a, NIN gn, of the late F. Sy i an ADVERTISEMENTS : Lo the space CU Blapk What | Recolpt Bool" | Puaiuess Opeds " "BARRISTER, &t., nt: of the . Yamnold. Port Perry, - Ont. {MONEY TO LOAN. | Privat Funds at 4 per cent. fit. 3 : "Ino. W. Crozier CONRRYANOFR, 08 at residences, 8th Con. {one wile west' of Pork Perry,)-- Moway 70 Laan. Tiswar of Marriage Lisnses J 'FARRWELL, K.C,, LL,B., Oounty , wn Attorn ay, Barrister, County Sol sitor, &o,, Notary Public sod Conveyunoer. Dtfice-+Boath pe! Court House; Whitby, " J. A.M UR RAY DENTIST - Rooms' over Rose & Co., "The Faw." Hours" 3 a. m, to 6 p. m. PHONE BS. ps Onario Oberg ri vy _ H. PARBONS RM ranma if wid Jo fons ASE rl a pe Se eet ag Nounparie!, and oponpy, ADVRRIISEME stved for publication, with- ER EE until a tor be for. ; B discount. to Merchants und ovh x A yuat of half 3007 8) SX arma will in sll cases be attiolly adhered W JOB DEPARTMENT. Paowphlets Hand Bids Posters Program. Dodgers BiliHends, ator Wend, + Wedding Taeitations, itiug Oheds, Be, olor M. Clerk of tho Third | M+ Glos in. Pook Ofos 11 68 p m, Checks | O Wiis Dusifiess career as | rd a HARRIS, BA. LLB. IBEEEE200 STR ; Billon Hinge-Stayk Mamifactured by the Ow: 0 Wire Fence Go. Ltd. Be sprepated 16 supply (his community with the very WIRE. FENCE proda Continent and at phices not {ail to satisfy. pura The DiLron FENCK is" without B.A ADAMS, Bl Prone Rods ADAMS & HUTOHESON SUCCESSORS TO : * FIRE LIFE Raa} Bstate « ; Steamship Tickets AVID J. & DOUGLAS ADAMS HSURANCE MARINE ACCIDENT Mortgage Loans cup) DALY BETWEEN BUFFALO & CLEVELAND It is the BEST because it is P er Bexible it ig a sqoare mesh ; ik petfect hiuge-stay fence, ther it. is: impossible to bend' the -stiys" in fact it is the best fence made in thisor any othe country. 5 Before purchasing a Wire Fred don't dail to inspect the Diutol Func. AG J. H. Brown, A Dearrr: (N AGricuLTurar IMpLE MENTS AND, MACHINERY, Hpril 6. 1905. Ee ---------- en GitAND VHUNK K'Y $18 TIME TABL 5B. SEAGRAE MYRTLE STATION. Going East Gowe Wusr 101 7am, 6.9% a m. 6.27 pn. 8.50 a.m. 11.08p.m. 5.50 p.m. |. 3. DAVIS, Town Aguet, }, Limited, which firm was obbgus ed in 1868; y 20, 1869, Hi ; president "Gf the company. . kt ored bis fitber's business and ix 9 became branch. manager erboro... When the business Was. /nged 10 #*hmited company "H ¥ 94 hg was #ppointed secretary ¥ tinved in That position Ard ger company 'after the Smalgauin-- ahbn, 1 7 dd Wim I. Mattbewd, president of | ig eo - Matthews-Blackwell, Limited, s begun in the packing 'businéss Choo 1871, He wes born in Lindsay, * ntario, Octcber 9, 1863; and ia jn of Gagrge and Ann Matthews. He pened & branch of the George Mi 1lnews business in 188 nch in Ottawa fr 1888. pa +! the Geofge Mat jrited, when Went tn 1911. td 'William M. II Lim of th born in rey in 188% and anotl n pic BE | le i DER Ne tht wherever. men For Sale" tliat nicely ented Faoath? thoy tnelive to an From Saskatchewan Dire Happ. niigs. of pha is y : ae. and desirable residéntal property, | signs and .omeus, and this split \itirated on the "corner of John St. | aulckly spreads through their fam- and Union Avephe: containing five iors, with halfin-acre of Asparagus * Yandphoice fri trees "and swall Jewit. The dwelling is iu «a good <tate of 'repais; electric huzht and water works and every convenicfice. Lhod barn and stables. Possession tof April. MRS. C.J. PEARSE. SA YOUR EYES I - boN"T TAKE CHANCES WITH YOUR EYES! R H her in regard to the examination i them or the fifting of lenses. F. E. LUKE, OPTIGIAN 7 YONGE ST, TORONTO (Upstairs) - (Opposite Simpson's) A PELIABLE AGENT every toa ani. distrct in "Ontario whete we are not "represented. | lies, AlN units leaving for the front have gonk: kind of a pet or mascot, usually a cat or dog, amd thie Jives of these. pets are guarded with exiremo tare. Aun Ausiralian artiliery bat- talion which got iato actioh early in ithe , Pardanclles campa'gn had a black cat: which made its first ap- pearance -during the battalion's first engagement, . Men cn every &ids of the unit were killed, but not a ras- nalty occurred among those [rotect- ed by the cat. Thereafter the com- manding officer kept the cat in his quarters and each duy sent bis or- | derly out wjth the cat while it had its airing. There wore no chances taken of the mascot getting into danger, for whenever tho orderly saliled forth on the constithtional the officer mado: him tie a siring around its neck to prevent it running "aways The jokes that were passed by other units upon the orderly leading the cat may well be imagined. The bat« talion was later moved to the Somme and on June 26 discovered that: the mascot had got into a house which was under heavy fire. One was geen to burst directly over -the building and a rush' was made 'to find the cat. It was discovered on a kitchen table, hair on"end and spit- ting but unhurt, - Unfortunately "it died later of shell shock, same day the battalion was cut to pieces while defending an exposed ridge, $i Little omens that seem ridipulous: to the averagé maf are' reverencod by those who areabout to'face death.' In an infantry regiment from Came ada there was a private who boasted | that by putting On his left sock: aud |, shoe first he invariably had good Tuck. ' The others were continually "Joshing"" him about his suparstl and one. mi ig: before the big | ly of last year they hig his left shge just to make him tured wo abil Mitle I shell | and the | 5 b-Port Arthur. word of English, be one Of the best 9a the 14ist. "{ ive. Canali " Five Cad Iist 08730 § toria Cross. dowell, a} enlisted at the agaista are included in the § awarded the Vic- n Thain W. Mac- Victoria. College, A In. 1915. With £wo others he cap- pe guns, besides two officers an pen, and continued to hold the 0 5 Sifton, son of an Best Wallacetown, me: gun and single- the crew. He then my party advancing until British troops 2 In carrying out e waa killed after py lives by his con- Eained"the, this gatlan baving sav spicuous inch, ghot down ma- crew of machide and captured the jan line; on line re- located another : stalking the se- had done the first, lie putting. second crew capturing the gun. 's Crop Outlook. ptavorable climatic condi- parts. of Canada, pre- early completion of sow- Hons, and while there are i, in the great wheat-pro- vinces that =a somewhat age than usual will be Be outlook for the Domin- hole is that the total food crops for the coming be somewhat greater verage. The appeal for pduction has been general all the Provinces, and elved at the Govergment g in Ottawa indicate that e will justify the assur- anada, when the harvest ls around, will be able to pxport a volume of grain 3g, though possibly hardly hat of last year. {ion could hardly be imag- hich Canada would mot be produce far more than the staple foodstuffs to peeds of her own people. pmestic requirements. now monplace . ip. _comparison duty of supplying food in the allied Canada realizes mative meed, and, under ble svesonal 'conditions, p prepared to - meet _ it. he great staple crop in the porting Provinces, and, fly -at least, it cannot be yleld if sown much later piddle of May. Thousands righ land in the wheat not; fit is paid, be sown ir that time, But there is p prevent sowing these hb oats and forage crops, pourss, was followed. Oats d substitute for wheat, and Te conditions do they production of corn be great mim with- bs | Barton: Geo. Walker, Balsam; John. - glorious tion for five. days; al-| Five Large Phonographs Given as First District Prizes in Bread - Making Contests At Rural School Fairs in Ontario More than £2,000 worth of prizes fot 'bread making will be offered at the Rural School Fairs this fall. Among the prizes are five large cabinet phenggraphs, fifteen Canuck bread mixers, "and many attractive books. 'These splendid prizes will meke the contest the most stirring ever held at rural school fairs. Every girl between the ages of 12 and 18 should read all about this fine opportunity, and should begin now to prepare for it. 'The prizes, under the conditions explained below, will be awarded for the best loaves baked with et Cream & West Flour ---- t4e bard wheot flopr that is guarantesd for bread --the flour that you will want to use always, once you have given it a good trial. We want you to know for yourself that it makes splendid big loaves of the lightest, most wholesome bread that good flour can bake. That is why we make it well worth your while to try it, by offering these attractive and costly prizes. For this contest we have divided the Province ints distriets, each with several counties. Tn egch district we will give a large ¢ ct phonograph, a set of 1ickens' Works atid three bread mixers. These arc ealled the District p 3 and they are to be given in addition to the prizes offered at the locs! rural schol fairs. (See list of districs below,) De surs to compete at your logal rural school fair. If you win first prize there, you will then automatically become a eowpetitor for the phonograph and other district prizes. Thé Prizes, remember, cre offered for the best loaf of bread baked with Cream of the West Flonr. No hengippr will do. For loeal prizes we offer a number of valuable books. Ly locul prises we mcan those given the fir, . i ~ 15. Late tuntrated Book with $00 papos of etorlos end article about intarosts youcs oiris, olicr girs nad their movers. '4 his 2 nad Women," heavily cloth botid with gold titles, many, ricgale, Grace Darling, 1'lora MacDoasld, Jsany Lind, tho ote Queca Vi hound book with mosey colored pictures, iterseting strive sad descriptions Ir¥s On Arma)" & grvap biz bewtielly boand ocheting --everythiag thet particule a cre for yocrs Flour is sold by the following dealers :--H. Perry; Hogg & Osh. LD Ri bus' L Fergusox, Brooklin ; Rodd & Mowhra;