Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 14 Oct 1915, p. 3

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"FLOUR IN CANADA report was British av authorities were send-' expert to consult with the ént with chase of hay and cats. The purchase' of these com! has been in the! bands of the Minister of Agriculture: for some time past the arrange-| * ments which have been In existenco stand. The War Office, however, ich has in the past purchascd in t Eugland from time to 'ime various quantities »f Canadian flour for the of. the army, has recently asked | the Department Tor Agriculture to une "dertake the Burchass uf of Hmited guane es of flour The pur thastip agent Who ---- been conducts this work in England for the War dq Office has recently arrived in Canada ./and is taking the question up with; ed. oubl £ that we fail to have a den of 'the 'strength of 'the ody against us. Consider he power that can be wielded by a 1 jhat has for fifty years Tats Aa prganita zation that was | for this war. It will 'y},. make our men inks | and machine i ! the Minister for the purpose of an | ranging details of the work during the . uext few months a bmg AR APPEAL FROM THE EMPIRE, Lord Fansdowos, a former Gov- ernor-Gencral of our Dominion, and at present a member of the British Cabinet hus made an appeal to all parts of the Empire on. behalf of British Red Cross Society and the Ouder ol St. John fora contri- X HE on Sana ta Lerma. Vuition 10 be collected on the 21st 4 question we bave to ether ive are giving our y at the front. 'Canada, have done our duty "During my visit abroad more cffactive ways of with the British Govern- Grol per: in our 'hearts al-|' clober. He has directed the ap he: Piovince of ter up paration oe oe Mut Eeipality inthe government we Province, The followjng is a copy {of his message to our own Reeve, Mr. Gerow, dated 1st instant Geo Gerow, «Reeve of Port Perry, I beg to inform ou 'tht Lord Lansdowne has sent me the follow- ing cablegram : I beg to is form yon that the Biitish Red Cross Society and the Order of St, John iv view of . toe great demands upon their resources both in France and in France and in the Near East 'have decided to nmiake an ap peal through the Empire by the street ard other collyctions up- | on the 21st day of October next. The money received from this appeal will be devot-" ed entirely to relieving the "suf. Herings of 'our wounded soldiers and. satjors. from "home and overseas at the various seats of . war from all parts of the King's Dotiinions. We have: already received generous: assistance in' eur work but-with the increase. "ot British and Ovétseas forces 4 al the front there i is a' cori . ponding increase in our expel dituze, andiwe shall be truly "grateivl to yon if yon will "help. 8 us by eggarizing an appeal; | g the proceeds to ug. for Ar Reet have pa : Th ctreulated recently the pur: { House Phone 33 r 2 e are still in business and wil ii take a limited number of Ton Orders at the following prices FOR CASH. Nut $7.65 Stove $7.40 Pea $6.25 MAUDE & MILLS, PORT COAX: DEALERS parry W. U. CARNEGIE The Ford We purpose rushing business and guarantee our patrons. satislaction in every respect. THE FORD, as all are aware, is giving -satisfae results, and as to practibility 'it is without a pe hence its great popularity. a Wa EzninEys 2 Graduate, Royal College of D If Ged Ou Om eons and Univorony-of L Yiu Office ~ FORT Fest Phones--Bell 68 r2. Ind. 9a B. Lundy, .D.8,D. DENTAL SURGEON [Suceessor to Dr. R. L. Gri [Quality THE CH Cffice Phone 38 r 3 sic MILITARY OPENING "jor Breone rie Tones oN Satz Now aT Davis' Die STORE. © Guaranteed. Patronage respecfullysolicited. FinalCourt of Revision Township of Reach OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Court will be held pur- suant to the Ontario Voters' List Act by His Honor the Judge of the County Court of the County of Ontario, at the Town Hall, MANCHESTER On Monday, Oct. 18, 1915 at Ten o'clock in the forenoon to hear and determine complaints of errors and omissions in the Voters' List of the Municipality of Reach for 1915 Dated this 28th day of Sept. 1915. W. F. DOBSON, Clerk Township of Reach. UY YOUR GOAL INOW! ET US FILL UR BINS FOR WINTER. « TEE OUR COAL TO BE NOTHING BUT L. & W. SCRANTON COAL e Standard WE GUARAN- hracite. The Best Coal mined, Considering the LAPEST. X = We Guarantee full weight and. that our coal is as free from dirt imperfections as it is possible to be. Orchar = Hae Ee HALL (Successor to W. A. Boyce) Large Coal Heater Also a WoodParlor Heater To exchange for a LARGE WOOD HEATER, or for Sale. T. STEWART, Rosa Street. Port Perry, Sep. 9, 1915. THE COAL MAN OULD ANNOUNCE that in succeeding" Mr. Boyce he intends supplying the public with Meat which for quality cannot -be excell- ed anywhere. Ouly the Choicest Animals will be purchased so that customers may rely on all occasions on on obtaining Choice Cuts at my shop, which constantly contains a full supply of the} Most Tender and Best of Meat. The Best Brands of Cured An Seed sold Meats constantly in stock. Prices moderate. FOR SPRING 'subject to Fresh Fish received weekly. Game in Season Order Your <>SPRING SUIT NOW | We have the Largest and Most Complete Stock of Spring and 'Bummer Suitings ever shown in this District. A Nice Stock to choose from, Ii aad Fi fuaraniaed : and cheaperthan Ready-to- Wear, ) . cordially invited to inspect our splendid : The colorings are rich and In returning thanks to the public for the extensive pat- ostomed upon them intend at:all times to have'an ampe upp of graded accordingly. Prices --35¢ Regulation Tw sole head of a family, or male over 18 years old, uiay stead 4 quarter section of 'avail Dominion land in Manitoba, katchewan or Alberta. The na cant must appear (n mn. at Domiuiou Lands Agency P Sub-agones for the district. Kntry by prox may: be made at any Dowinion Law Agency (but not Sub-Agency), on eer tain conditions. Duties --Six months' residence u and cultivation of the land in each of three years. A bomesteader may I within nine miles of bis homestead on farm of at least 80 acres, conditions. quired except. whora residence is ormed in the vicinity. In certain districts 8 homosteader ini= good standing may -pre-empt @ quarter section alongside of his homes! stead. Price $8.00 per acre. k Duties. --Six months residence in each of three years atter earning homestead atent; also bO acres extra cultivation re-emption patent may be obtained as homestead patent, on certain condis tions. i 5 A settler who has exhausted nig homestead right, may take a purchased homestead in certain districts. Price $8.00 per acre. 8ix months in each of three years, caitiv: rotuld acres and erect a houso worlh The area uf cultivation is subject reduction in cAse of rough, scrubby stony land. Live stock may be su tuted for cultivation under certain con: ditions. * W. W. CORY. C.M.G.,- '. Deputy of the Minister of the Interiod } " N. B --Unaathorized publication 3 this advertisement will not be for.--061388. RED CLOVER, ALSIKE ANDTIMOTHY SEED THE TRADE | Government Inspection Prices RigaT a re still Red Clover, Alsike and Timothy Seed. Highest Price pad a x=. PURDY - CAWRER BROS. SH AND FENDER C CHOICE SEF "SMURED AND SAL TE OF EVEYTHNG IN THE farness "Line"; BA will cut to Rouse and deliver MEATS A SPECIALT romptl np

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