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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 3 Oct 1912, p. 4

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RE 3 « £508 . on : MOST (SAVED BY FAH lz emu or Sa al E 3 | > i 4 CRE : army | NOT HOW BY WORKS |". aiming co wi : uted Comlelely By} ee ESSFUL er alan bi SW utr Sk Si % i Clit 1s Not of Yourselves; It Is 2,000 This at MEBICINE! the Gift of God. 'arulous, ad it is sta that the train was i Fh ' "| 'Mend of Manufactu ers' 'Associatic e show of horses was ex: . rr | rate of about 50 miles : 'Adother example of tho. marvelous | Tells Farmers' Organization That grand asto quality while Known Paster Russell Points Out That Pres. i sNews of the s¢ei : Dr. Hamilton's Plils oomce It Is Not : ider'a He t t as thoroughly repre. 2 Al Over The World | ent Ags 4 the Faith ret a De X h or fom (ha 14 and Svieiping La a NR ) A i | : sented ae renyIchoise animals --Known Only For The Will Ba the Are of Worke--Address Scone Zul ihe woik § tg.sound } 3 hi | in: Favor of Britain at So Short -- ere. ak i Good It Has Done. to a Large Convention of Bible es hy Cf ry 0 1 was.taken su Notice--Willing to Oonier: : HORSES gr i | Studants. lit was found that Mis ys 7 %o| Ottawa, Sept. 27.--Without a dis- : MPORTED DRAUGHT We know of no other medicine which | Ha juries were fatal, she WB d. feel senting voico the Canadian Manufac: ié 1 T! has been sd tal i Fine b Halifax," N. 8. {1 0)y and paralyzed 4 wo imported and Registered Can- 80 Buccessful in relieving the | @ Sapt. 2. -- Pastor el nally 1 Aad y : dade turers' Association: yesterday endors- 3 il Mnadien Clydesdale and Porch suffering of women, or received =o many | Russell addressed her back is broten. g ed the attitude of President Curry as ! to have an Bratton ran Stone. | Paka opewals Coron a fires Chrention | 5 Sy Col shoo bi ol 6, 807A, Thu | Dbaton bow 5 efor sept : -- Stone. inkham's Vegetable Compound. CRT o 5% while go J h e Grain Growers' Guide asking that |. ion | censors : Qne-year-alkl Entire Colt--1 Jos| In nearly BE rormity oh will 3 HN ie their injuri e : . | the association declare for a duty on pon veel. 3 and "act 1 at any Stone, 2 Jas Rennie. find women Who have been restored to | 3 Gl closest - attention. pao Piston ! Ir % Dilue oan 1 British goods equal to ouly helf that theatre in: the Dominion by any x One year-old Gelding or Filly--1 | health by this ferous medicine. Almost 3 §| We report ove of a ie materit vo oh ea My doctor said T had Incurable Int on imports from the U. 8. President Kv AA reir | fhe d rees from ony e jority wen - y Curry, in addressing the convention, | John A McTaggart, 2 Wm \\ rigit. | every woman you meet kiows of the ] 41s hi hy pense with hospital atien 4 digestion. hope I used Df. Hamilton" said he thought the messagé was part Two year-old Entire Cuit--1 Geo great good it has been doing among suf- | we vey ' Juries being attended | Pi ii oY Hamilton's | of a political ame. 'His reply was: f 1 g - i Miller. ering women for the past 50 years. through faith, and {oI houses, ] me good and continued the treatment. | 'The Grain Growers' Guide Winni- CANADIAN DRAUGHT Fox Creek, N. B.--*'I have always. that not of your. | Engineer Juend i: Re | My ape ih $y on ! i 55 / : ¥ og was with e mn, | p i p : Stan Frsca Wan Doser | bod pune te an odo work PERT SO wiry Mgr! io Contr TL eh oh |i an seni te ne : fe | | R: RUSSELL] 9.8 | thet the train was gof i of 1 hey it All | Growers' Guide, dealing with the twa Brood Mare---x Albert Martin, 2 | §& Sov: men Nia lores - i 5 _ Jand asserts that the and nQiges- | lions first, Ca ada Joyal vs ness in my stomach. The speaker con = 5 a ha que , Canada's loyalty to Jobo Smith. : CR : 4 Lvdia E. Tinkham's | ceded that the subject of faith and ite) due to a defective red by a the Mothorland; second, the question ave, i old Sign or vy : VegetabloCompourd | X:1ition to salvation had beep oor, Sa Sav in : d hat of a larger preference British 1 Geo Thompson, 2 Milton Doble, ' E%d has Nore The .muth s.derably 'confused in the mi Jain 8 ; : g §¢ 3 W Baird. ' : good. Iam stronger, ; ear old Gelding or Filly--1 digestion i 3 ' C PR 4+ rgd. nr . £ ¥ HIRE : encouraged. meny, jg a an end. Doth "are How son Xo west of Bie die d, 'poi Cingston, Q gid LH eo 3 9) ig : bale d, 4 © Som wo \ \| mothers of families ' bs necessary. orks devoid o ; 1 oy 1H a 4 attitude of the €. M. A. on the | three field secretaries be «.ppointed un. LA to take it as it is the | could not be perfect nor in ady wa {not been fegarded 26 a dang he, Twenty Sve 27d Arrive. Hritish preference hus been set forth | der the generel secretary. One will best remedy in the world. You can pub- | acceptable to God. Faith without sll |e Teng By HY hel 1 3 © in resolutions and adopted after lon, 2 8 f Foeetved an austin? star r Montreal, Sept. 26..-- Cupid was a | interests involved. It believes that no ed that in co-operation with othe suqily w Saale) Long, | B5ent. which ia nob what" God re- | London and reached the scct Bt | a seoger on the Allan Liner Hes- | adeqteite consideration of such 4 | denominations, a social survey had' n inkham Laboratory at Lynn, | quires of those who would be footstep en hour after the eccident, but @ x ' isi] sweeping proposal th bodi been made in Montreal by a 1 3 M files Ny perian, which reached here last] 8 it proposal as that embodied | e in Mon y a lady ex. ass., aro files containing hundreds of followers of Jcams. Tho judgment of nll efforts traffic was tied up WESES Kk. In fact his. pres Sl in your telegram, received only 'this | pert from the United States. Much thousands of letters from women seek- | the Church detdrmines.far each mem- Chatham until a late hour Jaitight. | week. lu lact his: p seen wal morning in the closing hours of the | valuable information was secured re. convention, is possible. garding the 1m 1 conditions, labor H public dit mm "Broo re--1 Chas Knight, 2 | si 0 Gelding or Filly--1 | lish this in the papors."--Mrs. WiLLian the works possible to jt would not be A Fallowdown, 2 G Whittcr. 8. Bourqus, Fox Creek, N. B. Si ly el el I One year old Gelding or Filly--1 G Whitter, 2 S Chambers. | kin 19t2--1 L Pinkham, 2 " ing health, in which many openly state ber ify or dedth eternal--and 31 life, The damage to the diner an@i@ay {evident io Over a score of cases, but reside in the west, one in the east and careful consideration of the varied oné in Ontario. Dr. Moore report- over their own signatures that they have what the degree of glory, honor, Di: [coach was considerable, while th the steamship company made Bo | "If any organization or organiza- |p te and this regained their health by taking Lydia E. | Vive favor, "as star differeth from jbed was budly torn 'up. 48 effort to collect his fare, nor did the | tions, representative of all productions | evidence it is proposed to base further Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, many Star in glory. Thus Bt Jomes | Passengers on the wrecked BEMIN | (ins officials at the port make | in this, or both the middle and the action. + i oi i i were able to leave Chatham on : o 4 y of whom state that it has saved them points out that a faith which gives |¥ ik oe him undergq an examination. 14s | farthest West, desire a conference on A mora] survey will be made in Rynard. | from surgical operations. no manifestation to do good should joie train east from Chatham laf a & wolcomed by every. | ny matter looking to the advance. ' other Canadian centres also in smaller < Two year old Gelding or Filly--1 | EL dp = Lo mie iy feed til gag opi be | night. 3 i presen 0 bi { 4 Tall o v a ment of Canada as a whole, or as an | towns and as far as possible in the Montreal Grain And 'Product : G Hodgson, 2 J Rynard | First Train Run by Portable TEL ne) og Si s sight. He demon- 1 Bi one and added sateniady ee integral part of tae British Empire, | rural districts. MONTREAL, Sept. uel 9 i | | CARRIAGE OVER I5} HANDS pan of Horses --1 Jas Grant Brood Mare--1 John Lockie, 2 P 4%; teed dic. ® Sard N.W.. $1.50; No. 3 do.; 6.8 | a A aes : 3 3 it » par V v p was di Single. D CH Battery { So is J San the Knox Corner-stons Lai citemenl inci ental to a boat dock- | our association will gladly co-operate." A lively discussion took place over foes of 27 en ors 5 gle river--i1 epburn, 2 eh { Cs >! na a y remind a | Toronto, Sept. 27.--8it John G ing. I' rosy cheeked R. Gourlay of Toronto is mow | tobacco growing in southwestern On- limited owing to the continu and Brethour. : § Lin i DR oh righ ey Hed [the Lientenant-Governor of Of laces lua Aud Scotia, ail pros. | president of the Canadian Manniac. | tario. A riotion was finally adopted in the Winmpeg wit hi Pe 14 A W McCully, 2 J} ° : oo 2 Sos n pe bi en ly fuetified Tt | "well and truly laid yesterday pective brides, aud all comely and turers Association, with C. B. Gofdon | endorsing the action of the London 4c The local market for oats Femain ynard. ma geveni in the history of trans-j (fog By, rae required to demon | noon the corner-stone of what 3 8 ortation I ace ay when oy A i 3 me « «Coll presidents fo . On- | di tstri § and tl x ROADSTER OVER 15} HANDS | poriatisniiiook HIEEEL10 day when! gyrate bis faith by his works, even the sixth home of Knex Coli whitch Dun Cupid worked on hi phil ae praying ore On- | dists in the district to airive ty rey Flour {8 fairly active and steady a Span of Horses--1 JH Blanchard { 1"¢ first train 10 the world to bel thongh his works were imperfect and this city before a 1 rather Jig assage across the Atlantic. The bl Pras bY: 2 Diss she the dt of tobacco and to discour- gooq demand for local acoount, But, the Single Driver--1 A Pellowduwn, { operated by electricity generate] by | could mot of Ahemselves have justified | people interested in educat.on passage a ss in é . hey, ' fi ontreal ; anitoba, | age it3 use in every possible way. expor{ trade was quieter. 1 2 Jas Miller, 3 T Dryan | a portable storage battery was run him. ~ relicious work. The site of (DEERE | twenty seven maidens all came oat | J. A. Parkhill, Winnipeg; British Co- Brood Moi Jas miller, 2 Geo | from the Pennsylvanian Radroad{ , Pastor Russell declared the present + 3 4 ih vice- i : ', : . ¥ charming, was (he material on of Montreal, vice-president Vice | donferance, which urged all Métho- strong on account of the schrolty of - firm, Butter is quieter, but pr b+ | college building is on the west Ww get marnied, their prospreiive lumbia, A. O. Flemmerfelt, Vancou- Fifth Day of 0.J.C. Autumn Meet. 2ica%" There! wal mon ehquiry. ox | Age the Age of faith and the oncoming : : : ny cheese, but the volume Wie, I Go ops 5 he Univodin} "husbands having preceded thew to ih New Brunswick and P.E.I,, 8. E. Toronto, Sept. 27.--Fifth day of the {ng ts small. Demana for ntler S 0-10 Lhls Cysts +! nerd Mes 19 Kihg onto, and betweer vocatic i g en ; J ( { A Twd y RET THR L. 1, this aftecioon, a distance of -- "H sian § Bingdor iy Age | and the main building of the US J. the country by several months and katchewan, W. Georgeson, Calgary. | ing yesterday. Weather cloudy, track Corn--American No. , Jelew, : to Soy wo year old Gelding or Tilly--1 J ily miles. Ou board the train 0 a Es oe his Sag | sity. The proceedings of the a in seme instances by some years | Nova Scotia will be chosen fater: heaty. ny anadian western, 0. itn, 2 Dobie y of ey FEBS i harmony WALL | Go. presided over by Sir Mo The girls were going to all parsol| As a fittng climax to an eminently First race--Five furlongs, pursc _Barley--anitobs teed, 600 to 614; malts On 1d Geldi ri which consisted of six cars were | what Le had already shown in the | ; 4 A seal : J Ag 5 €e year old Gelding or Filly--1 | SA Ds Mesers, P, W. | Seriptarcs that this would not piean joie, foriner Lieutenant-Goveri the Do.ninion, sons as far we t as successful convention, the C. M. A. | $500, for twogear-olds--Paris Queen, in ieyheat--No. 2, Mo to Te. John Miller rhomas A. Hddison, Messrs. Do AV. | 00000 "corks are now required n the Province and chainosn Vancouver. Larce or foue impa- held a banquet last night in the Cha. | 1st; Oliver ge, 2nd; Loch Lomond, ur--Manjloba spring wheat patent Foal 1912--1 John Lockie, 2 Jas | Sothman, of Toronto; and F. Ww. at {n the J Age no faith ga teau Laurier at which fully 500 were | 3rd. Time, 1.02 8-5. firsts, $5.80; seconds, $5.30; strong e, s ] oc A 3 Miller, | Mansbendell of PW. Sothman &| be required. The stapdard or test ! kin, St. John; Alberta and Sas- | Ontario Jockdy Club's autumn meet Provisions fairly ac ticot and ardent swains were at the Srosent, wmong the honored guests 0 Wed 0 fislonas. pire : 7, Toro abou 3 i ROADSTER 15% HANDS AND UNDER | Comyany, I'oronto, and about on: | now is faith aod no works. The cans of ths famous multiple unit oes > 2 aa 4 ile : : ers', $6.10; winter patents, choice. At half-past two o'clock the fa Josh, ih 23 EI as passe i fe pes Rt. Boy R. i Berens em, i iwcrerrinls, foaled in Can- Firpeit JQ era, hihi ined } : fit Pa OER dg a of Als x {1 |the senate and the members d e girls of their choiceup towa an Sir Wilfrid Laurier, Hon. J. D. Haz a--Hearts of Oak, 1st; Maid of Rolled oats--Barrels, $5.05; bags, Span of liorses -- 1 Leonard | huadred gid LE Pane gles AR PI © Tho. Are wy board of management of Knox Ci were married. The rest started on | en, Hon. J. D. Reid, Hon. J. G. Do- | Frome, 2nd; Hollybrook, 8rd. Time, bi Bran, §23; shorts, $1; ods Lake trical epgtoz RL ratiroad men yg ference, he sald, was munifest: gathered 10 Convocation Hall, { their long journey across the cou - herty, Hom. A. E. Kemp, Johu Kirby, | 1.0986. ; es to $20; moullile, $30't0 Single Driver--1 Jas. McKee, 2 ofsis city s made up by the becausa of the fallen wndiion of be ures oie marched to the pe tient, but felt that with their ar- A A BELLE om bhi pare Saliobadon ne neg \7 | je train wa nade y entire raco none cou o perfec ol 18 college. val sey) a dial. gs ¥ 3: Abu re p, she- 3 i Vailenty be 3 Jos rosa: | Erie and Pennysylvania Railroads. | works now, and, il judged by iy Rev. Dr. R. P. MacKay ¢ ov) Dans thes ssl wabial The new president, Mr. Gourlay, oc- jechase--Bill Andrews, 1st; Young eet as 10, 18 ae to yt : es land left here at 3 o'clock, By all would be condemned ofresh. Hence |the opening devotional exercises . | most in sight. seu cupied the chair and acted as toast- | Morpheus, and; Wickson, 8rd. Time, Buttér--Cholcest oreamery, 5i%o to 5T%ey Yarling Foal sired by any Clydes. |*"° "=" W" 4 God now in dealing with the Church |sisted by Rev. Dr. John Neil und? a One "Heperian bride" was wed | master for the one tosst which was to | 4.18 35. . seconds, BR No. 3 stools «dale Stallion, imported or owned | 0 : on aon them to walk by faith and | Dr. John Eomerville. i ed last night. Miss Ceilla Johnson he Boe 5 / : Pi See fil farioned, purse 216 to Be. Jon : HD M Mcfarlane, Sonya--1 John | system the entire SIX ca ne P| not by sight. of Edinburg became he wife of Mr. one of the speeches was lenghty. , for three-year-olds, selling--In- Potaloes--Per' bag, oar lot Fo Sal 2 P Ni "1 erated and under perfect con- | In the next Age, during Messiah's Praying For Peace. James a u Gray of Milwaukee Tague pl some Hh com- {ian 18h; Bay of Pingus, 2nd; Miss eayesed Toes--iattolr tg Fi ' y jo 3% . f | 3 ihe, 3 8 HY, intents I. > . 3 ; , 1.15 8-5. A. &odl of 1912 sired by any Clydes fitralily one motorman oR [Fe Goh 4 8, hy chaioaed ha ln | Bellyroney, Irc'and, Sept. 270k | The ceremony was conducted at the en Ey Eni "Fitth Shaan purse $500 leas Consoe bl gd Sy Tye dale Stallion imported or owned by | mptoman ou the front ear. ¥ f superstition, would pass away beforo |stermen are praying end hopin for | 436 Claren ont avenue, Westmount, | did orstion urged all Canadians not | for three-year-olds, gelling- @lenrietta cut backs, barrels, & ir pieces, $2 - J M Mclaglane, Sonya--r1 A Martin, | wrrival at Loo 1 each : luc Agnn | the rising Bun of Righteousness. As JE, I 1 a iv denied bo : oh ihe residence of the groom's brother, | to forget the importance of promoting W. 1st; Toddling, 2nd; Viley, 3rd. Tg samy I 2 D Mclarlane. is Xda and Mr. Ek wily resuit faith in the next 2s il be a es A Piof. Gray of the McG.ll I"aculty of C5 ideals of nationhood and charae- yo 70 ies ibe. $1450; pure, wood pails, 30 J 4 ; ts 7 1as devoted many years to the pet- |g yery simple matter. nowledge |. 7 £ LLY Ys Hens ST ve , 7 er. ixth race--1 1-10 miles, purze $500, net, $15. . Cons 0s mired by Peter Willen] fecting of he ie storage bat- | wil £4 0 Hy that faith will = 5 tl guachs an ; Er ghee ny i a Sir Wilfrid Laurier made soiné hufh- | for three-yoar olds and 24 selling-- Minneapolis Grain Market, ~--1 John Miller. J a Sia i al ond place. Then good works will rish Unionists rere yesterday. . | of St. Andrew's Fri sbytena 1 1 | orous teferenees to the tarifi question | My Gal, Ist; Dr. Holzberg, 9nd; Lesh, | MINNEAPOLIS, Sept. 26.--W Beat--Soptos fHodgkingen & Tisdale, foals of nt rote a cradually become the test and man- Some 20,000 people from the Cau Westmount, conducting the cere~ | and spoke th en appreciative way of |3rd: Time, 1.58 86c; Deo. 83%c; May, pag > Soot Cr | 71grz swe by Prince of Orange--1 this battery would revolutionize the | Brae ol grodually rise out of im. of Down were present at the. me y the. growth: of Canin. industrios. oso; No. 1 morthern, 8THg to 990; No. § R My Haren ndvieed the fami: yw, WE. i 5 IE, Jmony. etre ' : spat j . an hich was the final Un § A " Se % we mt a HARE Yor . ! @0;, 880. dit pe Miller operation of railroad trains and | Sottotion" of mind and body. All | WHICH Ha 3 "4h irogether there were four Hess Foul 1 fran: "~¢i1ad Hand for Wilson. i : Keepers gin Sad. by Acme [Street railway cars. It would pe willing and obedient will y wie ne ig 53 J perian brides married: here The | facturers lo establish 8 Cenadion Fall Tore Moss Be or Govar: Corn No! 3 yeilow, vo reduce the cost of operating and |to do gid and better until finall he Yarl of Kilmorey wae: 4 4 0%. Pe Lloyds end said that the Gove: ; . . - Y : : 4 p] Ov nor Wood Wil fi the Ly! . 0 ames Rentie, 2 Jos Sione 3 Jobo ter und better wat Smal | is Speech declared De | Do et Bn | eos Soh oo Fe in equippin iy iba f oat i > : [+ Flour--Tirst John Beaton. equipping. na '} nd obedient | tion of refusing to submit success of their latest 1esparian | got better merine insurance rates for | yesterday, 88 enthusiastic and detnon- tents, PH. to Foal 1942 sired ' by Corner Stone | ------------------ | Wil te roel an ofl Yo do pe Tin If the 2et gees, 4 Jorge venture. vesscls on the St. Lawrence. strative 66 any ho has met since he $5.80 os; second --1 Juo Goerali, 2 | McKaight. | tect works. And the! fudgmegt will ¥ 3) Jp Ea h = = After dealing with fects and figures an campalgnirg for the Presidency: = MARKETS. CATTLE. S| : HB be according to works. Only the pér- arshal Logd R 1s, and US Rid showing the growth of Canada in the reat crowds turned owt st Spring- CATTLE MAR SHORTHORNS | A New CsrATiend | fect will be granted everlasting life quis 2 Tafetin, had sigoe : | Rocketelier s First Job Recalled | last few years Mr. White appealed to | field, Barre, and Fall River, where the pa CY rdic 5 xT, : | pe---- beyond the Messianic Kingdom. no accept a seRy Lr $ on Birthday. the Canadian manufacturers to recog- | governor made scheduled speeches, Union 8tock Yai : Bull--1 & Tocher, 2 Geo Miller. | WERS TER'S Everything that God has arranged of an Irish Legis | 5B pize the importance of higher educa | but along the way his reception was | TORONTO, Sept. 96.--Receipte of *Cow--1 Yas Miller, 2 and 3 W| . NEWS | for humgp salvation is properly said : Cleveland, Sept. 26:=2]ohn D, tion. practically continuous. five stock at the Union Ysrds werd Tocher. | ; [to bs of His grace. God is not bound Fewer Emigrants to Cam Roti doz P! hr eil ud qase: The nominee covered a variety of 105 cars, 1304 cattle, 2760 hogs, 23% Bull 1 year.okl--1 Jas" Rennie | INTERNATIONAL by justice to do anything at all fur Loudon, Sept. 27.--(C.A.P. [3 ocunels Jory saint in 9 hy Strike In Spain Imminent. topics in his speeches, inoluding tar- = sheep and" lanjbs and 240 calves. SOU eR Ee rp | humanity ; therefore whatever is done | During August 38,727 residen! , |line, today celebrated the fufty |} 5,010, Sept. 27.--A general strike | iff, the questions affecting monopoly | i y Rison, DICTIONARY : is of Grace or unmerited favor. The | Dnited Kingdom emigrated seventh anniversary of hie first job. | | tebinG Cpa : ; ® | and Governmental assistance to farm. | There were no cattle bought for 2 Jas Renaie { | 5% i ? { yo D.1 of a distinctively revolutionary char. B drposes (oday, and heavy csftle bee anon, THE mERRAM weasTer || 3 AE 0% nL IRL | VT av o Forest Tl in| Se mn rt |, J 0 ek gh ol reply FEST $e Yat alson 3 | Aga O race in taat 2 bi 6,500 0 213 TC Tul i i {J i i ; > : ; | it lion of the event, and | Barcelona, Valencia, Aragon and Bara- | pleased: 'at' the Iriendship_he = ha 2 W Tocher Tho Only New unsbridged dic-|f | that will go to munkind in the way |gz94 to lew Zealand. : RR BEE ; i | struck up with the people. Butchers _.- ! 5 ) h wt 4 £ . ). | toc alk over the goll| gosna. The dock laborers, ironmasters ¥ Peco . $5; good, Bull Calf--1 Jno H Lockie, 2 Jas fionsry, in fhany years. | of earthly resfinuon > bs ule For cight montis of the 3 ne 1 Je 3 dd ng Ny and members of the building Clotes Tutchets. 16 1p ¥%5, sooa. y] Miller. Contains the pith and essence! | ed. Fo far as they are concernec. | ada received 11 2,600 an | 1inis, vegaling 0 g 00d Soe: : ; - : unions have all adopted resoluti Rev. R. B. St. Clair Convicted. big Tt ko of an euthoritative library.y | the ce of that time will more par- |i; 1911; Aus . | youngster who entered the offices of Sait oh Thien hE as on Sy Toronto, Sept. 37.--Rev. R. B. Bt. 2.35, Se 0 A of Justics ou man's bs- 4 | Minneapoiis, 3 m Hy 1 uring the thousand yea's SH Jf His Reign He will be merely giv- BEEF CRADES } 5 Narionl LJ A TE ee : ; A estt & Tu ard LR " the le 10 ho ordny o 34; bulls, 88 0 %. Cow--1 and 2 W Tocher. Cre a ! a becuuse all those bless 4 Rid | Hered WE SH or jagcom Te employes are granted within | toy wd gaily estadsy oo aor and Feeders Heifer 2 years old--1 Jas Watson, | ae book. 3 | ping rom ity having moh : | ad D., the richest man in the| There "have already been several | obarge of circulating and having in A thd ton so 3 2 Jas Rennle or | Brho Only Dictionary with the ff | wereld. recalled the 850 the thirtcen.| conflicts, which were immediately fol hie "possession indecent literature. soc era M0 UB, Heifer 1 year old--1 W Tocher, New Divided Page. : ear-old clerk received lor the first lowed by the placing of additional | Sepienced, wae shapendes. | ere And Silo oF 2 Jas Rennie. | or o, re Hs ieh He pur. | Cities carly yesterday, the 8 vy] ¥e27o € g S'1 artillery at vantage points, from which In passing the suspended sentence |. There was & good steady it : 400,000 Words. 2700 Peges.} | ing to mankind that which Pp ; Tt: £2 | three months of his service. Hel yay ble 1 he on Mr. Bt. Clair, Judge Denton stated milkers and springers at $0 to $0 Sey Heifer Calf --1 and 2 Jas Rennie. | 8000 Tlustrations. Costnearly }f | chased with lis own sacrifice. frost of the season was y Ee . id hey were able to sweep the streets. | h the d br of § hy wid be 4 but only one choice cow brought the Nami Se = roohon doliars | ®"But the present Age is peculiarly Government weather offiei 3 recalled how out of that $50 he paid| Numerous arrests have been made. i a1 St. Clair Ss $200 Js er price. Veal Cal STE | . , : itor (he |! y 3 . . Bt. eal Calves. Mitch Coma 1. Plokbar. LB Tot 5% otk. a sat this most) | pe of Piving Grace becansy fhe suid Bo pe his boat! and hisiwasher@oman, Liberty Was Brief bond to refrain from publishing Like | The wk of the caives sold st #8 Heit ad 1 y { markable single volume of the Church and the great blessing | northwest jus bicht. And John D. recolleted that dur iberty Was Brief. te ar ature, "It 1s ible. | $3.60 but Pe em} fo" sosd - Jol er 2 20d 1 year old--1 and 2 | ro g . | che js to receive as the Bride of weather for the time of re | ing the three months he gave one Guelph, Sopt. 27.--Grant and Mo | ample Ad) SER Ssibie) BE, ¢ there high IPH 5 L Pinkham. i . Writaforsample § | Christ iz something more than was vails throughout parts gota replay iieaeh week to bis| Gillivray, the two young men who es. | toon that) re $0.50 per owt. JERSEYS OR ALDERNEYS 7, Ga, poges, full par- ff | Jurchased by the deuth of Jesus. and the Dakotas. Ai 8 ey caped {rom the 'provincial farm a few. | 4 ow up passed. Mr. Rene od Sheep and Lane Bull-- 1A McPhaden, 2 B Shields | fi ! A ticulars, etc. l§ | Jesus merely purchased buman rights ; Suuday school. days ago, and were oaptured at Ayr, ied the defence; will A Who | J OT ED mnt stea Bull 2 a Be Pos & Name this and human Jann for pain oy FUNERAL SER RIG ton ay i that appeared betore Magistrate Baundors sel for B app! RL to $6.00 ver a SA an Ee the sacrifice of js own husan rig 4 + At | yesterday afternoon. 0f eaded to Case, again Af . Light HEREFORDS il human natare. God's grace is ETT at the British naval manoeuvers it| escaping and also to rst goods. ms Bull--1 C Keeler manifest now in that the Church is Body of Distinguished Citiz Bb had been demonstrated that a bomb | They were sentenced to two years, less Herd perme ok OF i get vo «mom hoor, Ba ta coud be dropped with absolute | on Sar, Soh, [08 00 ip HO | kerd pure cef Cattle--1 W 2 ! Y BIVES \ ingston, Sept. 27-104 ; acy of aim from an aeroplane oF . : : d never lost sad which wus never | piot at Cateraqui Cem ) yo. ACEUIACY McGillivray was to have been before ocher, 3 Jas Miller. f ai] Toye g pict ag : : he funnel of a battleshi ! ; A redeemed by Jusus' sacrifice or other: | mains of the late Rt. Hon. : inp, 'the nnwe! a eship, | ye parole hoard on Saturday and Herd Beef Grades --1 W Tocher g wise. Cartwright AE yesterda; blowing up the most formidable would likely have been arn ina ¥at Steer--3 W Toche. : : How shall we understand this | laid at rest. The remai A super-dreadnanght with all its crew | few days. Cinema On the whale the Tresident and | f a . statement? Burely' Gud does not gx; veyed from the family ze ¥The | and trained naval force. One man --- hla delphi "other other officers may congratu-| By ercise faith for us and then consicer | Maples," at 1.30 o'clock to i8e's | in a (lying machine in the air is Lighting Destroys Barn. Bt, Lau late themselves on the success (hey | En 4 i i "som Guthedtal, 2 pa more than a match for a thonsand | Belleville, Sept. 27. --At an esrly o 'oy RTI TE 1 mel y { p! , Hind mT yy a 8 wil : Uppn srrival at the ¢ tion-d hour yesterday morning the viliage: es: Chicago 11-10, - | "attained in this goth exhibition of | § Ea tion is this: 3 sib Te ere meh He De men on a filteen-million-dollar} 70 SE the immediate vicinity th ; Pittsburg TBE Lonis Pry - i where it hes a bssia. tario; Rev: EB. J. ve battleship on the sea, Th2 argu-| oo visited by a severe electric storm. Boston 3-0; Philadelphia 711, og In foportion 2 pws inl nee Dobbs of Brockville, a ment is that knowledge of this fact| A barn belonging to Christopher Hen- Boston' at New Yi a 7, granis us knowledge, of . a Ld Hn | deceased, and the clergy of | wiil promote the peace of the world. n Maioc Township, near Death of Robert Howsam. [It is possible lor us ercise fal dral, Chopin's futeral oh 5 (bi ! wos struck and 'buried to both owned by one man Ee ' : roportiopatel ; pnd oul works in played while the body w 7 the ground; also some outbuildings. he came from Toronto, the Robert Howsam, fathcrof George :rmony Wil 3 Sach er {173d up the aisle of A be a The seascn's crops, With some farm. paid for his trouble | fjowsam, Ulica, died on the last De sincerity aud uit chet Ea ' | An unknown in tempt d mut. ing imp! ts, wore destroyed. Yodue influence | day of in his Bist y 1 : Bt F d 5 © 'following a quarrel! = = y of Augustin his 81st year at » ; 4 fo °t race but his } ia, California, i ge. Gras idl Mari : Lone sel 3 wr shire, England, on' the 131 ugust., 1832, and with his wife = came to this country fifty-six years ! SHRED to. 11 lago, settling in the neighborhood of 5 rl minent men" present, : bishop: Pruchest, of Montreal, ie X01 FR Bioedaledatechiopidg iol ipcal-{ Bole ne ...The floral tributes were mas n 'Winnipeg as the guest of Mgr. ition in the Gent's|,y and for ytars owned and opsratt|" cluding wreaths from the 'De old classmate. The arch- as. McKee of {ed a checse factory on the fourth Government and the ; She red fru. | concession, Reach, near Dibridge | "0 2 ord ER SNEL eC TR won Rg 2 blues. and - Jastiognhine ater poping tatGalifarnia ; er mere iss Miller, 'Twhere dn on 1 Wreck Near Chatham. © TELEGRAPHIC BR proceeding to Vancouver-on y | He was a'brotiter 8t]o fwho lived for, some i sam, ® -- K, Nathaniel Edward Low, TT i '| pay Coach and Dining-Car of Grand © Trunk Train No. 16 Are Telescoped When They Are Derailed and Thrown Into-the Ditch--Fnjuries of Miss Lafferty of Chatham Are Ex ; f

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