Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 28 Oct 1915, p. 3

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finest Blm of ita kind' aver prostvecd, showir g iy Soe ues of factory with the final assem One « the tin pierre 80 ofr Printers ae the company. . It ap one of six, each 1,000 feet in length and each showing some phase of making Ford cars. The remaining films of this series will probably be shown Yere daring the course of "the corhing year. Xo Exrra CHARGE. W. U. & H AGENTS - a asterday night at to o'clock and Ne he had 'given her, Holy Com- wmonion sod nad found her adm ably strong and cahn. "J atkéd Mr.:Gaban whetker she had made apy remarks about any- thing concerning tie legal side of her case, and whether the confes-. sion which she had made before the: "triai and in coart was, in his opin- ion, Pperlectly free aud sincere, Mr. 'Gahan said" she told him she was perfectly. well and knew what she ad done; that, according to law, of 'curse she was guilty, and ad. mitted her guilt, but she was happy to die lor her country. . Secretary Gibson's report says that Conrad, an official of the Gere man civil branch, gave postive as- surances on the 14th that the Am- *encan Legation woud be fully informed of the developments the case, and continues, "Despile these assurances, we [made repeated - enguiries in tle course ol the day, the last one being 0 p.m. Mr. konto ihtn slated ot was any news. t8 30 it was learned from an olitside Soufce (that sentence bad Deen passed "in the course of the alternoon, before the conversation with Mr. Conrad, and that execu- tion would take place during the night." Secretary Gibson thereupon Sought the Spanish Minister, with fhe American Minister's note for clemency, and, with Mr. Deleval, they went to von der Lancken's quarters, i ling the Guvernor and stall absent, they telephoned 0 them, asking them to return on » mitter of tie uthost urgéocy. The Governor; with his ay returned shortly ater 10 c'clock : Sec vat Gibson's report Minister Whitlock contines: "The circuinstances of the case were explained to him, and your note was presented. He read it aloud in our presence. . He express. 'ed disbelief in the report that seu- tence'had actually been passed, and mianilested some surprise that we should give credence to any report fot emirating from official fources. He was quiet insistent an knowmy . the exact sdurce of our intormatiun, but this I did not feel at liberyy to communicate to him. "Baron von der ken stated that it was guité improbable that sentence had been pronounced, and if sa it would not be executed n $0 short a time, and that in any ; actidn Before morning, t was, of course pointed out to if the facts were as to ~ PORT PERRY the Ford car "growing be- i So efficient § output that a ittle oftener CARNEGIE "This woman has a conscience," said the judge, astonished by the Iravk answers of the accused "She wishes to answer, truthtully and + serves credit for that, At the same time she is dangerous" He then affirmed the sentence. Davoren. Lire To Nursing The following letter trom Miss Cavell's cousin 'was publislred by ihe Morning Post to-day "My coasm's intense dévolion to the alleviation of suffering caused lier 10 devote her life to hutsing 10 Brassells. She _voiuntarily Jemain- ed there te-continueé her work when the city was taken by the Germans She would have nursed a German with: as much tender care as an Englishman. +Ia a letter to me she said: + We have no woanded here now. The ailies do wot come here, 3nd the Germans are sent back 10 their od country. The few that remain are | wucsed by their own countrymen, so we are denied the great congo- lation of being of use in our special Way" tlus she Yas suffered anol Toisere irs. and died a martyr's death," MARRIED the Presbyterian Manse, Tuesday, October 12, 1913, by the Rev. W. J. West, B.A, Miss Cora Clark, to Mr. Russell Dean, both of Port Perry. DIED McFarLang--In Reach, lot 20, con. 14, on Wednesday, Oct. 27, 1915, James McFarlane, aged 66 years, 4 months and 13 days. Funeral service atthe family residence at one o'clock on Friday, 29th inst., then proceed to McNeill's Cemetery, Wick. Horse and Buggy for Sale, Cheap A GOOD QUIET DRIVER not afraid of Motor Cars. Apply at Tue OBserver OFrice. tieligolineale Dean --- CLARK -- In Port Perry, at} : on| Reeve, Major Sam Sharp, Columbus; - Brougham, - dress the Msstungs --L Dr. , Some of the following Speakers will be p esen je +Col Grierson, Addresses will be delivered by H. G. Hutch C. P. Muirhead, W-. Smith, hg oF helo M = Patriotic Music by Port ha Citizens Band: t= BELL PHONE 67 Disney Bros' EMBALMRES --AND---- FUNERAL DIRECTORS CALLS ANSWERED PROMPTLY. ------ FIRST-CLASS OUTFITS AND EQUIPMENT. DAY OR NIGHT. W. U. CARNEGIE H. CARNEGIE ERE REA Sole Agents £% + The Ford We purpose rushing business and guarantee our patrons. satisfaction in every respect. THE FORD, as all are aware, results, and as to practibility it is hence its great popularity. satisfactol without a peer: is giving Wi ExsninEys al Grind Qu Ow Lenses tad Toad You i Bak Vieni vg Phones--Bell 68 r 2. Ind. J.B. Lundy, L.D.8,D.D. DENTAL SURGEON (Successor to Dr. R. L. Graham Graduate, Royal College of Dental § goous and University of Torvotes Office - PORT PERRY, ON Sittings of the Division Co "OOUNTY OF ONTARI comfortable shoe made any- have a 30 It is made also in Y YOUR GOALINOW! US FILL YOUR BINS FOR WINTER. E OUR COAL TO BE NOTHING BUT The Standard Anthracite. mes THE CHEAPEST. Ne Guarantee full weight and that our coal is as free from dirt ipexfections as it 1s possible to be. Orchard " TEE S%AL res Eo to W. A. Boyce) OULD ANNO UNCE that in succeeding Mr. WE GUARAN- The Best Coal mined, Considering the It Freshens Up the Whole System and Kills That Tired Feeling. Deep breathing does more than bene fit the lungs. Phy=iologists tell us that, the great advantage is that it gives the liver a healthy squeeze. All organs in the abdominal cavity as well as the liver are apt to get overcharged with blood from eareless habits of sitting. A relaxed sitting position causes the abdominal muscles to relax so that blood runs into this part of the "body like water and it accumulates like a stagnant peol The blood needed in thé brain is down in the liver. The condition pro- duced led the ancients to refer to a man with the blues as a hypochondriac, which means, literally, down under the ribs. Today we speak of the condition as being down in the mouth because the lines of the face are pulled down. Melancholy fs due to a congested condition of the liver and other organs depriving the brain of blood necessary to keep up the mormal balance of ac- tivity. When one is tired or feels the dejected feeling coming on, relief can be obtained by lying on the floor with a pillow under the middle of the back and taking a few long, deep breaths. It the arms are thrown over the head and a dozen deep breaths are taken, a new spirit will come into the brain. Sometimes this is done auto- matically, as when we throw up the arms and straighten up after a crouch- ed position at a deAk~Clncinnati Com- mercial Tribune Nore Regulation THE sole head of a a Tamily, of ¥ male over 18 years old, magi !stead a quarter section of eagle : Dominion Jand in Manitoba, katchewan or Alberta. cant must ap Domialon Lands Ag for the district. p be made at any 87 Agency (hut not' Sub-Agency), on ats tain conditions. Duties. --Six months' residence n and cultivation of the land iu each of" three years. A homesteader may live. within nine miles of his homestead on.. = farm of atleast 80 acres, on certain- conditions. A habitable house is re quired except where residence bd Jer-. ormed in the vicinity. Iu certain districts a bomestendot int good standing may pre-empt '&- quarter section alongside of his home- stead. Price $8.00 per acre. ! Duties. --Six months residence in eachs of three years after earning homestead atent; also 50 acres extra cultivation., re-emption patent may be obtained as homestead patent, on certain condi~ tions. % A settler who has exhausted. homestead right, may take a purch hothestead ig certain distriets. Price® $8.00 per acre. Duties.--Must reside- six months in each of three years, cultiv<: ate fifty acres and erect a house worth $300. fa The area uf cultivation is subject to reduction in case of rough, scrubby or: stony land. Live stock may be sul tuted for cultivation under certain con. ditione. W. W. CORY, C:M.G/, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior N. B.--Unaauthorized publication : oft this advertisement will not be paid for.--81888. Boyce he intends supplying the public with Meat which for quality cannot be excell- ed anywhere. Only the Choicest Animals will be purchased go that customers may rely on all occasions on on obtaining Choice Cuts at my shop, which constantly contains a full supply of the Most Tender and Best of 4 Meat, The Best Brands of Cured in stock. Meats constantly Prices moderate. Game in Season SPRING RED CLOVER, ALSI AND TIMOTHY SEED FOR THE TRADE Order Your <>SPRING. SUIT NOW | We have the La st and Most Complete Stock of Spring and Summer Suitings ever shown in this District. . A Nice Stock to choose from, Bf and Finish Cuarantued Far better and cheaperthan Ready -to- Wear. You dre cordially invited to inspect our splendid . Stock of Cloths, etc. The colorings are rich and ' tone in beautifully, while the superior toxture guar- _ antees endurance FULL STOCK OF EVEYTHNG IN THE All Seed sold subject to Government Inspection graded accordingly. Prices RiGHT We are Still Buying Red Clover, Alsike and Timothy Seed. Highest Price paid 2 =. PURDY 3 FRESH & In returning thanks to the public for the extensive pat- ronage. . bestowed upon them would intimate, that as in the past ho. ci choice fat ae derests Cité possible, and we intend at all times to Have an ampe supply o of PRES which we wi AND By SIG * in these: inetd TEN DER CAWRER BROS. oa : TENDER CHOICE N lease and deliver 18% SMOKED AND Sart MEATS A SPECIA aT Sb TO! arly Painting, Housé Decorat AVING HAD NSIDERABLE E Ben - tor and Sign W ve Open

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