Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 17 Oct 1912, p. 3

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709@ o 70 35@ o 35 25@ o 28 22 @ 0 25|4 41 @oo0s 50@ 7 50 50@ 175 oo @ 4 oo "00 @ 11 00 12.00 @ 13 00 sag--Blackeye ... 125@ 0 00 s--Small....... 100@ Ios nr cesses 0 55@ 056 015@ © 19 o0@ 012 o ng 0 12 010@ © 14 Making x Farm Pay ~ the discontent on account for Cb expended >cactice has sen ; a 5 per acre, ich on account of its wet yndition thi¥ year hasjscarcely re. red 'the seed put on it, and not 'only this, has allowed the weeds to grow 'up until their towering heads have hidden the grain and produced .ettough seed to pollute the neighbor- 'hood next year. Poor use of im- :plements of tillage and sowing poor -seed on ground that is not properly 'prepared, accounts for mauy of the ' "uneven crops and also accounts for ; the appearance of some ficlds which "were intended to produce a crop of 'oats or barley but in which the predominating plants are wild oats, 'perennial sow thistle and Camada - thistle. At Thornton, in Simcoe County, Ont., Mc. Thomas G. Scythes farms a6 average sized farm, and a short account of . his operations showing * the pleasure and profit he derives from farn:ing, should be encourag- jog to those who are dissatisfied with the farm. The key-note of his success lies in keeping ouly the best about his farm, whether it be live stock, seed, grain or anything else and in doing things inthe most + thoroughly possible manner. Live Stock. The horses kept on the farm are ' Clydesdales, which have demonst- wy, 1 # : # clover, an 'rated their good qualities at the local fairs. Inthe cattle line the reds and roans" caught the eye, and goodly numbers of purebred Short-horns adorn the premises Abont fifty head ol cattle arc kept to make beef of the clover, which is sown to the extent of twenty-five acres cach year and to assist in gurning the rough fodder grown on ~4he lar into manure, which along i with the growing of clover crops, = hueps up the fertility of the land. ine dod poultry © atl not kept : Ww : Sl: but the spicimens on 3 premises' are 6fgood breed type. 1 Lace the favorites. Gop SEED. he 'crops grown are fall wheat, oats, barley, peas, corn, turnips and clover: have been made on the farm with the different varieties of each class of crop in order to find ont just what best suited to the immediate lecality.. This about about as Seed o "No seed of any kind is sown unless itis absolutely pure and free from any. kind ot weeds, and further it mist'be plump and well matured. In August a field of 1'5 .actes of red which at the first cutting . bad yielded 40 tons of hay was showing excellent bloom, Biving promise of a good crop of seed, and - aa the whole 15 acres not one nox- «ious weed could be found. "CULTIVATION: teroved from the ground, the gang plow is put on and the field tutned the' autumn vator is kept ovet lightly. Durin the. broad sheared cu ip. commission to . from growing, fi revent aay weed tion during the winter. 'the spring $8 up. the: surface, causin "i with he side that took the aggres- orkshites and Rhode Island Reds mangels, Careful tests year a dozeu plots of oats and many of roots were tested under the direction of the Experi mental Union and J. Langhead, district representative of the De-f : partment ot Agriculture. the best yielding varieties will be used forthe main crop next year. As soon as the crop has been eep plowing in the fall leaves the land h nie As scon as e fields are dry enough to work in the. harrows,are put on : E has little place in a soldier's make. up. ,Boldness, even when carried | poiut of foolhatdiness, i is ever he best policy in war--or was in "he day: when the advantage lay sive, aud when Builish soldiers did oot thiok twice the number of other troops in the world too great odds o be "encountered, Sir Richard Grenville waiting in the little 'Revenge fo fight the whole Spanish fleet, Nelson conspicuous in a blaze of decorations at Trafalgar, Nich- olson ending his life at thirty-five in an attempt to - perform the im. possible at Delhi--these are the 'men and this the spirit that have planted thé British flag in every quarter of the globe, and kept it 'flying in the face of every foe. And if the British Empire is to be maintained it must continue to produce men of the same temper, Not that men shall save their lives but that i in giving them they shail wilh the same spirit of, Say dead yet speaketh, a | with a voleo far more potaut probab than he would have had had he snrviv- ed te die peacefully at a good old age. Lut us thew honour Brock for what he was, and not for what ho was not, 'for what he did, aud not for what be did not do--for bis iutrepidity, for his resourcefulness, for his energy, for bis devotion to duty ; for the battles that he fought and the victories that he woo, and not for the ccutury of peace with which he bad nothing to do. It will do our youth po harm, iu these materialistic days, to imbibe some of his #plrit.-- Orillia, Packt. . -- Card Marks. 1t is conjectured by some writers on the subject that the marks upon the cards designating the four kinds in a pack were originally symbolical and futended to signify the different class- es of soclety. According to this sup- position, the hearts represented the clergy, spades the nobility, some old packs of cards hearing a sword or lance head instead of a spade; clubs the serfs aud diemounds the burgbers or citizen classes, Sunny People, The world delights In sunny people. The old are bungering for love more than for bread. The alr of joy is very cheap. and If you can help the poor on with u garment of praise it will be better for them than blankets.--Henry Druminond. A man of Integrity will never listen to any plea agnjust consclence,~Toine. Farm for Sale ACRES (more or less) being 1{)¢ ) Rquare and south hait of lot 16, cor. 8, Brock Towuship. First-class and. all warkahie except flvo acres of Herdwood bu-h. Good Buildings iu- cluding Stone House. Barn 100xd4 with stabling u.dervesth, and good out- buildings 2 good wells. Possession or plowing after harvest. [Farm is suinated within a mile of Blackwater Station. For furthor particulars apply WA. BAIRD, on the Premises or BLACKWATER P.O. FIRST-CLASS FARM FOR SALE CR TO RENT HE undersigned offers for Sale or to Rent his fine farm. being part of lot 10, cong, East Whitby, consisting of 95 Acres mare or less. There is on the property a Splendid Brick House, 50x 36; Barn and Driving Shed, 26 x 50. It is sitnat- ed about tour miles from the C.P.R., Myrtle, and three miles fiom the 'G.T.R. f Apply to the proprietor on the premises. JAS. J. ORMISON. Raglan, June 24, 1912. VALUABLE PROPERTY In Prince Albert for Sale. pe undersigned offers for sale her fine residental property in Prince Albert. Frame House, two stories with stone foundation ; good cellars ; furnace, hard and soft water, Good barns and TE s | stable. Ten acres ; bearing orchard and C. P. R. Time Table. an abundance of choice small fruit. pe ety Tsien. Tt further f MYRTLE STATION. MRS. A. €. BONGARD. Going: East Going West June 12, 192, 10.17a.m. 6.82 a m. §,60.a.m. 6.60 p.m. 8 Farm for Sale. sina splendid ues. cult There is on the premises a and 2 complete supply of water. | ] ge 'barn ith cement | "8 bling, "and a: b POPULAR YOURIST ROUTH pi USKOKA LAKES 'LAKE OF BAYS 'TEMAGAMIL ALGONQUIN PARK + MAGAN FTaV AN RIVER FRENCH LRIVER GEORGIA AY - LAKE COUCHICHING KAWARTHA LAKES, Etc: ROUND TRIP ERIE CXR To the West At Low Rates Via SARNIA OR, OHIOAGO. Literature, tickets and fall informa- tion from any Grand Truok Agent, or address A. E. DUFF, District Passenger Agent, Torouto, Quiasio . H. McCAW TOWN AGENT. Stewart M. Graham, Schaal Patronage solicited. Terms reasonable St. Charles Hotel PORT PERRY (8triotly under New Management) G. A. COLE PROPRIETOR (Late of Hotel Falconer, Toronto] Commercial trade solicited First class Sample rooms HEADACHES aic nearly always caused by TIRED EYES Wich require spectacles Consult me | y SFI { IF, EB LOR, .oo-rsoimia 159 Yonge St, Tcronto. Opposite Simpsons'. Farm for Sale {last-hall ol Lot 12, Concession 6, Cartwright, Durham County, containing 1oo acres. Erected on the premises are a good frame dwelling, stone cellar 30 x 20,18 x 24, woodshed 18x24, good frame barn, stone stables Sox4o, pig pens jox 18 and 18x 24,'5 acres of uixed timber, one acre of Occhard, a never failing stream, hard and Yoft water. One mile [rom Rail- Blackstock, 24 miles from Caesarea, the farccus Seamer Resort on Lake 8cugog. Situated in the best farm- wgsection in the Conrnty of Durham. For further particulars apply to the undersigned. Davip J. & Douctas Apams, Port Perry, Ont, Levi C. TavLor, Nestleton, Ont. SOLAR BROCE SUMMER SCHOOL Stade nism enti r any day. Open the entire ean Now isa good timo to en's Largert tra Miners in Cruoada. Cts Zt bert poki- tinge, 'Thousands studying ut home. School of [zane Pitman. The largest and most popular school in Eastern Ontario. Ourmanagement trained 2,000 ktadents last vear. There must be a reason. The only school in Eastern Ontario afiiliated with tha Commercial Educators Associa- tion ot Canada. Wiite, phone or call to investigate, SPOTTON EUSIXESS COLLEGE PETERBOROUGH, GEQ. SPOTTON, President aa i a aaa TEE Dr. de van' s Female Pills A réiiable French regulator; never fails. These pills are 1 owerful in regulating the tive f the female system. Refuse ap tat ay Dr, de Vaa's are sold at RA a bax, od Thace for $10. Mailed to doy ad Addren, The Sce rug Oo., Bt. Catharin er = Filnt's Drug Srorenn.. Fan prea Papering, inting, &c. : Pager and Paint . furnished i : requi red (Successor t doors north of M GEO. BPOTTON, - CAWEER BROS way, one miie from the village of| _ "14 UXBRIDGE rk i) to do a inds o je es duri fave been en past 30 years a in On 7 Ow- The largest ing may study all at home or partl home and finish at the Coll Affiliated with The he College B lucators' Association of Canada. It would be well for you to investi- gate before choosin, Exclusive Fight for, Ontario of the world- famous k-keeping System which ia unequalled. 'It Cis Acta} Business from Start to Finals and the student k same books as Chartered Banks and Whole sale Houses, Enter any time. Individual instraction. Fall Term From August 38th PETERBORO BUSINESS COLLEGE (Founded 1885.) PRESIDENT { (Successors To Jamieson & DENNIsoN.) Having purchased the Livery business carried on by Jamieson & Dennison, and the premises coon- nected therewith we intend to RE-HORSE THE STABLES with first-class animals, and install New and Up-to-Date Vehicles with modern Irappings which for comfort and convenience cannot be surpassed. Special attention paid to the requirements of Commmerciai Travel €TS. Qur charges are moderate and we guarantee to please our patron- Patronage solicited. EF Phone No. 2. CAWKER BROS Why We Excel | Ve have the most modern, the most practical and the best J equipped school in Eastern Ontario. The courses are thorough and facinating. An entirely, Canadian Business Procedure for the training of the ambiti- ous young peoyle of our coun- try. Cur Graduates arc successful, ask a student or ex.student, they are our hest advertisement. : Home Study Courses Lindsay Business College C. R. Brower, A. H. Spotton, Principal. President Enter Any Day. Sittings of the Division Courts COUNTY OF ONTARIO. 1912. 1. WHITBY Clerk," Miss BE. douell, Whitby --Jan. 135, Fob. 3, March 4, April 8 May 2, June 6, July 8, Sept. 8, Oct, 2, Nov. 7, Dec. 7, Jan' 13, 1913. © OSHAWA --Clerk, Miss E. T.. Mac- donell, :\Whitby--Jan. 18, Feb 6. March 5, April 4, May 8, June 7, July 4, Sept. 4, Uct. 8, Nov. 8, Dec. 9, Jan, 14, 191 13. L. Mac- { SSR | Seed Cleaned by Gasoline Power, UST RECEIVED R SHIPMENT OF THOSE. © BEAUTIFUL BCE CHINA DINNER a BETS POR $12.50 8. FORMAN & SON. ngrams' © accepted the Agency for ilvie Flour Mills Co. [Millers to the Royal Family.] red to promptly fill all orders entrusted to their care. They havethie one Flour that gives satisfaction to the} consumer-- THE ROYAL JUSEHOL Das the bill, cvery pound is guaranteed, After givi a fair trial if not satisfied retnrn the balance (if over 5 lbs.) and your mabey will be cheerfully refunded. The millionaire cannot buy a bett our than THIF ROYAL HOUSEHOLD, nor even the poorest fa use a flour that is more economical. A GAR LOAD JUST RECEIVED ING IRA is? Agents Port, Pery and Heinity. = a BAR THE ERE , XE. DOUBT wl MERCHANT TAILOR, . Keeps in Stock a full i supply of up-to-date Wanted 2000 BUS. ALSIKE CLOVER 8000 BUS. RED CLOVER 1000 BUS. TIMOTHY HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID * No charge for cleaning whet the seed is sold to us. when we do not buy. 5c. per bushel it charged Give me a call before selling. BH. IZ. PURDTY. ring thanks to the Greenwood--dJ an. 1% March i . Clerk, ham, Port Perry--Jan. 18, March 7 May 7, Jug 8, Sent 8, Nov, 12, Jan. 17, 1013. Uxbridge--Jan. I, 5 uy 28, Sept. 18, Nov. 22, Jau. Canpiugton -- Jan, 1, May 15, J July 25 Sept. 12, Jano TO. Den Gordon, Beaverton--J. 28 May 18, J 20,. Dt fri Sade Se pt. i, Hoy. {2 BROUGHAM-< Clerk, A. Sara] | yl : M, Madre, 12, Fe 26, May 5. CANNINGTON Cink, Ge Smiths ov od, ov: at, i 6. BEAVERTON -- = Clerk. Joh M.| an. 10, March extensive pat- est and ten- ssible, and we wi cut to. Blease and deliver promptly, iD AND SALT MEATS A SPECIALTY. ] ROEs & SONS 'RTLE LIVERY | tle Blatien, Oat. TR & Livery Stables a 'My le Statioa and od. will cf ey, and stocked them + a large slumber of : BORGES ARD UP-T0-DATR VERICLES Livery tine at ste 2, 3 d of the Sue ig - Bell and aden Phones, North of Millbric 12 miles east of Ralrne: 68 Rin, booklets and all iuformation, THE BEST EER HUNTING CROUNDS [" 'Along the Lines of the Cariadian 'Northern SINGLE FARE FOR 'THE ROUND TRIP DEEP BAY, MAGANETEWAN RIV JAK SRAWARAGA RIVER, DEER Ba. JOLOR LAKE, S& Huating Centres. LA. To Points on CENTRAL ONTARIO RAILWAY Sune Lake and Papineau Lake, to Coe Hill, Devils Lake, E and all ot yngoth--SPECIAL FARES. Good d going LOTOBER 17th to NOVFMBER 9th, yaiia to return until the ¢ Ontario R the well known N 1 SPECIAL SERVICE $0 ALL HUNTING oh On the Canadian Northern Gnierio Railw Sleeping and Dining Cars. 7. Apply to the §, rtsman's Information Bureau of the Canadian N treet, Eant, Toronto, or to any C. N. 0. Railway agen 5000 Bushs rE WANTED ------AT THE RED APPLE EVAPORATOR For which the Highest Prices will be paid, that the business will afford. Bring them to the Evaporator bl as early as possible On or after 1st Sept omiin Do not allow any apples go to same as heretore. waste. Prices ab out the JOSEPH BIGELOW. Port Perry, Aug. 20, 1913: CARD OF THANKS In returning thanks for the liberal patronage received, so far since commencing the Confectionery and Bakery Business, we beg to announce that in future we purpose carrying on A Strially Cas h Business Our oods are the BEST possible, and our Prices are Right IN GRAMS" ' Port Port Perry, Jan. 24. 1912 Nothing Like Beef! HAVING purchased the : Butchering Business and good will of Mr. I. J. Whee le i would like to inform allhis® old customers and as many new ones as possible that I intend ta keep at all times a good assortment of all kinds of. the Best Meats--Fresh and Salt--obtainable and at reas- onable rates as possible. I am also in the market, at all times, for Choice Cattl. Hogs, Sheep and Lambs Calves, Hides and Sheepskins, a the Highest Market Prices, EZ Fresh Fish every Tuesday. Courteous treatment and prompt delivery May26, 1909. W. A. BOYCE A FULL STOCK OF EVERYTHING IN THE Farness Line CHEARPNESS STYLE Durability and STRENGTH Cannot be urpassed n the County, Robes, Blankets, Bells, Trunks &o., in sbindance. Oomparison of Prices Qourted W. A. BEATTY IF YOU WANT THE BEST Rent hig fine Farm bet of part of Jots 83 and 84 Int of Whitby, containing 155. Jor less. The 'soil is Noo buildings--both the dwelling a Bar, 33 phd for «| thy propristor, > Haug 20, 1012. issoesion to plow this rNUE undersigned hn or goa ner or

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