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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 3 Oct 1912, p. 1

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SHE . : Rn on 7 IT 18 EASIER 0 MISTAKE 'ObE " [Terus:~-$1 Prr Avi -- 5311 YEAR, No, | P ORT PERRY, ONTARIO WHOLE No. #408 D. ARS university , M.B, ember or the Culiede of | aT os iE Quite Dou't you think 84, Lennle?® = Qh, quite," Kaine agreed, - AR #They seean that it's so, very h mcd yet so yery subtle, Mr. Chill A EE Lt abst toutt 1 thought the plece was.seitous" A "gerioust" Lilliss - #4 ! = A = Fomor TE any BL «jotm" she said quickly, bui op ; Lilian waved her fon once or 4 na) gmvRcH pL ASCENEOR. 4. Bo hE "with a : "Love Is th stooped to pick Ww Distive,* che ssid. - . Mow, tbo balsuchmg--iho adjusting of Offiso and Residence, Queen Sti, Port Pecty | 0 or BAER, 10 a 10 um; 1to3 pm a ain oN § PORT PERRY BRANUR plght of his Loder noticed both voice and gesture. | tmpressiod und inspirations, of all By Ap Ny i ah se, open night' Holy Communion, 1st Sunday of each . H. G. HUTCHESON, Manager. . : hed Cut of Chilcote's | "What 1s 1t?' he sald. "What were iis desire, hnd flowed beck in full | processes fa life, the most Jolicately 4 aphone in office a oovbrcted | Wedd of; 20d sol sh uday. of, Coch ost | Branches abo nt Blackstock (R. Hl. Manager), Bowmanville, Reoollin, Claremont {Chilcote's eyes Loder | you going to say? [ masure; fine Tho simple sound of the word' ith iid rondanu of 6, L. an, V8: 57 FS Sate She 4 + Hentletpu Stations OB Hy Ges me Monster), Gala, 3 er © Mibelt and under the shock | Dut she made no answer. For a sec- | pve, watching him attentively, pated "love" coming at that precise juncture. 35 yg Sa 'R. 0. CHURCH. g EE RET of revelatiod taken decisive action. | ond longer sbe searched for the violets, I's ttle. "Yes, she said, "Fm 'gining | Chomged the whole current of Lodet's But io the' thought. 1t fell lio a weed, and like. subsequent to that | then ne be bent to assist her she stood with the Rramfella" 3 RISTER, &c. 5 BAR an of the J SSENSED, AUCTIONEER. for the hard Sug, dssor to ul gen (20 1ane | ha County of dutaria. Sale Regieter- at { at his own offices of the . ML. + | the Ousynvir Othe Patron li . ) i rooms ready Port Pesty, - Ont. sare seis Bankers and Brokers. Bad fourd id. sia or eutreat and dMcctive han any at his command Port Perry, Nov. 15, 1604, etre rome TE REY bn RICHARDSON, } een action tha ible, nner voice had up quickly and laughed--a short, em- | « " a seed in ultraprodoetive soll, it bore B pu # whispered' ngly, sootbing hie | barrassed langh. | hie SB Tr ae | frutt with amastuz rapidity. - WMH. HARRIS, BAL se Tr Pa CRNA wounded & m, rebullding stone | "Ilow abourd and nervous I am!" 8be on Tue sang of self still sounded { The word ftself was small and the JOS. BAIRD by stone thes ple of his egotism, un- | exclaimed. "Like a schoolgtrl instead triumphantly, ad We ded with. | ToEnveT tn which it was spoken tivialy z but Loder's mind was aifrocted and 'Chilcote, panie stricken | had burst into hid plead or to coerce he 'need for either coercion ly.a power more subtld out reflection. held by St. The leat time It bad med? ¥ ! SE ee Spa pre his exvs his environment bad been will passed through 20 IR kD vastly diferent, aud this echo of 1 In sen oF tear. Her Ui rted tn de) gn uncongenial atmosphere stung bna o » dies 1p8.oa, Pre | ¢, resentment. The vision of Lve, MONEY TO LOAN. > eh = : Private Funds at 4 per cent, tila or re Loder had prepared for hls tom: be, clare) siivEile ot hee | the thought of Live, became euddenty rete MONEY TO LOAN © |Sxgsrio ins a al lB prereered SET TEET, vy quiescence afore his appeal had been hile Bee you 1 "Lover be repeatad coldly! "Bo Jno. W. Crozier, I HHH : meade. It wa# the fruit of this prepara! f | love ls the motive?" ; tion, (he Inevitable outcome of it. that Again sho was about to speak. SBE | .y.,~ Tis time it was Kaine who PRI 3 | ned forward, as if some thought |. 1,040 in his methodienl, contented strengthened his step and steadied his ong suppressed trembled on her Ups, | voice. "The mollve of the play is ARmIsTER, SOLICITOR, CUXVEYANCER, Ru ee E (4 per ent upwards--British Capital.) ey &e. Office at residence, 6th Con. hand. ag ted the steps and Rbach (one mile west of Port Perry,) ae Tops bE drat oa Poon of Waa Roube hen ber cournge or her desire falled | fave, us Lillian says. And when was Morsy To LOAN. ow | MN S U R A MN Oo E on that eventfiil afternoon. |: sor. Bbe leaned back, letting ber lashes love ever serfous in a three act com a? L 2d leek re in St F The dignity the afr of quiet edlidity; | Soop over Ler eyes. "I shall be home edy--on or off the stage?' He leaned B. FAREWELL, K.G, LLB. County ge- ay ence Impressed as It never falled to dd | # 11," abe suid below ber breath. forward fn Lis seat, screwed in his as he cross 'the large hall and ascend- | | Lodor dined with LaReley at Chit eyeglass and lazily scanned the stalls. ote's club, and so absorbing were the The orchestra was playing a [uns Cro¥m Attorn , Barrister, County Sol- Mo: ) Gdns td SE | cto 15 the Owen Sous REAL ESTATE citor, &o., Notary © yar i 5 gd d the stalphesfhp same stairs that he | Dfice--South wing Court House, Whitby, | Wis Jere Co. Ltd., and am z had passed gin almost as an outcast | wiitical interests of tire hour--he res | coiqan dance, Its erratic harmontes Oh ee lt rey d to Sopply this whole ' . wr { . not so mang re before. He was fill- | gnation of Sir Robert Sefborough, the | and wild alternations of expression 3 WIRE FE with the very BEST Bax riage py teens C8 ed with the sense of things regatned. | ps SHBDOY NE 02 Praide, the prob» | tulling abruptly across the pinks and Ww A SANGSTER X ENCE produced on this Belief In his: éwn star lifted him, as it eatures of ihe pew ministry--thal | yo." the gilding ud lights of the . . i ' Coatinent and at prices that can ' had done &'hundred times before tn | | ie o'clock when at last he | preci, conventional theater. Bowe. 3 ndings, | mself and drove to the Arca thing mn the suggestion of unfitness, not fail to satisfy purchasers. = Agents CPi Be Ere. The DitLoN Fence i : peer. It 1s the BEST Bs without = | tion came to Bim. Then, reaching the | fexibl i ST beeauseitis| head of the rs, he turned directly | exible; it 1s a square thesh ; itis a sitting room and, gaining i \ 0 sa" Gold Fillings, Bridge and Crown | perfect hinge-stay fence, therefore By ; | the coor, ed. The strength of hig | Work a Specialty. Vitalised Air. [tas impossible to bend the slays, | eagerness, qnick "beating of bis -------- |infacttis the best fence made is | pnise as hegfalted for a response, sur? { ES, | tself with its gay gliding, its pal His voice as well fs tis expression this or any other feed Bt ne y other country, prised him," He bed told himself mavy "Then I dm forgiven?" he satd. DR. R. L. GRAHAM BOILS, SWOLLEN GLANDS, BLOTCH a St ones of plak and Live. It was the eb | peg changed. Ile still spoke qulieily, | mes that pasalon, however slong; | o¢ 5 woman of twenty-four. You must ypg of 4 din £ world word poe theater. % .. | appealed to Loder. It was tho force | 2 od io fusly cdm® to him 84 | of the real as opposed to the ideal we entered the theater--light, measured | yin a pew expression on his face, nusic suggestivo of tiny streams, t0J | pe turned again to Kaine. ambe and painted shephordesses. Il | «aja how does it work?' he sald. | tounded singularly {nappropriate to hit | wrpiy treatment that you flud so-- nood--as inappropriate as tbe theater | pench? NENTAL SURGEON. his steps as the sensi: Office Howrs--9 to 12 a.m, 2 to 6 ph. Also open Saturday evenings, Before purchasing i 7 $ asing a Wire Fence | p> Bucokssor To Dr. FD. McGrartan {don't [ail to inspect the D " PIMP , AND ALL SKIN AND BLOOD DISEASES | would neve agen conquer as It bad | jn mo to be sensible" Her cheeks | a | but be spoke With interest. Ue was DENTIST Faunce. dni vy ARE COMPLETELY CURED BY THE gone to hghta ago, und the tact al | ye) burned, Ler manner was ati) ex | hgnist, JON Hindu AN Saou no npn! send of Hy oI os had thos cal y to Eve't ve ' | ness; fresh chord had been ' J. H. Bro NEW METHOD TREATMENT "t | ctted, like ove who bolds ap emotiod | It was the Interval betw { | mcasinesa; a fresh chord wad be PURT PERRY, -- -- ONT.|Deatur ix omen i eh sia sk zoom wisi his gd a proof et or nn Jmpulse at bay. | 1nd "second STE eel ad T | struck tn his mind, snd Lis curtosity Bd : | ants avo MacHingry, Ll - a Co et oe Sh Divessa | or iptation gould be dared. Nover Loder looked at her dheertalnly | wodow, and Lode's a bad rfesponded to It. For the frst " att at AGHINE RY wink a | our New Iethod Sr evarzneed loss thers Sin® something Atsconcerting | «po he began atreab with his odd, y | time 1t occurred to him tint love--tha As Matra, 7 fa ev ~ SBEAGRKYE TOR ; J perseverindes but 61S | won ot volces nnd rusting skirts, Xo | gq, neers, mysterious garlen whosa 2 5 » Apri 6, 190s. . rom & » sl ¥ Via voles i es. Tr : [ion in-upon' By - ths: mumnur of 6 | otha bed so padden'y "irctched ont DENTIST, ps El whether hereditary or sequired, our cama m, giving permission to en- fustantly ecitecked him. There Wis | ment amused laughter. Later, as his asia pean re Offive ever the Pont Office ; en = x i ea ei Lg A nt tor, . sod for nto steady finality, n faint suggestion of fear, ID | greg grew accustomed to the light, he i peforerhis own fest--wis R please x ous In the expel em from tho \] e v I 1n5r PORT PERRY id Rystery, Our vast expericnce in tho treat: himself, LTren, with sudden decision, ber protast, - distinguished the occupants, two wo | Fo Rn goireiany} Aad 5 ¥ p mont of thousnnds of the most serious snd & 3 3 "Don't! she said. "Don't! I don't | pen and a man. The men was Kk | an. infinite nun of Ile was All branches of Deutiktry, including 3 couplicated .cascs enables us to perfect a he the door end wulked Inte | ony explanations. 1 want to--to en- no; a8 spelt | ig by the d (iirougy C nd Bridge Work successfull i curo without expsrimenting, We do business the 19d } bz os ho enterad, and the story be . Sak Town 'an 3 y= le K on the plen--Pay Only for the Benefit You joy the moment without having things a relatit | another entra practiced. ; ¥ Derive, "If you have any blood disease, con- The b wore partly Gruwn, ther$ | goalyzed or smoothed away. Can't you wag relating wos evidently Interesting | yo geerot, wliuring b Artifical Tooth on Gold, Silver, Aluminum § : sult us Free of Charge and lot us prove to stent of violets tn the alr, and & . aa? ; 00 | trem tho fulnt exclnmations of qUeS | oor gtnpdpoiut. lie Zul! r Mates. you how quickly our remedies will remove » \ walerstand? Can't you see that I'm | pon and delight that punctosted it si dpoin vi : OF: Hud JET ix nated, : ell evidences of disease, Under the infludace leq warmly In the grate. HF | wiidertully, terribly happy to--to have | ine listeners higher, £0 tercst for the suswer Fillings of Gold, Silver or Cement pin | ot the Now Method Treatment 110 sinde s things carefully, telllng | yoy as you are! Azaln her voles | an gher, softer voices. For a second or two Kaine coutinned Painless extraction when required: x heal wp, evlrged Slants ire reduced, fallen at n man should always be | Loken break tbat might have been La pi -- Mina pr vl tn survey tho houes: then his eyeglass 5 . : : out hair grows in again. the eycs become He n 3 clatmed Leonar ne, for it was : Ta ort 3 3 $7: Piices fosuiL the tiniesT®) ~ bright, ambition and ener retro, aud the a ol Cai a laugh or a sob. A Ihe danent tn 16 gropped from his cye, and he turned --_-- saad Pim realizes & new life Las opened up to g The sound was an ernotional crisis, party | round. N th 0 + ni 0b © YOU CAN ARRANGE TO PAY AFTER DE , Ail Yi fo as such a sound Invariably is. It ar "Tbe fovdlutionaty, Lennie" Lilitas «po understand the thing," be sald. fOU ARE. CURED Al opecircumstancethal | rogted and stesdled ber. For a mo Te +f ) uy | pleasantly, "you must have road the or Mario S61 ver 8 You oy {standing in the window, bed | y,ont she stood absolutely still, thea corrected softly. "Bramfell says be pe Have you road the book i" A Weekly Politi 1. Agricultural h / : CONSULTATION FREE @ light, her face towsrd him | with something very closely resembling has changed the whale faco of things. | "No, Mr. Kaine Mary Evseltyn ins eekly Political, Agricultural and beating faster and an v, She laughed softly and meuningly at o " tte uit ; Send for Booklet on Diseases of Men her old repose of manner she stooped | : terrmupted, "Mr hilcote hasn't read Family Newspaper Sen GOLDEN MONITOR" Bird 4 ensation In his brafn, be mov- | goin and quietly picked up the fiow- | she closed her fan. "So good of you te | pox" 13 UUBLISHED AT aw : ed fo holding out Lis band. 1 Ivic } at come, Jack," she added. "Let me In | (ao laughed. "Outline tt : i 3 i 5 If unablo to call, write for a Question List he sid below bia breath. ers still bt 1g 22, her i : troduce you to Miss Esseltyn. I don't Lillian lac ed. : Out! i He story fOoRT PFEEXY, ONT. J returning thanks to the public for t h for Home Treatment Now," she sald quletly, 1 must say think woh ot This | | for him, Lennie" she sald 1 love ta ay , > TINE patronage extended to me for over ot remained motionless. Ashe gynat I've wanted to say all along. Mok you {Wo have met. ta 18 Mr | coo ther people taking palis" Pp EVERY THURSDAY MORNING ¥ Sb oCEd g v bh a glanced at Chilcote, Mary--the vat, new Mr. years, [ world respectfully intimate tha ¢ 2 ! the room she had glanced at [iow does it feel to be a great man? | ¥ gre k "|" Kaine giaaced nt her admivingly. 3 ; " : «mn, as usual, now ready for business, aud RS. = e of quick, searching Que = ier manner was controtled, she looked | Clileote" Again sho laughed. | "Well, to begin with," he sal! amlably, Loder bowed and meved to the front | . ional bi of 4 Ist mill ET ding Kino be | "two men, ar art and a lionaire, | with equa! suddenness "8 o¢ him evenly and directly; save for d ber eyes. As he drew clog® tho faint vibration ln her volce there y she rematned Immovable. yg nothing to indicate the tumult of a he sald again, "T wanted 8; oment ago. wanted to explain about yes: But Loder was stil uncertain. He | exchange ves. See?' SE "You ma resunie that he doed soe, "It's only for an hour," he ctplained Lennie" Yn to Lilllan. "I bave an appointment for "Right! Well, then, as 1 say, these, H. PARSONS Te Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St, Detroit, Mich. PERM. --81 por anu, if paid inadvance; not $15 Large & Assor ted Stock gg ROTICE © All letters from Canada must be addressed will be eh: 0 subscription taken for fess to our Canadian Corre ndence De; t- n si ths; and discou rk ax months, wed no paper discoutinaed | ox py rLE AND SINGLE HARNESS emesmmswemswsm ment in Windsor, Ont. If you desire to wnt] arrears ure ap | JETTEAS contain When addrawed to this | Which I am doterrined to scil very CHEAP see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we sce and treat d about this morning." He A | - | ' ! oD: ! E I ER eoelorel with an As an inducement 16 Casy purchasers | 55 Badenty, io our Winder oiics Which are for Correspondence and Sddonty disturbed. Tis tor canght ber band, his eyes searching | Pein over ROR sow wrktal bigs Whi ie i es. d Cana ly. follows: hers. Y J ) as ind to ul arnnces ong q ADVERTISEMENTS mcasared by Nonpariel, aod Titan | y ) ; ahoratory for an business only. Address all letters 8s HR reont [IA Re | Hedos b5 hogan. Thom erat T Setutiay sty Lemme? ] we ns Bh 0 2 2 Spon s oH 4 Charged a0cordiiig to tho space. they 0GCupy- «fd HE ia 0 ! fa - DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Windsor, Ont. t sight of Toat ji chap'. the 'other chep-and 'he oliap ADVERTISEMENTS received tor publication, with: 3:93 iW 1 Write for our private addrecs. jad surged up 8t Sight of | Tyan Fvo played the last card in her | Lilltan looked round at Haine with 8 | chap's the firut chap. Sco?" rec 2 cation, with 4 SR | e > EEN. Junctions, wid be tuerted nti | will bo allowed on all Sales from now nntif Sop © fers, unquenchable | pygterious game. Laughing quickly | Mmgeriog, caressing glance. | Loder laughed. rowly ¢ fn . forked ans charged ucoinin ar advertise. Juv. 1st next. All work being Rve"-- he began 8galn | on nervously, she treed her hand and | He bent toward her fn quick re | pterest was enhsuced by t Fs abrupt tone, | lid it over bls month sponge and answered In no whisper. | amugerous ground. ft wag that Eve showed | xo ghd sald. "Not one word! All | Sue laughed and replied In an equally | «yell, they change for a lark, of a fresh light. From bls ol (his past fortnight has belonged te | 10 tone. y | course, but there's one fact thoy both tp tbe room she bad stay you; now It's my turn. Today is mine" Loder, to whom both remarks bad sverlooked. They're men, yop Know, | | A LIBERAL discount allowed to Merchants and other gg¥ MADE BY HAND} °,. % 7 EET bi Rfsesiipe Dy chp your gs hall Fos and no factory work kept in stock, the : Establish 4 R a % ¥ THESE tokisé will io oll onsos ha strictly adhersd Lo | super rity of my goods will at once become : Ea shed a Record. JOB DEPARTMENT. apparent, ) he What id hee on? whet you pro gave for her first glance of | Toe aa been inaudible, dropped Into the VRCAB! | 3nd they forget these little things!" Prophtets Hand Bills, Posters utending purchasers will find that by i 3 a \ ; opt pole TNS Chen (RINNE W's Rall before looking elsewhere PORT PERRY | "She hung her head and was sfient a _ CHAPTER XXX seat bovido Mary Boson. To ba | Ge Jeughed doiighiedly. "Toy over : " wet they oan be suited In quality and price, my . for several minutes. And that is the aol Lar tne vHouts' IND so. once again, the wommn | °° OU eoling tha 39 WEN | oor the fact that ouc of 'em bas got Lester Heals, odding Tovitations, | Jong explrience in the trade bheliig an indis ; TT only time. L have gyst Known het to bag a 5 : aver vos: In» | Mt {ailing out exactly as he bad cal | 3 witer® Blank Forifé! Toosipt Books Business Casta | putaule gutrantee that perfect sutisfactios I ony thanking the public for the grant "for geyeral - tmigutes."--Detrolt Tht Le Bad yavuel) am tenvcas wers, whatever she | '2i°d- There was a crach of mr rom the Booka Ciroulars, Asseiubly ards, wil be ven'by any urticle purchased. liberal aiconnge faorived orig the I'ree Press. RES her low ber quiet, serene ezie Ra Ts avade of ward off, | "What Is the play like?' he hazarded | prohestra. 'Loder sat straighter In bis a ry 1: verthing "in my line: of bnsiness kept many Jpore Ri key a very I o sh . 2 dak \ ; he up lke a flame within | she was successtul in galuing her end. | 28 ho teoked toward his companion. Al | jeat. He was conscious that the oed Visiting Oards, Le, + | constantly on hand and repairs neatly aud | mentiu Port Perry, Thuts wot bIeeare iv Pi Jos things are Wuminated. | p= TC So Co houts she kept Lo- | 811 times soctal trivialities bored DIM | bad rushed into his face - promptly attonded- to, announcing that I have removea iiss 6 Story. fick gesture, she turned to- dor at ber side. There may have been | Tonlglit they were intolerable. He had «Oh, lndeed?" he aid quickly. "Ons i ir ay a : : a as poy Fore Patiys Don, JOHN ROLPH. MY LIVE RY | | mgr ne ---- ; 0 --_-- ee "Well, can yoo & secre I] +n Par lomo distance ing 3 . to my former place of business "Sure." i a oF Some wih them EUROPEAY JG WwW at e r S tr e et 4 oily 1~Ulk, : i) PARSONS, | THB 4E ALR Todents prom A Geepening | |. ts in these two hours when the | COC to fight, but all at once it seemed of them had & Wife? pauenty 2s {d--*1 under tension was high, wien the efforts she | that there was no opponent Lilltan's "Pxnctly!" Agin Kame chinckled. a an er | made to nteros' and hold him Wea [ji Tote distri IBID, er caretest | "And the pofat of the Joka ls {tnt the R18 enough to. 806. You | somewhat strained. But If this was eo | graclousness, her evident ignoring of | wife Is the least larky persca under the ye ? g FOU | it escaped the notice of the one person pm i ons might ee nething | sun. Soe?" "| concerned; for ft was long nfter tea | UU: %3%0 ght mean mueh, A second bot wave nassad ever Lo-. surprised. Remembering | oq heen served, long after Eve naa | 'Ttise 870d play," sha responded. "I | yor'a tnce. A sense of rental disgust 3 Forel ton. penance for lier monopoly | Ie. It better than the, book, Youw'¥e | giied him. This, then, Was. ie hd cs! 0 "him by driving him to Chileote's | Ad (he book, of courser" ful garden seen from nkoiber mtu. ve cast. upon if, hits d "No" Loder tried bard to fix hit pout! Ho looked from Lil graces: | which Iam sbont to 'largely extend in-| The stone sharpens knives, but is facilities eo at He | | be: gull itseif.~Plutarehs a 5 A jate scene and. tha i Fl ne AHR R168 AT Mn *, Sea Clack, of te Third | fice in Peot Office | Dress ISHES to inform the ladies! Licensed Auctioneer, Valuator, &c. | afresh and: Mantle Maker GEO. JAUKSON, |&g 3 > 3 DERA om r A " So Mails Close a, a an | club, that Loder realized with ary de- MOD. 5 TR ae GES een * i # be doiibtrully received, | gree of distinctness that it was she and thoughts. tu}, skoptieal and shallow, to ihe young RB. VANSIOKLER. The mails are despatched from the Poy of the reception left hip, od girl beside him, so frankly modem ia . i interview; tbat it was sho and not he "Indeed ?* He plc] up thé pro Going North-- 9.008. m. fitocd wife. PL vebe gramme lying on the edge of the box. 3 Going South--11.20 &. m. esire and deprecia |! B Qtrect! His ears were stroined to catch the | was love &s seen I the eyes of the jpn Beha five ction to danger | oY flilan's voice us she faughed world--the world thot accepts, judges 'Produce M WILSON & SO longer before ho realized tho f "Yes; med exchanging lor future. With an ger before ho rea o far more ¢ {Baablished 184), , i d ay to A potent fact that without coldness, | KRW." | from bia face. : 3 : De vio had taken tho lead 1p their | 1t8 amusiyg, bat far fetched" Port Perry, Jane 21, 1900. Office Port Perry as follows : jve's manner was Bot who had bridged the difficult silences | Ber appreciation of Nfo. This. thea ASA A C iia ; X FH ! < Going North-- 5.15 p. m. tion, wer ggestive of his ow: , " 8) ood Acomint. | Miss Harrison, + Uoing Sonth--10 p.m. ardent sel rey ena ons chmnele of 15k, TT, wud Jong be- | whispered with Keine, ° and condemns 1a A slang phrase of, 3 J! y . | fore he recogalzed this, but it was still : £5 ani i 10attitieq, yeu | two! Very slowly the blood receded without any lesseulng of the subtle He looked wp nnd eanght Re BAS | -ogon fro BE cowrmmoEn.] j [SSUER OF MARRIAGE | Ey LICENSES : is > A y , ; y "Ih ven Ang consideration she always showed him, " : a da, Ri that she has 'moved to the' ron Tiin COUATY OF ONTARIO AND TOWNSIII en lpn be She Lind given him no further opporto- wo re ghug, on Ro waid, etna Sopige Reoalk oti Port PERRY, ONT. Xa rooms jormerly occupied by ber OF CARTWRIGHT, nity of making love. es Fi) Ja | ate WY ain {over Mr Flint's Ding Store. where NW sas at this the commencement of tarted Talking continuously, elated with the anger cropt | = No 2 she is prepared to execute all or: | another Auaith Sale to re. 5 all the A hting sense of conflict still to come, he drove on a a seemed | pli dis (his Tay. Seve | ders for Dress and Mantle Making Sire Rot a ous Jatsoby at bad} ar two nights ago With her to the club. Considering that | yet Lian had brought him. there to | ee S Jager } in a manner unsurpiss 24 v i lace she was pos- (drive in the light of sfier events, BI | hove that she Had finished with him, had i ent Ferdy away last night, and Correctness of Style A RLS excitement that ' yon frame of mind invariably ited cast him aside, havi aod Mm Ho the | dow I'm sorry."--St. Louis Post-Dis 7g . ness Cha 7 i ad % | nim with incredulity. In the eyes of day's excitement ae s used her patch. 2% 4 and Charmng. fect. o sensation, took ' py cane man his position was pot Povdies, her Perslan cats, her crystal "Then 1 &m | worth an hours purchase, yet in the | Gasinz. All at once the lmpotency and .. . ¥he Leng, Long Ruf. % blind self confidence of the toment he uacertainty of his position goaded hii, | w) pelleve honesty pass io the long " 3 | *Qur charges ate consistent with more softly. the value givem. "AGE promptnsss | rted aa he spoke, | would not have changed laces with | Turntug swittly a Lis seat. he glanced A Port Perry, April 1, ns : Rg ote 9] d : hy pn quiver, and when | rvqiqe himself. The great song of self back to where she sit slowly @waying | «go do 1, but 1 often wish it were nob Sod : 3 plica Y fo flash Sd head their eyes | ug gounding in his ears as be drove ber fan, ber pale, golden hale and her | goon 4 mighty long rua. : y ! through the crowded sfreets, cl pale colored gown delicately sithotetted | gecord-Herald: He of the cool, crisp alr, af Eye's close | against the background of the box, presence, of the numberiess infioitest- | "What's your idea of the play, Lik |. ™ mal things that went to make up the Man? be satd abruptly. To his own npn] valuo of life. It was tila acknowledg- | ors {here was & note of challenge. in 2 still pant of personality that upheld him-- om o bunch of ¥10- {n' personality, the power that had | Ste looked arownd Tanguidiy,. hier belt had fallem gginied hin undwervingly through elev. | fs, quite empstng" she BAM.

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