe shou lost in increasi | consi at eeti v 'fone o'clock p.m.; of which all per a Gala Day in: the cracked in a number of the rooms. with o Fite a ow 5S Short great leading road § count t p incre sin od Sonsiders at a ml ting of the} be 9 ceed" are on : iti ee § patea pany of the syaplams I would tire easily an frequent beadaches. - M, pais i § ft i | £ ih el

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