Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 3 Dec 1914, p. 3

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op | fATMErS are advised' to: apply early ; without c 3 probably permit him to send S pbdtion to the market. is On Wrong Scent, A slick swindler 1s operating tario. 'Upon eatering a' town h in a supply of small gl glasses, OF any of the ny at ow. prepared to furnish On urchasers with shoots from the cele- ted "Ceylon Rose" at $1.50 each, d does it as fast as he can handls them, ~--Acton Free Press, i Cannons of Wood, | | "Ther wis 8 time when cannoi leather, they were never very efficac- the Cana rebellion. of 1, @° Papineau cannons were made of wood Bonped with iron by p blacksmi smiths, a A the of Bir Adam Beck's big - touring car exploded with a great Xeport, on Arthur street, frightening fiatives, ne Hydro-Electrit mais did not mind a little thing © that. Harriston Revl at 2 tno WN OVD. BRS « Cate, per ih. vide "Hogs, per 100 Tos. A NO O000 00 = ii Q S An Afnbrican Sik Ainerican Caslimore ~ Anurican Dottoii-Lisle: re rastaod the test. Give: cowifort. No seams to 5 5! Siqonie Kore or 28 # 'shape is Koltin-- ; not 'pressedin. C UARANTEED for fine- rs et INA) Pe Absolutely inlose. Will wear six mouths " ut holes, Or:new ones free, SPECIAL OFFER! "which they are 'received. | ence will "alwa; : most Sonn 'homestand right, may take a prirchaxed So Better Goal Mined Orchard rng As the supply of seed is Jimited but the applications will not: neces- sarily be filled in the exdct Offer | in 'refers be given 'to: the and explicit. re- quests. Applications received after the end of January will probably be too late. All applicatidfis for grain (and should be addressed to the Domini- |' on Cergalisty Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa. Sach" dpplications require no" postage. If otherwise addressed delay and disappointment may occur. Applications, for potatoes; from farmers | in any. other province should be addressed (postage pre- paid) to the Superintendent of the nearest Branch Experimental Farm in-that province. J. H. GRISDALE, > Dir., Dom. Experimental Farms. Fviorsre OF CANADIAN NORTH-WEST LAND; REGULATIONS. MIE sole head of a family, or any mals over 18 yedrs old, may homes wend a quarter section of availahle Dominion land in Mauitoha, Sa:- katchewau or Alberts. ~The app i-| caut must appear in. person at the Dominion Lands Agency or Sub-ageuncy for tho district. Enrey by proxapnay w mads at any Dowinion f #hds Agency (hut not Suba gover). of ter. aio conditions, © «t 80 ro A hibitably fotise is re- qair 4 exept where fesidonce is per- seme d fu tho viclniy, Tn certain districts a Horaostendur in 200d standing may preiem quarter section alongside of his stead. Price $3000 pet sabre: Duties. Six months residence in each of thre years alter earning homestead pate Lo also 50 'acres extra ciiltivarion. Bra ion patént tay be ohtained as homestind. ffiter, on certain condi: tions: A whiter who has extatisied his +h 'homedtead in ev tain districts: Price $3.00 por. ace. Datiesi--Must reside Six mouths ineach df three years, cultive es filly acres. and ¢rect a houss worth éfitbhy or stony Tand. Live stock may Be cithutic tuted foe caltivation under certain con gitions, . WwW, W. CORY, C.M.G., Deputy of the Minister of tho Interior. ~N. B --=Unadthorizet publication of ths ae Wut uot be "puid or. --6# Sitlings of the Division Courts § COUNTY OF ONTARIO. 1914. n WHITBY Clerk, Miss E. Tos nc. dotiell, Whithy Lian. 18, Fi Maret 4, April 3 May 4, Jane 5 © July 8; apt. 8, Oct. 2, Nov. 7, Dee, "4, Jun 1015, .. Mae Ostia aA--Clerk, Mise 1 donell Whithv--dan, 14, 3 Murch 8, Ani, Mav 5, Jang. 4. J 4, ot. applications from the provinces. of |. Ontario and Quebec. for Potatoes) | We have a full Stock of Flour-of the following Celebrated and Popdldt Brands--PURITY, REINDEER, THREE STAR as well as MONARCH ano DELIGHT PASTRY FLOUR {BRAN & SHORTS In Bram and Shorts we have Best Brands--PURITY axp LINDSAY BRANDS. EZ" Farmers and others before contranting for their Summer slipply of Four will do well 10 obtain our quotations for 500 Ib, and 4 ton quutatiolis, lor which we tiake Special Prices. Ingrams'. Le rn and Clean ..... 0 ues el ib ew Seedless Raisins, .... Den deve of New Seedless Raisins ..........16 0z,--2 for a Seeded Raisins, Gritlin Brand ess D for 28¢ Extra Quality Currants... .. 10c 1b Beautiful New Dates.......... 10c Ibe Cookifig Figs. ic uiueinreivennn Zc lb Lemon and Orange Peel........ 20cib New Shelled Almonds:. 5OCID Shelled Walnuts Best {Granulated Sugar............ 14 Ibs for $1.00 Soft: Yellow SUZAC.............. ..45 lbs for $1.00 Pure Spices of every description Fancy Grape Fruit...,.....ccees iimens 8 for 2Bc Choice Apricots. i.e... vensens 18c 1D ~ Special Ounions.......... 6 1bs for 2Bc E Molasses, Table and Cooking Syrups 1 T ME MAKE SUCCESTIONS FOR LUMBER or your Out Buildings, Barns and 5i Silos before buying elsewhere LOWEST PRICES QUOTED for): 11 kinds of Fruit Baskets and Tho ared uf cultivation is subjoet tof) reduction iff case of rough; | Oranges ! Oranges ! Oranges! oy renders Sunshiné and Flowers WHEN THE NORTH IS | UNDER A BLANKET OF SNOW AND ICE. Where trufk farms are preducinga thousand dollars per acre upwards during the Winter We have properties that will pay you 25 per cent. dividend the first year--have lots on lake frontage that dre most desirable limes. We Also Have a two thousand #tre Stock Ranch for which we will accept northern _property iu exthange tip to Half iis value, ~~ so * Make your arrangéinetits fur Se stemiber 16ih, ag we. are going to personally étinduict Lan exctirsiont of that date to Kissimmee, Florida, Let tts know in advance so that wo ean make d#- rapgements for your accommodation as we are _ expecting a large party stantly on hand at Lowest Prices. holesale Lumber and Fruit Baskets a Specialty. M. MAUDE ¢ Has just received a Full Range of Overcoatings {Chincillas and Rough Goods) B25 ® samples of -Suitable Goods forLadies' ® Coats which will be made up and a Perfect Fit Guaranteed 'RESH & TENDER CAWKER BROS. | nage bbstowed upon them | | youll intimate, that asin the J ist only choice fat animals 1 be slaughtered, so as to hsure the 'choicest and ten- rests Cuts possible, and we end at all times to have an mpe supply of RESH AND TENDER CHOICE MEATS which we will cut to please and deliver promptly, SMUKED AND SALT MEATS A SPECIALTY. i FU LL STOCK OF EVEYTHNG IN THE Plant Boxes direct from the Ww. IZ, DOUBT RED CLOVER, ALSIKE AND TIMOTHY SEED SPRING TRADE "|All Seed old aie to Government Taspeotion graded accordingly. Prices RigaT Jo are Still I Buyuig Red Clover, Alsike and Timothy Seed. aH. I. Highest Price poid PURDT. Sas HAD CONSIDERABLE EXPERIENCE as a Paintegy House Decorator and Sign Writer I have Opened Business joi. in these lines in PORT PERRY and amr prepared to do all Work entrusted to mein a mapper hi cannot fail to give the utmost satisfaction as regards style, durability,' perfection of 'execution and prices, Havitig had somewhat: intrica experience with a number of large firms in Toronto, I feel confident tha I can GuaRaNTEE ALL WORK, . ENGROSSING A SPECIALTY ATRONAGE SOLICITED. STEWART FORD: Port Perry Jan, 20, 1914, Farm for Sale... HE undersigned 'offers for sale: that excellent farm being lot x concession 4, in the township Reach, containing wo 'acres more- or less, of choice laad a. la ed tion of which is cleared, the Bal cs being splendidly wooded. The land isin a capital state of cultivation. © There is on the premises an orchard i}: [and a complete supply of water! There is a large barn with cements floor stabling, and a smaller bars: on the north end of the lot; alse: fame dwelling house on the sowt and. The locdtion of the farmr a capital one, being about 1} miles: from Port Perry on a leading road This farm is, in every respect: first class dairy farm and is © half a mile from Manchester way station, "For part FOR SALE That French Coach Stallion DON CARLOS HE Yidersigned offers for sale} ata that fine F A P. HOLT. Bradford, Nov.12, I Noviz, 1914, ~~ CAWKER BROS' (Succassors' To Jaumson & Dnnison.) LIVERY Having purchased the Liver rn by Jamieson Dennison, A we Pntond to be seen, [Late of Hotel Falconer, Commercial trade solicited.' First class " + CON-| nected there! RE-HORSE THE STABLES with first- -class animals, aud install LC: New and with modern comfort and be surpass Special

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