rx, CONVEYANCER, BS he Offive at lowes 6th Con. woh (one mile west of Port Percy) -- Mosey To LOAN. fasnor of Marriage Licnses. Bors eee E. FAREWELL, X.C,1LB., 2 4. ablic and Soins hh pd! g Court Hause, hE Ont. appa Mu EEN TI DR. R. L. GRAHAM 3uooussHkt to DR. Fo D. MeGuaTTA DENTIST [ORT PERRY, J. A. Murray DENTIST, fice oreF the Poat Office. PORT PERRY, All branchudl of "Denfistry, including idge: Work sugvesafully ONT. ; ilver, Alumin ar Prices to it the Haw aril Ontario Observer A Weekly Political, Agricultural and Family Newspupsr 18 PUBLISHED AT rom PERRY, ONT. EVERY FHIR504 Y MORNING =. PARSON 8 ERMS, -§1 pot Lap, We Blan ak of +445) jnued ux monte, Sod i conta: whoo addressed to thie LETTERED or will be ab on Fok. sasured Ni gupariel, and { nvr IMENTS ee on) orm cg i FERRET No advertise: BT nd atest L t Slewsd Sad A LIBERAL git your. TH) 3 rh ce se adhered to JOB DEPARTMENT. Wb Posters Programs, | Dodgers Bui Heads, Cheeks Lester Honds, Wedding Invitations; Dilloninge-Stay Fence. Manufactured by the Owen Sound Wire Fence Uo. Ltd., avd am prepared to supply this whole n community with the very BEST WIRE FENCE produced on this : Continent and at pricesithat can! < not fail to satisfy purchasers. E. A. ADAMS, CH. 6. HUICHE Belirlione No. 41 80%, Set rns ne Ne. a ADAMS & HUTCHESON SUCCESSORS TO DAVID J. & DOUGLAS ADAMS " FIRE ee INSURANGE Mon ACCIDENT Rea! Bstate Mortgage Loans Steamship Tickets The Ditton Free is without | peer." It isthe BEST because it is flexible; it is a square mesh perfect hinge-stay fence, therefor it is impossible to beud the stays in fact itis the best fence made in this or any'@ther country, Before purchasing a Wire Fence dont: fail td inspect the DiLront Fence. . J. H: Brown, DEACER IN AGRICULTURAL: IaPL 995: : WARD & PEARSE FIRE INSURANCE AGENTS PRT PERRY, ONT. PPLICATIONS sxpidition<ly negotiated and pu' FOR INKURANCE throui you a tion, WE ARE ALSO AlUTOOR: 1ZED © TO INSTANTANE- OUSLY ADJUST SMALL LOSER, ----AGEN Is FOR on the rapid transit system nsurcd va receipt of applica- PIANOS & ORGANS and osher = Sites a | | Loogth 500 pi er Scomtnelutig 1509 rome: Jase 1 dd Magnificent Steamers "SEEANDBLE," "City of Evie" and "City of Buffalo" Daily -- BUFFALO and CLEVELAND -- -- May 1st to Dec. 1st Leuve Cleveland. « Soa Arrive Bula +» T:30 AL © Mails Closa. Patent Record The mails are despatched from the Post Office Port Perry as follows : Going North-- 9.00 a, m. Going South--11:20 a. ww. Going North-- 6.15 p. m, Going South--10 p.ow Miss Harrison, Diess and Maptla Maker ISHES to inform the ladies that she bass wtoved to the rooms formerly occttpied by her) over Mr. Flints Dug Store where Falls, Que. Wat she is prepared to exccute all or set seat. ders for Diess and Mantle a & Romeo. Below will be found a patents recently secured t the agen y o! Messrs, M ivion, Patent Attorneys, M Canada, and Washington, Dy Auy infermation on the will be suppliel free of char applying to the above named CANADA ts Tanl Roberge, Shas in a manner unsurpassed for St. Clothilde d Que. Windmill | 157.468-- Ettore Crescimbe lialy," Automat ing lor raiwa; and the like, 187,530 -- José de las Fuen ico City... Pr. covering alkd Corvectness of Style . and Charming Fiffect.| Our charges «te cofisistent with the value given, | Port Perry, Aptil 1, 1909. GEO JACKSON, Licensed Amctioneer, Valuator, &c FoR' TIE COUSTY OF ONTARIO AND TOWNSHI! 4 oF CARTWRIGHT, gs y ISAES at this the commencement of another Auction Sale Seasun to re- tura thanks to his Bumercus paivops fui | : | past favors. = Iu vequesiing their ertconsed and continued patronage he desires t fate that no effort of piins will | on his part. to make all sales e him suceesses. lis very extensive practice iu tho hi : should be a sufficient recom: ability. All Sale be attended: Sale | civus metals. 157.597 --Peréy § Mc Leal real, Que, system. 1 83--Kyosaku Takeda; 57:57 1 pan i 5 tug ores by meat BELGIUM, 266,755--- Willian: E, Benn, Junction, N.B signal system, Write for a free cop, $200.00 | $200.00 ent Thrilling. Death-Defying Drop {fom the Clouds Hanging from a Parachute by Madame Dorothy DeVonda Highest Pa st in the World £5 SEE THIS BIG F ACT <3 Grand Fair Night «+ CONCERT! ATOLIAN QUARTHETTH ARTHUR LYNDE, Member of Mendhelssohn Choir WwW. DIXON SHIELDS, Tenor Soloist, Cowan Ave., Presbyterian Church, Toronto. CHARLES E. STANLEY Soloist,, Chalmers' Church, Toronto. MELVILLE DAVEY Soloist, Cowan Ave. Presbyterian Church, Torontd. J a LeROY KENNEY THE CHAP WHO ENTERTAINS ! KING OF SINGING COMEDIANS ! "MRS. ARTHUR LYNDE - » Accompanist PORT PERRY BAND in Aftendasics all the Afternoon and preceding the Concert. Hutcheson, Sec'y (fom The Ortavs Vindicatar} TES ox FALL FAIRS 1914 |Avotner 'InTERESTING LETTER FROM VALCARTIER FROM SERGT Bratca-- Gossips Aout LiFe in Camp--SoMe or Qur 10 CoME Houe. th Ontario Regt. Valcartier ing Co. Que. W, J. Watson, Esq., Oshawa, Ont. "Tuesday, Sept. 8.--Dear Sit,--= As I remarked in my last letter that 'the position of the 34th Regt. was subject to a further change alter tke reorganization of the camp, and 1 z| guess the people of Oshawa will be pleased to hear that the Oshawa boys have been placed in 'G' Com- pany of the znd Battalion instead fr the boys |, ithe 7th Battalion. Ad 'are pleased with this move. Sergl« A. Mclotyre of the 341th was chal. lenged to a wrestling bout by Pri- eos Mortis of the 10th Regt. band aides "the officers' Jin nightly, playing a march entitled "The g4th's 's Farewell to Oshawa," by special request of Capt. R, B. Sthithi and several other officers. The march is a lively one and was composed by Bandmaster Private J. Wilson of Oshawa. [MAGIC wap TH _ BAKING'**%; | ion POWDER( a Ce Te Boemirhol] The regiment received a visit by Mr. Wm. Smith, M.P,, on Friday last. Mt. Smith walked through the lines with Gut esteemed Capt. stopping at each tent and chatting with the boys, all of whom were delighted to see him 1n camp. Sunday last was Review Day. H.R. H the Duke of Connaught Field Marshal, was the Reviewing Officer, Col. the Hoo. Sam Hughes and Premier Borden were also pré- sent, and, despite the rain, which commenced early Sunday morning | and did not cease until Monday night, the parade ground was lined with automobiles. The troops re- ceived great applause and the 34th Regt. was complimented by Major Sam Sharpe, M.P, on \beir fine performance. The 34th left camp on this occasion st¥11.45 a.m, and returned about 430 p.m. well '| result of this war. * | position ectors, one hich ill a db. that day and ask your t tribute to the Fund. You wil tag, to show that you have your part, and no other other cole ' 4 lector will ask your aid. vast suffering will be entailed-as. Wives will be made widows, and children fathers less; many will be brought to wantj vast sums will be needed for hospit= als and treatments ot the sick and Our 'contribution wilk? When we consider the protection we receive wounded. go to meet these needs. as a part of this great empire, OME of separation from the warefare, our scenes of actual chances to profit through the sale of | our products and the extension of = our commerce, a f: many are risk hold those p Empire stands, every one will be glad of the opportunity of contrbiit=? ing to the Patriotic Fund. fore have your offering ready fol the collector on 25th th Sept. dreretied; but none the worse for iti |' Major Sharpe, M P., led the 34th Regt. in the March past before H, R H. the Duke of Connaught. "You will also be glad to learn fhat the Oshawa boys are proving themselves good shots, and their shooting average is good. The rifle used is the Ross Mark III and is quite a different weapon to that which the boys have been used to at Niagara. There are three miles of targets round the base of the mountains, and the boys get prac- tice every day. By the way I must tell you that the 34th Regt. are attached to the same batallion as Col. the Hon- Sam Hnghe's Regt, (the 45th), and so far as we know thete will be ne further change. I am sorry to say that several of the 34th will be returning to their homes curing the next few days, for various reasons, which will, ol course, disorganize the company to some extent. There are a great number of booths in catnp, the moet reliable of which is the Y.M.C.A. The Y.M. C.A, supply moving pictures on the main parade ground, which are at. tended by thousands nightly. Be- sides, they have three large tents. One for concerts, one asa post office, where paper and envelopes are supplied gratis, and the other as a canteen where the men may purchase anything - they may. re- bl camp aid have a program of games for teams' from the different regi- Declares Lydia E. Pinkham' Vegetable Compound Saved Her Life and and Sanity. Shamrock, Mo.-- "I Mo-- "1 feel it my duty to tell the public the condition of my, health befora wing your medicine. J falling, inflamma- nervous, impstienty passed sleeple nights, and had neither strength nog: energy. There was always a fear and dread jn my mind, I had cold, nervousy. weak spells, hot flashes over my bodys. I had a place in my right side that was #0 sore that I could hardly bear the weight of my clothes. I tried medicines. and doctors, but they did me little good, 3d I never expected to get out again. got Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetshle! a and Blood Purifier, and I cer< tainly would have been in grave or in asylum if your medicines had not me. But now I can work all day, sleep well at night, eat anything I want, have ments, awaiting fine weather, when, | I bave no doubt, the 34th will give|' a furthep account of their abilities. 1 will now close this letter by sending the best wishes of yourself and ll our friends in Oshawa of the Fighting' 34th. per: FRED BLATCH, Sergt. TicKETS . 70 ALL FARTS oF THE Worep.--Mr. W. H. McCaw, Port Perry, i Ww in a position to issue tickets to all parts of the world and to wuppiy sll necessary information to the cheapest and In addition to his Picket: Agencies for Rail- pica lines, he has te: who. claims to be the amateur] of Faronto. After a short ly encounter, in which : as getting the Sparing No Pains. . "Would you come to dinner Sunday?" sald Mr. Croselots. , "Why, thig is the a twe weeks you have invited xm ainner. 1¢'s excosdingly ind ou" 4 "That's all right. We humor our cook in every Ble. She gaye she likes to b recite and sing comic songs' --r An Expert. ghe--How ean $0 bo be 80 Suk you are in Ire me and Wik one else? Even I 'wond whether none lh a Doasiby solute gertatnty in such 1 He--You lack confidence it b | torty times ant