Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 15 Oct 1914, p. 2

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j ys: "The vs rrelled f n tri rt. wa perhaps the shortest in ERipments should ve. --- befors the annals a fortified city ever sus. sud of October, G. E. FOSTER, 'tained, .". It was at three min. Minister of Trade and Commerce. utes past noon on Friday that the More ArpLgs WANTED -- Mr. - Germans entered the city. Antwerp | Bigelow requires more a . had then been under a devastating | large enough to peel. He is pay- _ and coulinous shell fire for forty |ing five cents more per bushel than hours" For forty hours! {And|®™ other Evaporator in the Pro- Antwerp, a fortified city | One of | 7°" The Government Inspector hi is the authority for the above state- i Ee impregnable strong- | ment, He pronounces Mr, Bige- low's Evaporating Establishment What does tkis mean ? It means | oue of the best in the Province and that when the real need comes the for cleanliness it is unsurpasted. 'hain of defence does not hold: the Bring along your apples and put forts do not fortify. The strong them to good profit before it is ever- . lastingly too late. armed keeps his palace, but| Aycrion SaLz--Posters are in nly until a sironger than he shall | circulation announcing an Auction © come. More than three hundred |Sale of Farm Stock, Furniture, thousand citizens of Antwerp-- |&C. the property of Mr. Edward peaceful, quiet-living burgers of Hodgsofi, lot 7, con. 4, balfmils Antwerp," the pathetic stor i from Utica, on Monday, Oct. 26. » i ¥ calls| The list contains a number of fine them --trusted in their city's impreg- | cows besides swine, fowls, house- 'nable fortifications, The whole) hold effects, and all will be sold Belgian nation' had been taxed |Without the slightest reserve, Mr. "through the years to make assur. | Baird will be Auctioneer. nce doubly sure. But at noon on| The Evangelistic Services being - Friday, alter forty hours' shell fire, | conducted in the Methodist church he enemy marched through the|by Miss K. Morton of Toronto are octifinations and mocked at their | St decidedly helpful and inspir- i + ing. Miss Morton is a good speak- impregnable pasteboard. Well er, a clear thinker, and makes fght the onlocking correspondent | everyone feel that she is thoroughly 3/4 The bitterest blow that has devoted to her work; Sertajnly' "fallen upon Belgium is full of per-|can come under hér influence with- - i manent tragedy" out being helped. The meetings And what happened at Antwerp are to be continued this week and] ilast Friday is what wopld bave.hap next commencing. at 7.48 each 3 pened to Paris weeks ago had that | Ay ore invited. Miss Morton's "¥ devastiting and continuous shell | subjects for Sabbath are as follows: "fire" ever got within range of rings| Morning :--*'A meek but mighty of forts. Paris would have fallen,|man." Evening ,--*The conquer- ithe Kaiser's boastful engagement |©F from Edom." for dinner in Paris on August 11] he Young People's Society might have been kept, but for the |©f the Church of the Ascension, t superhuman powers of little Port Perry, will hold their Annual wn.on the way, and the lining Bazaar in the Orange Hall, on Fti- up of the British with the French |day, 30th Oct. The articles offered on fhe Battle front. The defences | for sale will be popular prices and of Patis would not hold; the forts{of a useful and attractive nature. Supper will also be served. Britain's soldiers are doing their What threatened Paris, what be- part; are you doing yours? fell Antwerp will yet overtake Ber- , This brute-trust in brute-power, The talk gf a general Dominion election this fall is simply nonsense. tch, and on its own None is contemplated. he reekiog tubeand the| jt js said that all the United shard will yet be turned upon | States warships of every class now those who trusted in them. It may | buildig or anthorized to be built be this month or this year ; but are oil burners. : clash of armies will one day be| "Collingwood has enlisted a Home from the Aisne and: the|Guard, and they have shooting f ; practice twice a week, besides ft Mos so pnd spiding 2 evening at drill with inosillible Rus | a. evening with a bright song service. M ¥| Hop-Step-and-Jump, Sr.--1 M In. gram, 2 LaMcTaggart Hop-Step-and-Jump, Jr---1 RRoach 2 S McTaggart High Jump, St.--1 D McTaggart, 2 C Shon High Jump, Jr.--t R Roach, 2 § McTaggart Pole Vault, St.--1 D McTaggart, 2 G Brown ; Pole Vault, Jr.--1 'G Howard, 2 S McTaggart . 1004Yds Dash, St.--1 C Short, 2 M lagram 7 100-Yds Dash, Jr.~=1 R Roach, 2S McTaggart 230 Yds Dash, Sr.--1 C Short; |# M Ingram 220-Yds Dash, Jr.--1 W Nesbitt, 2 R Roach Oren Evenrts-- {-Mile Bicycle Race, Sr.--1 C Jack- son, 2 R Switzer §-Mile Bicycle Race, Jr.--1 R. Plumb, 2 L. Tennyson. Putting the Shot--1 L, McTaggart, 2 H. Purdy. Wheelbarrow Race--i1 White and Giebner, 2 Harris and Jackson. ockey Race--1 Henry and Switz- er, 2 McTaggart and Honey. }-Mile Running Race--1 G. Mc- Millan, 2 J. McTaggart. $-Mile Walking Race--1 G. How- sam, 2 I. Bowerman. Football Kick--1 F. Harris, 2 E. Williams. Girrs' EVENTS-- Potato Race--1'G. Munro, 2 D. Orchard. Throwing Basket.ball--1 M 2 M. Watson. RR Walking Race--1 E. Leask, 2 L Munro. so-yards Dash--: M. Switzer, 2 . Short. Nail Race--: A. Barett, 2 M, Short. Needle and Thread Race--1 L. Munro, 2 M. Switzer. Coat Race--1 M. Switzer, 2 M, Rodman. Basketball Match -- A.B.C's 8; B 2 XY.Z'% 2. Senior Championship-- Dan, MacTaggart. Junior Championship-- Ross Roach. Girls' Championshi; P PMeiva Switzer. Prizes for Ford Oars at Port Perry Fair. ist Prize -- Thos. Beare & Son, Manchester. . 2nd Prizz--Dr. C. W. Henders, Saintfield. 3rd Prize--Dr. A. D. McArthur, Blackstock. . 4th Prize--Wm. McDonald, Saint field. . Sth Prize--Jos. Houldershaw, Saint- field, 6th Prize--Robt. Walker, Saint-] , field. ba Judges--W. H. Smith, of Ford Motor Co., Toronto ; Chas. Willi- } Ford representative 'at' Lind- Hig or you cannot. contro} 4 the railway is ; no return. 3 THIS RAILWAY IS YOU but in partnership with your ol school house. ! (2) THIS RAILWAY W PRINCIPLE OF PUBLIC O PRACTICEOF CONDUCTI COST without profit to any indi been applied by over 80 Ontari ernment ji the Hydro-Electric J cent of taxation to pay the Secu Power Lines and Systems, has every year to the public, and th of Hydro-Electric Power and Li the humbtest home wherevek its} @#) THIS IS THE OR RATEPAYER TO PUT INTO PUBLIC OWNERSHIP AND tion, in the form in which Radial-Railways: (4). EVEN IFT 8 CEEDING WITH THE RAILW ARIO GOVERNMENT HAS THE GOVERNME WILL NOT CONSENT TO 1 WITH UNLESS ITS' ASS PROVE A SUCCESS. _; 6) The Hydro-Eleétric P pal Councils have ta rely a privately owned Rail ay, where our smefigor the vey 0 i st as your farm or house is "yours [epayers--as much yours as is your THE REALIZATION OF THE RSHEP: COMBINED WITH THE E UNDERTAKING AT ACTUAL or indivi . This principle has ipalities and BY the 'Ontario Gov- schemes, and which, without a sold to construct the Hydro-Electric ed in the saving' of 234 millions ng is yearly increating and the use s been brought within the reach of run, RTUNITY OF 'THE' ORDINARY ,CTICAL EFFECT HIS IDEAS OF RATION, particularly that of trans- 5 be best applied, namely, - Local or S FAVOURABLE, BEFORE. PRO- Y THE CONSENT OF THE ONT- ST TO BE GIVEN THERETO. THROUGH : SIR ADAM BECK, LECTRIC POWER COMMISSION; ED , THAT THE GOVERNMENT RAILWAY BEING PROCEEDED D THAT THE RAILWAY. WILL ir Commission' apd also your Munici- scaution to find if the Railway will pay 'deeper consideration than an HE HYDRO- ELECTRI developed along Municipalities by that Commission upon THE MUNICIPAL TROL AND REG LATI (8) The money to build from the sale of its Bonds onds being guaranteed guaranteed by the deposit the proportion fixed by the ING THESE DEBEN! e Municipalities and WILL (1) RES~ ILL OF THE PEOPLE THROUGH , and (2) BE SUBJECT TO CON- PROVINCIAL LEGIS-} ENTIRELY LACKING IN ANY SHIP. dg : ' Railway:will be got by the Commission ed on the Railway and its revenue, such Provincial Government, and collaterly |. e Municipalities of their Debentures in ission, THE COMMISSION : HOLD- S AS: TRUSTEES FO. - ICIPALITIES, AND NOT TO BE : BOTH IAMOUNT NECESSARY IF THERE SHOULD HAPPEN AMOUNT OF SUCH security and allows the interest, DEFICIT AND THEN TO THE BIT ONLY. This gives an unequalled y to be borrowed at the lowest rate of Bhey on the Railway is subject to the con- honestly spent. (10) "The cost of and the Bonds themsel® way by those who use i Municipalities simply. property: (11); The Railway time, the most modern | the cheapest rates for to any in Ameri ! support and credi ytheteby ensuring that the money will be he Railway, the interest on the Bonds 9 be paid out of the earnings of the Bail by the mopey of the ratepayers 'to finance their own the lowest grades possible, the fastest Péqupment, the most Irequeént service and handled by _ it, entirely up-to-date, equal by in Ontario. , a er i pt sn covers. J 2 rt tie agi ib a | Company getting your {fit and tribute is paid to pt 'the public having the. - bi 12 1 'ha ay By-Law he wi ckhiolders He" wi uple 1eont helping themselves or contralling their votes for the By-Law besides doing himself a benefit, your | which} indirectly. he will give effective aid to the cause aod your money the public receiving' Ownership. ® ' JOAN OF ARC By Witham Hewry Taylor, Author of *"Catiadfiaty Seasoms Fair Maid of France! Canst thou remain above 7 - trod Rheims | ome, be fern of love, And view thy smoking, desecrated shrines, Defiled by wolves--the Bandits of the Rhine, Bestride again thy spectral, milk-white steed, | And lead the Brave, in this, theic hour of need May heavenly Voices thee again inspire With Phoentx-Visions flashing frem the fire, Now burning on thy country's altar stone, | 'Where heathen's rage, while tortured millions groan. May God incarnate thee ! 'Thou Maid of Dreams! And coronate thy brow at sacred Rheims. Alas! Louvain ! and twice alas! old Rheims! The swinish herds have wallowed in their streams Of blood and lust, and with. their ttssks Have torn The priceless works of centuries with scorn. In all the anals of our race no tale Can match for needles spite that fiery hail Of Anti-Christian shells from Luther's land-- Except when fierce Mahomet's Tophet-brand Destroyed at Alexandria the old-world store Of manuscripts--the Deutsch could do no more. The savage wars of dark, mediaeval times Destroyed no churches in their list of crimes ; The cross was sacred to those mail-clad knights-- But not to Prussia's drunken parasites ;. Al creeds are catholic, in the sense that we Can venerate their seats of sanctity ; all revere those ancient Gothic spires, Up to civilize our sires. 'Louvain saw their 'Satanic In pro Use rarest books as fuel for his fire. These German infidels deny the Soul, But measure endless Space, and weigh the Whole; These keen dissectors of the suns proclaim That All is Force and Matter--God, a name * 'By fear invented, and by priests arrayed ; & . (But William's Gott is strictly German-made), Those arch-materialists from vanity. Have cracked their brains with school-insanity. Are martyrs only matter? who, like Joan, Had Faith to pass thru firg.t His throne ; The love of Art and Beauty proves that man Is more than part of Force, that he ean scan His own artistic Soul's creative power + Hi + To build"with God's own square His Temple tower. The Prussian Eagle seems a carrion crow, Who feeds on peasants' breasts and drinks their woes ; His Pride and Hate direct the Ublan's lance 'To burn in Belgium, and to carve in France. Not long ago he bore the Pagan name~ The Preuss is heathen yet, devoid of shame ; . 'He's half a German, but he represents - The cave-man's appetite and sen He cracks the bones of victims with the Of prehistoric man, his lust to = The day was dark when Germany a woke "A slave, enchained, and wearing Bismarck's yoke ; An avalanche of Ruin now must fall, - On cot and castle by the Sword of Gaul, Hail! Martyred Joan! the debt is being paid, The Lily and the Rose upon thy brow is laid ; The Sons of France and Albion now are free Of *"'black-art" deviltey which martyred thee ; Their centuries of battles taught at I : That brotherhood in arms forgives the past ; They muster pow their martial ch And on the foe exert their riv ~ Saint George! Saint Denis! When they have taught the With Belgian heroes marching te Chri rts life {too great a handicap. She is weaker fand nore frail than her companions ~ {who have rich, red blood. « She more easily fatigued in' mind, and work of any hausts 'her. In time her he : breaks down. She becomes pales: - looks worn out, is ftnguidy irtitable and nervous. = Her heart palpitates violently at the least exertion, and she alle behind other girls in looks, alth and: capacity for enjoyi life; Abundant rich, red Blood the only thing that can restore good health to the many thousands of' such girls. This: rich, red blood can only be obtained through the nse of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. They bave given thousands of weak, white-faced, bloodless girls, vigor- ous health and high spirits. Here #9 a bit of proof. Miss Olive Gau~ vreau, St. Jerome, Que., says t+*'1 - have reastn to be more than grate- ful to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, for they restored' me to health after more than one . doctor and many medicines had failed. I suffered as #0 many girls do from anacmia. 1 was all run down, 'tortured with headacties, could not stand any exer tion, and had no appetite, though of course I had to force myself to eat, I was in this condition for nearly two years, and although doctoring ceatinually, seemed to be steadily giv ing worse, 2rd 4 was' very v d i {heh discour eat. didso, In course of a few weeks there was 10 room to doubt that I had at last found the right medicine. My appetite returned, the headaches began to come less frequently, and "| the color was returning to my face. 'The continued use of the Pills for a little longer fully restored my health, and | have since been as healthy and active 'as anyone could wish, I cannot too strongiy recommend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to other weak and ailing girls." You can get these Pills through your medicine dealer or by mail post paid at 50 cents a 'box or six boxes for $2.50 from iThe Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. The coil mines of the United States produced more than 570,000- 000 tons of coal last year.. This is twice the production of 1goo, and eight times the production of 1880. The value of the coal mined in-1913 was §760,488,785. : 2 The public health authorities at New York are taking precautions Sell

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