Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 30 May 1912, p. 3

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H a called its he Rettle 0 leave it on {find the water all gone. Sw 3 winter, 'when the skatihig season Ais the shades to keep the heat out, be- we' Sd py ater iy "i we Jomet about the kettle and he fire foo long we shall | The heat has it to gas, and it has floated off vith the sir." . we have a stove n the hd a of water u on ot want the water. A By How is the ee. A i Soils Paper and Paint Tarnished SAY . 1 Too the motstare that is dried" up' |*0ired W. F, NOTT, the heat of the stove, so that the fit breathe. on, we like to find some. ater that be | 1am prepared to do all kinds of | Papering, 2 doors north of Mr. ainting, &c. (Successof to J. Ai Rodma iddep's stat oa F B Manitoba, Sask "The Gov: the lines of the Canadian ALONG THE LINE OF THE CANADIAN NORTHERN RAILWAY Srnment has theowis open for sutry 130.000 Fres Homesteads-- 160 Northern Rallway in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. SD of Shae are withia vais of 99 sufled of operdia lines of tho Company, while the balance or ree Homesteads 1 atchewan and Alberta. acres each--alony At least 'Albérta the Frovince already noteworthy for its fertile lands and salubrious Slate take piace Inthe tosdi of homesteads offering. But the represented in of the three--holds out a large nu Manitoba, 21,800. dR Canada is 2 In ig Stat hat oF Soir overs = fms in a Real without delay. ; or free booklet giving the loeation and BE Canadian Northern Buliding, iy Ont, efron | Tavs which ave been thrown open for entry. Monitoba--the oldest *vettled Saskatchewan, 48,080. i Aaavbel os ue mendes in. omesteads are rapidly being taken up, and intending settlers will be well advised to Wheat Lands of Saskatchewan Alberta, 74,000. it farming bondition js met with in the combined needs some clearing, and also the rolling 'and of mixed farming. atmosphere-- description of the land being offered. L. Fairbain, Asst. General Passenger phd neither liquid por gas, but solid. ig es Hh ud rt od 5 instead of heal Apphied to it. all the beat: has i but we éan soon immer. 'cools "off the room. We pull down cause we know thot the walls and the stone pavements male things hotter. Remember the. scientific rule, "Solids, reflect heat; fluids ab- sorb it." No matter in what form we find water, we can always change it into either of the two other forms. When the water boils away we can hold a cold plate over it and sce the vapor condense again into drops. We can take the drops out into the cold win- ter air and watch them freeze solid and then take the ice back into the room and thaw it and put it into the kottle again and see it rise in vapor once more. DO IT NOW! It rhe the heat i i Itis well known to exper] 'sal hatthe &t 'man first on th cures: the' credm jt the trade, therefore sty Secure Your Agency Now We want 'a good reliable?y | man for this district, because" the demand for fruit (reés never: was so good. Good pay, Outfit= free. Whole or part time agree. ment, and yon will represent: a firm of thirty five years expen | ence with over six hundr acres of land under cultivatiow Write : PELHAM NURSERY co", TORONTO, ONT. Playing Two Roles. Towne--Dr. Post is at work on a collection of poems now. ilrowne--Nonsense! Why, he's a humdrum old doctor of medicine ani never-- Towne--I know, but he is also cor oner. He's examining the poems ta see what there was in them to induce the editor to shoot the writer of them. NOTICE OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the Municipal Courcil of the Towr- ship of Reach, at its 'mecting to be held on MONDAY, THE TENTH DAY OF JUNE, 1912, Propose to Pass aBy-Law to stop up and close as a Public High- way teat portion of the allowance for May 30. Road, being in lot Thirteen in the | he j Fourth se of the Township of Fall W baat beg - $0 00 @ $u gs Reach, known as Star Street on the Plan | SPFivg Wheat o. 095@ 1 bo of the Village of Manchister, and vest Goose \Wheat... 0 td @ 0 qe the pame iu Mrs Mary Fitchett, the own- 0g @ 1 00 er of the land lying adjacent thereto St Rye Tn 25] rice to be fixed by the said Council o i a hin ay Wa : The said Township of Reach. Dui 0 52 2 o 5 Rh ay 2 RL ienchiester ia the Township os. nan 0.2 s 12 o a3 "abi y May. 19:2, Cattle, per 1h, od a a" 0'0s own ak Hogs, per 100 hs?" "s50@ 7 50 fownsiip. Llerk iV Reans ov F350 @ LS Grass Seed ; 7 00o@ 8 on Alsike Clover. 10 CO @ 11 Od Red Clover... .... 12 00 @ 13 00 Peas--Black- eye'. T1725 @ 0 0d j oo@ 1 ous Buckwheat... J0 55@ o 56 OS adiD Turkeys 015@ 019 Geese'. . o10@ o 12 Provincial Loans of $2,000,000 | Ducks... e106 © 12 3 and $210 000 Chickens ol10@ O 14 ,Uul. Fema ie he ip donieey TNE GOVERN Tar THe RTE TT PROVINCE OF ONTARIO, unde the authority of Chapter 4, of the Statutes of Ontario, 1911, invites suh- Why We Excel scriptions from the public for a_ loan . , of 2,000,000 on bonds of the Pro- We have the most modern, vinge of Outurio, or ** Untario Goveru- maut Stack." The bonds will ba dated tat May. 1912, and pavable on the 1st November, 1941, in denominations of 81,000 each, with cotipons attached for interost at the rata of 4 par cant, per annum, pas- able half-yearly, on the ist May and Ist November in rach year, at the of of the Provincial' I'reasura-, Toroiito, or at tha offices of tha Bauk of Montreal, in Montreal, Canads, and in New York. Y... at the. holder's option. Bord< will bd made payable to the hearer, but on request will be registered iu the office of tha Provineial 'Treasurer and' endorsed as payable only to the ordep of certain p-reons or Corpora- yond, and on request af holders will be exc hang -d for *Oatarie Goverument Stock" at any time. Also balance of Algonquin: Park loan of $210,000 op the same terme and. with the same dates, under the authority of Chapter 9, 1 George V. The issue price during the month of Max, 1912, will be 102 for aach $100, and thin B1st dav of May 1912, the issu price will bo 102 and interest acgrued from the Ist May, 1912. | ALL puss AND INSCRmeD 8 R k S-ULD NDE TH A hai OF Tuk Sal ACT AL GRE 28. 3 [Corrected weekly by Jas HOME STUDY Thousands of ambitious young peonle are being instructed iu, their homas by our Home Study D pr. You may (irish at College it you desire. Pay whenever you wish. Thirty years' expor- fence. Largest trainers in Can- ada. Eater any day. Positions guarant-ed. If you wish to save board and learn while you earn, writs for particulars. NO VACATION Peterboro Business Oollege i GEO. 8SPOTTON, President. 1 we PORT PERRY MARKETS. Lucas, Grain and Seed Merchant | 1912 | the most practical and the best equipped school in Eastern Ouwtario The courses are thorough and facinating. An entirely, Canadian Business Procedure for the training of the ambiti- ous young people of vur coun- try. Cur Graduates are successful, ask a student or ex.student, they are our best, advertisement. Home Btudy Oourses Lindsay Business College: C.R, Brower, A. H. Spotton, Principal. President. Enter: Any Day. ; B "® a HEADACHES are . pearly alwaysy by- sold # Ontario, we (6 better Tor our gradu. 3 famous Bliss Book-keeping System, BM which is unequalled. {to. suppl He bog o 'years' | The largest trainers in Canada OW: ing to our connection all over Our Seven blished during ates than anv." other School. way study all at home or part] home aud finish at the Col i You Affiliated' with The Commercial §! HM Educators' Association of Canada fl} It would be well for you to investi- [8 cite before choosing. Exclusive right for Ontario of the world- It is 'Actual § Business from Start to Finish, aad the student keeps same books as Chartered Banks and Whole sale Houses Enter any time. Individual instruction. Fall Term From Rugust 33th Write, call or plione for particulars, PETERBORD BUSINESS COLLEGE (Founded 1885.) GEO. SPOTTON, - PRESIDENT E. BE LOGAN, Principal CAWKER BROS Seem} yr. & LIVERY Having purchased the Livery business earned on by Jamieson & Dennison, and the premises con. nected therewith we mtend to RE-HORSE THE STABLES with frst-class animals, and install New and Up-to-Date Vehicles with modern Trappings which for comfort and conveuicnce cannot be surpassed. Special attention paid to the requirements of Commercial Travel ers. Qur charges are moderate and we guarantee to please our patrons. Patronage solicited. E7 Phone No. 2. CAWKER BROS. Sitings of the Division Conti COUNTY OF ONTARIO. 1912. 1. WHITBY --Clerk, Miss E. L. donell, Whithy --Jau. 15, Fob. 5, March 4, April 8 May 2, June 6, July 8, Sept. 8, Oct. 2, Nov. 7, Dec. 7, Jau, 18, 1913, donell, -Whitby--Jan, 18, Feb 6 Mareh 5, April 4, May 8, June 7, July 4, Sept. 4, Oct. 8, Nov. 8, Dec. 9 Jan. 14, 1913. x BROUGHAM -- Clerk, M. Gleeson Eig May > Leon Ln] ARUATY. Mra 20, Sayin oh. Nov. 19, Jan. 7, 1918, BY piflar y oro FAREWEL Clerk of Dated at Whitby, Now. 9th, Toit, Tsk of Beach Mac- | O3HAWA--Clerk, Miss E. T.. Mac- « Greenwood--Jan. 17, March 6, Mas Slay 5, Sept. 5, Nov. 11, Jan, 15, FORT PERRY Clerk J. W. Burn x No -Clark, Geo. Smith uy 5 Sept. 12, Nov. 21, 8. vie Clerk, James MN aio, Seer , Mare! Si July Sopt. 11, Nov. David ry SERVICE so far siuce comiencing the Confection Business, we' bog t to announce tht in Future we carrying on In soon tre fre the re Th A ly tuk Diy aT "Byery pair > js by, the aber' Sheep Valuators FOR THE - To Fix Awards for Damage Done fo Sheep by Dogs 1'ake Notice TPYHAT ALL PERSONS in the Town- _ ship of reach alleging to have Sheep killed by dogs in the future, and where tha person aggrieved intends to make clalin tor compensation froin the Council of the Muanicipaiity, they must first notify one of tho following Sheep Valuators who will investigate the injury Coan within forty-eight hours alter notice thereof is given to him, and the said Valuator shall torthwith nake his report, in writing, to the Clerk of the Council giving, hi datail the extent of injurics and amount of danagu done. VALUA LORS, Peter Parvort Howry Tailor Win. Puirish Sinclair | Henry DD Grant Christin Thos Boynton Chas Honey Alvx. McGregor Wesley, Akqoy, Ph att Y, fet an John Wanuamaker Thos. Clarks n tichacl Quiglny Stewart McKay Sins Reynolds Jobin" Howsam. ALEX. Manchester, Fob, 12, 1912, LEASK, Reove. C. 2. R. Time Table. MYRTLE STATION. Going East Going West 10.17 am, 6.32 a.m, 6.27 pm. 870A m 11.03 pun, 550 pan. 11.50 pm. | A.J. DAVIS, Town Agent. Farm for Sale J ast-hall of Lot 12, Concession 6, Cartwright, Durham County, containing 100 acres. Erected on the premises are a good frame dwelling, stone cellar 30 x 20, 18 x 24, woodshed 18x24, good frame barn, stone stables 8ox4o0, pig pens 4ox 18 and 18x 24,15 acres of mixed timber, one acre of Orchard, a never failing stream, hard and soft water. One mile from Rail- way, one mile from the village of Blackstock, 2} miles from Caesarea, the famous Summer Resort on Lake Scugog. Situated in the best farm- ing'section in the County of Durham. For further particulars apply to the undersigned. Davip J. & DouGLas Apans, Port Perry, Ont, Levi C TavLor, Nestleton, Ont. y The: Ogilvie Flour Mills Co BUY FLORIDA LAND- ir 5 Farm For Sale Ro BEING COMPOSED" OF 160 ACRES more or iss of Lot 2t, Con. 8, 5 CARTWRIGHT ne mile from Nestleton Post "of- id glore and; Be ies [rol of A Aro Soll ay, Bank Barn' 40x86, all 'stables cement ' floor, water works in stable ; Frame Hog':and Hen House oa stone foundation ; a good bearing Orch, ard and Frame House. For terms' and, possession apply to ; E. H. PURDY, Port PERRY. COREE BE HET Lh de - ar clay -Joam. ie May 12, 1912. ta Ingrams' Have accepted the Agency for [Millers to the Royal Family.) ¥ i And are prepared to promptly fill all orders entrusted to their care. BLACKSMITHING == AVING LEASED MR. ALLIN'S Tis BLACKSMITH SHOP, PERRY ST. 1 will be prepared to do all kinds of Blacksmithing. Horse Shoeing a Specialty All tires will be Hot Set EZ Mr. Allin will conduct the Wood Shop £2 in connection with the Business. JOS. BRITTON. Port Perry, March 1g, 1912. Chev have the one Flour that gives satisfaction to the consumer-- THE ROYAL HOUSEIOLD--flls the bill, every pound is guaranteed, Alter pivifig it a fair trial if not satisfied retnrn the balance (if over § Ibs.) ed] your money will be cheerfully refunded. The millionaire cannot hwy & better four than THE ROYAL HOUSEHOLD, nor even the poorest fatdily use a flour that is more economical. LINGRAMS? Agents Port Perry and vic inity. ; NS OO OA Se BES W. I. DOUBT MERCHANT TAILOR, Keeps in Stock a full HAVING purchased the i would like to inform all his old customers and "as many new ones as possible that I ------_ | good assortment of all kinds of the Best Meats--¥resh Salt--obtainable and at reas- onable rates as possible. May 26, 1909. Nothing Like Beef! Butehering Business:and good will of Me I. J-Wheeler ntend to keep at all times a and I am also in the market, at all times, for Choice Cattle, Hogs, Sheep and Lambs Calves, Hides and Sheepskins, at the Highest Market Prices, E& Fresh Fish every Tuesday. : Courteous treatment and prompt delivery W. A. BOYCE supply of up-to-date LOT HS Suitable for all Seasons ES SHEE NER D. G. ROSS & SON MYRTLE LIVERY Myrtle Station, Ont, |Svccrssors To J. w. DISNEY] the Livery Stables at Myrtle Station and i good will of nd stocked ty with a = ELE - 8. Your [Sr in Yuaster of ngs, 4. You save your lar, in the dead of 8. Splendid markets, -9. Regular and plentiful rainfall, 10. Pure ly obtained. winter. 818, We 12 Acres For | Wikia 1 1to tn 4 of Railway tickets to 50 8 parts of the world In addition TICKETS . TO ALL FARTS OR THE WorLp.--Mr. W. H. McCaw, Port | | Perry, is now in a position to , jase necessary Sori nd as to the cheapest and} to his} goto a oY xe do not cost one. orthern farm baild- winter fuel bill. | i Balk Th ENA ee Farm for Sale. EH] . HREB in the year %- Tour 10 Ee Ti Directory HE undersigned offers for sale re water 0 [hy Healthful climate--cures rhoumat- | i - and tuberculosis, le--AR tion. Waits for: Pui ii Particulees. and ts J " 8 lua: Florida Colonization Co. Limitea|! | Office ! ina satisfactory ivi Lin in the Livery CAE mi fuaune? the brid ins met at 2 aud 7. hh Bud 'p,m. unless otherwise ordered TAC Poms and Independent Phones. that excellent farm being lot 15, concession 4, in the township of Reach, containing 200 acres more or less, of choice land a large por- TELEPHONE OF CANADA anew issue of its e Directory for TARIO, including PERRY i contemplate becom- those who wish present entry 'order with the 'at once to insure being splendidly wooded. The land is in a capital state of cultivation, There is on the premises an orchard and a complete supply of water. There is a large barn with cement floor stabling, and a smaller barn on the north end of the lot; also a fame dwelling house on the south and. The location of the fara is a capital one, being about 1} miles A, Port Perry on a leading road. This farm is, in every respect, a | COMPANIES 'additions and cof subscribers, | way station, ta the proprietress a the prem : . A. PHERRILL. Harness CHEAPNESS STYLE tion of which is cleared, the balance | first class dairy farm aod is only half a mile from Manchester rail} For particulars and terms, a ply A FULL STOCK OF EVERYTHING IN THE Line Durability. and STRENGTH Cannot be urpassed: » the County. Robes, Blankets, bl Trunks &c., in abundance. do Oomparison, of Fijcesourtea W. A. BEATTY FRESH & TENDER CAWRER BROS. In returning thanks to the public for the extensive pat- |. ronage bestowed 'upon them would intimate, that asin the past only choice ta dnimals 'will be slaughtered; so as to ensure the 'choicest and ten: | derests Cuts possible and we intend at all times te ampe supply of . FRESH AND Prince Albert, June 28,191%.

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