OR + PERRY: MAY 4 1916 : Gen: Townshend ts Detenece - Gu t @afrison at Kutel: Amara Surrenders to Turks ' .--Food Exhausted London, April 30.--The follow- ing official announcement was made yesterday. . lifter a resistance protrated for days, and conducted with a gallantry and fortitude that will be ever memorable, General Townshend has been compelled, by the final, exhaustion of his supplies, to sur- render. 4Before ' doing so he destroyed his guns and minitions. "The force under him consists of 2,970 British troops of all ranks and services, and some 6,000 Indian troops and their followers." The Constantinople report via says: The Vice-Chief Com- mander of the Turkish forces oper- ating in Mesopotamia reports that General Townshend with a force of 13,300 men, constituting the Eng- fish garrison at Kut-el-Amara, has surrendered unconditionally to the Turkish command. General Townshend probably was riven fo surrender to avoid starva- ion of his forces. A recent official ish - communication said that the position of the British at Kut- ,el-Amara was ctitical, and that they were expecting to receive small ippli food by aeroplane. An ) ent received yesterday % London showed that -a- last . effort to send supplies to the garri- son had failed. It was announced that a ship laden with supplies, which had been sent up the Tigris, had grounded about four miles east "of the city. ~ Less than a score of miles away, on the banks of the Tigris below the city, is a relief army which for _ fhooths has been attempting to * reach the besieged forces of Gen. Townshend. A few weeks ago several victories were announced, and hope ran high in England that the 'mission would succeeed. Of fate, however, the Turks' resistance ea and, aided by floods, 3 have been able to hold the British in check. Official Statement on Irish i Revolt London, April 30.--An official statement issued to-night by the 'official Press Bureau' regarding the tion in Ireland 'says: "The general fag-in-chich, the Irish command, has reported the situation ib Dub- 'much, more satisfactory. the country there was more to be done, which time, but he hoped that the rebellion had been 'might mm the' Ss were offiter command- pu ebél leaders in| her ebel bodies in Gal:|hér Wexford, Louth and |' : am ficent Ford | 0 f that will prove just the thing for the 'delivery of bis much appre- ciated fruits. Its as it. should be, The Ford every time, whether for fort; convenience, practibility, #elabitity of utility." Prince Albert Our pastor announced for the Quarterly meeting to be held next Sabbath in Prince Albert at 10.30 a.m. The Officisl meeting is to be held thé following Friday, in the sante chirrch, at 2.30 p.m: The Lad Aid which has been recently nized, is at work} something will be doing soon. They will make heir presence felt in this community, Our teachets, of whom we boast of at least five, have réturned to thelr vatious schools. We are proud of the numbet «hom this place has sért to that -honordble profes Miss M. Hiscox has returned to her home after a lengthened stay with her sister in Toronto. Mrs. Rae, of Lindsay, has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. w.! Marshal and family. The soldiers were with us last Sunday morning in our service. The people were much pleased to meet them thus. Our hearts beat true and loyally with our soldier' boys. We will always wish them all our Heavenly Father's richest blessings. y | Manchester ! Mrs. Smith, who was late organ ia. the Mephodin + Chevah, Wood-{ ville, has been 'secured 'as organist inthe Mangdhester church, place of Miss Hartry who has gone to Toronto; - Miss' Hartry has been remarkably. prompt and faithful and also veryeflicient in het capacity as organist: - Much 'regret was felt at her. removal. -. Mrs. Smith will, we feel sare, make a worthy successor. We congratulate the Choir in secur- ing her for the position. Our choir heré'is & great strength to our con- - 1 Shirley The dal Business Meeting and Tustiliucion of Officers of the Shirley' Women's Institute will be held at the home of Mrs. Sinclair Robertson, on Wednesday, May 10, at two. pon All members are, urgently 'requested to be present. 3rD JUNE King Edward L. O.L. No. 223 rpose holding their Annual Cele-| bration on Saturday, June 3rd. Full particulars later. Est x JAM ' A man just back from! the Stgtes ya thal alittle girl an the train to Pittsburg was chewing gum. Not only that, but she in- d on pulling it eat in long letuing-it fall back into + again, "Mabel!" said , in a horrified whisper nS do that.; Chew your to] gw illan Torn On Saturday, May Aki, whi st the Battalion is at Beaverton, they will be presented with a Motor Art: bulance by the Teachers and Schol* ars of Ontario County. On Saturday, May 20th; at Ux- bridge, the ladies of the Junior Relief ~ Sogiety will present the Battalion with Colours. . During the week the Battallion is in Oshawa the Chevrolet Motor Car Company will present and-was | Buckler off den, senior, tk of the comm the | ninety-four ye Five Passenger Automobile which | Aberdeenshire, they have so generously donated. --_-------- 182ND NEWS New Recruits--Co'y Q. M.S. Doubt, Sgt. Camp, Ptes. Wilde, Marshall, and Heayn. Ptes Brown, Howsam and-Stone have gone to Whitby to take the N.C. O. ass. . The followitig Buglefs from Pofl Peity Detach. hdve reported at Wkitby: E. Pomeroy, R: Spannet and J. Wilde. Co'y Q.M.S. Doubt has gone to Brech- in to instruct the recruits there. We missed the band at the concert. The Bandmaster got the dates mixed and as a fesult they didn't come, How- ever they nfdde up for it a little by giv- us a couple of selections Satirday notn Speaking of the Coticert some of the remarks made by the speakers might be of interest to those who were not privil- eged to attend the concert Col. Cockburt particularly emphasized the great and pressing need for men. He tried to disillasiofi those of his auli- ence who were inclinedto believe that the-critical point in this tetrible war Has been passed, that it is only a mattet of time when the Allies willl emerge yictéri= ous from the struggle. Col. Cockbrirn spoke convincingly and al vel Eb her great losses in! kiited - atid was as strong now if not stronger How than at the beginning of the war: This was a revelation to mapy add yet the Colonel's clear cut and logical aiguménts left no room for doubt. Col. Coburn impressed one as being a man enthusias- tic and optimistic in the task which the Government:has asked 'him to under- take. He is doing his best. Are you? Mre. Parsons spoke as a mother to mothers--as a mother who has made the supreme sacrifice for her country--two sons in the trenches "Somewheére in France." Can anyone then 'doubt the sincerity of her appeal? Her appeal was directed particularly © to the': women, mothers, wives, sisters, sweethearts, to make {hat sacrifice which is even greater than that of the man who is willing fo sacrifice his life for his King, and Cogn. try. Mrs. Parsons' appeal was so fervid so inspiring that Many a woman was raised from the depths. of despondency to the heights of self-sacrifice and glory in having sacrificed for the great cause." Sgt.' Major. Gandy, a returned soldier, who went Over with" the 4th Battalion made appeals that were intense with the depth of feeling of a man who bas seen the need. His stories were vivid and one could almost fancy seeing that khaki line asking "Will they ne come?' Whose fault was it that didn't come? There is only one answer-- Ours. : Are we still going to sit back his father in i! he, in company grated to Canaglie. a few years ir U a tarm laborer; €. township, Onta&io, 1854 be martied also of Abex him four .sons Io 1874 he wis bereft and in 1878 he marri Moir, who with ti and thirteen grande him: hentia d'fo of three daughters of fe 1 hildrer ' He was instrumental in ing good stack into the giving 'pattjcular allel breeding of Clydedale hog was a Presbyterian, a a strong temperance - Btuart--O Wh A quiet wedding 160k" 1 Wednesday alternoon when Miss Eva Ann Lawrence St., Misha and Harry F. Ort; al waka, were unitid ifs Rev. Dr. J- A. Burnet byterian thabse: dh (ended suit of blue silk Pi match. The bride is th of Mr. and Mrs. N Reach and a gr Epworth Hospital Indiana, and a Px South Bend. have gone to Chi points on a wedd On their rete Mishawaka, y Show's Busi Only those High School mitted for thi see it occur again and:again of ave. we : going to do onr bit? z It is now up to every nan, marvied single, between the ages of 18 and. decide in his own mind with' his consci- ence asidstils God in judgment. Can any | maa tury aside and refuse the call 7 2B | Mature Needs Aid in Making betiér thin reat in oh it was not Yer | of the log building; and increased ing tliat severance of diplo- telations Would be universally ed in Germany a8 a prelim? to actual hostilities. > EW STRENCTH IN THE SPRING New Health Giving Bloed. In the spring the system nzeds a omic. To be bealihy ydu fiust have new blood; just ds 'the trees must have new sap to renew theft ¢itality. Nature demands it, and without this new bloed you will feel weak nd languid; You rhay have twinges of rheumatisin or the sharp ho. 0 pains of wueuralgia. " [Often there-are disfiguring pimples or eruptions on the skin. In other, fio | cases thereis merely a feeling of nd | tiredness and a variable appetite, Any of these are signs. that the blood is out of order--that'the in- door life of wintet has lessened yout vitality," What you ne&d "in spring is a tonic inedicine to put you right and-in all the world of medicine there 1s no medicine or tonic cao equal Dr. Williams' Pink Fills. These Pills actually make new rich, ted blood--you greatest need in spring. This ew blood drives out the seeds of disease and makes easily tired men, women and chil- dren bright, and strong. = Mrs. Eugene Cadareite, Amherstburg, Ont. says: "1 suffered tor a long "Heme from dizziness, pain in the "Thack and sick headache, and noth= nig L ok did me any 'good until 1 beguw De, Williams' Pills. - These ol cdréd tie after taking six boxes and 11 now id i el better than 1 ever. "These Pills are sold by {cine dealers or can be had by mail 50 cents a hox or &ix boxes' for $2 50 from The. Dr, Wijlliams' Med- icine Co., Brockville, Ont. rine Orillia Packet:--The death of the Hon. J. R. Stratton of Peters borough, after a long : period of all but helpless invalidism, marks: the close of a busy and strenuous llfe, every hour'of which, until'the be- ginning of his iliness, way be said to have been lived in the public eye, and more or less in the ptidlic ser- vice. Mr. Stratton's singular pop. Uarity in h's own town and county i$ su personal * 4ualitiés. which attached to himin, a large degree a large rcentafe of those who knew Lim nges( and best. Ti.need not be pretended, 'even'in «death, that his ideals wete of the highest, ot His political methods 'alw : genérally, ded rsible But it may Jusily be said for him that he had a big heart and a kindly spivit, and delighted in doing considefaie atts for those who asked 'for or néeded nis aids' "Under liis control. the Dewsparer and printing bubiness; stablished 'in a small way by his father, grew 1b be one of the biggest and best 'in the Province, outside he large cities, BRITE © 410 Vessels Lost By Great Ta Patlons. The preacher buildings were not as 1 fier the. fi Mr. pay ; C| 3 under care of the Presbytery of Cobourg was set on foot; by he 28 Missionary the: temained some years, afid was fol by Revi Mr. Te t same time. The Rev. Mr. McSpatricki Supplied alsb as missionary; but the first regularly Jie pastor was: the Rev. Mr. Boag, ducted in July, 1853, by. the Presbytery. of Coboprg,: in charge of Cadmus and Ballvaet: The struggles of these mally years will nevet be fully known' hess were faithful souls in the: truth held its light forth into the surrounding dackuess. Cangregrati ire being joined in thé Cotinties of Ontario and Victoria mo¥t of thesé gregations had the gitfhie Story Of stress abd storm. . Batt, while the workers changed tHE wofk went on, dnd, though with seldll Sticcess it mgd Seem, the Horié fires were kept burning, lodking for the better things (He people believed one day would come, and thus the history is flitished till Mr. Windel came in 1857, Ad account of whose pastorate will be the next section, {10 Batalion Coungy Route | arch, : of tight! appreciated ti the en declare their doings before the Gredt | Wiiite Throne. it'to B Hat amp humble surroundings. and the Diar Sir: . We enclose you a' copy of the Schedule, of the County Route March which, wether permitting, will be carried outs x The Battalion will leavé" Beaver- ton on Mondayjthe 15th May, after breakfast, aad Will proceed 10 Can. pington by the rogil on which the ydresElectric pales - are "erected. They will 'leave 'Cannington. on Wednesday tbe 17th, after break. May 17--Wednesday fast, and march weston fhe 12th 18--THursday concession to the Cantre Road, and .,: YJ--Friday south oh the Centre Road 'to Sun UXBRIDGE-- derland. eave Shnlerland on May 19- Friday Friday tHe foh, after Ureaklast and 20.-Satarday proceed west tb the 'Brock Rogd tof 10% 21---Sunday the South 'Leaskdale side 108d; and | 22-- Monday thence west to Leaskdale, 'and | PORT PERRY-- thence south to Uxbridge on 'the © 'May 22~~Monday - 7th concession of Soult. Leave 28 THesddy Uxbridge on Mandwy the 22nd; after diner, and eed to Port BEAVERTON -- zy 12--Friday 13 --Saturday 14 - Sunday 15 --Mohday CANNINGTON May 15 ndaty 16 -- Ttlesday . 17--Weédnestdy SUNDERLAND-- - to Whitby, stop) for one hour {gr lune leave Whitby on Saturday, the 27th after dinner, ang proceed by /ihe Kings ton Road to Oshawa: During the A hi will be eshibitions of Physical Drill by on 3 aleh Exmbiions "37 Saturday 28 Sunday whole Battalion ; alth by the Machine Gun Signallers, and music accompansig the Baul and Battalion Sports. oe < 1t the weather is fine the Battal: Jonceris. I Saft to Beaverton; pickivg uth ments gn Ue; | cient proof of the posserion of{ &¢ even ; | Breakfust ~ Breakfast Breakfust Breakfast s Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Benkfast Breakfast: Breakfast Breakfast Bfcakfast "Breakfast "29> Monday. {. Remain in Oshawa ; 3 Summer Camp. a Detachments commienegtment of thie "A special train has Been seciired to tal o a thd desire todo so 1 Wimperly; of the i 'now inch t Perry ment of the 116th B THe pfoposed March been peop week when take this lace. t tachment who ag : for. one : 1t will positively Members olit on the seeding an plwing furlough can havé a week's extension on appli< cation to ~SOEEDU LE GOUNTY ROUTE Dinner Dinner Dinner Difiner Dintiéf Dihriét Dine Breakfast reakfast reakfast Difiner Dinner Dinner Dioner Dinner Lieut. Wimperly. MARCH Supper Supper Supper FEE Supper Supper 48 Supper Supppe gE Supper Supper Supper _ Supper Supper Supper Bed datil ord will be conveyed to Beaverton Route March, The rt Perry Unit at Port Perry. ke the Uxbridge Company and Suvriderlarid and Cannington: Detachy EXTRA SPEOIAL DISCOUNT OF BR FURNITURE and BEDDIRG oy @ it An : it will pay you'to come and examine { ot pric . You will find our regular prices much lower he Spectan: 10 pes cexT Distoust ror C ote. on same. EER EEE