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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 17 Oct 1912, p. 4

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States. Are Still Inactive the European Powers Are Pers ed at the Situation -- Turkey Invited to Consider a Program of "Reforms for Macedonia -- Turks Reported to Have Surrendered. London, Oct. 11--Montenegro claims the 4irst victory in the Balkan war by the capture of the strong Turkish position. on Detchitch Mountain, whose commander surrendered yester- day with the bulk of the forces. {Montenegrin ulso orossed the frontier pear Berana, aud according to Turk- i 'aceount, have been repulsed. The situation meanwhile is as puz- ing as before. "No declaration of war has been issued by the other al- lied Balkan states, and there is no hews yet of their Ministers having left Constantinople. It cannot, there- fore, be definitely said whether Monte. negro has acted independently, with motive of forcing a conflict, so as to render the powers' efforts to pre- serve peace ncgatory, or in accord- ance with a strategic plan, arranged by ¢ Ralkan coslitiop. .- ] resterd.. Murray, who is extroitly it pver the affair, said: "It is 'a' crying shame, and we, resent it. to aa us, then we must become | a daw ourselves and be willing : on to our children the traditions of Britain! _ansullied by tactics of poli- tical neers. Mr. W A per was later taken to Portage Ia Prairie. © .Bail ls Refused. Po! la Prairie, Man. Oct. 11.-- D. H. falkinehaw of Rathwell, who for alle crooked work in comnec- tion with the Macdonald bye-election, was brought before Magistrate Mar. shall yesterday afternoon He was re- manded_tiil Saturdey al ogge. 20 was not'| granted WAITER NAMES THREE. Louis Krause Identifies Gunmen In ~ Becker Case. New York, Oct. 11.--The trial of | Charles Becker, former police teu | tenant, for the murder of Rosenthal, Je zombies ves in earnest yester- a with 'of a free and British coun- | If the law, in | of political minions, fails | need be, that we may hand ! was arrested Wednesday at Rathwell | Dr. Hamilton's Pils Cured Quickly. Those who doubt 'if constipation and Syronis Now stomach trouble can be cured, need only a the striking testimony of Mrs. B. C Currean, of Ney! know that even if all else had falle certain cure attends th Hamilton's Pills, "For full three years I nave suffered the torture of billousness, constipation. stomach disorders. I had terrible pains in my head. My appetite faded | away, and when I did eat anything it disagreed and made me very sick for hours after each meal. The active pains in my stomach and the dizzy headaches I had to endure almost set me wild, Sometimes attacks came on £0 severely that I had to go to bed. I would feel so worn, = depressed. and utterly miserable that for hours I Tom: speak to my family. My sys- was poisoned with wastes and a helped me till I used Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Without this grand system-cleaning remedy I would still be sick, but each day brought me bet- ter health and spirits. I was cured and made as strong, ruddy, and healthy looking as one could wish, and will al- ways u ton's Pills." Thousands who are in an glling, low state of health need Dotalng else but pod ao ee franc bad color, sorders, PinDlee: 2) lve; Jlduney - and recommend Dr. Hamil- so erm "stp [ Tie Yaw BLOOD lo ty hs rit ne eke bad Coat pe ju Tre, den. Failure to Undes t Many to io use of Dr. Need of the Hour In Is a Correct. Value of Blood Declared Pastor How It May Be Passed in Safety. So. Wellington, B.C.-- "For s the Change of of Life I'n yw may publish this. if you iy David R. Mone Si. W Vancouver Island, B. a yours old: Oct. 11.--John Bate: From Ot 50 Years of Arn Justice Latchlord Declines to Coneider. i Recommendation fo. Hanging Far Enough "Ahead te Permit of an for Dlemmney ; Being Mads by Counsel. {or forty years a resi i LE murder of his aged: wife at' i the dock es the | ST fm he adres \ 4 in a. His hand fdr Tub appearance. 4 their verdict. "ha Jo at ure you to say Pr court should not EFS [t only the mere qu tion o Louis Krause, a Hungsnian waiter, le at om Yhut the broader one was the star witness. was called | of justification of rates as well, The by the state as an eye- Ei of the burden of proof as regards discrimi- mutder and identified in the court- | nation was thrown on the railways at : "It , however, as though, while diplomacy is trying te arrange the matter peacefully guns will decide it for them. Fresh Bulgarian attacks on Turkish frontier towns are reported, and the opinion is growing that the opposing parties are only using diplomatic de- lays to concentrate their forces in readiness for the inevitable outbreak. The statement of the Austro-Hun- garian Foreign Minister, Count von Berchthold, in the Hungarian dele- gation yesterday, that Austria is pre- red to guard her interests in the alkans at all hazards, has created a sensation in European capitals, as am indication that the powers may be le to confine themselves to the cy of merely holding the ropes. i The Frankfurter Zeitung publishes @ ecnsational report that Greece will Withdraw from,the Balkan agreement and demobilize, but this is hardly gredited here. Both Greece and Tur- key are trying to purchase the Chi- tese cruiser Chao Ho, recently built at Newcastle. Fought For Thirty Hours. "Podgoritza, Montenegro, Ott. 11.-- The -Montenegring have captured Betchitch Mountains. The Turkish commanders and officers with many soldiers have surrendered. For the past thirty hours the battle the | A jury of have found you elt of the of murder. I have had a fair trial. You Jjsge been exceptionally well defended your counsel, Conant, Boarything that a counsel could say = do has been said and his d Ieee) Atonement the Each man's ills such as inflar ammation, ulcers season, il 1 tion, tumors, irregularities, periadic ' Atonement ] i rvous prostration, we "Kn Cit on St Se the th 2 Re : Yondioaghy » v ouss, are ought is be oorgged 3 foie ene banal for women dar | rause's identification of ree | representing A an aska - » gunmen made a dramatio scene in the | wan. the Jou begun. The ing the period of change of life. courtroom. The four gunmen and Ja- | The statement was made yesterday i oe femindent: If you have the slightest doubt ;,.. iy your behalf. No other con- cob Reich, alias Jack Sullivan, were | by the railways that any decrease of ding of blood, withou} that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta- | clusion was possible for any j to then brought into court. Krause, who tariffs will wipe out their surpluses, death, there can be mo ble Compound will help you, write | arrive at than whith has been given later testified that he received letters | though whether this will be borne out giveness of sins. Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co. | upon the evidence. I have no threatening his life, and who ever by the evidence presented is some- For more than sixte Ly - forads | '0 add to the seriouaness of your sit- since he testified before the grand | thing in regard to which the prose- * Israel observed these ty (considential) Lynn, Mass., for ad- uation by reminding you of its hoTTor. <i jury, has heen guarded by a detective. | cution vill, of course, have much to ment Day services, up vice. Your letter will be opened, "The jury has made a recommenda. read and snswered by a woman, | tion for mercy. M is a function and held in strict confidence. left dhe witness stand and walked say. that Jesus case. Bince th over to the bar where the prisoners | D. B. Hanna, can have no Atonement Di of the crown. I can hold out no ex: BRUGE 18 ACQUITTED. pectation to you, whatever, that Se were lined up | Jie president shi i p. general manager of the C.N.R., con- beau their Prisatiy li y have né Holy and will be exercised. What you sh do, it seems to me, is to "That is Lefty Louie," said Krause, ; tinued his evidence yesterday morn- touching the juan on the shoulder. | Ing. ' 'in which to make the Atone prepare your Successively he identified the other | Baskatchewan and Alberta, raid the no S8hekinah Mercy-Beat of self in the interval of life that is left, blood of Atonement may for the ending that must come toy if the quality of mercy is not exertod prisoners with the exception of "Dago | witness, demanded branch lines, Frank," ard met the angry glare of A which, if all asked for were built, and from which Divine forgiveness would pro by the crown in your behalf." Bateman sat down as though dazed their eves without flinching. | would put the C.N.R. down and out ~ Whitman began his address to the financially. Branch lines were not 8 nevertheless, keep up the In their typical proced and was a minute later taken out to the jail. jury as soon as the box was filled paying proposition and part of the | of Atonement included all With the exception of a slight Before the passing of sentence, Mr. yesterday. | coat of their operation came from the ment work of the priest twitching of his mouth and moisten- Conant asked that ss long a lime as "So far as we can learn," he said. | earnings of the main lines. "None of the four gunmen who killed | The C.N.R. grain rates in the west day of the seventh month. ment included all the Ato ing of his lips as the jury flied into | possible be given the doomed man, as the courtroom to record their verdict, | he intended to make application for Rosenthal knew him at all. There | of Canada were more favorable than was no personal reason for them to those in the western states. The rates of the priest on the tenth desire his death. So far as the actual | were framed on the basis of making eeventh month. His Atone the prisoner displayed ti. same ap. | clemency, and the court acceded to fiee consisted of two pa parent indifference that has charao- | this request by placing the execution terized him throughout the case since | date so far ahead. a Scanitove ial h er 'The I tinues good at firm ontiarise evidently sn fovalid--and a man in the frest corner so muffled up in a: fur. iided - "cloak that his features were coneealed, He appeared to be rather under over the medium size and was i, j gently enjoying a refreshing slu! EE th brawny Kentuckian got inte this | coach, smoking a rank, coarie cigar. He gazed around fercely, though be would impress upon the minds of his new companions that be . would chew up and swallow any. ony who dared to interfere with bm. short, be was baif horse and haif gator, with @ goodly sprinkling of pane ther and grizzly bear thrown fn. 'Te puffed forth huge volumes of | without the least concern for the pe : fort of his companions, Presently the lady, who seemed te be growing sick. whispered to er bus ; EH aE band, and the husband, in the politest i Ber Daten fe Coast), [5 bs manner possible, asked the straoger it to £5 15s. he would not throw away his cigar, ®8 Hams--8hort cut, 14 =, 18 Ibs. es 64. | the smoke greatly dtscommoded Ms ing. 0 to Ske, ckwheat=No. 1, Téc to TSo. ba spring whoat patents, 8, ; strong Like oats--Barrel ilitesd--Bra Mill | --] dalyngs, $28 to "0: a or ro % Lota, {ay =o. 2, per ton, car lots, Cheebe--Finest westerns, 18%¢ to 13%o; finest Sa Tn 2 to 1 Butter--Ch 8% to 28%c; seconds, x Eggs--Selected, he to Tks: No. { stock, car lots, 30 to lo to 22. zSased Boss--Abattolr killed, $12. 2° to Folatoes--Per ba Teuvy Canada short mess. Ris. 35 te 4 pieces, 328; short out back, b 6 to 85 pleces, Liverpool Grain and Produce. LIVERPOOL, Oct. 10.--Cloain, heat Spot sb No. 3 Manitoba a Bad: tures steady: Oct. 7s 10%d March, t steady; American mixed, new, pa futures easy; fd; Jury Frees Hamilton Man After Four Hours' Deliberation. Hamilton, Oct. 11.--"Not guilty" was the verdict returned in the Br.we murder trial at 9.20 last night, after the jury in the case had been out nearly four hours. STegeTy. participants in the killing were con- | the lowest possible charge on the chief | cerned, no motive whatever seemed to | product of the country--grain, so as | exis > | to benefit the farmer. ) u | Becker listened to his indictment by Hon. H. Phippen examined the between the Montenegrin forces, un- | the district attorney without any no- | witness in regard to the rate com- der the direct command of King Ni- | ticeable display of feeling. His coun- | parisons submitted by the C.N.R. cholas, and Turkish troops strofmzly | sel, John McIntyre, repeatedly in- | They are made up in great part of entrenched in the hills has been in | terrupted the prosecutor with objec- | comparisons of rates on the C.N.R. progress. The fight began at eight | tions, few of which were sustained. in the Canadian west with those of | o'clock Wednesday morning. | He objected particularly to Mr. Whit- | the Great Northern in Minnesota, * Strongly fortified positions were oc man's reference to Becker as "the | North Dakota and Montana. They cupied by the Turks, however, on | most desperate criminal of them all. fared that for similar distances the Detchitch Mountain, which commands | The court finally reprimanded Mr. | C.N.R. carries coal, lumber, live the road to Scutaria, and reinforce- | McIntyre for "his unseemly interrup- | stock, implements and all articles in ments were brought up, which result- | tions" and ordered him to sit down. which the farmer is interested for ed in a general engagement, which | RSet I LS TY less than the rate charged by the extended along the line for several University Ia China. Great Northern. miles. : y : Toronto, Oct. 11.--Modelled after the Mr. Hanna contended that it had _ King Nicholas remained at his | University of Toronto, a university | been the object of the railways to headquarters at Podgoritza, while | and various residential college will | frame these rates in such a way as to Crown Prince Danilo directed opera- | be founded by the Methodists of Can- | essist the farmers and in so doing tions at the front. The Montenegrins | 41 and the United States, the Bap- {help the country's prosperity. They resumed the bombardment of Det- |tists of the United Bfates, and the 'had worked in sympathy with the chitch at dawn and a heavy canonsd- | F da of England, at Cheugtu, the | western provincial and Dominion Gov- ing 'was kept up until 11 q'clock in | centre of the West Cbina inission | ernments to meet the west's great cry the morning, when the Turkish bat- | field. --more railway facilities. ies on the mountain were silenced. Rev. PT: E. E. Bhore, D.D., Rev. n the meantime a great battle was | Prof. R. P. Bowles and Mr. N. Ww. roce ing near the Turkish town of | Rowell, K.0., M.P.P., wil' represent ki, about 15 miles to the south of | the Methodists of Canada on the Podgoritza. At 4 o'clock in the after- | board of governors. noon the Turkish commander on Det- The project was definitely decided chitch, with his officers and a majority | upon at a meeting held ia the Wesley of his troops, surrendered. The | buildings yesterday, and in the an- Montenegrins captured four guns. nouncement was made last night by Rev. D¥. Goucher of Baltimore, who will be the president of the board of governors: The occasion was the 76th anni- versary of the granting of a charter to Victoria University by King Wil- On Sept. 21 Doyle was assaulted by |liam IV., and a large gathering of @ young man named Thomas Hard- friends of the college and students ing, who was found guilty of the of- | assembled in fbe university chapel to {epce, and was to have received sen- | commemorate the event. tence Wednesday, but owing to his assailant's serious condition, was fur- ther remanded to jail for a week. to the direct cause of death the in- westigation will no doubt determine it. It 13 alleged in some quarters that the beating he received nt the hands of Harding hastened death, while on the other hand it is stated that death was the result of an attack of pneu- monia. The jury after being empan- elled adjourned without any evidence being submitted. bullock, which he slew wards a goat, which he tre mavner. He took the hi bullock into the Most Hi y_and ap- plied it, not on behalf 1 in general, but simply on be t of priestly tribe of Levi. After pevsinplishing | this he Same out and slew part his offering, _-- re hd typified those oumsearal ander-priesthood. After Hod re goat precisely as the bull ck had been inkled on he was first arrested on a nominal "It is not often that twelve men charge of vagrancy on Aug. '1 last. | are charged with the serious responsi: When discharged by Justice Kelly, | bility as that which rests upon you,' Bruce hurried out of the courtroom | aid Justice Latchford in his address without speaking to anyone and | to the jury. "It is not often that such quickly disappeared outside. responsibility is attended with such Before discharging Bruce,' Justice | little difficulty as in the present case. Kelly lectured him on his evident neg- | Tht psipel stands charged with the lect of his wife. "I have no fault ta | Mur of his wife, and the question Bacon--Cumberland 28 to 30 Ibs. a! wife. With an impudent, swaggering find with the verdict, but the jury | you have to determine is did the | Bacon Cur belies, i he Ita.. G8 ht onably have found you guil- | prisoner kill his wife? Now, can any | | | iddl to 3 Ibs. 718 ihe a HE] aEminet you," Said of you, upon evidence, have the slight SE hen - ities, Js Tbs oe "ls: short : stare the fellow replied, interiarding his lordship to the prisoner. "During est difficulty in answering that ques- | clear backs, 1% to 7% 66s 6d; shoulders, | his speech with several oaths: Bhs i Jon clos share have 'boo | ton?" HE Br | ecu Tee pad for my pcs evidence produced to show that you The judge explained the aw of the | American refined, 3 T'li smoke as much as 1 please, snd I'd have not treated your wife as well aa | different degrees of murcer. Taking Chees Canadin, like to see some one try to stop oe you might have done. You have a » Mr. Denes appeal fof » verdict hs; colored, Dow, He looked dangerous as he garg 0 anniaugier, 299 019.18 MA around, and it was very evident not one jot or tittle of evidence, that CATTLE RKETS. he was used to quarreling. a08' strife, most solemn duty to perform as the head of a family, and I hope the bt I SPA hai Sb re nig ible warni ou have just had wi can see, whic 0) a Dn ao your nln your | duction of this crime to one of man- Union Stock Yards. | and. Tusirgupe. » TU 3 slaughter. If there is, you are free to TORONTO, Oct. 10.--Receipts of might have n 8 y apply it, but I can't see it." live stock at the Union Yards were - young man who had spoked. to Wim 83 garicadsy comprising 1107 cattle, ' ghrank back and was ales The Ts Corn--8§) Jin-ditel Oct. treated, its blood was Most Holy and thers was the Meroy Seat, not on tribe of Levi, but on be other tribes--on behalf of "all the ople," representative of ll human- ity--how eventually they will come #nto harmony with God "The Better Sacrifices" In the type the bullock "Jesus corsemated to deat all tho white, new, ! "finest are now discharged," concluded the Judge. X The evidence in the case was b- Committed For Trial. 8 : 3 a at ed yesterday morning without Toronto, Oct. 11.--The Great North- oO k $ i et fidded to' the fact prev. western Telegraph Co. was committed ously disclosed. tor trial by Magistrate Denison yes- ne Be James Bi} Bh was acs on the g wii: terday morning on a charge of com- ness s a remarkably mitting a breach of the Betting Act. lock represents Jim 3 a story in his own de. } tel clerks as having visited various | Shoes LV good, $5.00 (0 8: The case was the outcome "i seiz- | & 4 fence. His evidence could not | cities at times when explosions 05 pedir, ©.2% to y comrion, $4.50 to i baptism unto death, ce and & | ghoken in any respect and the Be curred. $5; inferior, $3.7 % 2; $3 to ¥; ure of forty-nine telegrams in the half yeo-s, compietin Calvary. y pe i i City, M ori office of the Metropolitan Racing As- created a very favorable impression. H. E. Pearce of Kansas y, Mo., | cows, FEB F ae ce. | ng His carthly 4% try. es a H C 3 K h th of 8 h tel register ockers and Feeders sociation, 156 West King street. These riest" He was én ly, having E. H. Creswicke, K.C., the crown | in e pages otel reg s ! messages bore the names of horses j "At Cal. | Prosecutor, made a comparatively | J. W. MoGraw" as having registered | cers, 5000 3 and the odds at the Windsor and New ler the | brief address in summing up the | at a Kansas City Jug, x, 1910, | era' 250 to oh 3 Sdn York tracks. A. M. Orpen of the Rao. mariecton. | SIOWIS tase to the jury. One of the | three days betes MeMsnigal biew sp "Mitkers and Springers fzotic manner. ing Association testified that without he veil in most brilliant {forsenic efforts ever | a portion of a 310, hin, across his life in some qu! : ot these telsgrams business could not ot spirit heard in the Hamilton courtroom was | the Missouri ives, Yo ity inti springe-s Eold at £5 ri Clay was settling bac! Es have Leen carried on. condition---n Yat amoctale the three-hour speech of the prison ry raed I: he NT -- = eal Calves, ioe the and disg: or e fuowliet B. H. Ardagh argued that the crown | ji vaker of e nature. | ex's counsel, C. W. Bell. The lawyer | o as City e market for veal calves TONE. | when suddenly, but very quietly, [3 ted hi ents in a most | Namara. Common, rough eastern calves, sold at ii ph must show that the company knew | Gur Lord remad ty days to proser is argum "D McG th rt ves clonked figure the corner Rioters Sentenced the telegrams were being used for | manifest Himself to sciples, af- ogical and forceful manner aud mals oy FS ee. in te on ranged from §7 to $9 per cwt. vi an upright position, parting the burred Port Arthur, Oct. 11 --Justice Mid- vagesing and Poor The Tariirale | ter which He as eon high and | & tremendous impression on jury | dleton yesterday sentenced Dominico SCE wy on gtermine shat, presented the merit, Duprenzo and Nick Duprenzo to ten z 3 (Heb. 9:24) on beh years' imprisonment each in Stony Rabies In Paris, Ont. | Just as Aaron prese Mountain penitentiary, for having as- Brantford," Oct. 11.--Rabies is re- | 'the bullock on behal saulted Chief of Police McClellan on | ported in Paris, Ont. A boy was the tribe of Levi, ¥ July 29, the night of the riots on the | playing with a dog in that town on |&"°@ of this mer hait of the coal docks. i morning, when the animal | Church was manife the giving Rev. Madison Hicks was convicted [suddenly turned around and bit him. | of the Holy Spirit $oos\ of having been at the head of an un- |The Paris chief of police had the dog Members of Je Dying. lawful assembly on the evening of |shot, and its oa at to Ottawa. The Scriptures that the July 29, at the time when the riot- | Yesterday the report comes that the | faithful few of J lowers who ers were in progress at the coal docks. {dog's head es infected with Tubes, nL the EP Hestizond Sentence was suspended and Hicks |and the boy has been taken to To- | b; by have b resented as evening | bound over in the sum of $500 to |ronto for treatment. Ls antitypical t of the en wife of keep the- peace. The Paris chief of police has issu- | Atonement Day, caused to | gp Too edd who was then a patient > cd an order that sll dogs are to be | pass through the san erience ex- | oo "ihe nity hospital, Miss Zei engineer of the city of London for the: €A " Y kept on leash until further orders. actly oe ; , Locks 93 taken ill a few minutes after DS past three years, resigned yesterday, Lord. (Hel - e faith- RATE SE ADJOURNED fo) followers oi 3 to be shar. eaten some chocolates given to her by and in an ight Fuge lo letter 21 8l\ofos > mee Albert visit Canada in 1914. - pe extension' of the duke's term will Layers Will Have Until Nov. 4 be very popular in Canada. The du- - to Go Over Evidence. chess apd Princess Patwcia are com- i gar Mrs . was subsequently terference with ers in His sufferin ie IT ont | shown that the girl died of strych- partment. The letler eieizes Mayor '| Bank of Montreal bills, which were by and by, "If stolen from the New Westminster y ing in April for a few weeks' visit to England and will visit the Crown with Him nine 'poisoning and it was the theory Graham. i i Fe et TRIE WS serio bank some months ago, have been de- Not, until the lash: taithiul strychnine candies 3 and has ore 24 bos 8 With ne tected in this city, but who brought if shall | the of ing the ere. 8! aby £30 0 0 9% them here has not been ascert! fi the fore. on to his wife, and that Miss resident of Toronto at the reed B) Joues, of nales, shal Behe we te whininion vou ong By the drownin ot his uncle' | eb ry a Prince and Princess of Sweden at Be Proceeded With When Hearing on the Titanic he inher ut $13,- Bleep i ar Btockholm:. Probably the latter will : logs, a visit Canada next autumn." 1s Aesumed--C.P.R. Has Head to g - Bear the Brunt of the Testimony-- New Montreal City Attorney. Railroads Will Probably Be Re- ¥Fontreal, Oct: 1.--~By a vote of 17 quired to Justify Their Rates. Bruce's act. - 8% Hand nar ot ey ls re raven suffering from a picts | A WONDERFUL DISCOVERY re: RS will ever bl 13 the. City ne yesterday at 2 OM ; Oct. 11--With the A tos] "# the vacant . position ot Fn dra tion of the presentation of the case of | kdown "as 'a oni; of of Lic in oT when the city Cheese 'Markets: 10,~/There vill 7 | 4s aminent sclentiat, the other day, {oF Shes boarded ei | TMI? Cem Toure ma $12,000 pee Tous wi the GIP, which followed that of the of $1,000 until XN. McManigal Identified. Tidienapolis, Oct, 11. Eo jue Br | time since he 'confessed to dynam: ing, Ortie A. McManigal was before | ye heara o of ve SE oe a jury in the "dynamite conspiracy" KBationr NY ons at 96.16. trial yesterday, was identified by ho- Butchers family and wife in the future. You 1835 hogs, 1 sheep and lambs, 1 calves and 28 Direc ses. , be- rigs, a moment Whether be should | Ma and found himself reluctan a Nelo %: upon his own head the brutal violened of the gigantic ruffiag.' "lo that then Jawless country he kuew that bis life might be need unavenged. He knew be. ity uo: a inaeiny auf ho Tho: ® | after all, it was not his duty to risk baptism filled His Investigating Death. Belleville, Oct. 11.--A coroner's jury will investigate the death of James Doyle, aged 55, who passed away on Wednesday nigot. vs as Priest, He second vell, erd arose on tl the Most Sheep and d Lambe. mantle without a particle of excite o Jie Tagher! Ja et re 50 for ment, thereby revealing the small, Well pointing straight to McManigal. T0lisC and 88 to $15 and as high as %5; | knit, muscular frame of & man piataly R. J. Quigley of Duluth, Ming.. | nems, 3 to io is Beaty! ewes Gressed tn a ¢ buttoried frock ' identified YoManigs) as a visitor at 8 % oge coat, with a face ral pale nnd a pale could be restored in the courtroom. | Duluth hotel in July, 1910, shortly Selects fed and watered sold at ne Io of bright eyes tbat gleamed ike pol Justice Kelly's charge to the jury, | before an explosion at Superior, Wis. | #40 and 8 Tob. cars at sodstiy. POI taned steel, and those strange Eyes. which was eminently im ial, oo- F. W. Gates said McManigal was the East Buffalo Cattle Market. 3 the _ot:the cupied a half hour, and the jury re- | "Judge Brice" who frequently le EAST BUFFALO, Oot. 10~Cattle-- "go oug Kentuckian. tired at 5.30 o'clock to deliberate on | | tered at. 8 hotel at Rochester, Bee Receipts 1 head. Hiow and %o With a terrible calmness this Dien the case. | near which the later were discovered oger 5 to Soaps . ri N 200 head; slow and bs Bruce was charged with murdering quantities of nit hidden in s--Recelpts an Rose Zeipe by A strych- a shed. tg Je higher; heavy, $0.40 to $0.50; m! xed, ; ers, .50; 15 jod to fu! =i "roughs, dior sim: Eo dairies and grassers, § to 2 2000 head; a" and Jrmhe-Rgosipts : "Chicago Live Stock. and the crowd in the courtroom. His peroration was followed by a spob- taneous outburst of enthusiastic ap- plause from the spectators, and it ! was several minutes before order assistant district attorney. sacrifice "That's the man," said Pearce, Charch, he blood of #8 household, pine nccept- : To Stay an Exfra Year? "London, Oct. 11.--(C.A.P. €able.j-- It is almost ecrtain that the' Duke of Copnaught's term in Canada will éx- tend enether vear, says Truth, which iS generally reliable in such matters. "It is very desirable that he should be at the head of the Canadian Govern- Fo when the Prince of Wales and Engineer Wright Resigns. London, Ont., O¢t. a ~--Geo. Wright, Stolen Bills In Belleville. Belleville, Oct. 1}.--A number of 3 bli Ey : i to. Td SEs REE : Cross-Examination of Witnesses Will been com- lorgiveness om plished. ical Priest application Ratid : Sr ve Getting After Dogs. Bioyolists in England have Jost pa- tience over the dogs th t attack them. They are making'a Mackiiss of the dnimals 'which do this habitually. The Susie of the dogs are notified, ai it ra Js, not of abated theie own- fly old to Dav dasisg, mar rp r-------- - Dr. ¢ arret Gets obel Briss. Just: | threatened by flood. He 10 the omy . engines the iy ever had of ha made tpi fT re discovery of Zan ; and svi Tiana ba three rail ways; it is undetstond that none

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