Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 20 Aug 1914, p. 3

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the h practical training essenti- to a successful business career. DAY and BYENIRG CLASSES Carafally Arcanged Home-Stady Courses | - 'Tt will be fo your best interest rrangs NOW for a Course in this ofd and distinguisked school, * Write for full information, E E LOGAN - Principal YNOPSIS OF CANADIAN. NORTHrWEST LAND REGULATIONS. HE sola herd of a family, or any male over 18 years old, may hoine- 'stead a quarter Section of available Pow utm land. in Matiitoha, Sa- ntchswan or Alberta, Tho apps caut' must appear {n person at the Dominion Lands Agency or Suh-sgency for tho district: Entry by prox. may 'ba wade at any UDonicion Lands Agency (but not Bub-Agrucy), on cers tain conditions. Duties --Six months' residence cultivation of the land in eac of hres years A homesteadar may live Wha ive miles of his homastead on a farin. of at least 80 acres; on certain has been giving conditions. A habitable house in ros quired 'except where residence is pers furmed in the viviniy. certain districts a homesteader in uding may pre-empt #action alongside of bis home- $00 por acre. hin d right, may take a purchased stead in eertain distrigtes Price 3,00 per. acre. Dutics,.--Must reside mont hig in each of thre ears, caitiv- hd acres aud erect a houss worth Wi " The area uf cultivation is subject to eduction in ease of rough, scrubby or bony land. Live stock may be substi- for cultivation under certain con- 3 W. CORY, C.M.G., Deputy of bh Miulster of the Interior. "N. B --Uuauthorized publication of his plivnrtionment will not be paid or.--6 : nosT Ot the 23rd June a Valuable Gold Locket inscribed *"W.G." 'one side, the other bearing the pare and Compass design. A table reward will be paid for its fecovery. Wn. GRAHAM, *" Springwater Farm," uly 4, 1914. : SPRING IS THR TINE FOR House Cleaning | GRAINING AND : PAPERING - CONSULT Ww, H. DRUEAN Fone PERRY v3 General's pleasure, al 5288888888558 8%888 o0~ ony w®oo00000 FEREPIEONEHEERE e atid Gra itil way Satine from the Pestmeoiet Printed voices Sonptaining further inforination as to conditions of propos- vd contract may be sewn and' blak forms of Tander may be obtained at thet Post offien of Pickering, and at the office of the Post Office Tuspestor, Toe routo. A. SUTHERLAND, Post Office Inspector. Post Office Inspector's Office Toronto, July 17th, 19:4. ° St. Charles Hotel PORT PERRY (Strictiolynnor New Maaagemen'- G. A. COLE PROPRIEIOR [Late of Hotel Falconer, Toronto) Commercial trade solicited ! First class ss Sample r rooms. HEADACHES are nearly always caused ' by PIRED BYES Which require spectacles Consuit me REFRACTING F, E. LUKE, OPTICIAN, 1569 Yonge £t, Toronto. Opposite Simpsons', W. J. GIBSON ORCHARD. Has received great pralss for selling the BEST AN THRACITE COAL ol CHARD Banks hig. cdstomers fo and Pigmizes tu continue handling THE BEST COAL 1Te has already placed his orders for the whole of his hex season's coal withthe D, L:& W. Scranton Coal Com pany, Orchard "us" THE BEST AND CHOICEST BREAD AND PASTRY EXTANT AND BEST CONFECTIONERY IN THE WORLD AT INGRAMS | 5 | Patronage res pectally solicited, i SS, CAWKER BROS (Successors To Jamison & DxNnNIsoN.) LIVERY | Having purchased the Livery business carried on by Jamieson & Dennison, and the' premises con- nected therewith we intend to RE-HORSE THE STABLES with' first-class animals, and install, New and Up-to-Date Vehicles | with modern Trappings which or comfort and convenience cannot, . | be surpassed. i Special-attention paid to the: requirements of Cammercial Trayel ers.. Our charges are moderate and! we guarantee to please our patrons. Patronage solicited. . EF" Phone No. 2,4: _ OAWKER BROS. Farm tor Sale. HE undersigned offers for sale that excellent farm being lot % concession 4, in the' township' Reach, containing 200 acres more es citar a Jarge:pot= Oranges! Oranges Oranges! Let Us Show You the Land of ~ Sunshine and Flowers WHEN THE NORTH IS UNDER A BLANKET OF ENOW AND ICE. ing the Winter ' properties that will ou 25 cont. aca dan gp EE tot on lake otters that rable homes. We also have a two Tid are Stock Hanth for which we will northern property in exchange id to half its Suede, Nobuck, Cuauvas and Gun Metal, --in Mens, Women's and Childrens'-- will be sold It Bargain Prices for the Next 80 Days. TENTION, FARMERS | OUR, BRAN AND SHORTS ! FLOUR | ¢ have a full Stock of Flour of the following Celebrated and ; fRopular Bfinds--PURITY, REINDEER, THREE STAR, well as. MONARCH 'ano DELIGHT PASTRY FLOUR. BRAN & SHORTS Bran and Shorts we have Best Brands--PURITY anp mn LINDSAY BRANDS. Farmers and othets before contracting for their Summer supply of t will do well to obtain our quotations for soo Ib. and § ton Staion, for which we make Special Prices. Ingrams'. go TAXIDERMY & Send us your Game Heads to Mount Animals, Fish, Deer Heads, etc. Bird Mount- ing skilfully and promptly executed. Also Fine Rug Work done in the latest styles. We are also prepated to buy Hides, and pay the Highest Prices for them. Charges 'moderate. Call and 'get quotations. J. W. COLLINS & G. SCEHLL. . Part thm. | Doors, Flooring, V Joint lo dnd Plank, Panel and Glass Tames, Mouldin , acd th Doors are extra nice for a ra or RY HYDERAT bi D HARD WALL PLASTER. thade on short notice; any size or Bything you dont see ask for if; "GET Ay COAL PRICES FOR DELAWARE, LACKAWAN- NA AND WESTERN SCRANTON COAL before purchasing, it will pay. $40 EA a 4 MouLbiNes ) Doo AND Wryvow. FRAMES | Wixpew SCREENS: * Ero THE MAN "WHO SELLS FARMS For Sale A number of First-Class Farms ; all of them may be obtained * BARGAINS I AM ALSO PREPARED TO Book Farms FOR SALE WHICH 1 MAY BE ENTRUSTED WITH MOTTO-- Rafiv TRANSIT NEGOTIATIONS AND SaATISFac TION GUARANTEED, W. Meharry, arch, roy, OE PERRY a IE. DOUBT Has just received a Full Range of Overcoatings (Chincillas and Rough Goods) from B15 to B25 'Samples of Suitable Goods for Ladies' Coats whieh will be made up and a Perfect Fit Guaranteed - RESH & TENDER CAWRER BROS. n returning thanks to the ic for the extensive pat- ge bestowed upon them 1d intimate, that as in tho only choice fat animals be slaughtered, so as to re the choicest and ten- Cuts possible, and we all times to have an ND HOICE MEATS h wo will cat to Diya and deliver promptly, DKED AND SALT MEATS A SPECIALTY. FULL STOCK OF EVEYTHNG IN THE ness Line RED CLOVER, ALSIKE AND TIMOTHY SEED FOR THE SPRING TRADE All Seed sold subject to Government Inspection g raded accordingly. Prices RicHT We are Still Buying Red Clover, Alsike and Timothy Seed. Highest Price paid HH. EX. PURDT. ag Fresh and Salt---obiainable and at onable Soo HE ible. I am aldo th the 'market, at all times, for Choice Catt) ; Hogs, Sheep and Lambs Calves, Hides and Sheepskins at. the Highest Market Prices. EZ Fresh Fish every Tuesday. Courteous treatment and prompt delivery May 21, HE : WwW. A. sores gran: AVING HAD CONSIDERABLE EXPERIEN H House Desqmior and. Sign Writer I ha in these lines in ¢ and am on prepa cannot fail to perfection of rien: srt bil panic

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