Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 17 Jan 1918, p. 1

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Tedfrable widows ; Harbor fone ive thie catse 00 - Ants: H.6. HUTCRNSON, Beli Bliove Office No. 6 Bell- Phone No.41 +. Residenve No. 4 ADAMS & HUTOHESON UC DAVID. & DOUBEAS ADAMS FIRE Le NSURANGE Line CCIDENT Rbal Estate it ofie to scorn. Still, being | x Mortgage Loans Steamship Tickels Mrs. Em Bevis, % fl living. prietor ot the. Quincd |: [Hi 2 i 'store, -If.any ona } |§ Bat s you x cd STOP THE 2 PAI fitle business bad. en- pg oe Sp i bruises, burns me 2; other injuriés from acci- for | dent will heal th : of 0f a dry goods busi: | | PRICE. 250 ih time, But you ; so nt A $F oN | ior osc a Win HIRSTS. nt the question to Mr, : eather two rosy | h 2 fn" ~ quinsy, loutiey. Trmptina shad~gone home to din: | every ath 3 ase, $ bud satel: bimselt that | eure be. hast ] a deve ; mani pow, imselt of the wid | ; with Hirst's. * = Ey dims , chnpd told her the {ngs 'nnd valves, ; ely lite and his longing | Keep Hirst's handy. Tt will STOP THE PAR. - ToL Se of comprésaRin Bisne p provided she would pres | ~ of: earach¥, toothache, insect bites; ho Sesion 4 om ie No o BS ed ep 8, 'she simpered. "I nev- iy. § 1 1 over thought--ohl" she friend of the family, . o \ Nout: producing a nae, 3 shrieked jAtiadies imprinted a kiss Hirst's : Pain Exterminator ficiently fiexible carbutetor 25¢ 'a bottle SOLD BY. ALL DPRUGGLSTS d to Apanias that | | at once. First's will suffer whils they te: ) 8 fk STOP Ti it Abit! 4 : / / cif ere 'alone; ond he bad you . STOP THE PAIN the explosion; a. uniform sprains, burns and bruises, IHirst's ia 8 HIRST REMEDY CO. 3 mma ih the' very CE' Produced oh Continent d #Fprices thai "not fail'to § pirchiabirs 1... The Dire Fence is. without a . Be Itis the BEST becausé, xibley it is:a Square mésh yu 8 perfect hinge-stay Hence, Hier it ig impossibly to bend the #favs in fant at is the best' ferice made in this 6r ayo "Bfors , Wis to inspect th vg Ananias called it] a fail early m re. | tenance of chgine temper tm ant €ol | eokl: westher: | Ei moved. fro y ong gbsticle to a, 4 s when Rp De- an for the cere- --~---- I. mony. 10 in the Baptist ion. A with "her 1ttl§ niece as flower | flifte satin ribbons festooned | of the pews, . in, M GIBSON (formerly of: Gibson & Gibson, Toronto) ato Domison and I 'every Tote i \ upon the ol tion of hm) St : f of 'M7ftand, Jon mnt [ ied ¥é macter, as Swe tow, que. ? famine fit tne veins, "be yoy?" aquired thio ! torveetise "pimi ron stop vatore k 6. dored oft to 'Seip again and | pargousze. i. a of sid Anaiad coi roi a fhe Stosuding Mor Mr. "Belay. there' palied tile ie ! Same hie: od to.| Where ho hod spest os evening, Aut | Jae ie = Ne WAT thus 0 she was ena ed 'while Anan i | #ederided'tiat 1-wis Bra Bevls Who | 5100 and alte was. Inside: tote 67° | had eaptiired him. the time Annuine bad reathed the gate She was convinced Of it when Ana- Whan Angvias Shoe reschied the paie 7 14 2 & 2 ; va AB 1B wishes to announce to. the public that he: lus. taken over SD Pagky. the business, plans and field notes of the late W. Pr 2 4 aot Sau GOING FORTH. Annies. fai's your tery? protonggd |. fo | vi, 55 Lan. pia, Agrienlival and Fawly Nowquaper. i ros iF Pamir, % Avuny THURSDAY MORNING Foam, / re 9,972.00. 5 ~Gotve War 6.82 am, 8.50 a.m. 550 pan, ip . Aid DAVIS, Town Agnet,. in Bardes Eo Diess ard Mantle Maker TISHES to inform the tidienly Sat iy has nioved to the' ori hes occupied by her Me; nid Dig Store where rn to execute a Er ny a = oo road Gn ~ PROPETY FOR Hg IN PORT PERRY UNPERS GNED He Sati that piosly Incathd a d+ desirable residertal property, ituafed on'the cotner of Jahn St: nd:Union Avenues contaniirg five lots, with ball-an-acréof: eprraiion haice Se as {4 a rifle Mali) " -E fret: pone hare: ate gonsistint with: the ] ; ; rep ht and rss wotks and every convenience: b H fea § offer fot know whoxe (he text dotiar is 'come E. YARNOLD, Surveyor of Port Perry: Presént address-1851 Yonge 84. Poronto. Phone (Toronto)--Belment 67 {bay or Vint) - % COURAGE. %o-Be Sannfless Mates & Man Fao) Des pendent Wind 'Cowardly, There is (his to besaid about 'wealth: It gives conrage tu the one Poveg ty makes cowards of. "Lhe man: who ie Bi saya n Wrliép' ing fron Js i2 po Condition 10 earn ot to Attraci dsHa al ways pictures the wo t, see abend*" We bear, a great deal these days about eflatoncy- end about inellciency, uo Hight, Pie fellow who bas saved a few dol. lara'and fas them in the ba he can put bis band vpon ti m efficient than the fellow who'ls pennt lesa. -Bitart out to «| -er a dollar in your pocket. You! You, (arnear at with | Ind. a'job with neve ve Hike a chirnce to inake some. in clothes: arid: get ready!" ow ft. ty foxe," cooéd Ananins: fir, "bot Lofme afraid of: the bowel: © Great blizsneds, T am! i my sleep, you know. What FRlould hear me saying some 1 pnt you! It would be all up i {ime Ananias weit Home he sded his flancee that she t 4 very presemtable trous- | fon the Stock. of her own de store; "80, relieved of 'this Waris question; Bm agreed to gib Ananids oh thie following and 'AnRnias wrote a note to plight Ananlas Jet himself inte fing place and tiptoed' up to gy «ith unosual caution. Oue fiiew when the Widow Rowell Epounce' ait "Abd" one never | 5 yhat part of the house she was { night's repose. She had a | jtly careless 'Custom 'of - taking e guests through her spa: bios and permitting them to if hntover room stited the mo- fancy. provided it was disen- s for berselt; she slept around | or the matter as entirely con- | { er his elopement would be frostrated. | creating a sed ped) lie! ithe roar of the waves on the Best night ft might bas | buggy had been engaged and. that Hep . Things were hideausly wised as a uias;epaned snoring and fefl'to talking, | jor: where stoud the: Leaning clergy- sa was his habit when! the duy bad von and his smifllig wife snd a couply. been an exciting ome: of Bervints' for fia stood An "Ahaint" babbled Auenlas. "£hom. | the doorway aghist'at the sight theb pest Tuoreday evening at 8 o'clock? My dear Mr. Twigg, would au ped form a most. interesting service fop we? 'Of course 1 shall wear a white flower in my coat--ahem! I'm not afraid--no, siree! 1, Ananing, tke | grudadal orange blossoms was the thee, Em Heris--ho; that's not tight | widow-Rowelll Em~--FEu-Kmma--ot Bumalive--ab!™ | pn Bevis wis fiowhere to be shen. Mr. Stine resorted, to- snoring once | go mehow he had been tricked . by. more, and the widow, now theroughly awake to the perfidy of her star boards er, sat up in bed and fell to planning. When the Widow Rowell fell to plans ping well, things usually happened. Ananias Sine! For an entire week she watched and "We are. whitifig, Mr. Sline," repiind- waited and listened and peeked and oq Mr. Twigg: benevolently, pried, and when Thursday evening | «Dear Ananigst® cooed Hetty Rowell; drew. uround she was possessed '1a ' fixing "her agate colored eyes ugon yome mysterious manner of ost of 'him, the defalls of the approaching elope: | Ananins moved farward mechanical: ment. She knew that Hep Riddle's ' 1y, There seemed Botbing else: to | courted, only to leave when & better' . chance presented. itself. Surely retri: bution was close upon the heels of was to haruess the sorrel horse, 'al * Ditton fate seemed to have drives hig | though Hep 'Riddle himself dlda's straight Into the mrms of the Widow: know what Ananiag Sine wanted todo | Rowell. He felt at, ghe had outwit' with a buggy. | ted bith Rgain more 'would By Tuursday evening Ananlag-SHna try to get the" or He wonld' was shifering with nervous dread. de, : sdait detént. . doe. Bur Bayi, what some way or cou e don no had a féelng that im y a il omy | "the three villages to the core? Nothing! - So. Ananiad ! joined 1n the 'Time and again be had found the Wid- ow Rowell's wits could oufmateh-his | on, but so far as he knew not'a soul ! was. aware of the approaching Tar. 4 riage save the prospective bride, the ®0 Helty: Row minister and Gimself. © © Anunlas ate scarcely any supper, al Be though Mrs. Rowell bad prepurefl his | favorite dh of oyster stew. She mal | yf {opposite bimiand binked het eyes at ~R] him nod te guiped down a tmge 0D bolted awny. ! the arttul widow whom. be bad at frst | : Shia 'difions. dry Fifth, the "sasburetor oad be. spected by an expert and the strain under the flout Valve and 150 t ter to leak when. the engine Sixth, the enkine should never b running while the éux is standing re. | it It adiprsents 'are. 'properly the engine will start eas! | current from your starting cheaper than gasoling | the engtne should not be dom fof testing purposes u bave n definite idea K syre recommended | er and the whole'ear no free {i tion. that it can' be pushed without dificulty on a ment--H, }

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