Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 1 Aug 1912, p. 3

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160,000 Free Homesteads ALONG THE LINE OF THE CANADIAN NORTHERN RAILWAY In M:niteba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. & "hits ; - 4 The Government has thrown open for entry 150,000 Free Homestcagls--I80 acres cach--alci thls the earth does not eee more than eli as EE - |a very small part of Venus flluminat- . 00 of tote aes within & radius of 20 wiles of operated Tinos of the Company, while the balance od, but Venus, on the other hand, sees | id] fl - will be served by Branches now under construction or projected: 0 of one nds ot he erty inumnar | ORL so SF ty iment dn on Chto o Sota esteads oftering, _ But the wonderful Whoat Lands of Saskatchewan are wo and 1s therefore able to claim she Pepresented In the froo farms which have been thrown open for entry. Mauitoba--tho oldvst sett] something that takes the place of Te Ag 4 of the three--holds out a large number, ET enum ing is the Time for Hous TE I Es Spring Cleaning. OUSE | yonitoba, 20800, Saskatchewan, 48080. Alderls, 74,000. 'as much #0 a3 our moon does ne. extent nt A puns be about HE fhe En. is Sule | closer fu fie Sun und uN wore plere © thay (ue eiuth. © Woed L aDU Venus arte bearost (oo they are: uf course, oy the sume » of tue sun, and in cousequence of In retinuing thanks for the ibera patrons. féceive: so fur since commencing the Confectionery and Bak | Buisiness, we beg to anuUanee that fit futii® we purg cariying ou eg ; So | 4 firelly Ch Duy Our 6 cds are the BEST nin i Pott Perry, Jan. 24, 1912. + ; Western Canada is so big that practically every farming condition Is met with in the con bined Bp I am prepared Io 89 all kinds of | } (ol, There fa open prairie, the biuff county, which eed tone ghiaing, and ato the rolling land | . ba Cy where loam and climate are admirably adapted to the necds of mixed farming. Tho atmosphere-- 3 aperit g, Painting, Clear, Dry and Invigorating makes this land the best 3 live in. oem = gt ~ reat Cor : Test --r Paper and Paiot furaished iff j§ | Ta eran, ; nat = m-- is er ¢ 3 fi Thy best Homestoads are rapidly being taken up, and intending settlers will be well advised to : : Prin 7 S 1 a EE OTT, etn io i. Fann, Ak. Caner Trcnser Agi or ; or Sale (Successor to J. A. Rodman. | { Ginadiau Northern Buiiding, Toronto, Ont, : [2 8 Ss S H OE S : | 2 doors north of Mr. Widden's store | | x » a ary BEING COMPOSED : caries gi : a : 160 ACRES thore or lesd CRY da] Black Gingerbread. In all the Eatest Styles at $2.50, 93, $360 & 34. of Lat 21, Con. § DO ! IT NOW 1 A delicious ola recipe for black gin- : ; CARTWRIGHT | Cc SHOES Die mile from Nestleton Post Of: Ic is wall known to experi fice and site aud two miles froni " 3 I bread calls for two cupfuls of Porto ? r ears * Rico molasses, one cupful of shorten. LY , ! ing, one of boiling water, ohe 8g, A enced salesmen thatthe | : we : i : : AICI A Bir wimg eign oN fmnoanalor hot ablssoonial | 7 Sefor Ohidren in every sizo and style: Reale Statige, Soi clay And garth Is several tines latger ¥ 3 during "the Su . : i * Pour the ; : : tlay loath. og Airst-class * Bank r Sévet eM ison a tablished during the past years Fabra 4 The largest trainers in Canada" Ow- groan and stir § 4 ? ing to: our . confection all over Sit ta par with 4 2p of fit Ontario; we do bette fot our gradu. mix tbat fo g i sheds ates than any other Hchdol." You three more ocupfals of flow ote aug may study alf at home or partly at to make g batter that can bread hotie and finish at the Colfege. § gy Fore EE SR uh 13 Affili vi mutercial S Pp y Affiliated with The Comntercia al I ae Barn 30x86, all stables cement floor, water works in tab Pa hyo & ard ahd Frame Hodge. and possession apply to E. H. PURDY, moon and would appear in the heave months. The man first on the hs 33 a disk about fourteen times the | | ground secures the cream of oni ote. J+ ould provers the trade, therefore * with a va e ig! ue to t + shifting cleuds of the earth, though Secure Your Agency Now the Light Is, of course, reflected from We want a good reliabie the sun, and tho reflection is due in man for this district, because part to tbe upper surfaces of tbe the demand for fruit trees never le i Frame D tp nd & 7.400% Educators' Association of Canada y aos, ie of {he continents of th wo Xi Good pay, Outfit It would be well for you to iuvesti- sses, three and a half of sifted fond) Port Pedr?! nis of lis ree. Whole or part tine ates. gate before choosing. Exclusive ff{ 8 tablespoonful of soda and one May 12, 1912. earth appear very clearly to the moon ment, and you will represent a right for Ontario of the world. ginger. as if they were formed {n papler firm of thirty five years experi- famous Bliss Book-keeping Systeun, eB mache on a globe. Citles of compar ence with over six hundred which is unequalled. It "is Actual Trees. atively large size could be made oul acres of land under cultivation Business from Start to Hinish, and Trees hive about them something x the student keeps same books as 8 peautitul and attractive even to the with ease in case observers were there to make them ont. The intensity of the reflected earth light would be as much as fourteen moons and uld enable the Belenltes, If such "there were, to read or work in comparative Write : Chartered Hanks and ~~ Wlole fancy, since they canfiot chang» theif PELHAM NURSERY CO', } IH sale Houses Enter any the. places, are witne. ses of all fhe changes that take place around them and as some reach a great age they become, Aa it were, historical monuments, and; like ourselves, thoy have a life, grow- TORONTC, ONT. i In-lividust iustruction Pall Term From August 28th BLAGKSMITHING = Write, call or phone for I pr Li BY FR . seos 8 WOMAN'S NEEDLESS SUFFERING ~~ SALE GR TO RENT PETERBIRD BS SING Lash NR Arie | tins step by step, approaching deaths; H BLACKSMITHSHOP, PERRY ST. Full of Aches, Frighttal Back . HE undersigned oars fer Sale Pains, Pale and Nervous. . i | part of lot 10, con. 9, East Whitby, pu : a Met Him Halfway. . Wilhthe Use of Br. Ramllon's Pilly 8 | onsiwing of 03 Acres more or law, | § 050 Sorrow. . pamsmenr Bl | We Ni DUO, Lg : Wife and Mother Saved from Death, | iiere is on the property a Spiendid E.E LOGAN, Principal have two favors to ask cf you." Have accepted the Agency for I will be prepared to do all kinds of Blacksmithing. Griah Tiss, sonia Dyn ang ETE ARNT WY RETEST R "What are they?" "1 want you to lend me $10 and A few Years ago doctors considered | Diving Shed, 26 x so. It ig sitnat- nD a2 Y1EPT 2 Hg which makes them look still mord Rent his fie | J il SINES J 6) LLL like -ourselves.--Humboldt. W@ or to Rent his se farm, being (Founded 1885 ) : Horse Shoeing a Specialty that only back pains and bladder dis- |ed about fonr milzsirom the C.P.R., de a finolito say ai werd shoul iit to. any ' ' 11% i at i | Myrtle, and three miles from the | wo favors at once, man! That's | 2 + of the most fatal and dreaded diseases |G T.I. too much of a good thing, Ond o All tires will be Hot Se haje thelr sources in irregular kidney Apply to the proprietor on the them--yes. 1 won't breathe a wor . action. NSPE 18a : : hy : 5 3 ¢ Such was the case with Mrs. Anna jprenses JAS. J]. ORMISON "3 3 of this to a living sour os EF Mr. Allin will ooniee 1h Wood Shop A. Rodriques, a well-known resident of | >. J. MI5UN. 3 1 c ilv. 2 in connection with the Busicess. IR a a OL Human nts mepaEben J Ba ony ee 8 © 1 An rr etrength and nagging headaches. My | NTT Toon I'm at home you are forever hammer. JOS. BRITTON. condition grew steadily worse, my | [ORT PERRY MARKETS. | ing at that piano or elee your tongue And are prepared to promptly fill all orders entrusted to their care. | Port Perry, March 19, 1912. limbs became bloated and shaky, I Was rc rected weekly by Jas. Luces, Grain {s running Rike a trip hammer. 1% | They have the one I'onr that gives satisfaction to the} consumer--THE! eallow and thin, felt rheumatic pains, and Seed Merchant | | wasn't so before we were married. ROYAL HQUSEIIOLD --flls the bill, every pound is guaranteed dizziness, and chills. I unfortunately | ] N 't. Bef We WETS | Afiur pivinir Rt 2 ' , Zab pe | pin Cn say Yo [. : Aug. 1, 1912 a held sa an 1 he li ae ge sind a 258s : Si the balance (if over 5 lbs.) 1 true Y of my sufferings. 1 read Fall Wheat ........ §0 go @ $0 95 R , couldn't play and kept my lips 80 jt : yous a y ve cheerfully, ve unded, ) The millionaire cannot 80 much about the wonderful health | Spring Wheat ..... 095@ 1 00| EY busy that I couldn't talk. buy a better SE Fil ROYAL HOUSEHOLD, nor even ihe and strength that come to all who use Goese Wheat... od @ o oo! AO poorest fatily use a four that is more economical, | 5 Dr. Hamiiton's Pills that I felt sure °@ ant ' S ss ---- ; they would Je ne To Leuligy : bi 9 e : os \ | of health and comfor got from Dr. ) 10 @ 25 LR 2 ' ; | J Si i BEE 5 TRE Ls rr BROW we vo vuwssie nf GAR LOAD JUST RECEIVED mus, mcs as spee. AR A fy hs sr iO se 0 28| wha d= as a €0-03 YALISE LCST, 2 8 Butchiering Business and | I-strongly urge others. AH . aa @ 2 a - (Successors To JaMiEsoN & Si : WI good will of Mr. T. J. Wheeler 1 Sarak 8 ? 80 od on PRN EISON.) Eph TILL th irty who hori owed #7 Wm br NE 3d Id like infor lhis n i drak ¥ 6 500@ 7 50 V e party eh 4 rm io iY Pe , would hke ftoinform a 18 DEN 8 Substitutes if deans ..... cia 1 50@ 19 LEY ET : Lb os SpE e A He ATE ® ® Agents old customers and as many fixe boxes for $1.. At all dealers, of | GI? . 700@ 8 oc out ery ey Port Perr icinits new ones as possible that I hs Catanhuogony Company, Kingston, | Al Clover. 10 00 @ 11 00 | Having purchased the Livery he slgned; Sindy return te 1 erry and vicinity. fitend to Ely tines 2 Ags oa a aN 7 Red Clover... ...s 12 00 @ 13 00| business curried on by Jamieson & same and much oblige i hv ! S Pp : Sa wv STRAY HORSE Peas--DBlackeye ... t 25 @ 0 00] Dennison, and the premises con J. W. MEHARRY. = = errs good assortment of all kinds of ans Peas--Small....... 1 00@ I o5{nected therewith we intend to Port Perry, May 6, 1912. 3a; the Best Meats--X¥resh and {TRAYED INTO THE PREMISES RBuckwheat:. ...... 0 55@ 0 56 Rn ey o NG WAN IN BEN Salt--obtainable and at reas E aid poo 2 M 29 ut a v . : : Z 1 " s 2 1D) ¢ ~~ 4 { 3 0 G EY 0 thy wie igre, ot 25, wo 30.1 Turkeys cove vein 0 15@ 019 RE-HORSE THE STABLES : ; NE X00 ay SIR 6H ¢|onable rates as possible. ER EA 3 G10 0, 0 17 0. 2. R. Time Table. NAS AeA EINES ey AY ; : fl ti - Choice Cattle come; Jrove Hraerty Po is 1 Ducks oto@®@ o with first-class animals, and install kt I am also in the market, at all times, for 101c0 La ¢ 0 MYRTLE STATION. 1 Hogs, Sheep and Lambs Calves, Hides and Sheepskins, at and taka the anime away, otherwise i Chickens will be sold asthe law directs, Ea SPEPHEN MIDGE Kew and Up-to-Date Velilcles Going East Goma West gE Iv the Highest Market Vrices FI as IN oe o> BEXe IPOUS 1e Highest Market Prices, with modern 'Trappings which for 6.27 pm. Bo0am ; Fi rv Tuesday comfort and convenience cannot 11.08 pon. 550 pm. =a resh Fish every Tuesday. a Courteous treatment and prompt delivery SEN CSRS 2 y Why Wo Luce Elen os Li ag MERCHANT TAIL : nn A.J. DAVIS, Town Agent CAYLEY Je have the most Dade, Special #1 anton paid i > AEE ! et OR, May 26, 1909. WwW. A. BOYCE the most practical and the best requirements of Commercial Trave Sp Ra 0 1 equipped school in Eastern ers, ~y ; Keeps 1 Stock a full oo IG ba y Ootario The courses are Our cliarges are moderate and X arm for Sale } supply of up-to-date od Tharesh and facinating. An we guarantee to please cur patrons. atin 7 entircly, wi Nast-half of Lot 12, Concestion 6 Cavad'an Business Procedure Pattonags sified : Cartwright, Durham County, ~ "T 4 fox ihe todinioe. of. 1he ambit £7 Phone No. 2. ously 100 Acres. Erected on ds CAWERER BROS.| le promises are 5 pond frame ide OF EVERYTHING IN THE ous young Oo le of our coun- 1 y § peoy dwelling. stone cellar 30 x 20, 18 x Reach, July 12, 1012. St. Charles Holle! PORT PERRY {Strictly under New Hanagemont) 0 Gh. A. COLE PROPRIETOR [Tate of Hotel Falconer, Toronto] : Counnercial trade solicited try. -- - - ee \ 7 n First class Sawplé roo us. Arye vive 24, woodehed 18x24, good frame 1 ix - 3 1. i (& | Su Gipuste | Sittings of the Division Corts | ro: stove stables Boxy, pig pens = Suitable for all Seasons arness Ine Ctr En Te a AL cnccessful, ask a student or jox 18 and 18 x 24, 15 acres ol i . T > cx.student, they are our best es mixed timber, ore acre of Orchard, ou! =~ > / 3% a NEW | ay COUNTY OF ONTARIO. 1 never fathng stream, hard and HERERO HENRY CH EA PN ESS STYLE | | Telephone Directory meee soar coo 1012 oi a, Be wii of, TEES RA | n ; es r way, one mile [rom the village of "hr ie . i SN -- --,. ._., Siro tnt Basket, 2} mules fron Caesarca, Sy : ; Durability and a. . . 1. Clerk, 88 I. L.. Mac- ef: 3 Rese # = TT rps seer receenone § Lindsay Business College fl "nel SHELA bE GE Gn UL hl et fof : | - a gE, y v 3 k v . \ + . 4 so vy Ci ein ot a CR Brower, A. 1. Sporon, }1 JRL Bul oct ANE Bec DECI C LAT STREN GTH | 3 < ' » Kl. ' { 013; or further rtictiers a y Oicial Teleplione Directory for . Principal. President. "os Re Miss Eol a: py D. G. ROSS & SON i ? x CENTRAL ONTARIO, inclnding Enter Any Day. done, Whithy--dan, 16, be ag Davi J. & DoucLas Abas, : MYRTLE T Iv Cln#ot be urpassed n the County. , 3 : March &, April, Mav, Juno 7, Port Perry, Ont, ; , 1 | JERY PORT PERRY Jay 4, sips Vet. 3, Nov. 8, Doe: Levit C. TavLor, 7 : - ol = Sr-- Parties who contemplate becoth-- , h 448, 14, ? Nestleton, Ont. 3 3 ! ing subscribers, or those who wish HEADAGHES |> BRovGHAN -- Clerk, M. Glseson, Myrtle Station, Onk,. Robes, Blankets, Bells, Trunks charges in, their present entry 3 : Groenwood--Jan. 17, March 6, May | -- |Sueesssors To J. W. DISNEY] 1 ) ' 2 3 should place their order with the Sor By: Sept-6; Nov. 11, Jan. 18; Local Manager at ouee "to. insu: are nearly always caused by 3, FORT PERRY--Clerk, J. WV, Burn: i &c., in abundance, he livery Stables at Myrtle wy, and Focked them Me herd vic Agric Statin ad geodowil of { Gmpabiton of Pitbes Oourted © TESAERETRT RSS HORSES AXD UP-TO-DATE VEHICLES : 1. It is vory productivo. 2. It is not we are fulig ; hi to meet, in a satisfactory manner, the demand of the W. A. BE ATTY PES z me = 4 YAERIDIg Dierks 2 M. Moore, hot in summer and their winter ia averything in the Livery lifie at moderate charges. ~~ tar v . up RKEFRACTING Fon Bs aren 2% May 8. Yi Jing weashgr. a t us met except 2 20 and 7.07 p m unless ofherwise ordered S REF » y 28, . 82 . Your % ® So F- E. LUKE, Re I 5 ulldings do not cost one x Sovicrrep. ar Bell and Independent Phones. 5 es | WANT | Farm for Sale. FRESH & TENDER 5. CANNINGTON Clerk, Geo. Smith, ings. 169 Yonge St. Toronto. . Canuingtonss Jan. 1t, March 27,| 4. Youture your large winter fuel bill. FIPHE undersigned offers for sale BUY FLORIDA LAKD--WhyT} fhe 52 LA Sa ib Shonld also repor! additions an . changes in their list of subscribers, either to the Local Manager or 3 winter your live stock. 8. 1t grows erops' tha year round ; . nRER Crops in tho year direet to the Special Agent's De-/ 5 rg of Canada. Opposite Simpsons', ' May 15, July 23, Sept. 12, Nov. 21. | 5. Yon do net work all summer to ERE ESE an 9, \ Say - gtewart M. Gi * |6. BEAVERTON -- Clerk, James M. IF PROPE RTY Stewart M. Graham, "Gordon, Travertone grit 10, March LICENSED AUCTIONEER, | 3m Jub 8h sepi i, Now| uburihs halal" coninant'e) 1 VALUABLE that excellent farm being lot 15, i 2 pn 20, Juni: 9;1918, . 3 © © in the dead of winter. » concession 4, in the towmship of Han a 3 1 Ri! Prince Albert for Sale. : "PORT PERRY, lz. UPTERGROVE = Clark, Dagid| 8 plendid markets, Co Reach, containing 200 acres mote { SAWRER BRO vr i : » ; ; Leodard, erly -- January. 29,| 9. ar and plen rainfall, i ore & > ~~ [TYEE undersigned offers for sale her Graduate of Jones' National March 26, May 17,Joly 28, Sept. 10, | 10. Bure water aasily obtainod: = i ih ee * T idental property in Prince School | Nov. 19, Jan. 7, 1918. 11. Healthful climate--cures rhoumat- ion of which is v a : A iris in ,Pen00L a : : 7 lore and tuboreutosis, © being splendidly wooded. - The land i har -- soci etlais 4 8 I | Patronage solicited. Terms. reasonable | By ordet, le, E : ¥ isin a capital state of cultivation.| In returning thanks te 'the "soit water. Good bana and 1 ED RE : ' EA bo Winn t o 80 Ratio Al 1| There is on the premises an orchard |, lic for the extensive pat- n acr b OTR Shh Lloage To esto} Naliway : R SOFT and a complete supply of water. p i indy Way SAE There is a large barn with cement | TONAZO bestowed upon them nig (pal |foor stabling. and a smaller bara | would intimate, that as in the on the north end of the lot; also a past only choice fat animals | en des; Serring oroued 404| 0 AND TRUNK R'Y SYSTEM : ssion. For further J ---- 2 BE Ak . HONGARD: TIME TAB : Bi 70.4 Fons MRS, A C. BONGARD. | = ' | ery : Woreo.--Mr. W, H. McCaw, Port ' Noe A) | D2 nh heT Pe | Petry, is now in a position to issue cafe : re be ication of the farm is| Will be slauglitered, so as. to 5 Cae ger 3 rid. oid tion.C 3 ge : a capital one, being about 1} miles |CNSUTO the choicest and ten- 55 from Port Perry oh a leading road. | derests Cuts possible, and we 7 : v. 19th; 1911. Write for Full Particulars and Iilust- 'fated Literature, BS TERMS BASY, PICKETS TO ALL FARTS OF THE : Jus fori) is, w Sn Bespects 2 intend at all times to have a rst class datry farm anc y ampe supply of - balfa mile from Manchester rail. Sn FRESH AND TENDE way Station. : 3 For particulars and terms, apply consul all ch to the proprietress on the premises. by consulting Mr. The 8c ap, Remedy. Co S. A. PHERRILL. yw. before embasking on a (rif. ar at Plint's Di oh a | Prince Albert, June 28,1gth

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