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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 19 Dec 1912, p. 2

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The yacherm of the th are d's on ot home i ecpine abreast of the times. Al" - i idmobiles pursued u i : thied kp 2a han oy sheriff and Ins negro prisoner all 5 hel Co night, attacked the courthouse at A evening McRae, Georgia, early last Satur- the | following u. wish Holiday pre-|4,, and shot the victim dead- 'cannot fail to please ver and receiver ? Go to % . WHY VOTE FOR LOOAL OPTION ? week: iy 3 name of Chas. Bruce|It Increases Drunkenness, En- should have been mentioned as| courages the Secret Guzaliag having taken Honors in Form I. ot Whiskey, Oreates "Blind Cuter --See Forman &| Figs," Demoralizes Youth E 2 "Melntyre & Johnson, $4, com- wos a EN own Srvizs s new advertisement ; they have saddajures Trade. DAM ¥ |missioners Whitby townline. RD 4 he reachot all to Faots Versus Fiction Ni gE t Merry Christmas for : ; ' pry Labor Div. pened Local option, according to its ] i ute MONEY. mom tm od hae Just op bod Gr sv pleaders, was going to do wonders. - 3 Fi Thos. Carnochan, $to, aid. * a with me for immedial to 5 Storrs Chifstgias. times. Its promises were large and attrac- Geo, M Sis Thos, Lambe, $30.58, work Div.| 7. x vestmatnt at lowest rate. secure Merry tive. By the simple process of wip | re i 9 and bonus 82 rods wire fence otf HO moms, Thee gifises ars ust rg. ing out all licenses it would--so its § 23 con. 3. Oe advocates proclaimed -- eliminate preserve. 1 Us 7 Board of Health, $37. expenses | | r-------------- A : a for 1913. » : iif 4 3 L Sil y drunkenness and crime. It was an ! outs : on ~ North Ontario Observer. dsseics sive | ciniv ade, bu the hoa ope mie 8 tol Mir. Armstrong, $36, eon | NE HAVE THE FINEST, Olli) Paper We Teopis,).- Icaafe-Thete | is a fine Seplaysl tionists promised they could fill it, are fof, HOF Ate 8 OHOIOEST AND. M O8T Land a number of communiti > po' { " oy Dskifies is a In Py hoe . h was lo eraofl esd Rufund dog tax ? 8 OD! : em 4 : precedented loveliness, % "PERRY, DEC. 19, 1902. Theis prove Siock is Sgr Midland was one of Jthese munici: s was paid and Fiosbeep vajustors. BON-BONS -- MOIB'S AND al, * Olive Would: Not Rise to Sing | okatiractions for children is il pallies, Today "the thoughtiu] a TS Deserve Racoonrrion. FRY'S-- THE MOST BXQU- lon the alc to increase the prosperity | December, AD ; National Anthem ity BUA at will be a grand |i 202 [cf Midland know bettse.{. DT Biol 1k { Aner is Covnell had adjourned) SITE POSSIBLE, AND OUR| Hebe ion oF whishlie'wag wo Sesirile hu ios RE seltying point dor children: during they know what Local = Option Ww. 1 |sing die, the members of the Coun- PRICES ARE RIGHT! 'W |% it en ae was a brother of our|goicitor for ho HE WAS THE ONLY ONE the" holiday times. Suitable and |™20s They have seen the con Td cil together with the officers of the : Aa TH wnsman, Joseph --- ei Cig | Beers Ottawa is still | talking over the desirable presents for children good vietions for drunkenness aud other Bench So ne - me Bcipaliey, Topaey Me TOTS Oy Saree peculiar ction: of Hon. Frank and cheap. Their Window Display | offences go to such a jfigure that| yy i, he township 1 Dade wha hag kindly thrown AT BanasIns a ire : i 0 the d f hi i ; : < Oliver, ex Mister of the Interior is artistic as well as enchanting. compared to it the years before chester, on Monday, D pep pe oors of ig. beautiful| 'DON'T FAIL:TO SEE THEM : ' Local Option went into effect were home, where a magnificent spread on the afternoon that Premier Bor-| BZ OYSTERS--The best brand |. 1.1 and law-abidi ram. All members p "H€ | was already in preparation. After % ty den introduced his naval proposals, | at Ingrams'; pe Wahiding ears Reeve in the chair. having d j INGRAMS | - in refusing to stand whi er 3 In the year 1907 when Local| pines of last tin ating Saris ample losin bo Un ! g to stand while the other | Fizz Baicapé BangueT.--Our|Option went into effect in Midland inntes Tey daticacies, ete., Mr. W. P;: Dobson, members and the hundreds in the |g edly, : : ia confirmed. the worthy, efficient and I Past : B 0 allergy whic the Nations! Suihem eservedly popular Fire Brigade |there were only 12 convictions for COMMUNICATION % Ys popular IY read Confectonery | 4 2 y held their Annual Banquet at the | being drunk aod disorderly. Since Elec of the townihip, tose and ¥ as qe His Rution wes i 22 St. Charles Hotel on the evening of | that time there have been more|, I "aac oa i} read 2 suitably worded and highly | === Oil day! Goo N fact thdt De s ause of Lhe| Tuesday last when a delicious | than y35 convictions of drunks and i iad been jasge 'eulogistic address to the Reeve, Bougog Council Jo py ees > he dejeuncr was served, after which a | disorderlies. a. r Pr. 4 Bex Leask, Peg who is retiring Sion Dei uth : immediately to his od intel Le rom municipal honors, at the same 0a, Dec. 16th, 1012. ER rate ton ee oe La imam alco wasier § focal SAH RE5Ss1} ie 'presenting that _gentleman| The regular meeting of the Coun- | J| Splendid Fatoreres 2 and Choice Stock, Save the King " was started, distinguished Chiefs of the brigade | drunks and disorderlies. The next contest is being brought JIB with a magnificent Gold Mounted «il vas hid thisigay, Members al ! ALL FPXCEPT OLIVER were promivent participants : Mr. | year there were 30 convictions. In municipality of Reach? oa Cane, bearing the following inscrip- | Present. 3 : embracing all that is Best Newest and Most: 3 When Premier Borden had fin-| Wm. Kenned i i not. : ion, "P d Al k| Minutes of last meeting read and ; { 5 Pron X y as chairman and|the year ending May 1st, 1912, . tion, "Presented to Alex. Leas g : : : £ RR heb pete thers i Mr. J. W. Mebarry as toastmaster. | there were :--Thirty-three convic- a LE 0 Raye i Reash, by the members of soofiamads Me. Jef on Stylish In Fine Gold and Feney Jewelry, Gold emonstration of | The presiding Chairman's presence | tions of drunks and disorderlies : pr cach Council of 1912, and other motion of Wt: Jelireys second, : loyalty in th % . : *| From H. Glendinnin, ing : " . 3 . ae Be AN a rn Snr Sania be to us Seven convictions for being drunk | 2vion re ee ynshi ian oh bi? Jerk 0 ir - ow ho Bi : i jis and Silver Watches, Bilverware, ete. ; ecorum of the proceedings. d driving fast and usi wo » y surprise a7 the several minutes and a French-Can- | highly enjoyable 'evening was the a Me. W. F, Crosier, | unexpected proceedings, suitably | Pay Mr. Nelson Foster for repawing | A Magnificent Stock of everything in the line for Use and adin 'member, Joseph Rainville replied. The evening was spent in |town hall roof :$2; putting in tile} Ornament and admirably suited for Holiday Presents-- result, The supper was got up in a | for being drunk and incapable. I Vercheres) led the singing of "God | giyle that high t a 8 ncapable. In |gaoo of 1912 taxes still a manner highly satisfactory to all | culvert $2; preparing road, t : Ey Th ore the style that was highly creditable to | the last three years up to May 15t. | was jnstructed to" coll ghly ry to a i preparing i three | : such presents as cannot fail to satisfy the giver and present-on the floor of the House to the Ca of mine host Cole, | 1912, there have been 32 convic-| forthwith. wo Are A. ore of hose FR Pg tile for culvert be higlily prized by the receiver. Much that the Dischess of Counanight and the i. oe nt ant agsoniment of tions for assaults. A Dvlew 3s intiod oe ge on ook back on Fs a Wr Ci Hood is unusually desirable and attractive for Princess Patricia. They immedi-| McCaw's. These are facts. They cannot | carried through naming P a seconded. by Ms Wr a , my fair and respected patrons. -ately arose to their feet, as did all of --_-- be ignored. But thee are not all of | where nominations sh §rlianaie, Leask has proved « Treas Ai Jeter, ihe A TT 20 Ie eel 8s did 21 0 or the facts. The arrests for drunken. | 20410 ot Dei eld | instaking and efficient mibuicjpal| Treasurer was instructed to pay Me #2 A pressing and cordial invitation is extended to all to' Se > ion Demives 2d the Stock Notes. ness are but a part of the whole; outs oe 2 "Gliesks OME | representative, as Councilor, Ded L. W. Stephenson for two 18-inch come and inspect my new stack and the great variety of- 3 .sasti x sm 2 : Te: galleates of the Sopectal®r®! Mc. AL Claughton, Epsom, has|ovly the drunks who make scenes poll at tbe ilogent Rep Egy Reere and Rests ghd 4b motion of Mr G. § Chaos Gomis moiiabls 7a Hnliley Fresentt «cept :Feank Oliver, of Edmonton. sold his beautiful thorough-bred|on the streets are run in. divisiops in (hé townshi \ kuoning suphiog Y Eta by Mr Ts Et The Complimeuts of the Season. ZH ONLY ONE prize winning saddle horse, Joe S,| Licenses have gone out in Mid- | poll is demanded to | 4 ¢ gos $l A a as Weim ted x s «Cosspicious on the front benches| No: 50979, to Mr. H. H. Dewar, land. But large shipments of whis- ie year. ABE3. whic n iT erie il x jer ot for fa) ade WwW x MocGaw «of the Opposition, thie cynasure of| &-C- Elmsiey Place, Toronto, Joe, key have regularly. gone in, 85 eva ere appointed] I nari E ae ® ® @ My. Oliver yupatiipticatly} 2% {wop first prize in suidis ciate, aud) and {well-informed ; Bd] Te = 1 'honor bis King and Sul. | Fret i-Ehaniug ice at obese ent Es 6% ng an shows that wherever license. Sealy lo b kl last 24th of May ; he won second to yglowerag as he savic lowe: oA} his stable mate at Markham Fair |ished, a: Tight beverage like beer last fall, and a number of other|which contains only three to four | sented a statement sh Treasurer was instructed to pay Mr: facti tl = jon of knowing hat Geo. Platted for 264 loads gravel 'his services were highly appreciated his seat. .It was the only jarring incident i in a day that will be mem- orable in the history of Canada. prizes. Mr. Claughton is certainly | per cent. of alcohol is driven out to be cengratulated on his success | because of its difficulty of conceal: by his constituents.] --Ep. Oss. - $26 40. ie 3 On metio) of Mr. Geo. Hood Mr. Oliver bas so far vouchsafed bt oadi Hm i : 7 lal, t= Won. SrvinaP . I Spublic explanation: It 1s. nog) 3t breeding and raising horses © ment, and .unpaiatanility 'When m. Stovin, LONE = seconded by Mr. Wm, Jefirey, the i that he a His action was | the stamp of Joe S. The good ones | warm, and whiskey, which contains | No. 5--Arthur Slee . 0.;] THE ONLY REMEDY |T casurer wasinstructed to pay Mr. inexplicable, and is likely to that bave eminated from his stables | 50 per cent. or more of alcohol, is| Norman Midgl . To some of those seeking to minimize | Win. Jackson two-thirds value of prove a source of much embarass- have brought big figures and have smuggled in. No. 6--A. Williams, ; the evils of intoxication the theory that | ope lamb killed by dogs $3 30, and ment to his party. That his col- made records that would do honor| The regularly licensed place . Willi er. license reduction will accomplish this| for work on road 87; Mi. Frank leagues are annoyed at his action is | '© far more pretentious breeders of | would not under any circumstances | No. 7--G. K. 0 3 To Eo its face plausible and|peyit drawing wood and work putting it lightly. Saddle Harses than at Eentioman sell liquor to minors; if it did, its Geo. Kilpatsi , : tw t theory and practice are two entirely $1 50; Mr. John Platten, 23 loads Fara Is there a falure in Canada for|12ys claim to; but he evidently pos-| license would be taken away. But | No. 8--Robt: McCli R.O. | different tisings. . During the year ending | §7Avel, at 15 cts per load, for cul- Frank Oliver? sesses the knowledge and faculty of | 4he irresponsible "pocket peddlers Wm. Munro, Pol : April 30th, 1911, & total of 359 tavern and | verts, 83.45. : producing nothing but the best inland "blind pig" operators, caring | No. g9--Michael Q ig -R: O.;| shop licenses were eliminated from the| Op motion of Mr. Geo. Hood, Lu Friday Va opps its class; and he frequently has the only for profits and having no li-| Robt. Baird, Poll aggregate number in Ontario. Neverthe- | oo 4 4 by Mr. Jas Davey, the 9 nib T * 20 satisfaction of learning, through the | cense to lose, sell whiskey even to| Nominations tok d at Town- To inher ¥ grunts sowsmisted 0 Collector's time flor returning the Port Arthar's population, as rc- journals of the day of performances boys, directly causing their ruina- ship Hall, Manch "Monday, oh ihe a une» siz Rell vas extendda until the riext ? 2 The Re Market will be'E ported by the assessment commis- accomplished in distant fields, by | tion. Dec. 30, at one o'clOBMT" | '1904 there were 2,836 licenses in On- meeting of the Council, : Com DA "instead of Thursd sioner, is 15,654. horses that. first saw {he light of| Midland is only one of many Lo- ACCOUNTS tario of which 2,516 were tavern licenses. | On motion of Mr Geo Sweetman, ; J . :|day in his stables and that have | cal Option municipalities which had i L. | By 1911 the number of licenses bed grad- | gaconded Mr Geo H Mr Prizes to be A WwW rde ee en est {ug giBty su) vanawsto veils expuisnes. 1 fas boon o havi Wwpedelic EEC Signage hp EF) Takin was esd 1 > ing on the streets of the town.. | now owmers'; and he is just the man | learned and humiliating experience, | p "o erville, §3, High of way 10] number of convictions for offences almost gravel the newly tornpiked piece of Poultry, Eggs and Butter that appreciates and delights in| and has convinced many former be-| © . doubled fromigo4 to 1910. In 1904 the [road west ofthe Harper house on con A fellow in Toronto affects 10! causing'te' be created a stamp of| lievers in Local Option that is far pit 1917-1008 a. a1 Convictions totatied 22,817. In 1910 they | 10 'in consideration of gravel free ot , Paic Turke d ciel and drawn hake merry by saying that eggs horses that are of incalculable value | better to have licensed places, Seo. pda: to cod. | were a1401. charge: 12, Fa I dred an ts ons will bea dolfar a dozen before long. | {5 ma the proprietors of which are reput- P € *] This enormous increase cannot "a On motion of Mr Geo Swestmany g Owen Sound bas organized a The other day Win. Purvis, Esq.,| able men and respusible to the law, oy Aldred : plained way i) asying that ie up lu seconded by Me Jas| Davey, the| Canadian Club, which starts with|of con, 7, Brock, purchased at the than to encourage the secret snd %, ait wi ! EN P SE atwria's aprigion Treasurer was instructed to pay the | askel Ducks (6 or over) dressed and dvawn. "the handsome membership of near- « Dundrénpan Stables," Reach, an indiscriminate sale of whiskey by Samael Perving 5 3 rom frum spo so 1911. fn increased only lass Reeve and Councilors salaries for © Paic Chickens; dressed and drawn... 3 : Jy two hundred. exceptionally grand, young, pure lawless characters. They are con- total population | 1912, eight dollars each. "*" Pagkel Ckickens (6 or over) dressed and' wh ae ing, lot 6, con. er it 208]. ~ ingel + 'othe editor of the Bracebridge bred; Shortho en, yearling bull, for - dans iat . ds bu al - 'Thos. Bartley ir. win 247und ihn pig Me Sein of Delon! Coltage, | ic; Teo Se Sirs Stee en © Gazette, with the Tories in power which he paid a handsome figure. 3 y bli i to oe Ter a th ting in culvert "These are very significant facts. They Seven: Mile Island, came before toe . "Ten pounds Seis 1.1b. 3 ; a ot Toronto and Ouaws, the| That: fleman is fast becoming n public places than to have the R. O'Neill, | I i oe ri Council in a very pleasant and}; : fhe prod ach 0d U joys of Christmas are a myth." one of ios exiiteive and | dandestinely driven to the oy 20°con. 11. i entirely out Proportion to the | business-like manner in regard 'to{ : Ba tie i n 1 1b.sq homes as is often now the case. : ock breeders. Mr. H The New Zealand Parliament! ® Chri iso lately sold t full : at ify ext Session consider 8, Siothert j' the animal secured by Mr. Paris, both of which. have gone to localities where they : will' be

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