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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 2 Apr 1914, p. 1

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Owen Sound td, "and am ply this Wliole the verge BEST produced on this At prices thal can ti fy purchasers. iis 2 Eis without a BES i its rare mesh si as a iy fence, thcrefore to. bend ie Ks to the publicfor th sled thmie for ever 3 respectinlly ntinate that ow veudy for busines, atid HA ih fined to sell very CHEAP ot to Cia purchesers . All work being BY HANDS y k i n ¥ 1 -- a pA o a Bo To th eatity Bnd rice, trade being an perfect « vis BE. ACADAMS, 1 Hi Or HUTCH EBON, Bell Phove Qffice No. 6 | Boll Phoste No, 41 5 Residence, Nog ADAMS & HUTCHESON | / SUCCESSORS TO : DAVID J. & DOUGLAS ADAMS FIRE LIFE iN SURANGE MARINE ACCIDENT Real Estate, Mortgage Loans | | : teamship Tickets FRANK TERRACE, ADORESSING THE 1 Good Roads Convention at Tacoma; Washington, gave the following enthusiastic testimony in favor of good roads : wo ; *I am a cabbage grower. I haul my produce ra) x ourney. The the | Ji au a team of 1800 pound horses was 2500 pounds, and after visiting the factory I would arrive back at my home late in the evening, But look at the difference now that'a permanent hard surface lids been Jaid down: staft On my trip about 8 o'clock and need only a team weighing 1400 pounds to haul a load of 5000 pounds of cabbage, which: is 'double 'my. previous capacity. And, best of all, T hind on my retum to the house edrly i the #frérioon, that. 1 have finished the day's work without the Horses having turned a hair." Concrete Roads Mean Road Economy They prevent your road taxes being spent in « patching up roads that never wil be good roads. They me the cheiipost kind of roads at the 'end of ten, fiftéén oe twenty years betaus€ they practically elitdindte 'the tost of upkeep. They enable you to Ishd bigger loads with Jess effort and Jess wear #nd tear on horses ard vehicles. They Increase land values, better cond:tions generally, and decrease the cost of living. Write for, free, Good Roads literature, and leatit haw good fond w ll benefit you. - Concrete Roads Department Canada Cement Company Limited £05 Harald Buildug, Moctreal Sa mails Oloso. {WARD & PEAR The mailsare despatolied froot the Pos | 2 Office Port Perry as follows : S fe METin Ly oing Sonth==11.20. a. wm, - Goiug North 5.15 p. m; + tous Soniye | PORT PERRY, ON PPLICATIONS 'ror 1% expeditionsly negotiated ho on the rapid transit ery 'FIRE IRSURANGE AGE TS tk ) A ie had ghue a month ano; ol hat + "Mr. Bor d; caf rnd irom a kidoey pu L underwent: an 'operation eek and did nat rally from it Bond, who. 1naerited hig us from. 0s father alidut Jo eats! pEobably. the oldest and idly krown Torooto livery} of his ime. © He was bern] f 68 years ago in Richmeni! shoct distance from the And sales stable. which was [8d under his name nati his might & Year and a half ago, Holly 'every. citizen of Tor: 830 years' residence claimed Hd asa friend, and 'many iildivipgin The city whe have ssociated with Him continous since "boyhood," Orie of these hiv Dixon, whe was a carriage] ufacturerin the early days. The i Adant Beek is another of his ilehg friends. > e neyer had any children, but he'Was Lke a lather 10 a dozen men 1h Torofito," said" one' who hifi ntmately, Sunday night. ¥i Wi hout "reservation, that'1] f had a friend who was as good eas B-b-Bond ; he was always |J1§ 8s intevested in helping me on ast hie "was in his own affaies, and the same (hig. ~ He never tan eiemy in ilies weérld and he i Hendsiall over Canada and [Riaughiout America; In fact you | SER SSay "too many good thiogs {aloat big he.was one of the best gran. d ve #1 ever knew." 1f. Bund was repuled one of the tur an=hand drivers on this plik, abd-was aniong the fist to Aatiysho my Eavada, He was dently terested "to racing, His phors were 'carried. to 'viglory 4 ta: Queen's Plate hy Bohnie uke at Woodbine in 1887, which s the first year when "the fixture #-s estalished on its: present basis fa mie add a quarter. B 2 fiat me it was a wile and a half pce. He decided fo retire less than two ars ago. He 'then ¢l 1his fable in Sheppard: sireet C portion of the property £0 iy) Br the purpose of cutting ugh Bay was plating to fempe ance westerly treet. MreBond fect a large warehouse building on the remaindet of his lands and all e plans for this work "had been ade when he started forthe holi- By for which he was not destined return' alive. was: reputed 16 be worth in ghborhood of §500,000. real, March 27. The a and the Upited picture ted States uild a railway from t River Country to Al vg d by Sir Rich Vamishing, Staining and Waxing.' No matter which method you prefer, you will find here the = right "Spic 'and Span" for 'every surface: Four Kinds of Best "Finish "for every purpose = Four Best of Their Kinds : SENOUR'S FLOOR PAINT --the old reliable--it wears, and wears, and wears. WOOD-LAC VA beautiful appearance of hard wood on soft "MARBLE-ITE"--the floor varnish ied Soc s@i.hi 3 have: ee childs red, twenty-six-of whom are living; There were two sets of twins ahd one wile gave Sirth to triplets. - « Phe Kaiser on learning some time ago'that [Eglinski's sixth son had entered the ary, sutnoned the father to Berlin, and after giving him a donation of money, said: * Keep 'upithe good work Eg- linaki." The tailor saluted and replied : AT your service, your Majesty." 'GILLETTS LYE | EATS CO! TORONTO ONT. Solving tha Poultry and Hgg Problem Huge Qoticern & Bracebridge The Bracebridge Gazette says: The writer had the pleasure of go~ ing through the huge plant of an egg just nos h of the tation. hatche of 3,000 egg cap: he owner Yes at present eggs ready for hatching, and ts to have his machine full during the month. The feed house is a substantial two-storey building ich is divided into several rooms. Down stairs contains the assorling, bipping, and oal=sproutiog rooms. is a sight to behold in this de- went, | with «tray upon tray of ng into green feed, some a foot in height. Upstairs 'the. office, stock room. and inning by . electric ery embraces RNISH STAIN produces the that stands the scuff--heelsproof; waterproof, almost' wearproof, LIQUID WAX -- the new method of applying wax to floors. Retains its polish and is economical. Let us tell you more about it: W. L. Parrish Ji ; n PORT PERRY. dis FE i. nay cing plant. eggs all. over 'Canada. "The obly trouble, the proprietor says, is get" ting enough &ggs to supply demand. { | : USED FOR YEARS | When a mother uses only one { medicines long as there arg little | ones in te home it certainly bears {grand teSlimony to the value of that | particul@r remedy. Thousands of mothers asé nothing else but Baby's Own. Tablets. Concerning them | Mrs. M LeBlane, Memramcook West, NiB.; writes : "I have used Baby's Own Tablets for my. little | ones fof¥ the past ten years and { know of Bothing to equakthem dur | ng tedtlling time or for colic, con- | 'pation or indigestion, All m | neighbors who have used them think {as.] doi® The Tablets ate sold by | medicifie dealers or by mail at 2§ | cents a bo# from The Dr. Willianis' Medicine Qo., Brockville; "Ont. { | ---- { - An Omaha judge has. officially | placed the wages of a hea for hatch- 1 of goose eggs at Fggs will be plectiful Hor Easter, {and prices: are getting 'down to a | Agute within the reach'®of people of | thodérgte Meas: § Montreal Mail i -- Speaking of matrimony, President. Wilson's daughters don't seem to believe in their father's policy of watchful waiting. INVALUAE Its Wonderfu Sick Cattle a Makes 'Ne its Wei The stoc know of the "Nerviline" great deal to think' of loc night without Kn of 'Nerviline® © viline'" Worth fie "compan ships] Does Mr. G agine that the isan ase? For fiv ed to: prove to Pac building of the Nat 3 tinental line from Monet nipeg was not properly th for hostile criticism, ~The journed the the getting hie second wind; HN did Mr. Graham deal withthe! point' at issue, the. cost 'of Not onge did he state. frankly that too much had been invested immense public work: He a tacitly to believe that $00:0 mile:is-a right and | propee pri a'railway through an average try. We do not believe it' nen does Mr; Graham, When an mate of cost is increased thee there is reason for public discos and Mr. Graham will need | eloquence, and 'more, to allay The . statement by the Li correspondents to the efiect that repott of 'Mri Staunton and Gutelins was riddled an@ that i Government was on its knees ging for mercy is only one more stance of -misrepresentation ft ; the same exhaustless source. Mroa Graham {dealt gt great Jength witl the political afifliations, of the inves: tigation commissioners. It seem they may candidly 'a peachement without injuring thei standing as men 8f honor before: country, good are in a similar case: likely that their attitude Certainly the vituperation of Graham will not lead then bai the old paths. may justify a great but he ci 8 Lumsden and Major dering in the wilderness. The Commissior erals.. No 'one partisans of Sir would be chosen work of "the Lil | may be proof that i} {tis no proof for the c Graham Amon 3

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