Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 18 Mar 1915, p. 1

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n 'satisiaction the effective 3 the methods tried; and at . Ame (ime the results furnish © R.A ADAMS; of HG. HUTCHESON, Beil Phone vifieyo. oF factical information to others. BelPhone No. 41 Residence No. 4/ SOR ior TE pracTicat InForsia 2 oh GAINED' PRM THRE Col PERATIVE pxpunislunTs at. good: cultivation, followed & al GLAS. ADAMS rape sown in drills, provides # ARN Eo eas bi Eladicaling Boh i a " AKT 3 FIRE | N S U R A N GC . repnial Sow Thistle and Rariorros, onvrTALY py : LIFE ACCIDENT ' Tyitth Grass. &.r ga at _gesidenen, Real Estate . Mortgage Loans = hal, tape is a mare satisfactory Ai HL is (one wile west of Yort Perty,)-- Mage't rop 'tg use in the destruction Marrigge 1 Licnses. ; Steamship Tickews a of Twitch Grass than buck- 3 E LT, K LLB. Connt Dillon on Tinga Stay Fence = Eo aT i. 13 Nebeat, mn Crave Wttorn sy Barcister, Caanty So : rr ---- -- = . -- ape gives mich better re. stor, &o soil Pebli aul Gore Rage: Wire Fane ile Owon Sound ra oe i sults in the eradication of Ive --Soul ing Cur, | House, bith Wire" Fence Uo. Ltd, and am ; Twitch wh nin deilt Okt 5 9] pre par ved 'to supply this Whole ne 3 " wi ce . en SOwn In nits commuiity with the very BEST ; ; 3 and ctiltivated, Grass and Per 'PR. RR." GRAHAM WIRE F ENC E produced gu this | . g TTLY _ennial Sow Thistle: when sown nL FD. MoGuarta | Continen t pricys that. can |- | Jad n drills and €ultivated, than 4 not fail to' 0 satisfy _purehaserg, 4 3 7 of the | 'when sown broadcast. DEIN T1ST il The DILLON Fane is ; . - iH 3 3 h x ! -I'¢ That Whorough, deep cultivation PORE PRERY, = GNF lhepr. Ii the BEST itn ; 3 Telep one © in fall and kpiihk, followed by flexible; 1 is.a square hiesh : / i = well cated {67 fiovd crop, will T Tar verlect hitige-stay fence,' p ea / Di y J. A. Murray, is imiposoillle Ys tendithe sta | A \ irectory 4 destroy Bladder Caffipion. ec 'DENTIST, - tacit is the best legce mide it = i. , smd ions and Hinreen 5! That Mustard. may be prevénted figs overthe Post Office. this OF auy ather counts : YE AE i RT veported io our Local Me anager from scedihg in oats, wheat . PERRY. - Before purchising a By : Po & telophts and barley by x! ith need ® bd ry by spraying with a 1 Seid * Pentistry, "dneliitiig Pont fail : "a rn tie Bt dem og; po ? a dnt Ayn iy ea ® o Finca, il to anspeet thie : : Shah bv 1 tho set pecs 4 1ihiy percelil scllition of itd {prasth feed. : u » ow ye fr order ta-dov and have your vi i ate] il forth Oatario Observer WARD & PEARSE EL a Er Nott ani FIRE INSURANCE AGENTS Mails Close. GEO FACKSON, cmt, | FORT PERRY, ONT, | ppt on Hamed doo Tih Eva THURSDAY MORNING PPLITATIONS. fom axe : ¢ oF CARTW IGT, + INNURARCE . m, 181FE8 dt this the com denen xpiditiodly uezotinted and. pn noother Anctlon ale Scason it on tbo rapid traigl i turu thanks de his anmer i Leured on riceipt ul applie- : . past favors. Tu roaring thio i. noc 41.5 tion, Fo and. poutiumed patronige he EA taken aw tor Tas: WE ARE ALSO AUTHOR: > 4 state that no effort or AL JX: on Hin! part: Yo makes q ; Gis whion addrassed io thi: |: HERD: TO INSPANTANE: J A i147 i . . Hin-very extensiv ici atoi OUSLY Kis to sa Dress and Mantle Mekef ides auficion i oh > 2 . 2 ie | Mendutio fifa abil ey pate i § + LOSE : \ SHES aform the ladies given into % charge wilh - 2 : RR fo that she" has #i0ef to the | Lith promptovss and. dispute = Ba ne arr ru FrETEn Pak mn) 3 "lions tormérly "occupied by net minder out nd blank os ppl Jr brustiout, a gver: Mi Flints Dung Store where PIANOS & ORGANS she: is sprepared, to. execute all or wisfithy vo, He 4 LIBEHAL discon 30 Hagulindaind hey it his 8, § We hy eve '| Pawronagé respecttully solicited. © | ders for Dress and. Mantle Making | he' Ohesrvor i nis aking : "Sn bia 3 WAKD & PEARRE in"a wmamier unsutpassed for | Parry, for dates elatmed for: JOB DEP. TMNT, een i make sreangeiments, or: write to oY Corpuetness of Style 4 Phone st Residence, No. ibsramn mens Re -- ? ; * | | end Charting E, fect. Tait Hells, Wedding Tayiiations, : 'Ri fe Bouin. Bbioen Gril pr a \ g "| Now: 1, 1901; : dian Asenmbly Curt, ; hie CHARGES MODERATE GEG. ain TRUNK RY SYSTEM TIME TABLE "Canadian Seasons; Henry Taylor, can oe P p ~ S| aly Bema Fie Port Fatty, Tn \ ORT BERRY. ly bound n green and gal County the Homi Yr! GOING | ora doing Sten. CreRIer pare of tals book, aa comme by. the, bes pio, Worl an r. In par 5 amp) bs ov i "{humar. by its fresh-aflr warmth of ee the. ten C--O - : pms - Hill Sage says: oid working for you wi on his job, dai' "1 Le seasoni Although "got of Bin foal e custom"gppeals to every good thing, it is misunde: and perverted by the majority, x caule not Spititualy minded. 3 ROE SE | them the disdpprobation Ol and the observance of whic bring them some Divine favor some relaxation from proper ot ment for their sins--they knew not what, Of such perfunctory fasting asting fidispleasi: God and . the. Indies aiid brooch) Wine: g speaker gaye an illustrations An a a who" professed : to observe Lent, was Instructed 2 drink but one cup of coffee dal during the fast, and nny with his conscience by drinking his usual amount of coffee from a bowl. Apparently the man thought God would not notice the, ches Toua reward such hypocritical fa . Nothing 15 more coptemptibis a God's sight than a <5 he Pastor declared, Honesty fa quality which all Senso the must possess, no matter how w and fallen, by heredity. Jesus ony demned hypocrisy more than othér sin. The first lesson Chrigtinns and everybody shot1d honesty. {fi thought, word and Although nothing in he 1 gests a Lenten season, commend I a ui aay pride Arie ation. Sean tasting is In the mature o sacrifice--not a thing comm but a voluntary offering of the to God, with a view to greater ciency In God's service or, ta, me control d¥ef our bodies in the in ests of our spiritual New Natare. The Pastor then pointed out | practical value of fasting a J Lent. On hygienic grounds alome ° {t 1& of great advantage, partie: to the well-fed, to refrain from ing as liberally of meats; pastry, etc., as they were eat during the colder weather! ils, pimples, liver derangem: sementsy. vers and doctor bills would greatly lessened if this course wate pursued. Next the speaker discusfed (hE . spiritual side of the question. a. showed that the Christian may ads vantageously take a much dee piiinal meaning out of Lent. Hu ay recall his Saviour's experiences during the forty days preceding big, ifixion. He may remember. oe before His crucifixion Jesus stituted the Lord's Supper and im-: dicated that date as the proper ong for its annual commemo amongst His followers, as was custom in the early Church. Hs may remember mia the Bofors? wet a that ali oily" a covenant to share His Cup of suffer ing, ignominy, misuad misrepresentation, slander, and death; and that from he very first this season seems to have beem a time of special trial amongs€ Jesus' followers, vl Theés éonsiderstions might Foil. move God's people to the o of a fast during the period preced- - ing the anniversary of their deemer's death. In so doing, from & desire to draw near to God, they is th 23 Hi £ fe pepe i ai

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