Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 10 Sep 1914, p. 6

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& 9 and cers for 191% WING ARE THE OFFICERS OF 'RIGHT AGRICULTURAL IETY FOR 1914; Jas: Parr, Esq. +o. Burketon "Bla 1 ; DIRECTORS : . (field, Blackstock J. H, Devitt, Blackstock, 'Parr, Caduius, Andrew Devitt, Cadmus, vy, Burketon Nelson Marlow, jr., Bl ; Blackstock, Wesley Campbell, Nestleton, « Jno. Wright, Blackstock. AUDITORS ; atneel Jeffery and W. C. Ferguson : SECRETARY : . Robt. Philp Burketon.' 7; TREASURER: Bdward M. Blackstock "8! Prize List {Class A--HORSES { DRAUGHT rg, J. H, Dovitt and Fred Taylor] 5 B » AGRICU y [Diractor in charge, J. H. Devitt) 'sam to Double Wagon or Democpat ood Mare, foal by her side... wo-year-old Colt, Gelding or J Oae-year-old Colt, Goulding or, J Foal by side of its mother , GENERAL PURPOSE! [Director in ohiarge, J. H. Devitt) am to Democrat 4... . $8 Brood Mare, [oal by side 8. Two-year-old Gelding or Filly... 4 One-year-old Gelding or Filly, . Bb: Foal by sida of its mother ... 2 = ROADSTER OR CARRIAGE + {Direetors in charge, J. H. Devitt and Fred Taylor] Leamdn Harvess, Roadster..... ... .$3 82 00 Team ia Harness, Carriage ... ... 8 > od Mare, foal by her side. . SH wo-yen Gelding or Filly . 2 * Single Driving Horse (not entire) Roadster 8 Biogle Driving Horse (vot entire) Carriage 8 Siugic Driving Horse (uot eutire) under Coo douryearsold Li iii. Bust Gentlennan'sTarnout--horse, earri age, harness and robe, all owned by exhibitor 4 Lady Driv Be erinnes Due-yoni-old Galdi + Fill perme Eoatby eido of Its mother . Olass B---CATTLE DURHAMS--(Lhoro' Bred and Registered) [Director in charge, J. J. Jubb | 7 <Thoro' Brod Durbam Bull, twy years old and upwards and registered ces © E000 2283 8 88288 aot vm tm 2 zon: lozon Carrots, Table ,.. "Two Heads Qabbage, Winter Two Table Sqnas! vasa o Pumpkins alf peck Onions, Red .,,, 2 alf peck Onions, Yellow ,, alf dozen Mangolds, Red If dgzen Mangolds, Yellow alf dozen Tomatoes .... Two Water Melons wo Citrons .,...... ... One dozen Kars Indian Corn .. Oollection of Vegetablea--largost a ~=pot less than twelvg vatieties Olass J-FRUIT! 8 [Director in charge, John Wright] ~~. $078 ve Northern Spies Five Rosset Apples . ve Snow Apples. ... ve Baldwins. Five Mann . 'Five Ban Davis , ve Kings . ve Wealthys ..... Five St Lawrence. ve Alexanders .. A ive Colverts ve Fall Pears ... 8 ve lection of Fruita (named) which ma: olude different varicties of apples and her fruits when practicable--five each Crazy Patchwork... Coronation Braid Work . Crochet Work with Wool . Crochet Work with Silk ... Crochet Work with Cotton. Collestion of Fancy Work . Darned Work Darnin, Embroidery on Cotton . .... E binidereq Centre Piece for Dini o et Embroidery Fancy Work Apron . ... Fancy Pin Cushion Fancy Tidy Fancy Kaitting with Wool. Fancy Knitting with Cotton . Five O clock Tea Cloth in Silk Gent's Shirt and Collar Hointon Lace Hankerchief Satchet.. Irish Crochet Work .... Knitted Socks, Cotton... Knitted Mitts, Wool Leather Work Cees Yarn Mat, Hooked . ............ Mat, |Rag, Hooked ... Mouat Mellick Work .. Outline Work on Silk ... Outline Work oa Linen or Cotton. . Paper Flowers Point Lace Pillow Sham Quilt, Patch, any Material or Pattern Quilt, Crochet. . Quilt, Log Cabin Quilt, Pieced Quilt, Knit Set Table M. + 8 sgessseszesgegans 28838338383882888 INVESTOR OPRORTUNITIES HARD TO DA e was loyal tirough © couM get a bite out ot bim. b The next morning turned ont no véritn: PLICATE. -| the GrmS delay in writing began -! to fuke on an uvminons aspect. With ble hiack Monday. Not oaly was it min nz a sleety, dismal raln Matt could have endured that- but he wis as<alled, besides, by a succession of disasters. | Fir of all, there wus no lefter fom Snel & [largreaves. Someliow be had fully cvunted of getting it, ond scarcely $50 in his pocket and part of that owing here and ibere, be felt JF Ve moon ans thing and well get ; ; i for yon. wo x aide Kay's departure the night before. In = : Ey iat ee it i wn emt 1 er Mr. Kay himself, advancing hittfriedly. 1 3 Z| tt nto yaonr bend, once and for #i) an the bound walk. with y6aT" asked don't know the man yore sl ' rus P01 "Hronghton, that isn't trae" "Oh. ses, It. 8" Sas "You positively. refose $100,000 for: this information?" 01250 t got zs ure, whom he had completely forpntten in the flow of larger events--{)aggancourt,' effusively exp of that departure for Kentucky. To make a man weep is a painful experience, and it was in this manwer Daggan- conrt received the pews of a second postponement. "I gell you vice more ¥ ha: » : 2 "Bit 1 offered you $100,000 and you Iast night = refnsed icv" a : a Eh 5 ee RE hadn't the yon A rustle of the green baize made You surely can not have any better Matt feel that the question was ess proof of it than this. 'What man in | for Mr. 'Kay's benefit than that of his 'would some hidden person. The sensation s t | was disagreendble. He would pave £8 Thoro' Bred Durham Bull, one year old an 3 uoder two years, and registered. . ...... 9 Cow, giving milk or in calf .. 80 Heifer, two years old "iL Heifer, one year old... 2. Call, Heil#, under one year 3° Calf, Bull, under ons year . 44 Herd, cousistiug of one male and fou females "I'd set my foolish old heart on it." he sobbed. "1 believed you were in earnest. [t's--it's a terrible plow™ | "Rut it's only put off a jittle while" sald Mat. "For heaven's suke, don't think I've given it up, Victor. In fact. i's more of a life and death thing to me now than ever before." Dagrancourt shovk his bead Shadow Embroi deboard Scarf . k Embroide! Sofa Pillow. Suit Ladies' Underclothing.. Table Dollies Lee given a great deal at that moment to have had a Toaded revolves In his poeks: . are trying to buy 'et. Mr. Kay's lll concealed agitation something 1 haven't got, and there ft and his alwnost terrified glahces at the is in a nutshell." curtain were disconcerting, to say the = "Then who was the violinist you ' feastofit. Sos referred to In that newspaper account? | . "Would it help at all." conthresd the The Zan who played £5 the shim, and | latter, "or give us a possible basis for - w» [Quel savages Ww! Were | agreement if | could prove that 1 was willing to go my last dollar" | pagy to attack you? Auswer me that, | yon do kuow the phisid fg are be said. "I could pave worked for | jigs It Is very important--it is the seeking? 0 Ei Jou with both hands and Staived and | yey to everthing" "Rut yon couldnt ered Matt. Dot for the money In It, Maree' | bate started: he bad completely for | «On, yes. sald Mr. Koy. producing Broughtun--but because you are you: | gotten that chance. reference to John | somettiing from his pocket. "Look sf Stince ble curser to tore andl serve n | Mort: the: indiscretion of it now took | tis, or fustance™ 30 S h i ser his breath away. Whit an ass he had 5 'utter nstomshmient. @ ; best | Mester. Say no wore. sir. sball not | peor ever to. Jot Hunter Ho extort | i ch Be Bs om grred rat fro) 9 i * it op god pO BO 8 £28888 8 © GRADE [Director in chargo, J. J. Jobb Cow, giving milk or in calf..,,.. Heifer, two years old $17. Heifor, one year old.... § Calf uoder one year ? Class O--SHEEP (Opax To T™oB Townsnip oF CARTWRIGHT ONLY) * COTSWOLD {Director in charge, Robt. J. Parr] ed Baw, $28 Rearing Ram Toilet Set, Embroidered. Toilet Set, Painted Tray Cloth or Trimmed Basket oe Whisk Holder BEER ERE RRR R EEE RR RENE RRRRRRERRRERRRY PRRRERRER E ARTS [Director in charge, Jas- Byers Painting in Oil.. ...... $0 Painting in Water Colors. Pencil Drawing, fancy. Crayon Drawing... . « Monooromatio Drawing. . oo 3 Collection of House Plants . . " 4a Every Exhibit in this Department must have been made or manufactured by the Exhibitor. Robt. Philp, Secretary. 2 R® This Company is. taking g ORANGE AND GRA : tion of IF g stranger, with a gleam of his yellow oy 18 wan Join Macca ry he ring d Bindi clutehing at Matt's arm "What 0 yon say to i hi oF "Oh, the Violinist?" retired Matt, | no Sri: Ut Broly Feeeh pretending to laugh, "He was nothing I Py : Fling ta ts to get excited about. - In reality, he | or einai Lo wasn't a violinist at all, but played the - EF Matt aslye concertina, and he didn't quell" any- Who gave ito Juuy? REL body. That was all the mewspaper| _ Shall mot tell yo. ~ LE men's work, like most of the interview. Matt bad risco. He was in a white ¢ It was simply that we had a scare once down in New Britain and kept: him playing till we could get at our pistols" = : 3 "Then {heré was pothing in #tT* "Well, there had been a massacre in the next bay, sn@"-- 1 "But no violinist? No one at all > the ving id raping g the mini howed you from. Snood & 'Hargreaves. closer the particles of soil are to- "No. nol Ho ws a Dutchman naw | but there Rt Ju. sulteng at ether the ligher It ill g5. Tile ed Van Tassel and had been' a waiter = Smooth sconndrel's , and as p! y and frequently see i . - 2 one walks over a fleld and no- . 1 : tices where the horse has placed The Company waa 5 ad by Ontario men, whe have oot a Serpette Oe other and independent is in the vicinity of the Com- moist on the surface unless cov- pany's project They ww its possibilitiés = under | corporation management. : 3 Ld sasses SEs i "addition acquiring" a large acrcaze +20 thi son Pai Shearling Ewes , Pair Ewe Lambs grove the Company is al gricaltural land immediately surrounding -the grove This land has a record of a thousand dollar to the production ona single crop, and bear in mind that fnality of soil uces three 0 crops per annum. : 3 ggg 228 882 83% Z32 28% Shearling Ram Ram Lamb .......... .. ...occeeeniinen, 8 Pair of Aged Ewus that have raised lambs 9 43 44 H Aged Ram ...... y" |} ROLL AFTER HARROWING. Do not use a heavy roller to settle the land and then leave the land untouched after rolling, EN this win Hasted the rapidity in evaporation of soil moisture, Water rises to the surface by capillary attraction, 'and the this season ... Pair Shearling Ewes. Pair Ewe Lambs 8 This i about it. ---- pee 288 22g 88% BZZ 238. Pair Ewe Lainhy (Opa To THE TOWNSHIP UF CARTWRIG [Director in charge J. J. Jobb] ERKSHIRE HAT, . Saw that bas raised pig they would craftfiy tum t. But they would learn ke-learn that all the riogs of 8 g22g 8888 8 & 88 ered again with & loose mulch. The same principle applies again in the case of the roller. There- fore follow the roller if needed fn preparing the seed-bed with the smoothing barrow and keep 8 mulch ou the surface $0 pre- vent a loss of water. Also follow the plow with the harrow immediately for the same purpose, In July and August this isture will be ded. American Cultivator, He Balked, "Now that you have agreed marry me, 1 better ask hoe 1 YORKSHIRE Boar ventric sensonee 2 How that has raised pigs this season "Boar over three and under seven montha ol gver threo and under seven months old 2 £3 TAMWORTHS pw that has raiced pigs this season .2 5 wver three and under seven months old 2 over three nnd under seven monthsold 2 Class E-POULTRY (au Exhibits in this Class must be raised in 1914) iE [Director in charge BR J. Parc] - Plymouth Rocks, barred. eee $0 #0 $0 a re 3 dividend basis from the star nt development work. : ¢ care of dividends. 3 The Company will No whiting for long dr _| preseut crop on the trees Te feled Egil £ J i BERLREESERE © gn gt Bn es fh 25888288588 BEBRERERRLEEES

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