Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 28 Nov 1912, p. 3

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to 'the funds of the Kina reader, think of what a. 'will de? It helps to re- and strength, and gir! ried bors hat your packet-book Jig. the Hospital's friend, if the | i $ be :be the children's friend. that Christmas calls you Ld § ni y purse of your kindness to the 80 that the Hospital may open (Heart its help to the 1stly,--] Vid ee --The unopened allowance fot road ber, 1912. unopened| via SARNIA OR OHIOAGO. , Aoed road running Bast 'anid West at the of coucessiofi 5, 1ying between Eoncession id be Rm Tm : faddress A, E. DUF for agent, Torouto, Ontarin. POPULAR. JRIST ROUTE MUS 5 LAKE L OF BAYS TEMAGAMI ALGON UIN PARK MAGANETAWAN RIVER FRENCH R RIVER GEORGIAN BAY LAKE A neHING KAWARTHA LAKES, Etc: ROUND TRIP To the West At Low Rates Literatura, tickets and full informa. tion from any rau Truuk Agent, or F. District Passenger W. H. McCAW yi TOWN AGENT. "FICKETS TO . ALL PARTS. | Woato-- Mr, W. H, gta i Perry, is now in a posi tickets to all parts of the wad oe to supply all necessary information to parties as to the cheapest and| best routes, &c. numerous Ticket Agencies for Rail road and Steamshi been rea the Grand. : n tending to travel will consult their | own interests by 'consulting Mr. In addition to his lines; he has| inted Ticket Agent for tunk Railway. . Parties McCaw before embarking on a trip | New Telephone] Directory The Bell Telephone Com: of Cana- da is soon to a. a Ha of its" Oficial ole one Directory for the CENTRAL ONTARIO including "PORT PHRRY Parties who contemplate becoming in their nt entrp should their orders with the Local Manager at once to insure insertion in this issue Oonnecting Companies Should also report additions and Rat oe: 5 dul be 'An concession in ipiof Cartwright. cesgion 6, being all that part of roa bi ying in the Marsh of Lake Seu ; Sh Township. * running East and West at the North of ion 7, lying t lots 8 and 9 in Spresesion 7, and the same d lots i "Dated at Caesarea this 30th day of Octo- WILLIAM BEACOCK;" Clerk of the Township of Cartwright. & is 4 I Reomber tha your m "help the Bue that build a bridge Rin which the feet of little children may travel on the fourney from sorrow te , from Sickness to health--aye, Heath to I Rapa Jond a a oir. o si rh vidson, The £148 the ouput Chairman of 7. Rata Roserteas, Soren to. Poy Porons Killed at Picture Show. Cilbao, Spain, Nov. 24.-- ternble panic was caused this; afternoon by a ery of "Fire |" at moving picture show here. Ne fo dren and others were killed. tonight had been found among the | not known, as most of them were The operator of the machine lost his nerve when a film ignited, and screamed "Fire 1" He was able to exungnish the flames himself with- out difficulty, but the effect of his cry on the aodicoce was instantane- ous. Almost everyone within the Vihdisg sprang up. The. police > - Sided dnis were powerless tu quell; ie panic, the people in a : C 46 reach the exit. ere knocked © down and tramp ed upon and many were crughed 10 death in the passages pois the galleries and to the streets. The Manager and other employ- ees have been arrested and are held pending an inquiry. Milwaukee, Wis., Nov 19 --That Jahn Schrank, who shot Col. Then dore Roosevelt on the nig Qctober 14 last, is insane oa - the substance of aa unanimous re. por of the five alienists appointed | y Judge A. C. Backus to examine into the prisonei's mental condition, ~~ was the statement of a court official this aftorncon. Presuming that Schrank will be found. insane it will be impossible to try him on a charge of attempting to murder Col Roose- | velt. The only alternative is con- * finement in the hospital for crimin al insane at Oshkosh. Has, a Right to Good Roads us par, alsthe transportation problem of a +. ..~ country asthe railways, though there would not be mueh progress if it were not' or the railways. But a railway can- 'not be built to every man's door. The - thing to do then is toimprove the roads "0 that every man will have comparat- ively easy access to the railways if he dasires. Wa have no commission to dc- . Thay are quite able e ¢are of themselves. At thesame 1it dons seem as if a little of the SE Sea) railwa _directad. % the other side 4 No Ht y oblem, mory ould ibe ac- od of the fpr the Kenatel "The dverage ii r the country roads. Kuows snd _bad SYNOPSIS OF DOMINION AY person who is the sole head of a old, may homestead a quarter section of available Dominion land in Manitoba, __A Saskatchewan or Alberta. The appli- cant must appear in person at the Domiin- | ion Lands Agency or Sub-agency for the a | district. About | at any agency, on certain conditions by father, mother, son, daughter, brother or one woman up lo a late hour sister of intending homsteader. dead. The number of injured is and cultivation of the land in each of taken to their homes by friends. | within nine miles of his -homestead on a Aare Just as important al vidual who LAND REGULATIONS. family, or any male over 18 years Entry by proxy may be made Duties.--Six months' residence upon three years, A homesteader may live farm of at least 80 acres soley ownedaid occupied by himor by his father, mother, son, daughter, brother, or sister. In certain districts a homestcader, in | good standing may pre-empt a quarter- section alongside of hishomestead. Price $3.00 per acre. ! Duties.--Must reside upon the hoste- stead or pre-emption six inouths in each of six years from date of homstead eptry (includis og the time required to earn homestead patent) aud cultivate fifty gore exira, SHG A honiesteader 'Who lias exhausted "his homestead right and cannot obtain a pre- emption may enter for a purehased home- stead in certain distrirts. Price $3.00 per acre. Duties.--Must reside six months in each three years, cultivate fifty atres and erect a house worth $300.00. W. W. CORY, Deputy of thie Minister of the Interior. N.B.--Unauthorized publication of this advertisement will not be paid for. --26686 FIRST-CLASS FARM FOR SALE OR TO RENT HE undersigned offers fer Sale or to Rent his fine farm, being part of lot 10, con. g, East Whitby, consisting of 95 Acres more or less. There is on the property a Splendid "Brick House, sox 36; Barn and Driving Shed, 26 x 50. It is sitnat- ed about fonr miles from the C P.R., Myrtle, and three miles [rom the G.T.R. Apply to the proprietor on the premises. | JAS. J. ORMISON. Raglan, June 24, 1912. Farm for Sale 10( ACRES (mora or less) bein uare and south half of lots rock Township. buildings. 3 wells. for plowing after harvest. BLLACKWATER P.O Farm for Sale. | Patronage solicited. Firstecingy land, all 'workable excopt flv: acres of Hardwood. bush. Good Buildings ine cludiog Stone House, Barn 100x564 with stabling 'wiiderneath, and good eut- Possession Karur is situated within a mile. of Blackwater! Station. For farther particulars apply wa, BAIRD, on the Premises or o ly of water. tn with cement Stewart M. Graham, GTIONEER School Terms reasonable St. Charles Hotel PORT PERRY (Strictly under New Maoagemeut) G. A. COLE PROPRIETOR * [I.ate of Hotel Falconer, Toronto] Commercial trade solicited First class Sample rooms HEADACHES are nearly always caused by TIRED EYES Which require spectacles Consult me REFRACTING F, E LUKE, Roc: 169 Yonge St, Toronto. Opposite Simpsons'. Farm for Sale J \st-half of Lot 12, Concession 6, '4 Cartwright, Durham County, Ad Sy too acres. Erected on the premises are a good frame dwelling, stone cellar 30 x 20, 18 x 24, woodshed 18x24, good Irame barn, stone stables 8oxgo, pig pens wx 18 and 18x 24, "5 acres of mixed timber, one acre of Orchard, a never flailing stream, hard and soft water. One nude from Rail way, one mile from the village ol Blackstock, 2) miles from Caesarca, the famous Summer Resort on Lake Scugoyg. Situated in the best farm- ing section in the County of Durham. For further particulars apply to the undersigned. Davip J. & Doucras Apams, Port Perry, Ont, Levi C. TavLor, Nestleton, Choice Farm for Sale EING the East-half Lot 7, Con 6, Reach, one mile from the Vilage of Epsom, two and one- half miles from Port Perry. Th's Ont. well and is suitable for all kinds o! water, supplied by two springs one at each end of farm, also by a well at buildings. There is a Orchard with some small fruits in it. The buildings corsist of an eight: roomed, frame house, cellar ; 12X30. loam. balance at 5 per cent. petlionlars applyto PHiLp& Beaton, Wu Skucers, Prince Albert, Ont, 8 any rtion of the fi all cheap 4d Dr, ar at gobi Drug Store. farm has no waste land, ali lays up| crops, is well fenced, has plenty of tudy with good a bank barn sox60; drive shed 22x24; pigpery 22X24 ; hennery The soil is an excellent clay Price $7,200; $3.000 down, For full Vhitevale, Ont., or to the owner, |Dr. d de Van's Female Pills 'A reiable French lator ; never fails. Tres o ex y powerful in © A bo or fhrce for gio 40. Mailed tony address. s in their list of subscribers, either CAWKER BROS' (Successors To JamiEsoN & DrNNISON.) RIVERY Having purchased the Livery business carried on by Jamieson & Dennison, and the premises con- nected therewith we intend to RE-EORSE THE STABLES with first-class animals, and install New and Up-to-Date Vehicles with modern Trappings which for comfort and convenience cannot be surpassed. Special attention paid to the requirements of Commercial Travel ers. Our charges are moderate and we guarantee to please our patrons. solicited. LZ Phone No. 2. CAWKER BROS. Patronage ARSE ZENS REE, "Why We Excel We have the most mod-rn, the most practical and the hest equipped school in Eastern Ontario. The courses are thorough and facimating. An entirely, Canadian Business Procedure for the training of the ambit: ous youug people ol our coun- try. Our Graduates are successful, ask a student or ex.student, they arc our best advertisement. Home Study Courses C. R. Brower, A. H. Spotton, Principal. President Enter Any Day. EL RT SRR non. Sittings of the Division Courts COUNTY OF ONTARIO. 1912. 1. WHITBY --Clerk, Miss E. L. Mae- C. P. R. Time Table. + MYRTLE STATION. '-* Going East Going WksT '10.17 a.m. 6.82 a m. 6.27 pm. 8.50 a.m. 3 M3 HEE 5.60 p.m. donell, Whithy --Jan. 15, Feb. 8, March 4, April8 May 2, June 6, July 8, Sept. 8, Oct. 2, Nov. 7, Dee. 7, Jan. 13, 1913. OSHAWA Clerk, Miss E. I.. Mae- donell, \Whitby--Jan. 16, Feb 6, March 6, April 4, Mav 8, June 7, July 4, Sept. 4, Oct. 8, Nov. 8, Dec. 9, Jan. 14, 1913. 2. BROUGHAM -- Clerk, M. Gleeson, : lspring 3 he Tine fir ho Cleaning. Iam p paid to 'to Jo all kinds of Papering, Painting, & ._Paper and Paint ® tornished required ®t : * Ww F. NOTT, {Suckessor to . Rodman. 2 a doors notth of Me dden' 's store Gracnwood--Jan. 17, March 6, May a Sept. & Ror. 17 Jan, 18, 5 CANNINGTON---Clerk, Gon . Smit, on Jan. » £3 ay 16 Say 25, Sept. 12, Nov. 21, Jan 9, 1918, 6. By EN -- Clerk, Jam =u Mn, an. 10, March 28 M. "16, Jul A BUT 10 Suv o 1; Nov. & UPTERGROVE: Store, rd, Atherh Dexia subscribers, or those who wish changes | Leona Ek Bi BS. ff 2% SEE Dated at Whitby, Nov. 104s, 191 BEAUTIFUL HER SHIPMENT OF PHOSE 1ECE CHINA DINNER | SETS FOR $12.50 . 6. FORMAN & SON. ---- wit HoLb GREENBANK--T Have hoeepted the Agency for The Ogilvie Flour Mills Co [Millers to the Royal Family.] INGRAMS? . on Port Perry and vicinity. Keeps in Stock a full : supply of up-to-date And are prepared to promptly fill all orders entrusted to their care. Thev have the one Flour that gives satisfaction to the consumer--THE | =------ ROYAL HOUSEHOLD--fills the bill, After giving it a fairutrial if not satisfied retnrn the balance (if over § Ibs.) and your money will be cheerfully refunded. buy a better flour than THE poorest family use a flour that is more economical. A CAR LOAD JUST RECEIVED Agents cvery pound is guaranteed, The millionaire cannot ROYAL HOUSEHOLD, nor even the TE. POLIT MERCHANT TAILOR, TO TH SY § Suitable for all Seasons ARR UTHER EHR to attend these' meetings. |B H. ORQNE,, pitas ded Seer. Farmprs' dnstitas "AT, TH FOLLOWING PLACES | afternoon and evening, ° PORT PERRY -Wednesday Dec.4 --afternoon. UTIC A+ Wednesday, 'Dec. 4-- A , Invitation is extended to ladied - , MBS. W. = sana, Boog. B uesday, Dec. 8 CARD OF TRANES so far since commencing the carrying on Port Perry, Jan. 24, 1912. In returning thanks for the liberal patronage received' Business, we beg to announce that in future we purpose L trily Cash Business Our goods are the BEST possible, and our Prices are Right fnarRAaMS' Confectionery and Bakery MYRTLE T. R. trains met except 2.20 an PATRONAGE SOLICITED. D. G. ROSS & SONS Myrtle Station, Ont. Having purchased the Livery Stables at Myrtle Station and' good-will of J. W. Disney, and stocked them with a large fitmber of FIRST-CLASS HORSES AND UP-TO-DATE VEHICLES we dre fully prepared to meet, in a satisfactory mafiner, the demand of the bi ic for everything in the Livery line at modefate char All 2% Bell and Independent Phones. LIVERY d 7.07 p. m. unless otherwise ordered Nothing L AVING purchased the Butchering Business and good will of Mr. I. J. Wheeler 1 would like to inform all his old customers and as many new ones as possible that I intend to keep at all times a good assortment of all kinds of the Best Meats--ZFresh and Salt--obtainable and at reas- onable rates as possible. I am also in the market, at the "Highest Market Prices, Wanted? 0 BUS. ALSIKE CLOVER 00 BUS, RED CLOVER 000 BUS. TIMOTHY May 26, 1909. Hogs, Sheep and Lambs Calves, Hides and Sheepskins, at EZ Fresh Fish every Tuesday. ; Courteous treatment and prompt delivery W. A. BOYCE ike Beef! all times, for Choice Cattle A FULL CHEAPNESB STYLE [GHEST MARKET PRICE PAID Durability and aned by Gasoline Power, 'the seed is sold to us. SALE AH AE No charge for cleaning 5c. per bushel it charged ¢n we do not buy. ' Give me a call before selling. FURDY. STRENGTH Cannot be urpassed -n the County, Robes, Blanks, is, bi, Tinks &o., in abundance. wr ne thanks, to the extensive pat- d upon them | that as in the fat animals , 80 as to st and ten- sible, and we to have an | Oomparison of Prices Courted W. A. BEATTY OF EVEYTHNG IN THE Harness Line STOCK IF YOU WANT THE BEST 'Scranton - Goal ! STEAM OR SOFT Free Bnurnin Coal DO YOU REALIZE the money you can make sell Fruii-Trees? The present dema for Narsery Stock is the greatest in the history of the business. Every body who has the land is pla ting' or preparing to' plant... WE WANT NOW fos-Fall aod Winter months a relies ! able man 10 sellin PORT and surrounding district. iexclusive territory, a ntages 'in ti

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