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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 21 Aug 1913, p. 1

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" vuna UB An [Crow practiced: arth 0 nario Ob Hye branch of Dentistry, evn" and Bridge Work succemfully er, Alumina: Family Newspaper IN PUBLISHED C Font vrimey, BY B; PARSONS ERS: 61 gm anh, if paid in atvance : ive det No sthecri + ix ha; aod uo paper til nrronrs sre paid pp. EATERS containing monwy, when adilrossod to, thi Oice, prépeld ? and registored «ls be st our risk. ,. ADV NTS. red hy Ni \ #ADYERTLY i ovaing to the space oy poy Avg 3 ip-tructions, will of meat will b 00 Out Ul A Lt Al ant, od to M MSA lene ira ed be fu AT " ONT. a 1 Evils THURSDAY MORNING £0. Lukett for less piper discontinued \ EMENTS coceived tof Piblicativn, with- a be tuerind til id for. SO0ver A Weekly Political, Agricuttural ana SP es EY ZF =! RICHARDADN WB Third Sunday at 10 30 6. font fail including | {73 nep s 4 not §L.5¢ nd 0 sdverlises arent. otchiing dviag, me a: "| the on ing constantly on Duscer, in, A * 1 N r turning oF IR DOUBLE AND RINGLE HARI which Tm duterminid to sell very © As awindugemient to Cas purchasers ob sound of 10 por edie | will be allowed gn all Siles fram now untit Jun, lst'noxs. £2 MADE BY HAND®3 oy in my live ol Baud and x promptly atte hout a Salis wis i 4 refoi. slays adc 1m 3 Fen to inspect the Dinu n J. H. Brown, GRISULTURAL Maching, public for the pa'ronayge + xtended me for over 3 years, | womid respectfully fiitimate etd ut, a8 usnaly dow fendy for business, : nd have a Large & Assorted Stock KAT All work being ark kept in stocky th y goods will at ence coop palstirts a oa helore 2 tod In quality s can be softed in nded to, OHN ROLPH jo : --atih Port botry, oo neh lensure ix Manager), Bowmanville, Breolilin, Claremont Masaser) Oshawa, lo, © : NEV TREATMENT will and make:a hin © ERATE Sn tal RASC. TAOTS- hom wip Sa m, and low mariage pannol re. Do's lot quacks EF NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT rH PARALYSIS many ~ belt fi ") Tecetved little benefit. 1 " £0 posts Drs Kennedy & AFTER TREATUEINT doctors. Like a drowning man a New M ™ wxT and {6 me Ee HR EE nerv ve 2 -and continue to do, P " . % 'CURES GUARANTEED oR KO PAY . Ya eure VARICOSE VEINS, NERVOUS DEDIL'TY, RLOOD AND ARY, , KIDNEY AND BLADDER DiSUASES and cli Diseases : HLSOEUTATION FREE. BOOKS IRIE If unable to call write for a Question ENNEDY 8 KENNEDY | Griswold Sk, Detrot sill WN 0 DY 3 HY, Kennedy, though eat abiour Medic ate in © : ir onf Windsor hich pondesice and: for Canadian business only. Address all letters as follows: DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Windsor, Oat, E. A. ADAMS, . HUTCH ESON, jell Phone Ufice No, 6 BeliPhone Nou 4 ? 254 Residence, No. 4 ADAMS & HUTCHESON : SUCCESSORS TO DAVID J. & DOUGLAS ADAMS FIRE LIFE IN SH RA HOE MARINE 3 ACCIDENT i Hi oF 4 Real Estate it + Steamship Ticke BG Mortgage Loans | Ls TCL PACIFIC | HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS. TO . - MANITOBA, ALBERTA | SASKATCHEWAN Mails Close. The mails are despatched from the Pe fice Port Perry as follows : Going Northi-- 9.00 a. m. Going South--11.20 a. m. Going North-- 5.15 p.m. Going South--10 p.m Central Livery PORT PERRY. Il _patronago regeived durin the a. = Ytatyich ng passe: g that I hued fémovea Jine connections, | to : 3 and West Seasgu to re 'rons for wesling their esteemed n he desires to gh Sultry men have real} PN ze List and $850.00 is this department. It will] how of birds: ttactiops in front pf the Bnd Arc from New ¥brk. 'eosting a large sum and ym on the 9th and 10th, at ounds in the dayyg and will 1 ised at the night concerts' House. © = « 1 ; Lisa d fonations of f fends ct ih e mide it paasible to in- e prizes all along the line, st is mailed. If yoli | Eopy drop a card to W. E. | | ir. | | 8, 9, 10° of September. daration day only, 9th and both show days and both equallgrgood. He ------ betton Epxress i--flei5. na yatter to chan excursion de- Bdation fiom the G T R., days. For the past three Le greatest difficult has been anced mn arranging q¥chrsions caverion, and this yeat afain y-school «xcursion which time has becn ahnounced motrow, Friday, to Orillia C nny has haa 19 be abandoned, owing to | tne refnsal of the Comppany at a late hp ly the fi cessary train. Lui the children of the var- iools will pre-mdat the lake Md oa Enfield ads lead to Enfield on 21, for the Biggest of the s The Circuit bn Party and Sports being held e Enniskifft, fil Churches at latield on date. Afternoon Sports, direction of Dr. C. Ww. £6 pon. Lyentg, program = aig Tom [obt. Wiison (Enter- Supper served on from 5.30 to 8 p.m. be plenty of Ice Cream procurable on. pha gsotiads. carly and avoid thc rush. iy the Biggest Time of the to Tea and children 20 cents. Admission 35 cents'; TAY pw; sivarda. a, Aug. 14---A very pleas and interesting event took place ) hawa last nights, 14 being the Juating exercises Of thie Oshawa jspital. Soar KI 1c graduates wedg Miss Mar- S cling, of Mitldmay, ht; Daphne GC, Drew, Toronto, Miss Gladys E., Vernon, of chester, Ont. Besider winning §r diplomas these young ludies e hieraily chowered with schol 81s. purses of gold, special es from all the medical ssafl, the and friends, and fpcrintennent uets. dlc president of the Board of hicciors, Mr. J.D Sioifs, in his Wiss announced that the plats 1 specifications were now already cpted for an extension to the % pial building, which will in face 1s present capacity by $50 ik cent. The new addition will ude the $10,000 Pediar memor- i --- i Irish Guards Baad jo POPULAR OF ALL THR BRITISH Banos That Have Veftep CANADA, ts he Bind of TA {iish Guards, feature the music at the Cana: a1ional Exhibition this year introduction to Canadian They were brought anadian National Ex: (go5 aml so enthusias- We ie théy ceceifed that it to tour them from th ic to the Pacific. 1h arried aut and ys success e Irish Guards as he ilar of the splendid British iBands that have visited y Tn to the Exhibifion that ull. remember the, selec: Il Trovatere and, the that came floating in nt part of the founds. oloist, Sergennt Hunt, he Band. Then you'it I aby Sweetheart was whidlie el e 4 Burketon and | 13; x bye lection, ir. Ale Ralrd, of Searboro own:hip, and Miller, of Stouffvitle. A NOMAN COULD NOT WALK Lo = -- Biri | _ Pentwéter, Mich. -- "A fou a I was Yery weak and the doctor said I had a serious displace- ment. J had back- ache aud bearing i | | 1 was in severe pain | all the time. 1 felt | discouraged as I had | taken everything [ | could think of and | was Hid 'better. I | began taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg- | ctable Compound and now I am strong | and healthy."'--Mrs. ALICE DARLING, | | R.F.D. No.2, Box 77, Pentwater, Mich. | ftead WhatAnother Woman says: | Peoria, Il.--""I had such backaches | that I could hardly stand on my feet. 1 would feel like crying out lots of times, | and had such a heavy feeling in my right side. I had such terrible dull headaches avery dey and they would make me feel 80 drowsy and sleepy all the time, yet IT | could not sleep at night. | , After I had taken Lydia E.Pinkham's | Vegetable Compound a week I began to | improve. My backache was less and | that heavy feeling in my side went away. 1 continued to take the Com- | pound and am cuted: "You may publish this if you wish." Miss CLARA L. Gauwirz, R.R. No. 4, | Box 62, doria, Til. LALTIRE soni Such letters prove the value of Lydia £. Pinkham's, Vegetable Compound for woman's Hs. Why don't you try it? The Biggest Event in th History ot Fairs in the | District Flying Machine at Port Pérry The Directors' of the Reach, Port Perry atid Scugog Agriculture] So- ciety, purpose in way of Attractionsito far eclipse anything. iu that line ever dreamed of in this district. They have, Regardless of Expense, con: tracted for u Curtiss' Aviator and Flyfng Machine --the Best in the World --to give an Exhibition lace at Port Perry's Coming Show on Friday, September 12. Everybody, more especially every child, should see this wonderful performance. This, together with the other At- tractions in confiection with the | Fair, will cost over one thousand and five hundred dollars. Prepara- tions are to be made to entertain the largest multitude ever assembl- a Fair outsid: of ! in Canada at Toronto. --_ GOOD HEALTH VIM AND TALITY Are assured if you will cleanse you stomach ol undigested food and foul gasses; ibe yxcass be fron the hiver and 1fe Gale matter from the intestines aud bowels by the Juse ot .A1Ier PILLS the great fruit, kidney, liver, stom- ach and bowel remedy. . I At all dealér§ £5 end so cent boxes or mailed by The Fig Pili Co., St. Thomas Ont. TICKETS TO ALL FARTS OF THE WorLr.oMs W. 14. McCaw, Pert Perry, is now in a position to issue tickets to all parts of the world and to supply all necessary jnformation to parties asto the ¢Weapest and best routes, &c. lu addition to his numerous Ticket .Ageucies for Rail- road and' Steamship lines, he has been re appointed Ticket Agent for the Grand Trunk Railway. Parties ntending to travel will consult then own interests 'by consulting Mr. McCaw before embarking ou a trip Robi. ! be | as God's | ence. | of the bishops than to August = Pastor'. ussell | dressed the Lon. Tabernacle congregation twice to-day. We. report one of Bis dis B . one i Father,--and one Wl Tord | Jesus Lo Christ."'--1 Corin: EI 5 y The Pastor de-! RUSSELL} c1aved that the con- fusion which has rent the Christian Church into | huudréds (of. sect: has 'come through teglett of the Wibld--a cause fot generally recognized. Creed clashinga are the direct result® of the serious errors cortaincd in all creeds. No heathen idol is =o horrible as Se which the most intelligent ristinn people have portrayed with the pen, purporting to represent the Almighty and His attitude toward men. We have misrepresented our Creator as worse in His purposes than | the vilest of humanity; Why délay® 1f Jehovah be God, let us worship Jim. 1 the horrible Baal of the ark Ages be no longer our God. let us destroy his creed images and for- | get them. ra | Emperor Constantind's Nicean 'Creed. After the Church had forgotten the Master's declaration that His Twelve tha ---- | Apostles would constitute the founda- tion stones of the New Jerusalem, they began to recognize their bishops us apostolic. They overlooked the fact that God's' statement that Judas' face would be filled by another in- imated particularly that there would no successors to The Twelve. Judas' real successor was St. Paul. Bible Students now see that the eleven Apostles, before being confirm. ed iu Apostleship by the Pentecostal blessing, cfted 'in choosing Matthias, whom God merely ignored. | Gradually the bishops rose to power inspired oracles. Propor- tionately, The Twelve lost their influ- Tt was easier to take the word search the Thus Bible study greatly _declined during the nd and third "centiipies, BRA tes between Chrigtians and Greek philosophers led some of the bishops to extremes. Not only did they maintain the Bille Scriptures. | teaching that Jesus was the Bon of | God, and 'became mian in order to | feddemn mankind; but some went further, and claimed that He was the Heavenly Father Himzell, who had come down to earth and ding: In their anxiety fo overwhelm the Greek: ¢kepifics, these Christian teach- | érs unwittingly involved themselves in absurdities. Gradaully the trini- tarian.mystery was advanced; and the mystification of saying that God wns His own Son, the Lord Jesus His own Father, and the Holy Spirit an- | other person and yet the same person, | appedled to people who delight to! reverence 'most 'what they do not understanl. Thus to-day, when ques- tions are agked respecting the trinity "how one could be three..and three one--the answer given which satistles the ignorant is, Mystery! "But the Bible makes no mystery of the matter. I§ never mentions the trinity. The ome text (I John 5:7) seeming faintly to support the thought is -mow admitted by all scholars to be an interpolation, ¢ ating from ahout the seventh century The Rewised Vefsion shows quite distinct. ly the reading of earlier manuscripts. | "To Us There ls One God" { The Pastor then ekplaifed every text in both Old end New Testaments used . as a proof-text supportin the trinitarian mystery, and conv need his hearers that these texts are mis- applied. He quoted the Explicit statement from the Old Testament, "Hear, O Israel, the Lord thy God | is one God." snd that trom the New Testament, sed as his text for this discoutse. | Pastor Ruasell then showed that, ac- cording to our Lord's own teaching, the oneness, or 'harmony, between the Father and Himself resulted from our Lord's ignoring His own will, to do the Father's will. Our Lord exhorted His disciples to have the same will, | apirit--the Ha .-Bpirit--the disposi- tion to do the Father's will. Our . Redeemer, formerly known as | he to bs, was tho beginning and the End of the Divine direct creation. So the Greek reads, "In the beginnini i was the Logos. and the Logos was with | the , end was 8 ® The on was i i beginning tel: the God. By Him were all things made that were made, and without Him was pot one Hing made." --Joha 1:13. sal (TM Pistor then'related the history of the Council of Nice. Constantine called a council of all the hizhopa-- about one thousand--to eettle cer tain doctrinal differences, of which our subject of discussion was one. Onl bishops fame. Affsr po cussirg the subject months. th submitted it to Abe Emperor, wis +t cided that the Niggant was the Christian faith." Thus the trinitarian mystery 'was enshr by a hesthen emperor unbaptized -- pot even sprinkled. . Wor iOnly a fool Wi before he earns Sav Som Marri i: a ET ---- : - 12 this Lick replied .that he had nothing ag yet, but one day be woul have /a- mill beside which ona would bea pigsty. . AEE In 1854 the quiet, parsimonious: TJawes Lick surprised everybody by bufiding a magnificent flour mill neag San Jose. The willl was finished with< {n in solid mahogany, highly polished. and was furnished with the best ma- | chinery possible. He made the grounds about the mill very attractive and be gan early to set out trees both fom fruit and ornament. 3 i Lick caused his elegant mfll to be photographed without and within wt gent the pictures to the miller who ha scorned bim in bis youth. : Nineteen years after Mr. Lick built) tls mill, Jan. 16, 1878, tie surprised tha people of Ban Jose again by giving 1-1 to the Paine Memorial society of Bos ton. half the proceeds of sale to bef nsed for a memorial hall and baif ta . sustain a lecture course.-- Exchange. FIERCE ARAB DOGS. Easy to Put the Big Brutes to Flight ii One Knows the Trick. The village dogs of Arabia are a reall diinger to strangers, whom they attack: on sight without provoeation. By! strangers | mean any one except their own immediate owners, whether na- tives or not, writes Lady Ramsay Im the Sunday School Times. They are, as a rule, great, powerful brutes, often very handsome, extremely fierce and capable of defending tbe flocks from: wolves and other marauders. [ bave often been told that when attacked byl these ferocious animals the proper thing to do is to sit down quickly on the ground, when they will at once de- elst But for my part I never bad tbe courage to try this plan and had never, seen it done during all my years of travel till last year. We had stopped. fo 'rest and eat our lunch in a village: odn, and I was looking out from an open balcony and saw an elderly Turks posite™ Suddenly two buge dogs, barking fu-. rlously, dashed at him from an open gateway. Inatantly be dropped to the ground' In a sitting position. For a moment [ thought be bad fallen and. expected to see the dogs om top of hin. To my astonishment they turned. and fied, their talls between thetr legs. Before they could return, if they; would have done so, a couple of vil, lagers appeared, helped the old fellow to his feet and accompanied him ouf of the range of my vislon. . | ¥ V } Not Mysticism, but Mathematics. Kfrs. Madison, whose latest hobby Is, the psychology and tbe esoteric influ- ence of colors, was deeply gratified when her husband admitted without urging that there might be somethings in her theory after all "Dawson put me on to it today as the farm," Mr. Madison continued. "Dawson?" questioned Mrs. Madison, aiazed, for Dawson is tbe manager of her husband's stables and unknowns among psychologists. Mr. Madison nodded. "He says the bays eat more than the grays." "Really!" It was a humble victory. but Mrs. Madison's face glowed with triumph. "How does Dawson account for 1? ' "There are ten more bays thar grays," said Mr. Madison.--Youth's Companion. Golng In For Methuselah's Record. At 'ambitious new citizen, with the habit of taking literally the every day" | expressions of Americans, obtained 8 position as trafn caller at the Union: station. One day he had just called, "ALLE aboar-rrd for Kansas City, Denver, Salt Lake, New Or-rleans, Chinchin-* natl, Buffalo, . Baltimore and No York!" A mano ran up to him and almost' breathlessly asked, "I want the last traip out for Cleveland! $ The perplexed caller exclaimeds «What, yon should live so long?*--Stu Louis Post. Dispatch. = Didn't Get a Unance. ; /"D}d your son who went to, the city tg mate Ms fortune deliver the goods?" No. He was caught with them be fore be! bad a chance." Houston I'0st A # The Mulberry Bush. Jolning hands and forming 8 g the players dance round, stngl & e Gulbis Sian, hb Here we go round t. ros

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