VTE sole c otale over 18 yea] stead "a uuktar Beetiol Dominidu "in Manton; 1 kitéhidnn Tor | Ae "The {cant mass wppawr {n 3 Pomticon Tau:d3 Agvucy or Stes, far the disthvt. ¥miry BY proxy; ba muds at Hay Po nlon Agency (Mik Dot Sata Lin) ¢ Hditions, \ Duties Sig moniby' et ito und caltiation af the Japd in Thien years A homedteader ma Wichin vino toiled hf Eis himesto farm of At lonst. BO zeree, on conaitinia' A habitable house fuir A except where residenod Tii certain districts a Yomesign s Zou, tal ng: may presom pdt Pcs £0 pe rere. ' $ : Hattgni-- six month reads. cern Gack . § Don t fail to takes putent Sse 0 Acros oxen cult 2 [Prestapt oi prteat nay be ohtal Song. ; "UA weitldr' who has exBnbet Yom stand Kt nav take a purelh F000 par ah Fa, nifer.--~ Mus x month iv iw thre years. 00, "The aren of ¢ urmed in tho vicimty. . $ Laie Juartar sed lop Bonet: Li ni an after emning home bomeslend pate, ou gorininny Samestond erfain disteigte o fiity ace redaction meas A TELIABLE AG: NT every tewn and district atario wheremwe ate pot represented, : Mivaticn i vb fek br ruted foc ditions, Ww, Deputy of the y Terjfory reserved for the right iN B ~tinanth Higuies Ealuistion STONE & WhLLIKGTON The Fonthill Nurseries, (Bstablistied 1837) ; Ogtarro Sredunts, Roval geons aud Univ Office - PORT PERK w. J.- GIBSON: SONYFA ONT: Licensed -Auctio Valuator, &Bi Gt fges Modetate and Sati Guaranteed. Patronage respecfullysolie £7 Tie DiaMoxp FROM THE SKY ~--(8cries)--is the leading feature 'Tuesday Nights at: the. Royal * Thaatee. Don't fail ta witness 10the meteoric effect of this wondet- ful production of the Photo. <I Corrected: weekly by Hogg & Lytle, Itd, «. .Gtuin and: Seed Merchants | PORT PERRY MARKET Jap. 25. 1917, ${ bo 31 658 155 155 10 10 BLONT BLOCK Ben Phone No. a) - Promptly & A large: stock. of 'Caskel Rauiprient 0 chogle of eonghy, scab wo Tae [Te fo : 5 2 th Honth. of Yannis 13 oun on the fellowing ines, iz IC SHTORTENING, 20 cts: pet 1b é ; STAR AMMONIA, 3 packages for 25 cents, FRENCH PEAS, 10 cents a cat' RICHARDS LAUNDRY SOAP for 24 cents. SHORT, . . PORY PERR FRONT QUARTERS df A 1 Quality Beef--12¢ Ib. HIND QUARTERS of A1 Quality Beef--14c Ib, ~ PRICES WILL GOVERN DEIVERED IN TOWN $8 60 8 35 725, AT BIN. Nut Coal Stove & Egg Coal Pea Coal WALD & PEARSE E IKSURAGE AGENTS, PORT PERRY, ONT ( Grating & cunt : Solo gents for J We purpose rushing business and guarantee our Yo Pirons: satisfaction in every respect. THE FORD, all. 'are aware, is giving - satis tesults, and as practibility itis without a lience its great popularity. St. Charles Bote ! PORT PE RR Y Since embarking in tho Hotel business the patronagdiy the St: CHARLES "Horer has far exceeded my most sang and Fwish to return thanks to the gener lic and the farming community in particular for their oug-and kind patronage, at the same time I would intimg that the S1. CHARLES now possesses far superior fi ef. forentertaining the public and no expense will be spiral, making it still more perfect to meet the requirements win still forther approbation <0 guests. The comfort of} atrons will always be of firs consideration, so that th good apinion of the S1, CHARIES may. be heralded thro ut the entire. Dominion and the traveling public thug, mately acquainted 'with the fact that Port Perry in' being posesssed of the St. CHARLES is in the swim-ns regards class and desirable hotel accommodation, and at; the, 'same time to admonish all that it is Tne HoTer that is doing ifs utmost to make hotel life what it should be, and that x rges, as in thepast, w be noted: for moderation, . hat 1b tl le always supplied with THE BEST in the land, and leg, : beverages of the finest qualities Served at all hours ; ; ed and domestic Cigars. Autoand car tourists will' St. CHARLES a desirable refuge for dainty and sul stan maals and every convenience during their sojourn; and voabieles will be placed in charge of careful attendgnts. The Commercial Trade catercd to and first-class Sample Booths are gt instant command. | £3 MOSURE, Prof. [| yy Em------