YP - The Dito Bryce is "Laser Aras tie BEST Hexibles itis 4 Sguare ' GAR "LEGEND OF ABRAHAM: Care The Stery of the Weary Ofd Stranger Eada Wost Coast Navigation Company A hog contracted for elght, and al- hough mone of these 'is yet complet- BE chartered. The figst, it is 'expected, will be ready in January next, and om that month forward ome each month will be delivered by the ards. Of the steel vessels under construction one ix for 'the Japan Sitrade and the other two for gemeral [¥ treighit purposes. When the. wooden ilveniolp, which have a Imber caps falty of 1,600,000 "feet each, 'oot dned their sailings it will result if fmportant developments In thé lnm: a | bei" industry at the ¢past,. ~The 1 exporters In British © Columbia have been 'working under Some real "disc Bl advantages, - one of the «chief being iS that for every export shipment the kartating bid to "be dene im San neisoo at. a-cost higher than from nis fix 206 United States Discussing the situation from the bermen's standpoint The Western rot tnas SaYH: Wedd Tit Yéry near Pattie £2. lub pr-exporters of this Province will ve At their command eight or ning uxiHkry power wooden schooners of good" cartying crpdoity---the nucleus % inerchant flest which is expected number at least twenty-five ves- Within the neki twelve or fifteen pithy; No longer will our lumber. n be entirely at the mercy of for Vglikrterers, and "British -Colum- forest products, Ehipped in" Brit. fumbis botloms, may I tion tha . Potted Morale. | The pstffarch Abralizin 'mat at the door of his tent. It was evening, when if any strangers passed by be asked them to enter bis tent. Soon he saw an old man approaching, beat and weary with travel Abrabam rose and asked fhe old man tnto his tent. He washed. his feet, gave him the best seat and bade him enter the tent. The old man aie. his supper: without offering 'ws prayer of thanks © ws nl "Why don't you worship Ged of heaven?" asked Abrabam, »1 worship fire only," sald ger. "IL know: no other God." At fat Abrabsm became mrigry snd drove the man ont into the night. Then (fod called Abraham apd said: "Where Is the stranger that was in your tent?" w #1 thrust him out because he did not worship thee," suid 'Abrdham. nwered: ered, him thei hundred years, although be did. not honor me; nnd coujdst thou 'not.endure him night when he gave thee no 1 . Abraham was then asbamed of him self, and be kent for the old . vited him foto lis tent and rest there until morning. he straps 0 him The View From: an. Asroplans, » Hig ~ NOG : . fil anh gh ih Tra A "80; too, It fs gravitation that gow erriy the extth in. ite motion sround the sun, prev: it from: ying away Be iaion" ets between 41 the planets and all the stars and controls thelr motions with respect (0 one 4n- other. Now, 'this niysterious force appears to be =n Sttraction as if there were elastic cords connecting all the bodies in space abd tending to draw them to. gether, "But space, xs far as our senses can. detect, Is empty. How, then, csu When sn unfortunate | aeroplanist drops froty fits fachine be begins at to fall to the earth as if'it pulling him. "But how can it pull to pull with? Ypu