Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 19 Dec 1912, p. 1

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» {'R, 0. CRUROH. . REV --. RIOHARDAOX, Br : A = 'Manager: 3 2 : : Chin bg Mo di v ing out of the window, sho 'Down with Caesar!' heed caught hold of him and mouth with my hand. One word more and we should have been done for." Two years later Bchoelcher visited his friend Hugo in Guernsey. At din- ner again the coup d'etat waa dis- cussed, and the poet called forth re- rors of the present war in Turkey: | "We have witnessed the faidure of the Turk as g soldier. We have seen | him dying of hungét, worn out by ' fatigue, wrecked by suffering; and running away after having abandoned fot Hi : 1 , succeeded adm any with this particular character. 4 War correspondents have: be awaiting this war in the Balkans f know not how many years. Th ave always been more or les: collections of times past. "Do you " 2 for the emergency, which has ata ER ee Tr To ciay Minpluce io the combat Third Sunday at 10.50 a. m, = re pA f ! ened Europe for so long, and Eo TOS. BAT ] "the day of our fight? We tesily Ee a ns sian BAR so pt No Ton {om ¢ Ea 5. came off very luck idn' . 5 i i 34k 8 le 3 E : 3 a ; y lucky. But didn't we 5 as the war correspondent is conderas to d geupen), bf. the | Pg. hd Fats phic L KE 5 5 LE "I Tr 4, 4 act like madmen, shouting 'Down presented by these MEBEDpY ed, is full of irony. The war if Hi of the Jate F. ainold. | the Onsriver Office Patronage solloited \ u 8 ¥ 5 i fs es he Heavenly vith Caesar! when thai regiment was co "in history, withont food, without | Balkans has come with a vengean rie Fie : ther : Se w ces: v y Manchester, Jan. 19, 1809. = ap pid ial ; Fs! dwelleth passing by? Of course we were too joal f cithout five nations are dealing out death ort! ort Pérry, - Ont. . 0 SRE : with hands." I fg 3 ve i medical attention, t withou e Rory oak bE A : DEBIL! § A T ED PERN made ands P indignant te be able to keep otir tem- 8 scala so heroic as to satisfy the { nse the whole Creatior Ji per. | ih : mands of the most sanguinary ne 8, cvety ppartment of which Several years lapsed, and again Seidler T saw a soldier, whose right paper reader; but Othello's occupation tely' bo: pe pled with holy. Schoelcher was a guest in Hugo's hand had been severed, hola out to 2 yY 4r MONEY TO LOAN. & ' AND LEA Private Panda at 4. per cents > y : badd h} < QUNG MEN AND MIDDLEACED M: € Sega t disal help, the | is gone. y po - : 5 Jall I re "All wicked will He house. Conversation turned to civic Nr hy ines which i nad | There are scores of war Sons hs 1h % cesees, Who ives' in fo--you | ngs. A dr A Z ; 4 " restore anhood an =! Oks 5 ; T Jno. W. Otomier | 4 § Oat ER Sm oi he reas Sr Eonar" Ho sas 18 St ne sg ne: 1 ' 3 mee : Foy other. dogtore, ued ; Ai TRE anid hesisher, ogee oi TE "I sow long lines of famished men | a 1 AfnisTer. SOLICITOR, CONV EYARORR, , y war, and if, by any chance or pers ! various drug \ - f ; h who came to our tent begging for a ¢; Sv 1 ke. Office at residence, 6th Con » il AA 1 has snatched i . t, uptight, holy, I have had in my heart for years | uni of bread and staggering away | tinacity, they get within emell of the 3 sorshi without a murmur of plaint whén powder, a Tigorous, om 1p chiefs, almost without arms. And at Otir 8 from the brini of .despair, hes re- ain have wrought iti g | rs gli ospalr, g In a critical moment of your life yo ew Method Treatment dreds e - . A A each (ome tnile west of Port Perty,)= = pF mes and ntal, physical infirmi- showed a weak which grieved hilates their news long before it ia ach = osussiul of ho were ; 1 i; showed a weakness which grieved m: y Monsy To Low. mg ES "Wo pr Se epseifio rem: is nop® righteous, deeply. You will recollect that day! hed nels Wgiee. % Sand i to satisfy the hu newspapes; | |! "las of Meiagy Lionas. Dillon Hinge-Stay Ferice | : ger y p ol Sori and. Jo, nob jane, Il pré prone fo sin when we, after thé coup d'etat, left, 4 41004 ag they dragged themselves poe i Py biog ey Thi the secrets \ ito fly upward." Paris and how I, while a regiment fa ne id God 'Adam a mansion--the of i was ey by pe the | toward Tchorlu" 1 sew hundreds of | war correspondents during the pre: 4 Dot fail for we prescribe remedies adoiual to 3 diss. But sin (hot Hn- sight of Fem killers ne liberty and others fall by the wayside dying fram | crisis and one of them is anonymously ead ual : \ ! : ' 3 ; 8 . i A ba) Sone Business throughout I BE ht fs snd pews iia Sage having og SoPIIAL wit | "At Teherld a col of eoldiers Wd oq -- So Hbdoy it | : ; i X mrsel, spond, asl, Ln WI terrible in appear , staggered | fi was the associate of generals . CURACLE CASES GUARANTEED ! tg HR A Jere? ao 23% 5% is through fhe strects in ® driving fait | sommanders at the very hub of battle' OR NO PAY 3 5 ey os yrabNngL WE ear, catching, oq wind storm. No one paid any at-| ¢,. he is treated with - the : to give valuable les- hold of by the lapel of nity coa$ = ¥ to-day he is treated pro= EADER Ave you a victim? Have youddost; a iol me by Ure ape - 1y So | tention to them. They no shelter, | foundest suspicions by the war mass i Bone} Ave you intending to many? d 1 Gon : otelng me down on We' oal, 8 | nothing to edl. From & né bake fers, and he is kept as far away as your blood been diseased? Have you 4 this lesson dHell concerned you were for your. precious | : I : 2 i" . / weakness? Qur New M Trestmant Wil d a any. He had life." | an officer threw out handfuls of bread, | the front as possible without tr The DirLon Fever is without a I 4 p cure sou. hat it has done for others it wi : 4 i Woe which He. | and the soldiers fought for possession | cending the limits of international peer It is the BEST because itis ag Is 3ofi. Consultation Free, No mmtter , i 3 i ; . has write honest pathy for Hi or 4 10 Office Haurs--9 to J2 at: §to 0 pom. | fexild:; it is a square niesh; it is a '8 Flt id ior. Bros of Chaser. Books, Free 4 st iiey of The Last of thé Nogis. £. FABEWELL, K.C., LL.B., County | Manufactured by the Owen Seund J. Bn i i 5 Wire Face dor Ltd., and am , &e., No hitby, | Prepaied to supply this whole 2fficn---South wing Court House; ; 9 community with ihe very BEST : WIRE FENCE produced on this W: A SANGSTER, | orc Sef) hureheserss DENYAL SURGEON. wounds and fatigue. eee of the loaves. More than half of courtesy. ¥ them got nothing, and turned away, | Indeed, as I write, the majority. It is reported that as the result of | ragged, pallid and wesls: | war correspondents in the Balk conferences among the relatives and | "All thg houses were closed. Prac | Peninsula are confined either in the intimate friends of General Count tically a the population had fled, | town of Stara-Zagora, the base of w Also opeu Saturday é¥eioge. perfect hitge-stay fence; thagsfore orn Plicase oF hen, . of Gold Fillings, Bridge aud Clown it is impossible to tend the stays, no USED. WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT, No names on boxes ov Zk Program for dealing wiifi ME BE ae. Nogi it has been decided that the and those who remained, barricaded | Bulgarian operations, some forty-fi this or any othet country. d Beveath Great Thousand- house of the count shall become e | themselves within, trembling with | miles the wrong side of the Turk: Paints 5 i [ore 48 i . . ] rp tinct owing to the fack of an heir. | fear. The soldiers knocked vainly at | frontier, or at a camp near Tohorluf DR: rR. L.. GRAHAM HL ote pussy 5 Wire Fence RS KENNEDY &KENNED i , , A Din MA BA gr The extinctibn of sueh a respectable the barred doors Groups shivering | Station. Even then their news o spect the Diirox f 8 i : % o shall acts UD family as that of the late general, | in the cold tried the doors of stables, | not get through so quickly as Suourssor ro Na. FD. MEORATTAN | FincR se with heal who was, so t& speak, a bulwark of to seek refuge; even the stables re- | news of correspondents at Sofie, Bele DENTIST J.B Brown, Cor. higan Ave, and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich, > ams," and tbe curse of - ! aside. Man will be the state, being a matter of great tc- | mained inhospitable. Refugees smash- | grade, Athens or Constantinople, % Deater IN AGRICULTURAL IMPLE 1 ROT OE All letters from Canada must beaddressed <iste : teotaness and life gret to the nation, a suggestion has | ed their way into shops and devoifred | ; Tho result has been of extreme ig~ -PURT PERRY; --~ -- ONL. MENTS AND MACHINERY. « | to our Canadian Correspoadenée Depart | . pUicusners = of. the been advanced to maintain the family | all they found, ineluding raw vege- | te to the student of the Bos. | Work a Specialty. Vitalised Afr. in fact it is the best fence made i: Confidential: Question List and Cost of Treatment FREE F RE Tl ECE EE Ee oe is » mentin Windsor, Ont. If pad desire name by adopting an heir. But, this | fables and candles, and sucked ab | ne per. The world has Adib SEAGRAVE 'sed hs personally 1 at our Medical Institute in Detroit a3 we seetnd tp y 9 hy 4 \¥ heing contrary to the will of the ge -| pieces of greasy wood. that great battles were being fought prkd, 190s. omen i : he eral, it was decided that the family | "I never sew such an image of in- | but during those battles, contrary : ur 'Windsor offices h for $ | : : Sasipdiad | onl Address atl: : i 4 id should cease. The property of the | ferno. One of the most miserable of | the journalism of the past, the wor - 5 p 2 | { d countess has alread®. the wanderers sueceeded in getting | hs ou = cer pists Jsnaranes, : 4 the relatives | into the: house where we were stay- | what has .n taking place. ¥ od a ip apd must be remembered that most of ; sagements of the Balkan war ha All branches of Dentistry, Inguding i %, " i] 1 * 1 dence at ? y clothing, if alk y er! 8 2 . = 2 : > read : 'Artifical Teeth ow Gold, Siler, Aluminum ; R. A. ADAMS, 11. G. HUTCHESON, Bell Phone Office No. 6 ; om will bo destroyed by the service for the illustrious dead is held "I questioned him. He said he came and even then only in the most Taven, or BY \ -G. N, % : 5 i § o % 2 | bread and & chocolate tablet, and movements, no telegraphed itfher 4 PL ADAMS & HUTCHESON || Halim pir sorgy | AusToMun oF Tooav. | EStid Aas met Rr eg f for the Chureh. This is because the English Emigrant. "Thus did the Turkish soldier ap- prophecies inspired in the Flos! . MARINE "Phew orld konoweth us not, even as it totally different to what hie expects. | nf " os ; : SH oq } Some people, with a wild imagination, | Which he was participating. But thig | = Ye we A Weekly Political, Agri 1 5 LIFE | N S U R A H H E ACCIDENT . im not." 8t. Paul refers to ly 4 CR in ik S407} Ininite misery and his hotfible ani- | fied chiefly in the brilliant and 2) in a| one's I ) Grant, writing under the familiar & years, I woyid Fespniinlly intimate tha BY nay Ld filer bh SA 8 and not by sight. ' To all of them | But this, of course, is quite a wrong | ations of massacres are exact, but 80), ii Tang ardent analyses of lia, # not so large, are as modern in ' that not only have the Turks commit- | ta M nt autos 'a appointments as those of the Old ted no excesses, but I believe that no | tos in The London Pall M ch I am determined to sell very CHEAP One of {ié most interesting wild | the finest in the world. more moderate, more docile." ing war times in the past. Of o an Siutho} : ; : sel 11 oct less i 4 i PAS Going South--11.20 a. of, to forty inches long, with a tail Ieaps § : ii ene mig n efence in regard to the houses iS| The Mohammedan: have the oUs! | were moments when great war COf- #8 MADE BY HAND®3 . i y on ack and sides, polished "jewels," "a royal dia- Ln a_residence is planned | yf you do them a favor they will say, | appeared to have been conducti apparent, snapping bark, and for this reason i foavenly Mansicii For Church. ing the fail! oh oH. The rental | they have inherited from their fathers; | war correspondents during the Boer' efrged about half gs rich again, ag uy many certainly say it with theif | war, when those most romantically pais in the trade being au. indis i its (! Jesus) exceeding great and = ation for the immigrant. But it re- | of battle and sometimes suffered the. wil ". 7 ing in my live' of hig St many years 1 have Kept u Livery Establish of the kingfisher. One of 3 11. Peter iy & in Australian suburbia is the same | this morning over the proper use of | will bo able to mark the extreme dif Jet loose {rom the ark flew tow d. th § not seen; ear hath not heard; i TZ Grown and: Bridge Wark wuocessfully i or : aL i Paradis the count and countess di t I beg of you WJ give we some icular movement has been com 2.3 AS practiced. . s : ¥ ubber Plates. :, he p : Bell Phone No. 41 pr 4 3 Doath.--Acts Hii, 23; Rev. at the hodise.--Japan Times. from Asia Minor and had not eaten fully guarded messages. oF Prices to suit the times® of the retreating army, of which this of sanguinary contests during operss - : SUCCESSORS TO | fhurch is a New Creation. pear to me. He seemed to have no Streets of the world. But instead understanding of the great drama in news we have seen the apotheosis of ~ Kamily New BY retufmng thanks to the public for t J ew Creation as he "ministers of able articles of Licut.-Colonel Maw Mortgage Loans and obediegce by walking the | climate, says a recent writer "I do not know whether the acous- famous ps-udonym "Linesman," i am, as usual, néw ready declared, "Through much tribu- | impression. The big cities of Austra-| far as I bave observed 1 can affirm | s Large & Assorted Stock at | ; fhings work together for untry. The train and tram services army in the world under such fright- | Sut the situation at the moment {a obed v bo 1h Ya y! »" | ® an ind t to Cann pur Tho mails are despatched from the Pos animals is the prairie wolf, known in. dove thal they 2 GUls to edt; | A k time the war correspondent mede ud | houses are similar in most respects will be atfowed on all Sales from now watit Ging North-- 5.15 p. ui. uring sixteen to eighteen inches If FGEEE) C" "Ho is able to transform tL style and root. The warm climate | tom, when they receive a present, of | respondents like Archibald Forbes, Most of the houses in| «J thank God for your kindness campaigns which they chromicled. tending purchasers will find that by own as the "barkini Peter tells about the "mansion" | ered for the Church, saying, "God | compared with houses in England. whole heart. | occupied of all joufnalist miarch Re tee that perfect satisfaction HEARILY thantig of public for the The. Kingfisher. § ous promises, that by these we | mains with him to lower his own | Caught. trials of the besieged in heroic strong constantly o hand and, Fepairs neatly and | fientin Port Perry, Ihave much pleasuré if the effect that the bird was originally. he we sec what it means to bo | Which makes housekeeping expensive' | "shall" and "will." Perhaps you can ference in the status of that professiqai : sek of competition. As the | marry me?" or "Sball you marry | Bui it was {he journalistic ivdiscreq ORT PERRY: HY _ : ; di mn Sk m- | igs. dr@iched to the skip radise. s leted 4 1 h i bfusing the blessings of Messiah's will be settled after the fiftieth day's | b e have we learnt what tramepi - | Fillings of Golul, Silver or Cement 1 - for eight days: I gave him a slice of There have been uo anticipations hr i a ; Le - - y . A manity, no habitation was per- The Commonwealth cs Described to | was the end tions, nothing save vague rumors = 3 we DAVID |. & DOUGLAS ADAMS i i a 0 in 10 ) or y FIRE Bting of these, Bt. John says: The emigrant will find Australia = : the military disquisitioner, exem Puttoriage extended tome for over Real Histats All of these demonstrate theif BS I re michiiters were eniugs % bist i Steamshi Tickets row way" of self-sacrifice, "by | Loudon magazine. The London Daily Mail, and the em or businoss, % = situation from day to day by Mr. J? shall ye enter the Kingdom." fi OF DUUBLE AND. SINGLE HARNESS Mails Close: , The Coyote. DE litt of Methomins pnd Spinel de smongesh, 19). eFTihstaness would have bear | complete reverse of what held durd A h e ¥ ya | The public buildings, shops, and ; » s New Creation is "made a spec- i -~ EH | Otfice Port Perry as follows : Mexico as the coyoté &nd in the ol 8POO- | hot is 11 of knowledge during the =} Tiscount of 1 pat wal Going North-- 9.00 a. m. world as the jackal. It is thirty-six {5 to angls and men'; God is giv- to those of London. Perhaps the only A Mohammedan Custom. Nisy ml I i 10 HE ri Jun. lst next. All work being Going South--10 p.m. Jength. The color is suslly a dull, Eo moan thangs of die world has to be considered, and the con-| thanking God first, then the giver: | G. W. Stevens and Bennett Burleigh H . wi It; to and no factory work kept in stock, the § ¢ and inside of the limbs are of a in the hands of thy God." --Mala- Australia have spacious verandas, | me Some may comply rather | Anyvody who remembers the i super Srity of my goods will at cucé become ell id Very White tint. The voice is a sort Mii, 17; Isaiah lxii, 3. upon which the occupants sleep dury | thoughtlessly win his custom, which | Sins oi with the ts Be OF i the animal is ko giving me « cull hefore looking elsewhere PO p Y > 1 they can be atfted Th quealify and price, my RT ERR . | walt: b a given unto us (consecrated fol- | This item is an important consider. With the armies into the very flame, Ev. by any article purchased, liberal stronage he) daring tie Many and curious are 3 come partakers of the Divine | rent. The present cause of high rent | She--I had sn argument with Alicd | holds like Ladysmith ard Kimberleyz. Le | JOHN i announcing that I have removea a plain gray in color, but upon being {#iEbers of the New Creation! "Eye | in ue colony. Limited. population, | tell me which is correct. "Will you | 5 day. : ROL : A TY: { | setting sun and had its back sta have entered the human heart | population increases, all these high'| me? or wut whith MY LIVERY * blue by the sky and its lower plums ings which God hath in reserva- ell diminish ; He--I should say "Will you marry SAE Fra tomy former place of busineas ' age scorched by the sun to gerg "for them that love Him"--the | As I have stated in JRetions articles | me?" Kitchener was the first to exercise & WwW t St t tue The dried body of the * mansion, the highest place! | housekeeping in Australia is expén- | She--Then why in the world don't | censorship on their activities, and his d a er ree fisher was once used as a clu bur Lord Jesus in His Resurrco- | SiVe- Fruit and vegetables are dear; | you? example was followed by the coms. ehh Wad hows 50 Jargelys piond 'S88ISY Shmnderbulie. and moths, ahd sscendod "far dbove a Oe Ee aay 3 at AE anders of the war between Russia | ereasc fagilities so.thas apa fo inay be 1b WAS ine up go Fast o might s Church, who will share Aries Doman ioe; Sothes Bion His Time Coming' ~ and Japan, when still further surially RCCOMIN: be fe i nd's artery 3 y av. 5 r 9 ments and more rigorous censorship £3 odated with dutg and desir Ith ita » 3 E i § s cheap, bread slightly more expen- lin Phi Wey dear, v4 came into operation; and with tha A . : sive, 3a une, moh of the Bh § re. Young Father--Mayn't 1 just look Balkan war the censorship both om- quired in 1 ping. i this, at him a mi ? the part of Turkey and the confeder-. of couse, let i} re ogi] understood et No. dear; he's | ates. is so complele that the wat cor St be ble the sal- | oRPE,, Ke toke him when he | Tespondent is practically extiniet sed. The atmospherical conditions of the | Wakes up in the night 2 tween the seat of war and - INE Sajoe of Australia are ideal. - . ful world. eh A WwW SHES at this the commencen It is indeed a perfect climate. The Absentminded. We are certainly robbed of the th | another Auction Sale Season : Me b mention of "heat," however, faytines Be _1 have.s literary friend | of knowledg> of "hot encounters dures | turn theoks' to. bis merous ural} : J aid Seosle., Fushly, 1 who Eo absentminded that when. ing the hours oh their Be heady : e de : 4 i ut the Commonweal, with thous- he went to London recently he tel. but I do not think any ¥ hi p sn fill bo oe : : Ce engaged in land occu- graphed himscli ahead to wait for Disin > he fom ale oe kph : prepara! patio one rarely hears of a case of | himecll a7 0 certain lee SET) war. The tyrant who has extermine preparation ee ond : ke. 'That is a convincing fact. ici pn Va have! the ated the war correspondent is nol . 144,000: Tt 5 for us.o | During January and February, 0 | "Benson--No: he got i all right, but sfter a) [ihe TS afieer x ns of OUT. reaches 120 degrees in the shade; but | be had forgotten to sign his name, | [0 ioe; the tyrant who exten. ie hp heat, so that you can work and, not knowing. ho 3} wes irom, minated the war correspondent is tha. CBee comfortably with collar | he paid no alentiol fo it--Pearson's | yu; correspondent's groatest i cult on, mh gh | houses id ing" day. ig. : summer in Meibourne and Sydney Literary Ptedfictions. thé fhetmometer touches 101 and 1 'Among Oscar thal's the shade, and during the | dictions for 1913,%%: published in The jvid] it really is very - Berlin Togd et Wis: awe Nobel;| than if very far e , pr r literature. awarded | But the action of the: and as soon as ai { to the. man most unknown in lifefary:| too puch resembles the i 'are © you can indulge in circles who can prove that ; it hits back sarf:bathing, a delightfal and cooling | left. unwritten de Bad Phar --: Dai it Stata, thor." He pre | ~~ : book which A n FOR TUE COUATY OF ONTARIO AND OF CARTWRIGHT, swift means Australian sport. Tt is vitally neces | any other living : iio point ou: tat 4h Melbourn | dicts also that in the year two Vienne: howes the librettists will evo! 'a coal -- y : 3 will contain oe. oo u! Pi ly Knot \ue- tences and that \ oe Buster," | tinction the work stage

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