Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 14 Nov 1912, p. 1

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70 MISTAKE. | «IT 18 BABIER The Orplien At Workings In 'the: bs the seme ; ; 'now Clad Himalayas. | master : spirits which, deity ws Ng x 5 deat to renter, a1ovs § DAZZLING BLAZE OF C9 pwn? No; wot at all, | Cie TT a ii oh Fer \ 1 take my horn and ampay for hours."--Fliegendé Blatter. gia r 5 bili vYenrs afterward ( 9 \ was in company with a band DR. 8 s Lr ae Rod ty vein, a buriifng even §%nks of Tivich ir, cue Reslasm. of thie snowy clad giant Himalayas of ht Chitral, ie the old ofines where orpl OHUROHIOF THE ASCENSION. ; «Pesaran, SURG, 46, fuga ; : 3) fu en id a > Sea (ANGLICAN) = : ----. 5 foy judgment, were the fn. rn ! : _ Ofise and Residence, Qdeen 8t., Fort Pes . ---- 5: adh: : f troll mi ment is foun rpiment 1s a" flaky: . " woods. the Lu A EET TOP le il i PORT PERRY BRANCH - eb Wobert 3 1.00 woich fotor, | 86zible minoral, a compound of prsevic 115 20 matter How, [0 Bye Matin pene I . 40d Evenings, - : érning Prater ht Sand. én Spiitay each fionth ' 1. G. HUTCHESON, M / te. The former could ngt 4nd sulphur, the basis of certain beau: Vet i goa | merly been a soldler at Fort Dearborn' So in nd: 5 3" wig ; W 27. Telephoue in office and house, open night Eremanag, dvi and ih Doo: Brinshos sls at Blacteibsle GR, H. Coble Sd MS the humflintion of being over tiful yellow pigments, the auripigmen- Fol ke id ol. | and "was one of the survivors of: the <vand day ovér the Tides Joy Sennestel ; Kventong, Wedne nat Spit ranches NE Coulson Ma Hangar. Ouiawa, Sicuiivile, emant npletely in a cause he be tum of the ancienid. In "Sport and --New York Mail. | battle ou the la%e shore. At one of . with the residence of 0. L: Rabson, V.5. R. 0. CHURGE: . © 4) Si Sundesiand rnd Whit rae na fie (otter converted him at Life In the Furthef Himnlayag" Major | --_-- | the camplres the chief, being of 8 HE | Frm ea TRE, Foe are a ad ' challengs, as was again 1enoion descripbs his visit to these | «I'm afraid you have lost interest iti boastful disposition, related while un< a i displayed in the field, into workiugs, thy' first visit to them, be | your art collection." der the Influence of lquoe to those 7. Bort Perry, Nov. 18, 1694, fhe]? AE : D A REV. -- RICHARDSON + was told, geer made by a European: "Yes," replled Mr. Dustin Stax. | sitting about the campfire the fright- | *Phe Yoles through which the mines | "You see, mother and the girls went ful tale concerning the events oL that are eatered are in the face of a precipl- | ground and removed all tho price tags, day, dwelllng upon its horrors and TREE TE ERR I 5 2 ---- "| a prompt and inveterate fighter. Third Sunday at 1030 a.m, © 0 : As, for instance, at Antietam, al fi ; Wi H HARRIS, B.A. LL.B: Tos. BATRD : \ I LEE As though be bad met and stood off Mc- hi ARRISTER, &c. ICENSED AUCTIONRER f | ) Clellan, 'yet with such carnage that It te rock nnd are reached by a DATTOW, | gud now I can't tell which to appre: boasting of his own deeds. -.Buecessor B and gEeupsny of the County of Outwiddes ule ae] was ln effect a defeat, still for a day ~Mowuward stoping ledge. They were | ciate most."-- Washington Star. | "fle was not aware that one of the offices of hs late F. M. Toop CR Ofc Putinnagecwplicited-1 after 8% Yretie he held his grovad ik hry Sr es to walk | Fo en | GAGE WhOHI tie TMT PO HETCOLY A > : 2 ont. anchaster, Jan. 10, 1899, At among his dead. resolutely challegir nto without hiconvenience. T.outse--Whint's the nifer? Are yon sailed was at that moment listenin Fort Perry, goo. | $6 NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN. CONSENT. in advemary to come on 1 be d ae "on my arsiva ts o six men with | re 16 Ton Ne his braggart utterances. The 2 $ MONEY T@ LOAN. } a {) So. tooy be stood for a day, at Gettys- | V0 ° hot eyes and fuces covered With | mgjkem soldier as be heard the tale was mad- 5 riivate Funds At 4 per cents wibimegd of ee Confined to His Home for Weeks. burg nfter his frightful rapwizes, vit 310 dust crawled out. Although not | in, I'm afraid she'll answer-- dened by the recall of the well re- SE WEE Rr Heavy work, severe straint z end ovil habits fn youth brought of Ing feade to attack, fund when with tujurfous to health, the orpiment, 1 was | jaz Terabered scene. et rus SL Trak 2 Or NT vas often Jabd 1p Tor a ock ta thos. My fomi bis bleeding army 1b fedched the flood- °'% affected the hands of the miners | rr 7 | "Toward nightfall the old savage de- ~ Jno. W. Crozier, WE ls CR yl fs wif soaa opation woo my only hope bis LS wy ny tt Gores tai vweor iD 8 popuinn war. ThA: wae obvions | oo He told me he'd mever get parted alone In the direction of the money. I comunenced to look upon all doctors as little better thon awsy, und@igmayed he turned his back enough The bands of many of the |, 4 0s pouring her volce. Egbert-- forest. Silently the soldier with load- men 1 raw were shrunken to the bone, And did "He certainly did." ed rifle followed upon his steps. Oth- he? Armistyi, Bovtorton, CONVEVARCER ro ! EB Ono day my boss asked me why 1 was off work 80 much and { : % | "&e. Office at residefice, gth Con. yr) | hmm ation. DH oadvizod 190 10 Orr it De, Kenredy & on the ZAging stream and, planting his of u dark slaty color and covered with 2. How tooe mi "was of Vor Pores =| ZEEE ree | {he Brlis, dat tT ier B cond Qattiy bade tho Arm of 00 {ty wd exerevence "Mure ber?" NG; a neighvor had ers observed thom se they taed 0 RT | WY; or Knots 'rescenc ao Moxky To LOAN. - ro Ln PE ARDS | He MumatsExT. My progress was somewhat slow and during Cdlomac to strike. "i told hi 1a 3! Jatt on, 'dua he | TOO phonograph records she made.'-- of slght into the shades of the forest. PY 3 + of Marri Licenses . find | the first month's pL w mewhat dis d. H { Who can forget, too, how quickly be gly my gules 1016s By 21 Yonkers Statesman. The soldjer returned after a time to his . - Issuer of arriage {9 3 ® i | BBX continued treatment for three months longer and was rowarded ¢ : disappearéd into ove of the holes. 1 | r | Sunt a Or LLWHIGH Inge- fa tence EL one {re a. J could only earn $138 Weck in n machin nccepted Hooker's gage of battle in the sot | companions, but Shavehead was pever ry ; | Cre treatment, now I am earning $21 and never loose 8 dug. wild andl he lator--the [ollowedy more deliberately, surprised " | geen agaln" i - F. FAREWELL, K.C AI Usitnty | Mannfactared by the Own | FA 7 i all sufferers knew cf your valuable tratment, ; . hia: ch = oy 3 Te 7 ik id at belig able to get in at all After 1 read stout Ane asehe games, | aga eb rg eal gh 1 ! en Bound HENRY 0. LOGUST. 3 i crawling ' EY of ' +) . Crowd Attorney, Barrister, County Sol Wits I : ; | is the feat 'ti the blood stained erawli a few yards we found our- | 3 have to read some Henry James | Sitor, &o., Notary Public and Conveyancor. ence Co. Litd., and am te me on the blood stained. o.oo gmull chamber about eight: | To rest my mind. PROPOSALS IN JAPAN. . 'Difios--Sauth wing Court House, Whithy, | Prépaied to supply hak whole | HAS YOUR BLOCD BEEN DISEASED? rrovslier Gettysburg--he plunged at ion Jong, in which a wan could / --Kansas City Journal. | -- : nt, y community with the very BEST | . 3 "eo rant? ART : _-- | i oy Ar SM A bot A » 2 sie Bil BLOOD POISONS are the most prevalent and most serious dizeases, They the stand upright. The air was fresher . : Quaint Custom of Placing a Plant In pi EGER Fi WIRE FENCE fren ol ou thic| J soo blood of the viet aad pics AT es orem Tl Res Yo aagle that ever few, no tiger that | $100 SPREDL Cs fot (Horo wis no | "1 told Mra. Malaprop that affairs 'an Empty Flowerpot. 1a W A GANGSTER Continent aud at prices that hed] SIETHOD cures all blood diseased. Ss] Sup mp : ever she had more Tone COL: | neat tn sizht. | just now were in a rotten condition." | yn gome of the Japanese islands, in aiid . . : not fail te satisfy purchasers | CREE MIDDLE AGED MEN.--lmprudent acts o later ezocsses hav broken i BIL Le pik ie farihar ormoritlores wan) | "Vat &id she say?' "That such 8 | ponses wherein reside one or more . » a 5 . atl own ul tem. 01 8 E 0 L, nu. en y cal d A ly 0! | be DENTAL SURGEON. The DiLLoNn FENCE is without : dor yo Yt CGt th aan you used to bor be. W TR youbeed the ee rot i will speak of amit Battle | Whit looked like a well, and toward | terrible statement put her in a state of | daughters of a marriagenble age, an 5 al A BE this my guide led me. Following bis putrefaction.'--Baltimore American. | empty flowerpot of an ornamental | character 1s encircled by a ring and spirit-of his mien. Be not deceived-- hi! Lee, matwithstanding his poise. was example, I sat ov the floor and let my- fia : Ei : anturally the most belligerent man 4 galf down feet foremost into this dark | % What sort of woman Is shef suspended from the window or Ve- the herd of any rmy In the war.--Mor- and narrow hole. Tue shaft did not go | "Why, she's the sort of woman thai anda by three light cbalus. hi poy pry AL g straight down, und on the whole it was (nds delight in reading all the stuff The Jullets of Japan are, of course, peer It is the BEST because it is | flexible; It is a square me sh; itisal perfect Linge-stay fence, therefore Are you a victim? "Have you lost hope? Are you intending tom ? Has your blood been diseased? Have you any weakness?! Or New MEroop REATMPNT Will cure you. What it has done for others it will do for voi Fres. No matter who has treated 'you, write for an hooest ¢ pinio Boosts Free Boghood, Manhood, Fatherhood." (Illustrated) on Diseases of iien. ~ : Office Hours--9 to J2 a.m, 2 to 6 p,m. TRI Also open Saturday evbninge. toes. But for any one except a sweep Two 'Admirals, a Captain and & Fosl or an orplment miner It wns difficult Rakor--Who's that girl who plays | etiquette for the Japanese lover to ap- ~ in Manila Bay. enough golf all day and bridge all night?' proach the dwelling of his lady bear When Dewey's fleet was at Manila | "After descending £0mO twenty feet Barker--Oh, that's Manning's daugh- in rE chojce plant in his handy which Fe tle inte Admiral Chichester was then I felt my legs swinging fn space, a | ter. She's up here with a nurso tak. 6 Boldly p¥otecds to Mant ia. "#8 Gold Tillings, Bridge and Crown) it I impossible to bend the, stays, | NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. PRIVATE. No names on : ork a Mpecinlty. Vitalised Brey uy [in fact it is the best fence made is | boxes or TREATMENT Confidential, Question List and Cast of Treatment ris Scheff in Atlantic. er to descend than n factory chim. | that's ented about the mew babies gg attractive to the Stine ln SEELEY SE this or any other country. y 24 aA ney. tor here and there were projecting | of the idle rich.""--Cleveland Plain of other lands. But instead of Sere- x, DR: fe: L. GRAHAM | Before purchasing a Wire Fence | D KEN EDY &KF¢ A NAVAL REBUKE. ledges on which you could rest your Dealer. 4 | pades by moonlight and other delicate' ! RS. 7s { ways of malkiog an impression It is : i ; don't hp : Sboorssor 0 Dr. F. D. MEGraTTAN Ris to inspect the Diirox Bt nin ENTIST Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St, Detroit, Mich. J. H. Brown 2 B oF iC E All letters from Canada mmst be addressed to bur @apadian Correspondence Depart~ Dracer in Acricunturay Impre. | 8 pyr peri, ONT 3 "gm tk 2 FarT o- tig & MENTS aXD Mag: i i EE te st te % eT ER 5 tment in ;Windsor, Ont. If you desire to fitain._.On one occasion Admiral hand grasped ove foot, guided if to a | ing a rest cure--Life. | the empty vase. Sena J. A Murra ' April 6, : - Saskrave | tour dM : ye gec and | i German, sent out the | rock and 1 let mysel' dowh ou solid | "This takes place at a time when he fs vk A, Murray, pril 6, 1905. ; ; ndsor i diss rt an sven J . DENTIST Si Ey y for C on an uureveatsd errand nd | HI 1 wan- in atother- chamber, | Whe father dave old Dobbin he sat uboR | fully assured that both mother and . RY] he = ont the enstomary notification to | smaller than the first and stuffler. But 43 lo Adaoght |} v 4 P| h glter are at home, neither of whom, DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Windsor, Out, nander of the bidckading fleet. | stlll there was vo orpiwent. And WEL on eld chauffeur WhO | 0 course, ts at all conscious that the When father got an auto his feelings | young man is taking such a Ilberty soemed to Bwitoh-- with the flowerpot outside thelr win- He glared at every horse he met unless fit took the iten. dow. This act of placing a pretty --Lippincott's Magazine. | plant in the empty flowerpot 1s equiva- frat Dewey bad suffered, he "A hole appeared to lead away in & suficfently from that sort of | downward direction from tbe farthef ud so the admiral sent a vessel | end of the chamber, and on one side a Heros the lrcue's bows and notified | lot of debris hand fallen. My guide fier cantiin that she sould not be per- | cheerfully told me that this was the lent to & formal proposal to the young = or wrreytiy pitt ec epurt without a statement | grave of elght nen, who hand been bur: "Will your wife's vacation cost you lady who dwells within. 3% Phone OfficeNo. 6 a ration. ; jed under this fall of stone while wotk- | maen?" "I Qon't know. I hope she's | The youthful gardener, E@piog set- Residence, No! 4 not Adwirel Dledrichs' mlg- | Ing ot the eud of the passage. won enough at bridge to offset the chi- tled his plant to his mina, retires, and "My guide now disappeared Into the ng pye broken.'--Loutsville Courler- | the lady 8 free to act as she pleases. It he is the right man she takes every | care of the gift, waters it and fends it carefully with her own hands, that all gr *" (five over the Post Of 4 ' 3 % vi SL roRT PERRY. + . AU branches of Dentistry, including ) Crown aud Bridge Work successfully Ye he practicod: "7 Artifical Tecth on Gold, Silver, Aluminum Ein or Rubber Plates. oy 11. G. BUTCHESON, It wa sfon to quarrel with both the Awmeri- th and (he Engilsh fleets on this bole and I had to follow. There Was | youprpal, eMtical occasion, so he sought to find | no room to crawl--you had to lle down E. A. ADAM Bell Phone N ADAMS & HUTCHESON " Fillinge of Goll, Silver or Cement ©: + Painless extraction when required: sa Prices -to suit the times® Cloves are simply the dried flower buds of a beautiful evergreen tree growing naturally on the Spice islands. | I { | zs x . 2 orth Ou allo Observer SUCCESSORS TO ont ( ain Chichester's purpose in and work yourself along with your toes, is doctor, amazed to find a patient in v PO . DAVID ] & DOUGLAS ADAMS ease of a colliston. Going on poard | The air was foul and full of sulphurous a cold bath, begun to scold him. | the world may sce the donor Is ace . A Weekly Political, Agriciliural ani 3 i Chichester' ship, he angrily exclaim: dugt. If It bad been possible to turn | "What's this?" he sald. "Did I ors cepted as a sultor. But if he is not &' 3 iy 1h > 2 Gi a FIRE Br QE A LX] a) E MARINE ed, "Did you see what Dewey id to | round rnd fotrant 1 think [should have | 4.0 vo4 to take a bath?" favorite or if stern parents object fhe NAY ily Newapap 7 : LIFE Fi 0 U V 3 ii u I ACCIDENT my yn ja ao. After traversing forty feet. "gure! You told me to take these | poor plant 1s torn from the vase aod ew IS TUBLISHED aT BE returning thanks to the public for ¢. vid Ft | ay. replled Chichester. which seemed as many miles, In this |g in water."--New York World. | the next morning les Wimp and withe Sly PORT FERRY, ONT¢ 1 patronage extended to me for over Real Estate tlorteage Loa | J#¥WLat would you have done if 1h B44 Matntal Juanngs We reached another | ered on the veranda or on tbe path " ...BYERY THURSDAY MORNING years, I wouid respectfully Intimate tha > * a , nor gag ns Been an english ship?" | enumber, tn which it was possible 0 | wp eq 1g full of inconsistencies," mus- | below. # NING | aw, as usual, now ready for business, a Steamship Tickets w\yell" sald Chichester, convenfent- | Eft up: | ed the philosopher. : == -- ---- assuming that the Irene's captain | "Here at Inst was the orpiment, nnd "Yes," replied the cynic, "io ary | The OIl In Cloves. ; | BY have a A Lt it was almost worth the trouble of com ing to see. Except where the roof was blackened by our torches--the nriners | towns people lay aside mest for a ratny day."--Buffalo Express. | hed siiled without orders from Die 'drichs, "I'd have pot my captain Ji Uagrest, nud then I'd have gone oi ".:.7 H PARSONS Large & Assorted Stock =F ------ FERNS, $1 por annum if paid in advance; not $1.50 rn 8 E Nill bé charged. No subscription taken for I Bae 3 3 : Ee : : + : GE ar Los lt Ry OF POUGLE AND Tne HARNESS IMails Close. | The Frencli people are said to be} gard (he Olrmpla and apologized to do thelr work In the dark for the sake | These flower buds are gathered when ufitfl arrears are paid up. which 1 am determined to sell very CHEAP » ¢ Si h 1 the fat May had no voice, but she could cook, | er elated over the invention of a new Admiral Dewey for baving such a fool | of purer air--the walls 0 le wine 80 she went on the stage. | they have become of a bright red and : seemed a dnzzliog, scintillating mosaic Jane has a wondrous voice, and look! | are juss on the point of opening. The Ar an induceme : 4 ! = > ducement to Cann purchasers Tho mails ave despatched from the Tos name comes from the resemblance of the prepared spice to small nalls, from To cook is her one rage. --Cinclanati Enquirer. command of one of wy ships.'-- | of gold and mmbles. The light was r's Weekly. . | FEFTERS containing money, hen addressed Lo thix ; Offtep, prepeid and re | metliod of wireless telegraphy | thrown back from an infinite number gistored will be at our risk. ' Oftn pi Perr los: ani <A Biaoouat of IH bi tale Ties EEE dy a a.m. which requires so much less appar: d Where d by a ay charged aopurding to the spsce they oocupy. f : . eee B % AD » J re \ _| will be €llowed on all Sales from now until Going Soath--11.203. m. | atus that new stations can be op-f | of gittering points, in which every the French word clon, for nafl. Cloves EEE d Jeceired for pub) ication, with: Jan. Ist noxt. All work bei Going North-- 5.15 p. m. ? Pfs toty Gora not empty tomorrow of | ghade of red and yellow, from the deep He (after church)--Our minister was } 6 "instructiobs, inserted until | . 3 8 (Going South--10 p.m erated at half fhe cost of M ' nciety Goes not empty 8h: 1d) . e deer | are very heavily charged with a pun- > arcon sorrow; It etupties today of 8 est ruby to the most brillant scarlet, | Voy deep this moruing. Ono bad to gent, acrtd, volatile oll, as much as 20 from old gold tn the palest sulphur, use ope's head lstening to that ser- 3 > 1] . per cent sometimes being extracted. Cis fork snd ohntged sosordiog! ., No advertise: meat will bo ot ntl Jolt Tor. § g&F MADE BY HAND®3 ----------------------""" | stations, and which makes possible} LE > is A COREY Noni A LIBE unt gllewed ¢ Shispts dnd otter | und ne factory work kept in stock, th : { y ; DEA Sa AE A super ority ar goods pl 4 i a 2 entra 1Ver | {be sending of Keyed messages FRESE terms will in all cases bo strictly wdhered to | apparent. through the same zone that will not { sh. -- Maclaren. | eth X V am esmesl mon. She--Yes, I noticed that yoa | was intermingled to form an inde 2h A seribable blaze of color. were nodding.--Zoston Transeript "After admiring the fascinating glit- | This oll is valuable for Savoring and scenting purposes and has a limited field tn medicine, but the habit of "eat- adeline, | i Arthdr--Ah! Madeline, how do 1 tng cloves," in which young folks bs > [<] © Si 8 H [2] ® 3 od, Bot ween Worsley and St. Helens, In SF JOB DEPARTMENT. | [luteuding purchusers will find that by : ; linterfere with each other é 25. swempiiots | Hap osars " EIVIOE me & oh) ey Yara PORT PERRY | : ik north of England, 1s tbe most re- Eo s ad tri know you love me truly? Dh 5 By i . ie. sarialt Ta 40 a Tt ia | too often old ones indulge, is very rei bk Last year the colossal total off mark) dle wo! t terranean splendor for awhile and Madéline--Arthor, nothing but love 0 ol Tie oll ia 3 Tot ion Wh ee Sh Cheeks | ong oxpérience in the trade being an indis | Lecter Heads, ng Invitations, putaule guarantee that perfect sasist action EARTILY ¥ 0 5 :» 826 dozens ol eggs, twel Non Ln i p 3 iri bos thanking the public for the 7,557. pgs, twelve Bink Poiod Resopt Booka Dustasis Gecds | Will be given by any article purchased. H liberal patronage received during the eggs for every man woman an yerground from end to end and Is xteen wiles long. In Lancashire the | mines are very extensive, half the could make a girl ride behind her | flance on a motorcycle.--Philadelphia | drug, becoming in many cases an lo Bulletin. | sidious poison. : breaking off a few specimens of vert ous hues 1 began to loug for the upper alr. So we began the nscent from Aver + i Sioa Everthing in my line of business kept A } p Hooks Orculsrs, Aembly Ouirds, é 4 Pt | many years I have kept a Livery Establish | 0 4 : ; Poy Visiting aids Eo rah a repairs neatly and | yienija Port Perry, Lhave much pleasure in (child in the Dominion, had to b otry being nudermined, And DANY | oo hich | was pleased to find con: | aati Sy a ony prong 130, announcing that I have removea limported into Canada to. meetf#ear ago the Duke of Bridgewnters | giqorapiy caster than the descent." "I understand your boy has the Mitigating Clreamstance ; pips nd ontot - ; JOHN ROLPH. | Caveding demands, despite the fac] inagers thought they could save iakings of B ©hampion puglist" =L| A Scoten baillle recently advanced to THIS a Sostrubun ok ang: {Port Perry, Dee. 1. ' MY LIVERY | Sqmapgs, ae pite thie fact, ov by transporting the coal under- really believe he hns. He positively | the bench had a criminal placed before 'the County. a J 1 " + |that therefisa proteclive duly t nd Instead of on the surface. The | Just the Same. | won't fight with anybody he isn't sure | him accused of owe very modest vio- ES EUROPE AN to my former place of business | encourzge the home production offal was constructed and the nines | "DO You oct toward your wife 88 YoU | pg cop whip."~Waeshington Herald | lation of the law. Of course the balllle |p + WwW a t S t e et! Thi ved Xo nected and drained at the same 1d before you married her?" knew the prisoner well. He beard the : NE de : Tudenis 5 3 e r : r CEES: is protective duty amoRntABER, * ordinary canalboats are used, | "Exactly. I remember just how 1 Dictation. charge stated. 3 r 8 "| whiok I am. about to Jargely extend in. [6d 10 $226,566, while the valde \gf e power Is furnished by men. used to act when 1 first fell in love Admiration, "John, man, Km #orry to. see you cre "the public may be the imports was $1,625,019. . FE ot the tunnel arch are{ With het. J ured to hang over the fence Fasctoation, here. We'll just fine you half a crown." ore public. may impor 625,019 b i ited 'with. sale and desir. |W Ten TE ok es. dnd the wen do the work |X frofit of her house and gaze at her Matr os Phe clerk here intervened ne rE abla Ging : | nd he ee backs | £Tadow on thie Crtal. afratd to ¢o un Pon. "Rut the eharge not yet'y |RIGS AT MODERATE CHARGES GEO. JAUKSON, | By wad pushing with thelr fost | And Lact Just the fume Way now when Separation, We have not heard the evidence. i : . : id 1 get bome late." Alimony. badllie: : R. VANSICKLER. gE crossbars on the root. get bows tu BOY, ghey Unior, | TO the benlgnant haliiies Post Perry, June 21, 1900, _| Licensed Anctioneer, Valuator, &e. | - i Tors ae ing ; ER Lili Ah, well, John, my man. ad the y FOR THE COUSTY OF ONTARIO AND TOWNSHII | 'An Expensive Drop. Sry fot So Very Unexpectad. Proféssor--It's ome of the frailties | chargo fa vot proved we'll Just fine you 3 A "OF CARTWRIGHT, m Jones had just returned a dearest Ada, will you b8 | of human nature that no matter how an eighteenpence."--London Telegraph. : ISAES at: this the onally conducted tour of | MMe 5 : much a man gets be wants more. Miss Harrison, : another Auctivn Sale Season to re- "i guppose." commented a Oh, Charfes, this 18 so anexpected! Friend (thoughtfully) -- Oh, I don't Facial Horticulture. : ARR Ra turn thanks to bis numerous patrons for at when yoo were in Eug. | Yon nmst lie me a little Uwe." know about that. Net In a police cours "A new milkman left our milk to- Dress. amd Manila. Maker pust favors, if requesting their esteemed 41d as the English do and | "Flow long, Qarliug? he doesn't.-- Boston Americar. day," announced Dorothy. ann : ad continued patronage he desires to © H's? _"Oh, 1 sill Jat call mama. fhe ly erent "Did he have whiskers?" asked her state that no effort or will be ily responded the returns svaiting fn tbe next room."--Fliegends | Henry Peck--Do you think you can | mother, thinking perhaps it was the 1 1 etny ; - 4 proprietor. 2 make a good portrait of my wife? «1 aido't: 1 aid as the | Liatter. : ¥ dio ig 4 "No," said the four-year-old; "he Wine 5 to inform the ladies oa his pate to make sil sales eatrusted to that "she has moved to the him snovesses. His very extensive practice Mr. Brush ~My friend, I + rushaway----My- lend, CAI | toons formerly occupied by her "past shioald be a sufficient recom | AH do. 1 dropped my V's and - over Mr. Flint's Drug Store Tyr mendation a to his ability. All Sale |X J Retribution. ~ , | -' . | make it so lifelike you'll jump every | didn't have whiskers, but be had she is prepared to execute all or- Hiren into his charge will be attended & {° slowly meandered down to "oh, George, who opened the canary's | time you see it.--Chicago News. | roots."--Harper's Weekly. g ders for-Dress and Mantle Making [mad TE dispatoli: Sale list BE to see i he comidu't get the | erEeT \ ; : ---------- --_-- 3 . jn a mapner - unsurpassed for . |on le out and blank a supplied free, | tended. --Lippincott's. «) did. Yod told me a Mitle Med wan Tunnel Work Gaing On. Animal Food. : jmapner: pnsurpassed lor c; Partine Hen A, i toi . ¥hisperlng to you: when | was: | Toronto, Nov. 8"The 'rumor of 3 Innocent Youug Wife--The dortof Correctness of Style 6a oneal hie ALS: Mp - : Doubtful One. | naighty. no I kuew ft must be bim, 88 | cessation of work on the Canadian | raid you were to have a little animal and Charming Effect the" Observer or Standard Offices, Pi { wus once asked 1t the man | there was no other tittle bird About. so | Northern tunnel was officially denied | food today. John, so I've chopped yor fit eb th Bo VIBES =) 9%" | Perry, for dates claimed : for Sales n to play 8 corriet on Sub 1 opened the cage and the 'cat's eaten yesterday. Et 2 ¢ | up a bit of nice clover bay and sealdeds Our charges are consistent With | make arrangemouts, ot yrite to hia ad 0 go. to heaven, um y Bo far from the work boing shut | it to muke it go down softer] { " ¢ ; down, if has never proceeded at. a | Telegraph. 8 NE i rps ES &r Phone at Residence, No. 81. great preacher's reply was char fre waked | 120 \ : ; ) ; ; ar pace than at, t," decl 4 pSE---- "Bin Coalgate hid nerve. Te walked | 4 prominent official of Fis CNET tt ts more heroie to tve -* CHARGES MO : GIMME, Sald he, "I don't sce why | | JACKSON, tion buliafier 4 puuss-~1 | P10 d¢ muyor of dat. lowy OW asked | a press represctgbive. ; Ji Nov. 1, 1901, * Port Perry P. 0. the 'man. next door | dem If dey wonld clothe an' shos him." orking from doth. ends and the | Ke! then to dle SRI ! : i Sos dey crmam and, | idle, & tone) boR DF BE0 Toot hat | 'prap.ihe omer don Tit-Bits. cuffed bim."--New Orleans Times-Dem- | been completed, i - nes- Phi and with this rate pounds, and be 'welghs Cr ocrat maintained ore ill oven ours Is a very meet in 'Septel , and dix a | What an ideal couple for ; My appetite is always good, | clear way trom the entrance at the | sceptna! 3 T've 10 Keen desire to munch back of Mount Royal to the station: The thing they Jug to Deld and wood | site on Dorchester and Politi 8 : 0 dA Wo came over Yet And gayly call the basket lunch. < , | streets. gh of

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