Food---Table of Well Filled-- "1 4 ed "I'm not afraid, Matt NN. October 11, == E% Nay paps, and the way | For his text to- ; 'day Pastor Rus- Nel hose hi pi . 'Words, "Behold, come, Mitt, dear~T'lt saith the Lord $76.4 month? God, that I will = Then the great secret trembled on 'years past, miitions of dollars : Send 5 femine, in his Somgue, and It seemed impossible CHAPTE b x ; an not a to withhold it" | AS | Bf Eons a been at { % } famine of bread, become EE General da from the countries avo : Al nor » [birt 108 That it was safe in her keeping was 8 hearing the words sacrilege to question. of the Lord."-- Accordingly be told of Lotoalofa, of Amos 8:11. John Mort and Mirovna and of his 3 N o t withstand- long, lonely voyages at the behest of AE *the ect that during the past this strange, wealthy pair, who in ve printed that waste of ses and reefs bad fonnd- "ed and n qualities. pe ot he 'Shor