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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 17 Oct 1912, p. 1

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¥ 1 5 Li saan YEAR, Nor 39 i DP. ARCHER, M.D.C:M Vietorla Uiiversity ; M.B. Toronto Universit SPAS EE ex ". Oss and Residence; Queen Sts. Port Perry "foe bours--8 to 10 a.m ; 1103 pm. and Evenings. : "Leléphone in office and house, open wight DRONTOD- nd, day over the lings south, Wich she vostdence of G. L Robson, VS. Port Perry, Nov. 15, 1804. WNL H. HARRIS, BA. LL. BARRIBTER, &c. Buscessor to and occupant of the offices of the Jate F. M. Yarnold. Port Perry, - Ont. JIONEY TO LOAN. Private Funds at 4 per cent. b 190. A Jno. W. Crozier, Bm: SoriciToR, CONVEVANCER, &e Office at residence, 6th Coan. each (one wile west of Port Perry,)-- Moxey To LOAN. dae tb sor ier toe - E FAREWELL, K.C, LL.B., Cousty J Crown Attorney, Barrister, County Sol- sitor, &o., Notary Public and Conveyancer. Dffice--South wing Court House, Whitby, Ont. : W. A. GANGSTER, DENTAL SURGEON. Office Hours--9 to 12 a.m., 2 to 6 p,m. Also open Saturday eveninge. #4 Gold Fillings, Bridge and Crowe Work a Npecialty. Vitalised Air. DR. R. L. GRAHAM Svcorssor 0 Dr. F. D. MCGRATTAN DENTIST PORT PERRY, -- -- ONT. J. A, Murray, 2 3 - DENTIST, "Offige over the "ost Office, . : PORT PERRY. AN branches of Dentistry, includmg Crown and Bridge Work suocesafully practiced. Artifical Teeth on Gold, Silver, Aluminum or Rubber Plates. Fillings of Gold, Silver or Cement Painless extraction when required: £4 Prices to suit the times North Ontario Observer o A Weakly Political, Agricultural and FKagily Newspaper JS PUBLISHED AT FORT PERRY, ONT. EVERY THURSDAY MORNING BY H. PARSONS FERMS.--$1 per anoam, if paid in advance : not $1.50 iil be charged. No subscription -taken for less than six months; and no psper discontinued util arrears ure paid up. LETTERS containing money, whea addressed to thix Qfioe, propeid and registered will be at our risk. ADVERTISEMENTS measured by Noupariel, and charged according to the space they ocoupy. ADVERTISEMENTS received for Poulioutton; with- ont jo - instructions, Will until forbid and charged acoordis No sdvertise- ment will be taken out until for. A LIBBRAL discount allowed to Merchants snd other who advertise by the year or half year. : THESE terma will in all cnses be strictly adhered to & = JOB DEPARTMENT. : d Pamphlets Haod Bills, Posters Programs, Dodgers Bill Heads, Chosks Visiting Cards, &e, of every style and color ecuted promptly snd other the County... x ISSUER OF MARRIAGE. X : LICENSES: PorT PERRY, ONT. +. s.Parties fu dint se. Fe a have thew printed © oe wich thotn + B.0.CHUROCH, BRY --, RICHARDRON.' Third Sunday at 10.30 =. wi, JOS. BAIRD. I ICENSED AUCTIONEER for the _4 County of Ontario. Sale Register. at the Operrver Office Patronage solicited: Manchester, Jan. 10, 1890. : get Dillon Hinge-Stay Fence Manufactured by the Owen Sound Wire Fence Uo. Ltd., and am prepared to supply this whole community with the very BEST WIRE FENCE Protea on this Continent and at prices that can not fail to satisfy purchasers. The DiLLon Fence is without a peer. It is the BEST because it is flexible ; it is a square mesh ; itis a perfect hiuge-stay fence, therefore it is impossible to bend the stays in fact it is the best fence made in this or any other country. "PORT PERRY BRANCH ch ee eS HUTCHERON, Nan Nestleton Station, 8 Senn omer SR, DAVID J. '& DOUGLAS ADAMS, Bankers and Brokers. but from a mind singo- inated, blinded her to MONEY TO LOAN (4 per cent upwards-- British Capital) INSURANCE REAL: ESTATE Marriage Licenses, &F Agents CP. R., &. impulse; ilies' crossed the small space i them and caught her maid gently, "I have been myself and give you i bot 1 shan't try any more, first moment 1 took your 1 was ambitieus. You fly afoused the feeling when me Fraide's message on You aroused it by yout Before purchasing a Wire Fence don't fail to inspect the Divo Fence. ne J. H. Brown, EALER IN AGRICULTURAL IMPLE- MENTS AND MACHINERY. SEAGRAVE HARNES April 6, 1905. N returning thanks to the public for ¢ patronage extended tome for over years, I would respectfully intimate tha am, as usual, now ready for busincss, a have a » OF DOUBLE AND SINGLE HARNESS which I am deterncined to sell very CHEAP As an inducement to Car purchasers: <b Diuoowad of 10 por canbe will be allowed on all Sales from pow until Jan, 1st next. All work being & MADE BY HAND-E3 super ority of my goods apparent, they can be suited in quality and price, my long experience in the trade being an indie will be given by any article purchased. Evertbing in line business k hand and repairs ry promptly attended to. JOHN ROLPH. Port Perry, Déc. . EUROPEAN AGNECY Large & Assorted Stock] and mo factory work opr in stock, the a8 ence besome ntending purchasers will find that by giving mo a call before looking elsewhere putaule guarsntee that perfect satisfaction many years meant in Port Perry, Av HNLESALE indents promptly excouted. a lowest. crease facilities so RIGS AT M big "i e 5 R. Port Perry, June 21, 1900. - Correctness of Style and Charming Effect. a Our charges are consistent with the value given. EK: | Port Perry, April 1, 1909. Do you know what desire to stamp out Clk | with my own, to nality is the great force bing. I forgot to feck: we draw largely upon | LIFELESS NERVOUS, lly extorts a crushing vo | Baw things by the world's searchlight the Gestre to stand well in as Fruide--to feel the | y Bargeet thing 8. joan) ever adv -- | Eve's attitude made, found furthet én | durance Impossible. Gently freeing his but to ears sharpemsd by imstinet it || na, he moved nway from ber to the was eloquent. Without 8 word EVe | frapince, taking up the position that took a step forward and, standing quitd | oo jad first occupied. close to him, laid beth bands on his oa. {| finished yet ment words do not come easily, bat with the simplest, most submissive, most cloguent gesture in the world she set his perplexity to rest. Nfted it and for a long, silent space held it against her lips. She sald nothing, for in sueh a mo- Taking his Land between hers, she CHAPTER XXXIIL OR awhile there was silence; ther Loder, bitterly aware that be had cofigwered, poignantly conscious of the appeal that an "Aesign, touched made Freoch flowers.- embroidered veil was arranged as 4 Juliet cap with a wreath of Orange blossoms and she ecartied a boguéf of bridal roses. The bride was given away by her father while the wedding match wa being artistics ally rendered by ber sister, Miss Bertha Taylor, the ceremony being performed on the lawn under sn evergreen arch decorated with dahlias and asters, in the p.ésence of dbout sevehly guests. Fhe bridesmaids were Miss Nellie Tay4 lor, sister of the bride, charmingly attired in pale blue duchess satin trimmed wih lace and bandmdds bande Her richly flowers, carrying a shower boquet "Eve," he sald slowly, "I baven't {of pink carnations, and Midd For a spaee they stood silent, sd |.) ing to tax your courage further." with ber {ace Lifted, hy with averted | With a touch of pained alarm, Eve eyes. Then very gantly be raised MS |)irioq ner Lead. "Further?" she sald. hands and tried te usmclasp her fingers, There was scarcely any color visible 12 | his face, and by a curious effect of emotion it seemed that Nines, never be | Loder shrank from the expression on her face. "Yes," he said with difficulty, "there's still another polnt to be faced. fore neticesble, had formed about ids | back. To have the situation fully saved mouth { "What Is It?" Dre asked / sivély, "What 1s 1t? - i By A swift involuntary movement Eve's lips parted In dumb disthay. "Jt must be done," he went on bur tened pressure | us tg mal 1 ¢ of hs | rfedly, "und we have got to do it--you 0 using 8 It | nnd I." He turned and looked at her. "I? 1 could do nothing. What could | After congratulations the guests was lmposalble for Leder to uniome | them. With bis hands pressed irreso-' lutely over hers be looked downm lute ber face | ,'1 do?" Her volce failed. "Iverytuing." he said. "You could de "As 1 £atin fo theater tonight, Bre { everything. Fe is morally weak, Tul he sald slowly, "all the pictures I had formed of Rfe shifted Without desir tng it. without knowing KX, my.»hele he has one sensitive point--the fear of | | a public exposure. Once make it plain [ing of Mr. Todd of Bowmanville. to him that you know his secret and | you can compel him to whatever course of action you felect. It was to ask you | pont of view wos changed. 1 suddenly | to do this--to beg you to do this--that instead of by my own miserable can- dle. 1 suddenly saw things for you, In. | Jution--mnore than a woman's strength. | stead-of for nyseif." edics for each individual case 5 J re you a victim? Have you lost n ft was only--anly to stand weil ope? Are you intending t your been Jiseased? Hew ag I of Heved it was only the desire te | with you. I belteved it un- night of my speech--If you cam ng so absurd. Then on that 1 came up the stairs to the ! i 8 8 il Jag HOTIC mo patients in our Windsor Lab y for Ca Ai Wy 'Write for our private address. Central Livery, "PORT PERRY. announcing that I have removea MY LIVERY! to my former. place of business Water Street which Iam about to largely extend in- t the public may be safe and desir- able 2 Miss Harrison, Dress and Mantle Maker TISHES to inform the ladies Shit "she has mayed 5° thie rooms Pooh } "her over Mr. Flints Drug St : she is prepared to execute all or« ders for Dress and Mantle Making, surpassed for 1 and saw you standing there, blindness fell away, and I knew _¥ loved you." As he said the last he released her hands and turn. missing the quick wave of eb Eee Co WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT, No names Drs. KENNEDY & KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. All letters from Canada must be addressed ment in Windsor, Ont. see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat offices which for Correspondence and all letters as follows: DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Windsor, Ont. Question List and Cost of Treatment ik 3% Not a Distinction. from the man who hi employed him to hunt for a tunawsy. boy. Tita he any distinguishing merks EARTILY thanking the public for the 8 ask liberal patronage received during the have kept a Livery Establish 1 have much pleasure in p saw him on that night?" asd the sight chilled me. I} ren duty became suddenly a sacred vig drop from supremacy to the right. Holding out his arms, he drew mark about him, sir, is th used the hould hardly call that a distinction. hat's a handicap." ___ J Every day tnat 1s born into the on il (hs. ary Toa rings a e day + thou make it a dance, & thou wilt. Mails Close. patched from the Pos Office Fors Fey, as follows : va VANSICKLER. £ i» i _y Es a dt ior = GEO. JAUKSON, Licensed Auctioneer, Valuator, &c. Fon rx oduATY oF oNTARIS AND TOWNSHD § ~ pel} ii iiss 13 g ] g fgg f ore where ISHES ab this the comfencement cf another Auction turn thanks to his numerous 'past favors. In req i Ii 1 § gE 52 VIE (¥ carvet | Eve's éyes widened and darkened, ioe | b ut she sald nothing. the | v] suddenly saw the unpardonable wus bound to reas | Wrong that 1 have done you, the im- in & moment of egotism | perative duty of cutting it short." He ved the potion of winning your spoke very slowly lu a dull, mechanical 2s well as your respect." alert and questioning, | aly paled as a doubt crossed her | pained and alarined, withdrew Ler voice. Eve, her eyes still wide, her face | bands from his shoulders. "You mean," she sald, with difficulty, "that | 1t Is going to end? That you are golng away? That you are giving every- thing up? Ob, but you can't! You can't!" she exclaimed, with sudden ex- citement, her fears suddenly overmas- tering her Incredulity. "You can't! | You mustn't! The only proof that coudd bave interfered" -- "1 wasn't thinking of the proof." "Then of what? Of what?" Loder was silent for a moment. "Of our love," he sald steadily. She colored deeply. "But why?' she stammered. "Why?! We have done no wrong. We need do no wrong. We would be friends, nothing more, and J--oh, I 80 need a friend!" For almost the first time In Loder's knowledge of her her volce broke, her control deserted her. She stood before him fn all the pathos of her lonely girl- window to discover its cause the Lood--her empty life. | The revelation touched him with sud- den polgnancy. The real strength that lay beneath his faults, the chiyalry buried nnder years of callousness, stir- red at the birth of a new emotion. The resolution preserved at such a cost, the sacrifice that had seemed well nigh fm- possible, all at once took on a different shape. What before had been a bar- | Lier to him as if she Bad been a child. | "Eve," he sald gently, "I have learned "No," b® {onight how fully a woman's life Is at t pity mo! The sight of him the mercy of the world, and how in ime, I bad a reaction 18 gcanty that mercy 18. If circumstances oment, and, such as it wes, 1 to him next meen him that the thing must )yghand--would have used my right to t then--even then--I shirked 1. ; I1bed meant jt And now that things are different had been different I believe--I am con- vinced--I would have made you a good protect you as well as a man could use 1 want--I should like" He hesitated a very little. "Now that I have no | right to protect you, except the right the c888 ,,v Jove gives, I want to guard you as "closely from all that is sordid as any husband could guard his wife. "In lifé there are really only two broad lssues--right and wrong. What- ever we may say, whatever we may profess to belleve, we know that our .action 18 always a choice between man who could talk like this and have baman being before myself." right end wrong. A month ago--a week ngo--I would bave despised a thought myself strong for despising him. Now ] know that strength is something more than the trampling of others to the dust that we ourselves way have a clear road; that it ® something much harder and much less triumphant than teat; that it is stand- ing aside to let somebody else pass on. Eve," he exclaimed suddenly, "Ym trying to do this for you. Don't you | see? Don't you understand? The easy course, the happy course, would be to let things deitt. Every Instinct is call- | Ing to me to take that eourse--to go on as I have gone, trading on Chil | cote's weakness and your generosity. But 1 won't do it. I can't do itl" With {a swift impulse be loosed his arms and held her away from him. "Eve, it's the first time I bave put another Eve kept her head hent Painful. in- werld! "Eve," he cried, with sudden tvehe- mence, "can't you see that It's impera- tive--the one thing to save us both?" He stopped abruptly as he bad be- gun, and a painful silence filled the room. Then, as before, Eve moved In- rinctively toward him, but this time ber steps were slow and uncertaln. Nearing his side, she put out her band as if for comfort and support and, feel ing his fingers tighten round it, stood for a moment resting in the contact. "I understand," she said at last very | slowly. "I understand. When will you take me to him?" For a moment Loder sald nothing, not daring to trust his volce. Then he answered low and abruptly "Now!" be sald. "Now, at once! Now, this moment, if I may. Aund-and remem- ber that I know what It costs you As if imbued with fear that his cour- age might fall him, he suddenly re- leased her hand, and, crossing the room to where a long, dark cloak lay as she had thrown It on her return home, he picked It up, walked to her side and silently wrapped It about her. Then, still acting automatically, he moved to the door, opened It and stood aside while she passed out into the corridor. In complete silence they descended the stalrs and passed to the hall door. There Crapham, who had returned to his duties since Loder's entrance, came quickly forward with an offer of serv- Ice. But hoder dismissed him curtly, and, with something of the confusion bred of Clilcote's regime, the man drew back toward the staircase. With a hasty movement Loder step- ped forward and opening the door admitted a breath of chill alr. Then on the threshold he paused. It was his first sign of hesitation--the one instant in which nature rebelled against the conscience so tardily awakened. He stood motionless for a moment, and It is doubtful whether even Eve fully fathamed the bitterness of his remurr clation--the blackness of the night that stretched before lijs eyes. Behind him was everything; before him nothing. The everything symboliz- ed by the luxurious house, the eagerly attentive servants, the pleasant atmos- resented by the broad public thorough achieved ambitions. dag {ro p= comrrwbmn.T er. Expecting Too Much. ed if 1 can chew it. --JLondon Punch. JU TET the meroury appear in sulphur and 86.2 per it is a bright mmd.colar T haven't sald everything. | Florence P. Trewin, sistor of the | groom, beautifully dressed in pale | pink paillette silk, trimmed with Oriental lace and cartyitig a boquet of whitte roses. Tne groom was The matter doesn't end with my going | ably supported by Mr. Byron RD Mnciledd | Chllcote must return--Chticote must be | McLaughlin of Enniskillen and Mr, brought to realize his responsibilities." | Joseph Taylor, brother of the bride! During the signing of the register Miss Addie Lick, B.A, of Whitby, sang sweetly "O Perfect Love" partook of a sumptuous dejeuner {rom tables decorated with whit& and yellow under the skilful cater- The groom's gift to the bride was a handsome pearl necklace, to each of the bridesmaids a pearl pendant! | 1 came to you tonight. I know that it's |, , 4} e soloist and pianist each a | demanding nore than a Woman's reso- pearl bar pin and to the | But you are like no woman In tbe | groomsmen monogramed solid {gold cuff links. The numerous preseuts attested the igh esteem' in which the young couple are hel by their friends. Mr. and Mrs! Trewin are spending their hooey- mocn Toronto, Detroit and other western points. wren te ire Breeding Stock Going West. Nine carloads of breeding stock left Ontario last week for the West I'he shipment means more to the country at large than the mere business (ransaction involved. This stock was destined for the Provincd of Alberta, where, thanks to the enery and push of the Minister of Agriculture for that province, it wil be distributed to farmers who will take up live stock husbandry in a larger way than they have been doing. Many of the animals will find their way into the hands of men who are just making a begin- ning in the business; others will go to increase the herds of those already in the business ; others will go te' increase the herds of those already in the business. This shipment, large as it may seem; will not begin to supply the demand. Next fall, and perhaps belore thal time, more rtock will be required. All of which shows that the farmers of Alberta, at least, are desirous of getting into the live stock producing busineds as Quickly as possible. This means much not only for, the agriculture of that part of Canada but for. the whole -Domini- on, There isa lesson in it, too, for phere of responsibility; the nothing rep- fare, the passing figures, each uncon: scious of and uninterested In his exist. ence. As an luterloper he bad entered this house; as an Interloper-a mas- querader--he had played-his part, lived his hour, proved himself; 28 an inter- loper he was now passing back into the dim world of unrealized hopes and un- Customer (sarcastically)--I've man. to out this steak, but I'm bother Waiter--Yes, sir. Wao guarantee out, knives, but our lity does not extend to our rs' teeth. uicksilver is found in veins of rocks, like gold, silver and other met- ala. Bometimes the tiny globules of n "Be interstices of the rock, but usually it is found in the form of cinnabar, a chemical compound containing ale cent. of When pure and reduced $o a powder the Ontario farmer, Iie has a market for his breeding stock that should be a profitable one and there is every inducement for him to' increase the output: In doing so, however, he must bear he must bear in mind that;any old kind of breeding stock will not do. The' man in te West, who is going into' liee stock, whether he live in' Alberta, or any other of the Westérn Provinces, wants the best he can get, Whether it bé itr Norges; beef cattle, dairy catlle, sheep of swine. The Omtario breeder cam produce what is wanted if he only. sets his mind' t6 ft; There is oppor. tunity to indrease the production | of good stock in this' country od very markéd degree.-- i Farm:

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