© Office 'over the Poat Office, . All v ADR Ru Tuofse.and house, opett aver. she, 1} re the residence of G, L. Ro! Ranh Parry, Nov. 15, oot. south, _-- i EY Wh H HARRIS, B.A. LLB. BABRISTEE, &e., to and t of_the ces of the late F. M. Yarnold. : Port Perry, - Ont. WOREY £5 LOAN. Private Funds at § Per cont. "base Jno: W. Orogzier, | ARRISTER, &e. Office at residence, '0th Lon Reavh (ote mils west of Pork Perrgs)-- ; MoNey #6 Toan.! EB. FAREWELL oH iy Crown Attorney J . itor, &c., Notary Public a Dtfioo--South wing Uourt House, Ofit, K.0., LL.B., County' Lacrister, Connty 8ol- nd Conveyanocer. Whitby, SOLICITOR, CaNgavanorn, WA SANGSTER, DENTAL SURGEON. Office Tlours--9 to 12 a.m., 2 to 6 pm. Also open Saturday evenings. ¢& Gold Fillings, Work a Specialty, Vitalised Air. Bridge and Crown 'GRAHAM 2 Sucukssor 10 Dr. F. D. MoGRATTAN- DENTIST ef' PERRY, JEP -- JA. Murray . DENTIST, PORT PERRY. branches of Dentistry, oN r, including Crowp and Bridge Work successfully practiced. Artifiop] Te oe of Rublwr Plates. Fillings of Gold, Silver or Cement Painleks extraction when required: #3 Prices to suit the times® eth on Gold, Silver, Aluminum North Ontario Observer A Weekly Political, Agricultural and Family Newspaper IS PUBLISHED AT FORT. PERRY, ONT. oad SBRLRY) THURSDAY MORNING BY H. PARSONS bicker whi prs ls than six andthe} and no tot] up. 1 EITERS containing m money, when lice, propaid snd discontinued to this when addressed registorod will be at our risk." Yagi ET, TL Sy AUB Shoop i THRSE terms will in all cises be 'strictly adhdred to. super rity of ing onder 2 Hr JOB DEPARTMENT. Pamphlets Hand Bills, Posters. and, sipioeoI ES + JProgmus, . Dodgers Bifi Heads, ~~ Cbeckn + Moettor Tanda, Weddiag Invitations, atin oli of Sh ; FEET & yer Ra SHH month 2 iS enidfh & h Weel YODAOUK, Wolverine fp. © B. 0. ORUROH. ERY --. RICHARDBON, Sunday £10.30 a. m, JOS: BAIRD J JCENSED AUCTTONKER the Cotinty of Ontario. Sale Re at the Opsyrver Office Patrinage ted: Manchester, Jan, 19, 1899. hag 0k v v SI on Dillon Hinge-Stay Fence Manufactured by the Owen Sound Wire Fence Uo. Ltd., and am prepared. to supply this whole ' community with the very BEST WIRE FENCE produced ot this Continent and at prices that 'can not fail to satisfy purchasers. The Ditron Fence is without a peer Itis the BEST because it is flexible ; it is a square mesh ; itis a perfect hinge-stay fence, therefore it is impossible to bend the stays, in fact it is the best fence mads in this or any other country, Before purchasing a Wire Fence don't ail to inspect, the Dition Func. Das © JH Brown + BALER IN AGRICULTURAL Inpre. © MENTS AND MACHINERY. Ape 6 61005. SEAGRAVE HARNESS N returning thanks to the public for th 'patronage extended to me for over 3 pr years, I.would respectfully intimate that ani, as usual, now ds have a Large & Assorted Stock OF DOUBLE AND SINGLE IfARNESS yoich I ani determined to sall very CHEAT Ax an inducement tb Carn plirohasers, 4 Lom oH pr le 'on KIF Silew MH mow until n; 18 next, , Al work being ls DE BY HAND®3 o [dctory work kepd in stock, the or busincss, and "Hcnding rehasers will ifn that by Es £ ie Livi elrpe hers can be su it; price, m; fort' Toe an indie poisson hat per a ness kept aealy and Bytsndnd tod. DAVID Ee & DOUGLAS \Central Livery Water Stre ot | ders for Dress and. Mang Ci orrectness. / PO SA ADAWS, Bankers and Brokers. MONEY TO LOAN (4 per ent upwards-- British Oapital ) INSURANCE REAL: ESTATE Marriage Licenses, EZ Agents CP. R., &¢. NERVOUS DEBILITY mo Onin Salen: Five BR EA ative the Ly fal hi ERE veh SOE rr that Tost and mont a 0 & talure. Don't ot quacks Fob you of your rd eared oi amon Ean doctors. grad a and cootiniue to do so. CURES in OR NO PAY on + orld SE VARICOSE VEIN: NERVOUS D! Y, BLOOD AND AND ULTA TION FREE. Sore ££ usable to call write for a Question KENNEDY &KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. [NOTIC All letters from Canada must be addressed our Canadian ndence a] bus; Sr Windsot, Ont. If desire to see oF rehy call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as gl and treat mo in 'our . offices which are for Correspondence and business only. Address all letters as follows: DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Wiadser, Out. 'Write for our private address, Watch For Potato Canker. Ottawa, Aug. 30.--There has been {s- Agriculture at Ottawa, a conspictous poster calling the attention of potato rowers to the importance of examin. ing their crop to ascertain whether or Do; it is infected with '"'potato can- ar." PORT PERRY. E EARTILY thanking the public for the Tiberal patronage received during the many years I have Kept a Livery Establish mention Port Perry, I have much pleasuré in announcing that 1 have removea 'MY LIVERY ! to' my formet - Well Satisfied. " 'Fist Negro--1 beah that Andrew Jacksod Jones am run over by av av tomobile DM be get any satisfac tion? Ni He gutt ad a want) She Mails Close. - ote mails are despstaed from the Pos J otne Ekin 9.00 a. m. Sonth--11.20 a. m. Gotu North 5.18 .. Uolng South --1¢ Sp. m, GEO. JAUKSON, over Mr. Flint's® yo A she is prepared. pig : in a manner 4 and sted by direction of the Minister of- Auber. layed, Past en anys, or we slowly nilling ambition, of the supremacy all but gained. 'Then, ne thé p aiaf pack WpoH the Look tack won gt day, Lode at the with 6 striving hard to keep itself, he Mfted his hand wits ah abs bis ows Wind cool, to steer. hls own rupt movement and the Qvd tourse stelight through tho chaos that tabloids one after a to He confront "Chilcote," he began asa. - once mo ou sent for me last night, the first thing this morn- un" HAPTER XXV. ~-- But there he stopped e AVING taken a definfte step in any dlréction,-.it was not ig Loder's nature to wish tt re traced. His face was set, but set with determination, when be closed | the outer' door' of hig own reoms. and passed quietly down the stats out into tbe sient court. The thotght of Chilcote, bls pitsable toridition, tis sors | did environments, were: things that re- | uired a firm will to drive into the ! ; i the Loder eet his lips. "The as of hn fmaginatisn, bot @ Ts yey Lotaeven, bo sald | whole infernd of buch Yih would | | not have daunted Loder on t morn- A groanfof rellef fell from Chlicote, | ing ns, unobserved by adiy eyes; he left | and the muscles of bis face relaxed. ' tno jittle courtyard with ite' grass, its For a moment he lay back with closed trees, its pavementral) 86 Aletastetully tyes, them ghe desire that tortured him ¢qnjiar--and passed down the Strand | | stirred afpesb. He lifted his eyelids ' toward lifa and action." And booked ut hie companton, "Hand | It to ma," he sald quickly. "Give It td' mo. Give it fo me, Loder, quick as you can} 'here's a glass on the table und some' whisky and water. The tabloids dissolve, you know"-- In his néw excitement he held out his hand. But Loder stayed motionless. He had came tg fight, to demand, to plead, if need be, for the one hour for which ho bad Wved--the hour that was to satisfy all labor, all endeavor, all am- | blilon. With dogged persistence he wade one more essay. "Chllcote, you wrote last night to re- call me' Once again he paused, checked By a new Interruption. Sit tluz up again, Chllcote struck out sud- denly with his left hand In a rush of bis old terltability. fd Foul" he cried suddeuly. you talking about? Look t me the stuff. I tell you vé Ih his excitement big ing to short. With oXcitement that lent him strength, #Chilcote pushed aside Lis bands. "@pd." be sald suddenly, on ty The lihagiilary' possibility He sat bia face livid, drops of persplirationy showing on his forehead, | his whole 'shattered system trembling before t meutal strain that he had undergone in | tho past ten days--the wnnatural ten- | slon; the suppressed but perpetual | sense of impending tecall; the conse: quently high pressure at which worl ! and oven existence bad been carried on, | And as ho hurried forward the natural | reaction to this stato of things came | porary respite and freedom for which no price would have seemed too bigh | The moment for which he had uncon- sciously lived ever sihce Chileote's first | memorable proposition was within reach at last, safeguarded by bis own action, | The walk from Clifford's lon Grosvenor square was long enough to | view had aroused, and long before the well Known house came Into view be | felt sufficiently braced mentally 'and room, where be instinctively felt she | would still be waiting for him. | Thus be encountered and overpassed the obstacle that had so nearly threat- | ened ruin, end, with the singleness of purpoge that always distinguished him, | | he was able, once having passed it, to | | dig it altogether from his mind. 5 | From the moment of his return to Chil- a flerce gestur® the othet tard: ' y,te's honse no misgiving as to his own | "Good beavens, man!" hd gaton, no shadow of doubt, rose to Then unaccountably his volc€ ¢onple hie mind. His feellngs on the Sa The suggestion that bad |natter were quite simple. He had io- ering in his mind took sud- ,gipately desired a certain opportuni- | definite shape. "All right!" he ty (Ope factor had ariecn to debar that } por 2 ved voles. "All tightl i ,portunity, and he, clalming the right Stay ag yoo aro." of strength, had set the barrier aside. | He exgeced to where the empty tum- |, the simplicity of the reasoning lay | blet: aud hastily mixed the whis: (tg ower to convince, and were a tonio | water, then crossing to the jeeded to brace bim for his task be | pce whore lay the small glass woe provided with ono in the master | ntalning the (ightly packed fy) gense of a Aifculty set at nought. | For the man who bas fought and con- | quered ome obstacle feels strong to vanquish a ecote, | It was on this day, at the feassem- | Ling of parilament; that Fratde's great blow was to be struck. In the tea! days since the affair of the caravans | bad been reported from Persia public | © feeling had run high, and it was upon | the pivot of this Incident that Loder's attack was to turn, for, as Lakeley was fond of remarking, "In the seales of public opluion one dead Englishman Las more weight than the whole east- | ern question." It had been arranged that, followiiig the customary pifoce ditte, Loder was to rise atter questions at the morning sitting and ask leave to move the adjournent of the house on | a defluite matter of urgent public im- portance, upon whieh--leave having been grented by the rising of forty members in Ms the way was to flo open for his definite attack af the evening sitting. And it was with ' a mind attuned to. this plan of action fiat. he. retired to the study imme- diately ho bad breakfasted and settled to a final'revision of his speech before at work in his mind. i Chillcote's lips patted. "Lo | sald falntly--"Loder, 1 must-- hove It. [t's fmperative." Once attempted to lift bimseltf, but was futile. | | Loder turned away. £ E | : {| Loder waited till' be. bad left the { Todi hes BUO E40 INE pen, He ny Dear Chilcote -- Lakeley 1s apd re lciplent of special and very from Mesbed-unoficial WA none ig less a AgEress 1 ston toward Whi Mi are_reported ito be rapidly , and ft {8 stated 'that the authority 'the consulate is treated with contempt. Pending a possi~ ble confirmation of this, I youn uggest d realized that Sve tab- 1 It nilght be tude you may t even be crimi- {strengthened. I ohall put my opinions be a request made condition of body HERBERT FRATDR. Ws of the universe |. mpg Jetter, worded with Fraide's usw on--prompted ev- | 4) rastraint. made n atrong impression fo gree sad ou ite reciplent. The fought tuat tis on yw a0 | oreech might not only express epinions already tacitly hal | but- volte a eitun- ore faithfully, dispel eny excttomert that his Inter- | physically to seek Eve In the morning | ore you more explicitly when we meet! | ften wopd dri b8 bore the nacertainty. "To sit sppacently dhimoved sod watt Without emotion fdr news that might thange the whole tenor of ooe/d action would bave tried the stolelsm of the most experienced; to the povice It was well nigh unendurable. And ft' was under these - conditions aud against these odds that he sat thr the long aftérnvon in Chilcoto's place, obeying the dfctites of 'his chief. But if the day waa frought with dtficpities for him it was fraught with dubinées and disappointment for othetw, for the Gf- { dercurtrent of interest that Bid sthred at the Baster sdjouifiment #hd riven with dled force on this first day of the new session wee gradually but surely threatened with extinotioh as | hour efter bour paaged: brihglog ©vo | suggestion of the battta. that bad on every side been tacitly expected. Slowly and unmistakably speculation and dissatisfaction crept thto thé at- mosphers of the housd As moment guc- As he walked hie steps inergased 10 ' ceoded mofoent and the opposition speed and vigor. Now, for the first | made no sign. time, be fully appreciated the great | tie attack or was he playing 4 Waiting | Was Frade shirking | game? Agaln and again the question arose, filling the air with a passing flicker of interest, but each time ft | | sprang up only to dte down again ns | {he ordinary business of the day dral- | ged (tself out. Gradually, as the afternoon wore on, daylight began to (add. Lodér, sitting | the men who entered through the con- stantly swinging doors, but net one face, so eagerly message for which he walitad AMonot- onounsly and mechanically the time passed. The government, adopting & | ™ neutral attitusle, carefully ekirted afl | | dguger rous subjects, while the apposi [ tion, actng under Fraide's suggestion, assisted rather than hindered the pro- gramme of postpone: For the mo ment the eagerly antleipatad reassem- bling threatened Atsmayl failure, and ft was with a universal movement of | weariness and relief that at lost the house ruse to dine, | But thero are no possibilities so clas | tic as those of politics." At balf past T the honse rose In a spirit gf boredom | aud disappointment, and at 8 o'clock the lobbies, the dinltg room, the entire | epace of the vdst building, wes stirred into activity by the arrival of a eingid telegraphic message. The pew devclopment for which Fraide had walted cams indeed, but it came with a force, he had little antict pated. With a thrill of awe 2nd con | sternation men heard and repeated the astounding pews that, whiks persomat- | ly exercisirig Lis authority on behalf of Britieh traders, Sir Willlam Brice Flekd, consul general at Meshed, had been fired at by a Russian officer and instantly killed. The Interval immediately following the receipt of this news was too con- | fused for detailed remembrance. Two ideas made. themselves slowly feit--a deep hofror that such an event could outrude itself upon our high civillzd- tion ond a strong personal dismay that #0 bonored, distinguished ond esteem- a representative as Bir William a could have been allowed to meet death in so terrible a madnar. It was_in the consciousness of this feeling, the cousclousnees that In bls own person he might voice not ealy the foeltilgs of his pafty, but of the whoté country, that Loder rose an bour later to make his long delayed attack. He stood silent for a moment 8s be bad done On an éarlie? occasiom, but thi¢ ttme hts motive was different. Roused beyond any feeling of eelf con- sciousness, he waited as by right for the full attention of the house; then quietly, but with self posseseed firm- ness, he moved the motipn for adjourn- ment. fixe a match to @ train of powder the words set §ame fo the excitement that hed smoldered for weeks, and in an atmosphere df Stiring activity, 8 scene. of such. idine- dnd tration 2a the hous. hap farely wit: nessed, he found luspiration, for his great achievement. To give Loder's speech word would be )ittle short of fufile. The gift of oratory te too illustve, "too much a matter of eye and volce ani individ uality, to allow of told repseductiod. To those who heard him ¢ on that night of April 18 the speed) will re- quire no recalling, and to thdse who dN not hear him there would be no substitate tn bare reproduction. - Ti thé moment of action it mattered nothing to him that bis previous prepa- rations were to a great extent rendered by th's news that had come with such paralyzing ¢ffoct. In the swooping consciousness of his own Ability be found added joy in the free- dom 'it opened vp. He ceased to con #06 that by rate he wad RICHHveree that great moment he k himself sutficlently a man fo excreise whatever individuality instinct prompt: edi. He forgot the didactic iethods by which he Lad proposed te show kmowl- edge of his subjdct, both as pst and a future factor In Duropesn politics. With hls own strong appreciation of p t things be saw and tion of a has Frasped t Chilcqts tancep struck him with. full, many vision of * 4 Je of Fraide's message he vast present Interest bing hand, Yor fifty minutes he held of the house, speaking ins! after he hi Bly glance. got, neglocttol of his notes, his elbowe "07 xesting on the desk, bia face 3 Tegsly. ngly ox fa CE SL ;: ond ot fooling that no etiguette, od d 1 Powertut enobeh fo quell, Lazo shined bis peat. vary pals, bu ® el as men dre exalted only onde Of twies ta a lifetime, it rose dbout liim-sciamaty bid, spontaneous, undeniable.' it hand Wore the faces of his patty, éxbf ed and triumphant; across the be wete the faces of SelBoroifgh ministry; uncomfortable and fis The tumnuit swelled, then fell sway, and In tbe partial loll that follow: Fratde leaned over the back of fils seat, His quiet, dignified o¥pression wis dik niteved, but his eyes were intensely) bright. "Chilcote," he whispeged, "1 dort Sori gratulnte yon or myself. I congriftia {ate the oountty on podvessing a grea manl' b The remaining features of the ae bate followed quickly ome upon the other. The electric atmospheres of thd house Sokasivert a wiring incenttvé, awe. Imei Loder's Shit nd subsided, the foreign affairs rosé' and red 4nd nonincriminating. reply ds 3 the nttitude of the govergment. H Nort came ['raide, who, [1 one of mre and polished speeches, ' touc with much feellnug upon his grief at tho news reported from Persad: and made emphatic indorsement of Loe der's words Following Fralde came oné of twa dtsrentient Liberals, ond then Sefber ough himself closed fhe debate. Hig {upon him In a flood of security and con- | rigidly tn Chiicote's place, watched | fldence---a strong realization of the tem- | yey suppressed inquiry the faces of | scanned, carried the | | ] tive, bound by traditional comwvention: knew apeech was masterly and fluent; though any disquietude he may have felt was well disguised under a tone of feassuring case, the attempt to rehme' bilitate bis position--already wetkenad| {n more than one direction--Wits & tal beyond his strength. Amid extraordinary excitement te vision followed, and with it a wove ent defont. It was pot untill half en hour, the votod had been taken (hat Lodesy freed at last from persistent congrates lations, found opportunity to look Eve. Ia accordance with & gromisd made that morning. Be was fo nd waiting outside the ladies' gallery af the close of the debate. He E Disengnging himeelf (fin (he grou of men who had surrounded and fel loved h!m down the lohby, he asseard:! ed the lift and ran pp the Aarfow stats. case. 'Reuching the linding, he' forward hureiedly. Then wifli & abrupt movewent he paused. Im doorway leading to the gallery wad walting fof hiui. The plade pot brightly lighted, wl shé was ing tn the shadew, buf it ceded only glince fo assure bis toc could almost have seen 'th the dark thal: night, so wivid were his perception& He took a step toward her, then agafs be stopped. In a second glance he izod that her eyes were bright tears, and it was with the shenont sensation he hnd ever experienced the knowledge flashed upon him. i alee he had struck the same long coveted note of supremacy. It rung out fell and clear as he steed Chlleote's place dominating the hou it had besieged him clamorously as passed nlong the lobbles amidia sed friendly hands and volceg; now fi i quiet of the deserted gallery ft came] bome to bin with deeper meaning front, the eyes of Chilcote's wife, Without a thought he put out hands and cought hers. { ai ¥ o "I couldn't get away," he sald. afraid I'm very late." With a smile that scattered her Kvé looked up. "Are you? shé laughing a little. "1 don't knoW wha the timo is. I scarcely know w! 1's night or day." Sti holding one of her hands, drew her down tho stairs, but as they! reached the last step she released bef fingors.' "In the curifage." she sald, with wt other little laugh of nervous hap At the foot of the stairs they surrounded. Men whose faces barely kpew erowded about him. TE intoxication of cxcltemvent Was still Mf the afr--thé lustinct. fhat a new had made itself felt, a new ork 8 entered upon, stirred pro the Ph of ty they came une} iy upon Fralde and Lady. 'Burgh rounded Ly a group of friends. 'old statesmen came forward Iwtentll and, taking Loder's arm, walked nim fo Chilcote's walting- H Be said Qittle as they slowly their way to the carriage, but the sure of his fingers was temse unwonted color showed In Me When Eve and Loder bad fakon y Heats, be stepped to the edge. of thi] Zarb. They a oy au volceg and traffic coming to continvous rise and fall of uta AY first the position was george J as the seconds followed 'eel iota beeama irksome. Lode, watching thé varytag expressions of Eve's oi A grew impatient of iy, gréw wud- denly eager to be alone again in {He