Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 10 Sep 1914, p. 1

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" 5 FORT PERRY, B ARRIBT ER, &e. Bucnessor to and. olin of the lath ; Port Rof7, = Oat. A Ws To RY 0 LOAN. Private Funds at 4 per cont. i W. Grogier ? REITER. Souciror, CONVEYANCER, &e, Office at residenea, Gh Cou. Reaah (ome tile west of Port Periy,)-- Mossy 0 Loan. ewer of Marriage Licnses. a Ke,1 LB, County "Jr mn Attornay, Barrister, County Sol- ;, N Puhlie and Conveyanecer. ey pe Coutt House, Whitby, Ont. ; ESR DR, R. L." GRAHAM 33rd rm £0 Dr. F. D. MoGRATTA BRN TIST ONT. J. A. Murray, PERIST, Iffice geet the Post Otfice. PORT PEERY. All branchen of Deutistry, including Crown and Bridge Wark successfully practiced. Aluminum A mee Ln North Oatario Observer 4 Weskly Political, Apricaitural and ~ bapily Netopagisr Cas YrnLISUED AT PORT FERRY, ONT. EVERY THURSDAY MORNING bY - H. PARSONS 43 ns er nor 1,50 fr No mbecripto. taken for lous ibn, aml no paper i op. IETTRRS tai: ey, when itl this EES in, rd; & reginlorod willbe at our risk, bed ured Ne fel, AvveaTry , meas red by Non onpaclel, and rissa seceived ri Apecifia It tricclons, faa and charged woos sient will be akon Ea: ei for, A amon discowut alleved tu Murals and other ariise by the year or half y Tugse farsa will 18 all cass bo Atriotly adhered to JOB DEPARTMENT. sel Paarl Houd Bills, Fosters ProgHsy | Dodgers Bill Hoods, Cheeks Legfor Huds, Wedding Inivitatiows, Hiasy Fopms ~_ Receivt Books Business Cnals Boots Olroulars, ~~ Auseasbly Chea, £ Visiting Oseds, e, Mistahte have fo, x, Bens Jing Pots be 'H, PARSONS. &c. Port Perry Out REV, FitHARDRON THe) Sunday 5 10.80 bm, Fas. BAT BD I. ICKN BD AUCTIO YER for the a 4 Sousiey 2% Obani. ne mer ut ie QoRkRY KR ch. Py age wglicited: inieutor, In 1h, Re ult ed : DillonHinge-Stay Fence Manufactured by the Owen Sound Wite Feuce Uo. Ltd., and am prepaicd to supply this whale community with the very BEST WERE FENCE produced 6n this Continent and st prices that ca not fail to satisfy purchasers, he Ditton Fr fect, ENCE is without a Iias the BEST becatse it 1 Hexible ; itis a square mesh sits 2 fet ct hinge stay fence, thirelon itis imposible to bend (he slays in fact it 3s the best fence niade 1 this orany other country. Before purchasing a \Wire, Fence, don't fail to wspect the Brea Frxce. - : J. H. Brown, - Dearer 18 Aaron ry RAL ater RD & PEARSE| FIRE IKGURANGE AGENTS FCRT PERRY, ONT. PPLICATIONS por cxpidistonsiy negotited and ju: INSURANCE throui Yoaa von" WE ARE ALSO AUTIIOR- 1ZED' TO INSTANTANE- OUSLY: "ADJUST SMALL LUS- EY ---- A"ENTS FOR---- PIANOS & ORGANS - Patronsige 1 epectlilly sol'cited.t WARD & PEARSE. on the rapid transit syeten: u-urcd ou re Ceipt of applica- EE ---- E, A. ADAMS, ' BellPhone No. 4a H. on Bell Phone Office No.S Residence, No, 4 ADAMS & HUTCHESON SUCCESSORS TO DAVID J. & DOUGLAS ADAMS FIRE LIEE Real Estate Steamship INSURARGE MARINE ACCIDENT Mortgage Loans Ticket is 'THE GREAT SHIP "SCEANDRBEE" Laugth $00 farts bronde), 98 foe, € aches; S10 staterorms ond parla pocommiodating 1589 passens fo. Grote 4 in coet--Ilarger in all propsriars--richer ia sil Dr peintmenta-- han 4 --r stoamor un of tho world, Ja se Juno 15th. Magnificent Steamers "SEEANDELE," "City of Zrie™ end "City of Buffalo? Daily -- BUFFALO and CLEVELAND -- May et to Dec. dat or ie 9:00 £, M, 7:30 AM. (Hastem Malis Clse. The mally ara devpatact from the Post Dlfive Port Perry as follows : Going North-- 4.00 a. m. Going Sonth--11.20s. m. - Goivg North-- 5.15 p, mi. has to the t oing 8outh--10 p. ui. D-gss and bantly Maker | V 1SHES to inford the Indies] Lioved twoms lormerly ocruoned by her she is prepated to exceute all or | ders for Diese and Mantle 1 king | Correctness of Style s and Charing Effect. Pe me . Miss Harrison, | that she 1 avers Mr. Flints Dong Some where | in a mauner unsurpassed tor with | Our charges are cciisistent jihe value given. Port Perry, A Api 1. 190g. GED JACKSON, Licensed Auctionser, Valuator, &c. FOR TUX COUNTY OF ONTARIO AND ToWRSAIS | OF OARTW RIGHT, | ISHES at this the commencement of | another Auntion Sale Season to re. tarn thanks to his numerous pa:rohs for ! past favors. In requesting their osteciied | and eontibued patiinage he desires to: state that no effort or imine will Le spared | on hia part to make all sales entrusted to | him fuccessbs. Hii cory extensive practice in pia: ghoul be a sufficient recom. 3 meudation as to his ability. "all Sule given into his gharge will be attended: =F dispxtch. © Sale lise supplied free, Lyave Clovatand = « Acive Fuflalo « « dard STRECTH CF ROP~. Manila as Strong as a Steel Bar Equal Weight. . Of the flexible ropes suitable: power trénsmission, a manila Just as strong as a solld steel weight for weight, though only 11° per cent. as strong per equal section, Leather, on the other is oaly about b per cent as 5. steal Rar of equal cross section ogg (Hef 40 per cent. as equal weight of material, says an pert in Power. Records show that rope tured from the fiber of palms used in Egypt long before the of Christianity. Such ropes | found in the tombs of (3,000 B.C.) and on the | | these same tombs are | depicting the preparation of Carvings found in. tombs in. represent the process of from thongs of leather, about B.C, and Assyrian abode fifty years later hauling operatisus rope. These records are of ffiterest as Indicative of through which rope | passed in the early ages; - The relative efficiency of rope and leather belting for thé mission of power is not portional te their strengths; Rowever, as the construction of hemp rope and of leather differ greatly and ferenily by wear, Manila fibers which the rope is usually frcm eight to ten length, are composed: of cells that possess longitudinally, bry are weak ber 6 const a burst upon her from the shifting soon to the west. did me no! I suffered | na she would bave for years until I began taking your medicine. 1 al 30 recommend it for | They got ber hove to under a storm trysail, bead on to the angry seas, and all might then have .gome right den out the | vale had not n moat unlvoked for ac dent occurred. The kicking tiller head must needs nervousness = in- i part its fastenings, and the next min- digestion. ' CLARK, Glanford ation. ol Ont. -- "1 heard your highly praised, and a year ago taking thom for falling of womb trouble, left side pained me all the time before my periods which wer | and painful it would be worse. down caused me pain and suffer- I would be so nervous someé- that' could not bear to see any hear any owe speak. Litt'e specks float before my eyes and I was constipated. cannot say too much for Lydia E. "s Vegetable Cempound and Pills, for there are no medicines I have taken them and I d them tc all women, You may testimonial." -- Mrs. Ste AARTIN; Chesterville, Ontario, X Speculation In Sperm the Disubling of the y Gigg Brought Good to a Sailor " Co.' 000600030000000000000000¢0 As long us there Is a spern or a whale left wallowing in the en seas 1 presume there will sall of New Bedford a few round bel- binfr bowed old brigs, as awkward Chinese junky, but salled by men bo usually would be quite capable of {ing nround thls round world safe- en a log of li nuw vitae. Bud the muster of the Nancy Gigg been taken serfously ill just as she iilling the last of her 4,000 barrels sperm and gone home by steamship al this tale would not have writteu, and Joba Pepper would enough be knocking about the somewhere tonight in the fo'cas- of a wind Jummer or at best hold- the bitiet of second mate. nstend he 1s runuing a coinfortable chavdlery busipess on South all tbe result of what looked at t'me lke a knockout blow from John and four other men were fnca- hy what whalemen, {n igno- of proper medical terms, call salt blisters and were landed from Sunbeam at Fayal when she put in with ber catch. _was out for three years. Omly. the time was up, and the five in could not draw a cent of pry the ship returned to New Bedford the owners settled with all bands. ell, they might have starved on beaches, only.that is tmposaible In. They did, bowever, have & thine of it until tliey fell in with the Nancy Giga. was fitting out for home. was a little short handed. two yeurs and a half since of New Bedford barbor rs, | Ute she was beam on to the rollers, with every wave sweeping her deck clean of everything movable. A senmup"s arm was broken. An- ! other man was carried over the rail and then sucked back by the sea and | doshed senseless agalost the main. mast. | After her long crulse the Nancy Gigg was uot very well supplied with boats, and three of these remaining, with a big Iferaft, were smashed or swept away before she wallowed out of the trough of the sea. "She's sprung a terrible leak some- where, boys!" cried the second mate, snd he sent a man to sound the pump well. Now, all across the ocenn from Fayal hie old brig budn't shown enouzh bilge GAS DISTENDED HIS STOMACH Caused Palpitation, and Prevent. | ed Sleep--When Health Was | Gone, Cure Fellowed Use of "Nerviline." > "My last wish will be," writes Harry P: Pollard, @& well-known boot and shoe traveler of Hartford, "that every- one with a bad stomach may learn as I did, before it's too late, that Nepviing tos gure. Why, I : "night 1 a start and find like a threshing machine. This was caused by gas on my stomach pres- sing against my heart. When I started to use Nerviline I got better mighty fast, It is certainly a grand remedy for the traveling man; keeps your stomach In order, cures cramps, prevents lumbago or rheuma- tlsm, breaks up chest colds and sore throat--in fact there hasn't been an ache or paln inside or outside for. the past two years that I haven't cured with Nerviline. Do you wonder I re- commend it?" For general household use Nerviline has no equal; it will cure the aches and ailments of the entire family-- re- fuse anything but Nerviline, 25c. per bottle, five for $1.00, all dealers or the Catarrhozone Co., Kingston, Ont to keep her sweet, aud when the sailoe man came running back with the rod wet for eight feet of its length the whole ship's company was demoral ized. And well they might be. A ship that would take in eight feet of sea st such short notice was bound on a juick voyage to Davy Jones, and noth- 'tug under heaven tould save ber! Well, at such a time it is not only the survival of the fittest, but there are certaln rights which all seafaring men recognize, wm There was not room for John Peps per and bis four friends In the boats )f the Nancy Qixg. Indeed. there was scarce safety in them for the crew of the brig withopt taking outsiders. Pepper had been a petty officer aboard the Sunbeam, though he was the youngest of the five. Ie knew something of navigation, and he was a man of keen obervation. He began to think, even before the boats of the brig were swallowed up in the darkness of the storm and night, that for a vessel leaking the way the was supposed to legk and with TESTIMONIAL NO. 48%0 be Under the circumstances, she could not long keep her decks.above water: LIST OF FALL FAIRS DATES OF FALL FAIRS 1g14 'PORT PERRY. Blackstock.... . Barrie. ...... Beaverton Belleville... Bowmanville . Cobourg ... Colborne. .... Lo. Sept a0, 30 Cookstown .....Sept 29, 30, Oct. 1 Fenelon Falls ....... Sept 10, 11 Kingston ....v.4... Sept 30, Ont 1 Lakefield . -Sept 15,16 Lindsay .. Sept 17-19 ++. 0ct 7-9 aa Oct 1, 2 . Sept 24, 25 . Sept 29, 30 . Sept 21-23 Sept 28-30 Sasessevags os Sept 17.10 Bas saien sap 0a AOC 0, 2 Agincourt) Sept 23 wehiuSeptag, 24 2425 LR the "Ar try an' punip in' Atlan#le through and cursed him soundly for 80 John Pepper went at coupled on the pumps, and he the heavy brakes himself. It minute before he had a stream tte sae of the pipe squirtitig across thay eck, John locked at this and stopped pumping. He went down on his hands and knees and smelled of the overflow from the pipe. Then be tasted it.- Then for @ long time he squatted there on the pitching deck of the brig and thouglit, By and by he went back to his shiv. ering comrades In the galley, where the cook had feft a fire, . "Got enough of it, did you?' said they. "Isshe settling fast?' "No, sig doesn't settle mbch," said Pepper £1 iy. "Well, let's turn to and knock to- gether some kind of a raft," one of the men sald, "The old sbip's bound to sink socn anyhow, 80 we can't be muek worse off." "Perhaps," sald Pepper, "and then again perhaps pot. If I'll show you fellows how this brig can be saved and brought into port. providing something worse dom't happen to her than bas 'buppencd already, will you agree for me to have half the salvage, you four to divide the other half between you?® They stared at him In amazement. One muttered: "e's off his chump. It's turned the man's head." "I'm sane," sail Pppper. | "Bnt with eight feet of wutet tn her | hold?" gasped another. "I don't care if there's eighty feet!" exclaimed Jobn, "Answer me." "8ave my life and ye can have all the salvage ye'll ever get out of the Nancy Gigg!" declared one. Pepper soberly got paper and nk | trom the captain's cabin, and while the old brig labored and pitched he drew up the document, and his toa "WondornR eotheadds signed It be said, placing the paper cried, He ta "Now," my heart jumping | in an innet pocket, "I'll tell you that | that dandy sccond mate of the Nancy Qigg was a blarsted idiot. She ain't | Jenking enough to hurt." "Get out, man! rod!" cried one. "So did' I" Pepper returned. "It was wet full elght feet." - "So it was, but not with water." Tbe quartet stared at him blanklps "When the brig broached to," Pep per continued, "the barrels of sperm must ha' got adrift. There's hundreds of 'em smashed, and the hold is flood- ed with ofl. That's what comes through the pipes, and It's what wet | the sounding rod. The old brig's as sound as a dollar yet" Every man of the four had to see the pare oll spurting from the pumps before Le could believe Pepper's state- ment. But at the sight they all pluck- ed up heart. They were battered a deal by the wind, for gale followed gale for twen- ty-seven days. Then the Nancy Gigg was Dearer the Azores again than the American coast. . 80 utiger Pepper's directions an im- provised gear was rigged, and thus, steering by "pulley haul," they worked her {ato Mayal, and Pepper went ashore and told thelr story to the American consul. Well, .the owners fought the case and trfed to muke out that the five were members of the Nancy Gigg's crew, And therefore it was thelr duty to save her if possible, but finally Pepper and his friends wom. There probably hasn't been a specufation in sperm ofl made In half a century that came out so well for the speculators. And {f you can find John Peppers shop ont*South street and drop in some rainy day when business ts dull he'll tell you all ip "» £ | LENDING. 70 600 ANTEREST PAID | Opposed (§Churct Beggitig, Pas tor Russell Lauds Charity. Church support Not Charity--Mis- sions y a Privi- lege--Ite. Godlikeness--Wise' apd Unwise ty's Re ward,. Pregént it and Future. August 30. -- Pastor C. T. Rus- sell, widely known through his Photo-Drama 'of Creation, which text, "He Egy LL I saw thq pump DECLINE Ww comnnection® with M8 WOrs, may have reached the conclusion that ke is charities. 'Nothing could from the truth. During his ministry many thousand dollars Have through his hands--voluntary girts trom grateful souls, for the spread - of the Glad Tidings of great joy. Moreover, it is his conviction that no: one could be an acceptable Christiam' unless he possessed the spirit of har ity, benevolence, unless he loved to give for the glory of Ged and the benefit of his fellows. ~.u From the speaker's . viewpoint, missionary 'enterprises might prope: ly be considered charities--but not s0 Church enterprises. The Church," he claimed, is not a missionary go- -clety for the world's benefit, but an' arrangement for the benefit of ite members. Hence each member of this brotherhood should himself fn duty bound to co-operate to the extent of his ability in pro= viding for the necessary expenses connected with the meeting- place--y light, janitorage, etc.--the blessings: and comforts of which he enjoys. Fach should voluntarily contribute ciation of privileges. If the sum total be insufiicient, less expensive quarters should be engaged as soon es possible. The Pastor considers it wrong for. a congregation to aspire to an ex= pensive auditorlum and general establishment beyond their means, and then to go outside to solielt money from the world, the flesh and the Devil. He declared that God never authorized such proceedingsy' for as surely ag it would be offen:' sive to any right-minded person th have money solicited in his name," go must it be displeasing to the Als mighty to have begging done in His name without IIis authority. Apparent Loss a Real Gain. Should any protest that if solleitas tions, collections, pew. estivals, eto, were churches would be closed, those beneflcially endowed, | speaker replied that if this were the | case, nevertheless the Church woul gain respect and Influence with thi | world which would more than coms pensate. If one-half of the ehurches were to disorganize, doubtless the other half, rightly supported in ac<, cordance with the Divine preeep! and the example of Jesus and - His" Apostles, would accomplish more | good than would twice the numbex under present conditions. | "to illustrate this conviction, the | Pastor cited the fact that the Diving ' blessing has attended his own werk: He admitted that the money pa 4 through his hands is really as noth ing compared with the large sung spent annually by the various .des nominations; and that the Interna i tional Bible Students Association | owns no valuable real estate and | boasts of no large bank account | They use actively and economically [tn God's service whatever money oomes voluntarily to them, never spending more than is in hand. God blesses the work; unsolicitaid donations increase annually; and the activities incidental to the use these funds now extend to all rts of the earth, preaching the essage of God's Love and opening eyes of understanding long blinded by creeds, philosophies and misun~ derstandings of God's Word. : © Gemorosity Is Godlikeness. .§ In declaring generosity to be Gods, Iixeness the Pastor would not be misunderstood to mean that gifts could purchase Divine favor and re- lationship. Thare is only one way, into God's family--renouncement of sin, turning to righteousness, accept~ ance of Christ's redemptive work and full consecration to do God's will, " even unto death. Only such spirit begotten enes are Scripturally ac knowledged as God's children. All: gthers are called aliens, strangers to. (lod and His promiees. But there are ncble-minded who have not entered some ng In 1a grachoing these are eff own hearts aad While not under the provisions Church, nevertheless these are. tug benefited by their a oemet course in contributing to the reliel of suffering, for the maintenance of: widows, orphans, hespitals, > Under Messiah's Kingdom, when world shall enter upon trial for or death everlasting, these souls will be seversl gteps in of others who have failed to this quality of benevolence, ~The Cow and Her Feed. = = The more a cow relishes her. the more she will eat, and that the more she will produce at the That's the idea of palatability ln ration, increasing the cow's food, stimulating ber tering to her taste. Of course Tickers TO WorLp.--Mr. W. Perry, is now in a tickets to all parts to supply all patties. as to. A consider" according to opportunity and appre< :

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