Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 10 Sep 1914, p. 3

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'great praise for selling the BEST THRACITE COAL = YDERATED HARD, WALL PLASTE on short notice, any "size or ing you don't see ask for it. .| GET MY. COAL PRICES FOR DELAWARE, LACKAWAN: NA AND WESTERN SCRANTON COAL: before purchasing, it will pay. feed you. ale : 0. L..VICKERY, PRCEPEDREOE \ thanks his customers for their appreciation ; and promises to. continue handling THE BEST COAL already placed his orders for the whole of his n coa Iwith the D, L.& W. Scranton Coal Company, 0 ®® Oxfords, Pumps ani Slippers in Patent, * Suede, Nobuck, Canvas and, Gun Metal, --in Men's, Women's and Childrens' -- "will be sold | "CHAS. HO "Port Perry, RR. 4. 'REWARD * The undersigned has lost or mis- {uid several books, numbering &ny- where from twelve to twenty. Muny of these he prizes very highly se old 'associations, and hers because (having been out of for a "long time). they. cannot no! replaced at any cost. He is therefore willing to give a su' stan-| reward for such information as J lead to their recovery. 'Amongst the missing books are the following : -- English Grammar -- : > i by Lindley Murray Latin Grammar -- ~/ hy Andrews and Stoddard Latin Dictionary--ly Anthon Greek Grammur--by Bullion Homer--by Anthon- Ceremonies of a Low Mass -- by McGarvey Ceremonies.of a High Mass-- 3 --hy McGarvey and Mortimer Five old National Readers, such as "were used in the Common Schools of Upper Canada sixty years ago. W. W. BATES. Port Perry, Aug. 24th, 1914. (Apply at this office.) ; OPS8IS OF CA NORTH-WEST LAND x REGULATIONS. HE sole head of a (amily, or any DAY and EVENING . CLAS aly: rma Home Sindy Couss It will bs to your best interest to arrangs NOW. for a Course in this old sud gin inguisked school, 'Write fet <full information, 88. Charles Hotel PORT PERRY (Ratirely under Now Maaugement) GG. A. COLE PROPRIETOR {Late of Hotel Falconer, Fotonto} Comercial trade solicited : . First class Sample rooms. HEADAGHES are 'nearly always caused by E E LOGAN --- Principal] 7 THE BEST AND CHOICES BREAD AND PASTRY BXTANT AND BEST CONFECTIONERY IN THE WORLD AT INGRAMS PIRED BYES Which require spectacles Consult me REFRACTING F. B. LUKE, Serica, 159 Yonge St, Toronto. Opposite Simpsons'. w. J. GIBSON SONYA ONT. JIicensed Auctioneer Vainator, &oc. : Charges Moderate 'and Satisfact da | So plein rar" inale over 18 years old, may home- stead a quarter Se tim of available Domiulou land in Manitoba, Sar- katchewan or Alberta. cant mast appear lo person at the Dominion Lands Azenecy or Sub-agency for the district. iEntry by proxy may ba made at auy Dominion Lande Agency (but not Sub-Aguucy), on eer- taln conditions. = Dutles --Six months' residence upon and cultivation of the land in each of threo years. A homeBteader -ma, live within vine miles of his homostesd on a farm of atleast 80 crus, on certain conditions. A habitable house ix re- wired except where residence is per- jormed fn the viciuhiy, In certain districts a homesteader in good = standing m4 Dre-smpt a . quarter section alon de of his home- stead. Price $3.00 per acre. Duties, --Six months residence in each of three yoars after earning homestead tent; also bU acres extra cultivation re~nmpi io patent may bo obtained ae liomestead: patent, -on cortajn condi tiotis. re : A settler who has exhausted his homestead right, may take a purchared homestead Sin 'certain districts, Price Dut{ar.--Must reside hol three years, cultiv- erect a house worth The ares uf cu'tivation is subject te reduction in case of rough, scrubby or tony land. Live stock may be aubsti- for cultivation under certain con- Sie . W. W, CORY, C.M.G,, Deputy of the-Miiister of the Interior. B --Unaathorized publication of ; twill not be paid The app.i-|- CAWEER BROS' LIVERY Having purchased the Livery business carried on by Jamieson & Pennison, and the premises con: pected therewith: we intend to RE-HORSE THE STABLES with first-class animals, and install New and Up-to-Date Vehicles with modern Trappings which for comfort and convenience cannot be surpassed. Special attention paid fo the requirements of Commercial Travel: ers. ) i Our charges are moderate and we gustantee to please our patrons. Patronage solicited. £7 Phone No. 2. OAWKER BROS. Farm tor Sale; dividend the first yoar--have lots on 'that "are HE undersigned offers for sale that excellent farm being lot 15, concession 4, in the township of Reach, gontaivieg %o0 acres or less; of chaice land a large p00 tion of which is cleared, the ba | z splendidly wooded. Th Let Us Show You the Land of Sunshine and Flowers WHEN THE NORTH IS UNDER A BLANKET OF | gNOW AND ICE. Where truck farms are producing a thousand dollars per acre upwards during the Winter We have properties that will pay you 25 per cont, lake frontage most desirable homes. We also have a two thousand acre Stock Rauch for which we will Acorn northern property in exchange up to half its value. . " Make your arrangements for September 16th, as 4 ~we are going. to personally conduct tan excursion on that date to Kissimmee, Florida, ; Let us know. in advance so that we can make nents for you odation us. we aren Prices or theent 0D. | ENTION, FARMERS | JUR, BRAN AND SHORTS | FLOUR re have a full Stock of Flour of the following Celcbrated and Jar Brands--PURITY, REINDEER, THREE STAR, gil as MONARCH ano DELIGHT PASTRY FLOUR, TRRAN & SHORTS ni) an' and Shorts we have Best' Brands-- PURITY anD 1 LINDSAY BRANDS. icmers and others before contracting for their Summer supply ill. do well to obtain our uotations for soo 1b. and § ton , tor which we make Special Prices. Ingrams'. -- 8 Send us your Game Heads to Mount Animals, Fish, Deer Heads, etc. Bird Mount- ing skilfully and promptly executed. Also Fine Rug Work done in the latest styles. We are also prepared to buy Hides, and pay the Highest Prices for them. Charges moderate. Call and get quotations. 0 ¥. COLLINS & G. SCEALL Port Pe. 3 Has just received a ull Range of Overcoatings Chincillas and Rough Goods) 815 to B25 amples of Suitable Goods for Ladies' oats which will be made up and a Perfect Fit Guaranteed 'RESH & TENDER CAWKER BROS. 1 returning thanks to the blic for the extensive pat- obi i 2 " al Dealer. SELLS FARMS For Sale A number of First-Class Farms; all of them may be obtained ®t BARGAINS I AM ALSO PREPARED TO Book Farms FOR SALE WHICH I MAY BE ENTRUSTED WITH MOTTO---Rapip TraNsiT NEGOTIATIONS AND SATISFAC T10N GUARANTEED. Jo W. Meharry, PORT PERRY March, 1914. RED. CLOVER, ALSIKE ; AND TIMOTHY SEED FOR THE SPRING TRADE All Seed sold subject to Government Inspection graded accordingly. PRicES Rich Fe arc Still Buying Red Clover, Alsike and Timothy Seed. Highest Price paid toe bestowed upon them ild intimate, that as in the i only choice fat animals | be slaughtered, so as to ure the choicest and ten- fests Cuts possible, and we énd at all times to have an pe supply of - peo AND FENDER GHOICE MEATS Fr "AND SALT MEATS:A SPECIALTY." ~~ 'FULL_STOOK arness Line PNESS STYLE | : x May 21, 1988. : SEE 2. SO ( I am prepared to pay Cash and the highest price at all times for any quantity. of Wool. I hoop at all times. a good assortment of all Kix -Meats--Z¥resh and Salt---obtainable the. Beat: 3 hE R a 8 ! a I ) Eambs Calves, Hides and est Market Prices. ' reshFish every Tuesday. Courteous freatment and prompt delivery wW.A. BOY

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