Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 10 Oct 1912, p. 3

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TEES Afiates and | Can Reject Man YE They Chale, tie poorer ol a rit hoe in ig 'Mala; sula are arran| men f ends of this Sh v, 38d, 3 ri apy "decided up- IY. (tied fact. for the marriage be | id rate it, for they think contract de! All enpds 8 Xe Ww ng and the ress of the bride. siting The Maly girls are hot allowed to thew the betel nut, amd their well: khaped teeth are pearly white. Un tlie lay before ler msuttinge the gith¢ eeth are filed, and this painthil opet- . htion is the excuse tor an elsboraty al function. Feasting nd music intersperse tHe cerdiboniag, (ne writ r says: 'II the Sgt oy het hnoans are dfotned in food of mf- ic, aa até the moans of the & Juried lnaiden who; havi % id thar: riageable age, dons Her best var] hnd lies down, sitttounded by g liost bt exwlting ftiends; 1 Have ent pierced. "The teeth of ihe Malay bide elect dre file] down to a Hlfitd, a fourth; ot arfietimes even aller fraction of their natural lang: and tinnatutd} spaces we 3 wb Sen edch tooth nd ite adjacent fellow. THia disfig- res indescribably, and makeé the vet. foot wreck of the prettiest mouth. An is because it is thé style." . This causes the gums ache to the rture point and to swell. he inflnmmation and the pains are excruciating. and Sh is almost ini- ssible, and to edt dnd tulk caused All this id ou the "honey- gony. oon !*' Bedouin women have d distinct voich {n the selection of theit bu: bands, brik the women of many Bastutn untries. Honeymoons fall i {te lot of brides alinost everywhere hut in Arabia. Tha Arabians do not make wedding fifit- neys, though often the Arab bride blect takes a long, tiresoine, jaarped just before her marriage. Quite offer . 8 girl will wed a mau who lives atl distance from ber hate. Contrary to Ib dustottr; it ia heber the man whe fakes the journ The girl 1s elart ng a new life ny departing from the {ways of her girlhood, so that it is she, An a ts of the Arabian tom A heit Heh to Sr wu nf Wi 5 the Bedouin tents, so Hat ~fbey will become strong and manly, : bo boy does not return 'home until he face to be a man, and he usually ngs with him the memory of soma soft-eyed Bedouip gitl who has spent o nr pleasant houfs with him dur is boyhood. The fdther in town fre iis that the Bedouin girl is pfoh, bly Song Sad hédlthy, and is glad fo send for her to become tlie wife t s son. The girl of the Bedouins comes rid- ng upon a camel, which is wonderful- decorated with mirfors hung vear head and with tapéstries and em- broideries. There is a canopy of fit. sel, silk, and fine cloth, all embroidet- with verse from the Koran. Osttich lumes cotnpléete the camel's decoid- ions. Some girls or wumen friends de with the bride. Behind thew ride heir attendants. All the tafiiels are gaily aud luxuriously decorated. An Arab has an absolute right to the hand of nis girl cousin, and he must formally renounce the right before hg tan MArry anyone else. It a girl fds 1'ore than ohe male cousin, it is thre tigi.t always of the eldest unmartied : éousin to take her for a wife. ~ Arabian girls are careful in their haviour, for should they commit ay shape would be felt by their the ls Even it a womark oes ) Proietti , and het ¢fitue @ hy her feiiily. "Among be 2" i Bedouin tribes, soon aa a maiden's hand had been Saked 28 Jarciage ber kinswomen ind her w fumes and smoke of . oad, Aud hows aver Po she mov B, ver the gre [48 veil of & wiist be ey :{around her, until tah tear her be JE th. 'Among the Bedoting, foo. after a Tover has gained the gifl's consent he éreeps beh a hep oo throw: a cloak over. her. reteads that she Ninh % o . Het anarried kins. {aké Ifer i one has lived hé- nd her lover kill a d almost entirely by " 13 use Cklinte |. 2%. Si nubs, | 15 are th. to ftie ahs cate! or weekd. not the frm, who goes alone on +} Eakin rd been practically cut off country for days, "ah i ou every house was tidal wave demolished sank ts three steamers, whilé At Gil «went ashore. people were killed and 283 injured. The Kioko Maru foundered, off Efi. shu and the wile of her crew and ami Love that Jide or No yeh. - Mrs. Flipp--1 w lit love the ie) dy bath ar Her Friend--Of colrse he Wilt Eo \oted ydu through three shadis of halt already.-- Exchange. Gredt itithgs be Jlisi aheud of yom. but you must reach out for them.-- Hordea Fletetier, PORT PERRY Shefeited esis ut te Beea Bf MARKETS! ds, 1;Hcas; Grain erchait 1 . Oct 1, 1914 Fall Wheat Spring Wheat Goose Wheat 0 yo 60 70 coo0ooCoO Cattle; per ib. ve Hogs, per 100 [I Beans Grass Seed... Alsife Cldver. Red Clover 3 Peas--Black-eye ... Peas--Smail Buckwheat... ....;. Curkeys Geese ..... 5 56 19 12 12 14 Farm for Sale 10( square and south hai pf lot 16, con, 8, Brock owiphip tnd; all 'Hardwood bu hb: Good Btildingd in- cludiag Stons Httuse JA 10Ux54 with stabling u dorneath, and ouildings 2 good wells foc plowing afiur narvast, situated withio a gijle of Plackwarer station, For frihr parfentars- appl hickend i ES ACRES (more, or lesy) being © oui- nsion Fatm is WM BAIRD, on the Prefiife BLACK WATER 0 FIRST-CLASS FARM FOR SALE GR TO RENT HE ondecsigned' offels fcr Sale ¥ or to Rent his fine farm, beng part of lot 10, cop g. East Whitby, -onsisting of 95 Acres more ot less. Chere ison the propeity a Splendid Brick Hise, §0x 36¢ Dath dnd Driving Shed, 26 x jo. It is situat- -d about tour miles (fori the C P.R.. Myrtle, and three miles from th G.T.R. . Apply to'tlie proprietor on the premises ; . JAS. J. ORMISON. Raglan, June 24, 3012 VALUABLE PROPERTY! In Prince Albert fe Sale. HE undersigried offgfs Ios nel fine residental proj for, nce Albert. Frame House, eo wn with stone foundation ; good cellars ; ri 90 od! PE. LUKE, irgy-cla cdik hie exeopt five ey Bi ih THE POPULAR TOURIST ROUTH -- TT MUSKOKA LAKES LAKE OF BAYS TEMAGAMI ALGONQUIN PARK + MAGAN YOY RIVER FRENCH RIVER GEORGIAN BAY - LAKE C UCHICHING r Ravin HA LAKES, Etc. ROUND ) TRIP Our Seven Colleges Da Tabliahed hod Using the past 30 yi ners in Canada ow. | te ee keeps same Banks os Bhs a . ni Torm From August Hi Write, call'or phone for particulars. PETERBORO: BUSINESS coe (Potinded se) GEO. BPOTTON, - To the West At Low Rates Via SARNIA OR GHIOAGO. ature, tickets and full informa- tion from any tirand Trunk Agent, or address A. E. DUFF, District Passenger Agent, Torouts, Guiarin, 5. Patronage solicited Terma reasonable Charles Hotel "BERT FERRY G. A: COLE PROPRIETOR [Late of Hotel Falconer, Toronto] Cothntetcial trade bolici Pitst ¢ Sami rdchis CAWEES BROS' & & HEADAGHES nédt always cafied by TIRED BYES Which require spectacles Constilt irie (SUCCESSORS TO JAMIEsOR VERY i IVERY the Livery blisiness carried on by Jamieson &| Dennison, and the premises con. nected therewith we intend to RE-HORSE THE STABLES with Atsti&1ag8 Animals, and install | New dhd Up-to-Date Yehitles with moder, THippings Which for | comfort fiid convenience cannot be Eiitpassed. are BEPRACTING OPTICIAN, 159 Yonge St, Toroftto Opposite Simiptons'. Farm for r Salé KE ast-half of Hot 12, Concession 6, Cartwright, Durham County, containing top acres. Erected on the premises are a rood frame dwelling, stode géllar 30 % 20, 18 a £4, woadshed {8x24. good [fame barn, stone stables Boxgo, pif pei {ox 18 and 18 x 23. 5s agres 'ol mixed timbef; bne acre of Orchard, a; never failing stream, hard and soft water. One nnle from Rail- way, one mile ftom the village of BlacKsttick, 2% tiles fi ih Caesdrea. ¢ farous Sumifie {sake Scugog. © Situate in the | st farm ing section in the Cony of Durham. For further parlictlars apply to the #ndersivned: Divio J. & racing iY : Port. Perry, Ont, r | Lave €; Fhvior, uBbay. ; Nestleton, Unt,; Special attention paid 10 th requirements of Commet cial Travel ers. Our charfie§ are moderate we guarauice to please our patron Fat ronage solicited. A £7 Phone No. 2. _CAWKER BROS FE RE » Why We Excel We have the nrost modefn, the dit progtest and the best #@ eqlipped school in Lastern futario The Cotitses are B thordligh atid fdcifaiing. An entirely? Canadian Busines§ Frocediitd for the training of the ambit ous Jouliig po le of vhit EGtin. try. SUMMER SCHOOL Studentsmay ents # any day! Open the autire ven Now isa good time to « nter! Largest trainers in Conds: Gragiiiites Zt best posis tong! "Jhon xan atndying at bom. School of france Ditmar: The largest ard most popular gehool fn Barter Ontario, A0f fiarfage nffit trained 2,000 NE last vear, There mst Be a reason, The ouly rehool in Eastern Ontario affiliated with tha Counneceial fone fra Asrocin- tion ot Canna. e. phone or tall to {le $POTTON BUSINESS COLLEGE PETERBOROUGH, GRO. me wo Prodidept ofr taduates are successful, ask a student or EX. student, they arc our best advertisetieht! Home. Study Cotirséa Vidssj 'Business Gulége 'C. R. Brower, A. H. Spotton, § Principal. [President Enlet 2 Day. Df. de Van's Feinale Pills sble Freod] RT ever fails. These sold. at 3 are pa in ? regulating the frit BE 'Ma Petit or at Fifi diridg storé, Sittings of the Difision Coals Cots JOUNTY OF ONTARIO. 0 123: hard and soft water. Good barn and stable. Tel acfes dT and an abufrdange of id aria Immediate possession particulars apply to MRS A. C. BONGAKD. June 12, 1912, oe further tion of Em ag isin a capitals {: WHITBY Clerk, Miss E. L. Mae donell, Whithy Jan. 15, Feb. §, March 4, April 8 May 2, June 6, July 3, Sept. 8, Oct. 2, Nov. , Dee, 7, Jan. 13, 1918. OSHAWA --Clerk, Miss E. LL. M domell, Whithy--Jan. 14, Nae ch &, April 4, Mav 8. June ptf, Uct. d, Nov. 8, ¢ 13. 0 = M. y 0% gk th, 6, 6, Jaly s Sopt. 6, Nov. LL 3. PORT. PERRY Clerk, 5. W. Bu b any ort Perry--Jan. 18, M. Jan, 17, 4 bo Mogre, T Jan. 19, oh a, ) Ia 24, Sept 18, Nov. 22, Jau Re Geo. Smith, Marsh 21, Sept. 12, Nov. 21, 2. R. Time Tavis: tll Satton: Guise Ea GorNa WksT 6.82 a m. 8.50 8.m. 6.50 p.m, Agent 1150 p.m A. 4 avis toss he io . Cl : Eine aia a "1M, Ni Not. © 20, Jan. 9, es A emt. oy u dite iw, Nov. 10%, 1911, and | ly 8, Sept 6 re: Wi James M.| \ GRAND TRONA RY srateu. ¥ 14 HER SHIPMENT or THOSE BEAUTIFUL PIECE CHINA DINNER SETS FOR $12 56 T. ©. FORMAN & SON: X tA bid ngrams' | ave aiddepted the Agendy fof The Ogilvie Flour Mills Co. &: | . {Millérd t6 the Royal Family. ] [And atk prepared to promptly fill all orders entrusted to their Hit They have the one Ifiour that gives satisfaction to the} consumer--T ROYAL HOUSEHOLD -- fills the bill, ever | After glwmg it a fair, 14 if not i fd nl is guardnteed, [and your money will Ng Ti jalance [if over 5 Ibs.) ilJionaire cannot ih a better flour than ROYAL Sin nor even the poorest family use a flour that is more Hoist A GAR LOAD JUST RECEIVED | INGIRAMS? °o oo Agents | : Port Perry and vieinity. | GES HR ER Ww. ¥#. DOUBT MERCHANT TAILOR, Keeps in Stock a full | supply of up-to-date.:. | msn Wanted 3 19000 BUS. ALSIKE CLOTER 3000 BUS. RED CLOVER 1000 BUS: TIMOTHY mn fT ~~ en nn HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID of nit Sced Cleaned by Gasoline Power, No charge for cleaning Be. per bushel { charged Give me a call before selling. 3. EX. PURDT. when the seed is sold to us. when we da tof bity. FRESH TI NDER Cor AT Rr In returning thanks to the itblic for the extensive pat- fhngge beftowed upon them ald fotimate, that as in the only choice fat animals slaughtered, so as to | 1 & the thoikest and ten. | uts possible, and we \ thlfes fo have an" Supt y of SH AND TENDER CHOICE MEATS + SMOKED AND SALT Wes 2 sfecuaLty. apy mie EE . GE. ROSS o Se BONS Myrtle Station; Ont: ldvery Sales. LL iro HORSES AND UP good wit of 3 i 15,000 Bushels of WANTHE BIC RED APPLE PL APORATO For which the Highest Prices will be paid that the business will afford, Brite. them to the E vaporator as edrly ds possible On or after 1st September. Do not allow any apples go to waste, Prices about the samo as horators. JOSEPH BIGELOW. Port Pebry, Avg. 20, 1912, Dre ey ee ae art Benadian g Northern Railway ER) 20000 MORE HARVESTERS WANTED 10 GARNER WESTERN CANADA CROPS EXTRA EXCURSION TO WINNIPEG $10. $10. 00 Chics of Uestination left to excursionist: Wintipeg to Regina, Saskatoop; Warman, and all other points on the Canadian Returning, half-a-cent a mile Winnipeg, $1800 from Winnipeg Aa Half a-cent a Swan River, Northern mile re hmpateu, Ratlway. on 'C. NM .K, starting point, GOING DATE OCTOBER 47x The rikHest Toy in thé West is served by the C andl Northern Railway. The demand for Harvesters along its lines is very heavy and tha wages the highest. from to all points original to Write for Hbondeseekers' Guide showing 35,000 free homesteads ing the settler. For fiill information apply to any agent of the C.N. O and Bay of Quinte Railways, or R.L FAIRBAIRN, Gen'l. Pass. Agt, , Toronto, Ont, CARD OF THANKS Jcioln, Tn returning thanks for the liberal patronage so far since commencing the Confectionery Business, we beg to announce that in future we purpose carrying on bSiaisli Gash Busine Gur oods are t he BEST possible, and our Prices are Right INGRA MS lke Beel received, and Bakery Port Petry, Jai. 24. 1912. Nothing AVING purchased the - Butchering Business and good will tif Mi. 1. J. Wheele i would like to inform allhis® old custoniers and as many ew ohes ds possible that I inténd to keep at all times a good assortment of all kinds of the Best Meats--Fresh and Salt--obtaitfable and. at refs- otiable rates 45 possible. . Iam also in the market; dt all times, for Choice C attl Hogs, Sheep and Lambs Calves, Hides and Sheepskins, a the | HigLest Market Prices, EZ Fresh [ish every Tuesday. Courteous treatment and prompt delivery May26, 1909. .. W.B._ BOYS A FULL STOCK OF EVERYTHING IN Tarness GHEAPNESS STYLE THE Fat 15063 Durability and | STRENGTH R Cannot be urpasscd n the Cotimty. Robes; Blamkels, Bells, Trunks Gomidesti 61 Pricss Oburted "W. A. BEATTY IF You WANT THE BEST Scranton Coal! ( STEAM OR SOF Free Burning Coal WOOD etree in ahundanes. or TO RENT FNHE undersigned vd offers for. Sale or Rent his tine Faem SAL €0in| v lot part of lots 83 and 81 in the es To = | 7th of Whitby, containing 155 acres or less, The enil ig No. 1, a baildings--both tha dw Hing and Jo firgt-slngs and up-te-da ! 18 a magnificent Sprine Cres v through the farm in which abi dance of Speckled T arn in vers respects is i be sold ot A Bargain, ar, if [a ho loam d for A term

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