Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 22 Oct 1914, p. 2

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St. Joha's Presbyterian Church i x "4 -Anniversary services will be con- -- " | polled was very large i - n : or : i, rep culvert Man-. | ducted by Rev. Robert Pogue of| The greatest and most successlul|dication of the great intedésiHRKED | the atmy that is holding us in he | versiBoundary .......... 8 oo St. Andrews Church, Peterboro, on| Auction Sale that has ever takea}in Sir Adam Beck's > along the Yser," said 'the German hag ; wy WW. H. Nesbitt, 110 rods wire Sabbath 1st November, Mr. Pogue, | place in this district culminated at|owned electric" radial, | be B= | Chef of stall 10 bis armies yester-|}.e pen about: 6 NCE cas A i Sordi a, ra is one of the best preachers in our|Springwater Farm, Scugog, on|Cates of the line did not px Hlday. That, at least, would seemito| a! al tas Toth erable lc: C. Tailor, oSle Wie Jance UARANTEED. for fue. church and will give a good ac- Tuesday last, when Mr. Wm. Gra. efforts for a minute, and fig be what bb said, judging from re [time been a suffcrek. She died]. fance iiss na hay TA da count ot himself. st . to the time of closing le 3 i & jag in the World's Red | Dr. McArthur, disin'ecting Stttnlea, i wont of woth 5 Bo oars an The Sacrament of the Lords Sup-|bam's Big Dispersion Sale took busy urging voters to tbe ts, All up snd down the long Her I Rev. . W. Totten, ~Jod placarding W. Cam - h B18, i i i i 's house Ears OUR SPECIAL OFFER § average of $20 each, to tiie Patrio- | per Was observed last Sabbath with place. The attendance was also| The personal 'and active . e line, extending for over io E charge ofthe fueral The|R. vod wits Temes to overy siiasenting ve Wiiaie tic Fund. the largest attendance in the his- the largest yet, and the bidding was | taken by Sir Adam had, miles in France and Belgive, 1 farmiy have: ilie: 6 He N Merigan. ADS 1a Oiv. 43 curr: nF postal tue, tn oAVEr Berlin and Waterloo, with a | of the congregation. Thirteen | lively and Canada's most efficient | 2 greatdeal to do with German corps commanders hurled | op gion de and neighbors SP C.P.R, express on Statutes. a froctluirhudehiping Teh " » combined population of less than | neW members were added to the and successful auctioneer, Mr. Geo: ve ousiaed." Dari their men at what they thought Coolége was of a very kind disposi- k ro Boy fe Eustanten, backid by a five 25,000, have given $14,000 to' the roll, this makes seventy-five since Jackson; did his part to perfection ea" is expecially bud might prove weak spots in. the Al tion. She lived a kind, sincere, Chri: « A. McGill, adr 8: fn a Rod. ater Mr West i os Jog. and demonstrated what it was|ayend overa half-dozen mel lies' lines, positions which might | tisn lite sed fay Sextanly Rous Hi be ee "Toronto Teleg fegrim A Yew more tem he anny * | possible to accomplish , by indefat-| The clear and concise maui in have ber, stripped of men to] with Christ which better. To Editor of Tue Opserver. of the Globe; and We'may "yet ré-| The Loyal True Blues of Port [igable application and determination | which he presented the ke : pao a A i Oa : 'esive the Iron Cross. Perry will hold their. Annual At |tosecure the highest price possible the electorate conv weak spot was discovered. Every- Edward County, to supply the'puk O'Hare ; h i : who attended his demonstration " jus : ae A Sons, ig Wid Home, in aid of the Orphanage at |for every animal and article that he a half hearted frame of Hindi where the lines held. Ia some The annual mesting of the As-?it of Rev. Mr. Spence on Sunday , Picton, on the evening of Thursday, pl especially along the Mease, EE to H ' called upon to * knock-down." |. hen he had finish the ; ment an order for 7,000 blankets, to | ovo ber sth i was ca "ling them when a . i 3 whether Ladies' or Gent's hiogiery ay al ! sth in the Qrange Hall.|, =... . oc aoce, ho ever, his in| y; oon the Eastern Fromt, the Allies| School, Whitby, October 8 and 9. [the General Conference at Ottawa. or . be delivered during December. Programme and tefreshments. | » how vinced of the great benefit nced in face of the most stren-| After devotional exercises by|1 thought thata few things 'that is desired. ' : hat lighten-| derived from the Hydro " The mortality in New York ci [tense energy was somewhat fig ! ition. 1 has been |Rev. G. A. McLean, and reading|came und heervation aight last week was The lowest ever jd The Young People's Society |ed owing to the splendid appearance poration. iid CAL oo army in |the minutes, the President, Mr. C. i ST your v/ va Sit corded, according {to the Board of| of the Church of the Ascension, |and good condition all the animals). The by-laws submilt France and Belgium has been vein- Asling, gave a reminiscent address Bloswteld is. 4a oe 44 Health statement, the rate being . . interested municipalities g on the schools of fifty years ago. . 4 10.58 per 1,000. Port Perry, will hold their Annual | yere in, and their great intrinsic call for the issuance of appro. forced to the greatest possible extent Miss Jean Harvey, delegate to village of about 700 people five : . ._ {Bazaar in the Orange Hall, on Fri-| tsight ; ho , Mr. Jack- T 00 more men being available except {ype Rural School Convention in| mile from Picton and six miles from Busia hilvance' ~Garman calla: dy aide ee Ja ly dad ee an 1 | partially traived lads and_eldeqy | Ge 17h during August, gave a full] Wellington. The Good Road: ers seem to have no difficulty get-| day, 3oth Oct. The articles offered | gon nevey saves himself at the ex- deposited with the coma ists, a few 'more furious of- t of the p hS Mov Shes Desh adapted by Sig oa ren wil Se eaaaay for sale will 'be popular prices and| pense of his clients, ho always in- hh vatebie oat Mackbgufiy |fensive, movements against the |there, and offered a list of sugges-|ipe County. It is a pleasure to Cruiser, instead of a destroyer. ofa 'weeful and atiractive 'nature. gists on full value and he has the pn nn the igo 0 well-entrenched Allies will so re r= ditto to improve Rural Schoal give on them. Two miles: of the draft of ST; u00--w 6-20. QVEL- happy 'fatulty of securing it every to, of thie scheme, with duce the fighting strength of the toad between Bloomficldand Picton is likely to be 3Smills. But, as - time and io a manner that satisfies |r, 554 64 against. tmies that a continuation | the renfrew Mercury says, 'Perth a 0 er. hip 3 i + isarich qld town." thie : { : 81 ity "of | att aun 3 Pairs of our 75¢. value American Siik Hosiery, or 4 Pairs of our 50c valus Am rican Cashmefe Hoslery, "or 4 Pairs of our 506. value «+ AmericanCotiou-LisleHusiory or 6Pairs of Ohildren'sHcsiery. Oct. 4-11, while he was attending Givn color, size, and DON'T DELAY --Offerexpires whea 1 dealer in your y is . selected. "48 INTERNATIONAL HOSIERY C0. P.0. Box 241 DAYTON, OHIO, U.S.A. The Montreal News says that "'a man who cuts down a tree when he is not really obliged to do so ought to be hanged." The News is to be commended for the moderation of los, is-for sale sod may be seen ' at the stables of Mr. P. Holt, Brad- ford. SE Grear Cow SaLe.--Mr. commendation, and the immense Whit congregation of the best judges of the canning in large factories in Pic: a great centre dustry ; sabiation, fomishiogs, |B NY oy Bromide] 7 il 1 . ¢ mie. an Forden, whose sales of Choice| mating and pleasing, while the Rv bh luxuries. There is|ed the o RoR oe heir foods ehochc in Wellingtog, aud DEmerons -- New York World: -- Next to|Daify Cowsin Port Perry have giv-| competition was razor keen. Both 8 that | Ing: culture and home nursing. And jer concerns run by farmers for 'gettin' thar fust with the mostest|en universal satisfaction to purch. | live stock and implements realized ;ons | SXbibition of specimens of work! heir own and neighbors use. The men" is getting there soon enough |asers, purposes holding another Sale | good figures, and parties fortunate three Bloomfield factories and lour __. With pretty nearly ehough men. at the Sebert House Yards, on enough do secure animals. ate to or five smaller ones in the meds "This the British army seems to have | Saturday, Noveinber 7th, when a|be congratulated on obtaining . succeeded in doing, as often before. | or 15,4 of selected Dairy Cows |choice and valuable ones, for none Last week a friend was urging|will be sold. The demand for Cows |other were offered. The -total| Reach M. H. Tudhope to getup at an|of the class Mr. Forden introduces receipts of the sale exceeded ten unearthly hour to see the comet, | pore js great, so intending purch- | thousand dollars. Mr. Graham in and the amswer was, 'Oh, no; i : be sh iting Ir : : you can't comet over me." This asers will require to sharp on retiring from Springwater Farm will to be a case for the War|lime to secure their choice. Mr. prove aloss tp the municipality.of draperies, and some time since ear: | the teaching staff of South Ontario. fin Peas, Corn. and Tomatoes seven rings were onfe more added: the| - After the paper of Mr. Joyce onjmillion two hundred thousand cans : Composition, the meeting ad) and two hundred and forty thou- 3 ull Friday at 9am. E undersigned offers for sale. at a Bargain that fine French appears Office to deal with.--Orillia Packet. "An apple a day 'will keep the doctor away," quoted the grocer to the pretty girl on the other side of Jackson is Auctioneer. Auction Satg~--It will be seen by the Posters that Mr. Scugog where hie has done so much to improve the beautiful Island of '| which he has been so long a resi- Asa stockman and a farmer Several - carloads of corn have been shipped to outside factories. Many Coach Stallion, Don 'Carros, the property of Henry McKenze, At esen' Don Carros is in my stables at Bradford where: he may be heiseen, Owing to Mr. McKenzie x farmers could ouly get in about Jill "health he wishes to dispose of paper on Primary hail their crep of Tomatoes. Thou himi- Don will gg at a Bargain, some ior nds of bushels of Tomatoes will Bradf6id, Oct. a1, 014 be Honghal snes for lack of a : - mar) * inion Canneres ER Ste 3 a id explained and Pay 35 cts. per bushel fot Tomatoes, Notice to Cr editors showed results of her method of [#40 per ton for Peas, and $8 per} ee EEE i drawing. fon for Corn in the ear with the |Of Charles usk on. The pay roll fur a few of he busiest weeks of the season . he counter. and that Friar A "particular doctor in mind's : eye Wasa certain eligible. bachelor, | November 304, all bie Farm Stock, 1. selected Port Perry fag his Implements ate. v yi ig future abode, having purchased a Greenbank | m beautiful residental property on|Sescrave..... Bigelow street 'which he is still| Prince Albert. further improving to meet his ap-|Cedar Creek. . probation as regards perfection in | Manchester... that respect. All welcome him to Saivtfield .... our midst, In Mr. Jackson's long Saf £37 COMING: Opt. D., 70 Yonge Optician can » ort Be ever conducted. Well done, Scu- i gog!!! $lsex #lonseose is

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