Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 14 Mar 1918, p. 1

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"Telephone sonnaction over Bell an Wi hert GARR NT Ra AY HONEY YO LOAN. Privat Funds at 4 per cont, WL. ; Jno. W. Crozier. ARRISTRR, SOLIOrTOR, CONVEYANORR, J Ke Office at residence, 6th Con, 1 ih (ose mile west of Port Perry,)--, Moxky 10 Loan. a I: PARRY BLL. KO. LL, County Public and Gon + Bo. Ne aor: 4 r Oifioe-~Sauth wig Court House, Which, g Mamufacy ! "Wire prepaid to s0pply this ed community with tre: very BRS WIRE FENCE produced op this Continent and at prices 1 'not fail ta satisfy purchasers, The Diicon Fence is withont a rt CIt isthe BEST becatise it exible; itis a square mesh; it 1s perfect hitge-stay fence, therefore it i inipossible to-bend tlie: stays infactit is the best fence ade in this or any other country, « Before purchasing a Wire Fence don't fail. fo inspect: the Dicion Fence, JH. Brown, Deacer '1x AGRICULTURAL TMprad MENTS AND Machinggy, 4 H Phones--Bell 6812. Tud. goo. Lundy, LDS ,D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON {Successor (0 Dr. R. 1. Graham] . Graduate, Royal Collage of. Dental Sur- goons and Urhvgrsity of "Toronto. PORT PERRY, Ont on J April 6, 1965. 3 VGRAND TRUNK W'y SYSTEM (TIME TABLE Port: Phrgy. GOING SOUTH. © %\ 00NG. NORTH. 70am, §.07 a.n. LE55 aon, 5:55 pum. 1.40, 2 pam. C. 2. R Pime Table, MYRTOE STATION. G 1vG East, Gave Wis 10.17 Rm, | 6:42 a.m, ow se. & Am. t0 6 p.m MORTON. CIBSON, ONTARIO & DOMINION N D SURVEYOR AND CIVIL ENGINEER (Stgcessor to. the late W. B Varnold, Ontario Land Surveyor, of Port Perry.) OFFICE 1851 YoNGg STRERT, TORONTO Phone Belmout 67 6.27 pam 8.50 a.m 10.08 p.m. ed NL 5,60 pia, KJ. DAVIS, Pown Agel, Miss Harrison, D:8s8 and Mantle Maker \ ISHES to inform. the ladies that abe has moved to the fruoms: formerly occupied by he Joven Mi Elpt's: Dig Store where she is Prepared 1b execute all or ders forDrass nd Mantle Making in : unsurpassed for Corvectudss of Style SMITH& SMIT, LAND SURVEYORS AND. CIVIL ENGINEERS | | PHONES DAY 242, NIGHT'407 LA ng, maxes LINDSAY, ONT. WF " -- North Ontario Observer" Woskly Political, forint and ie val, on Soa Hore Perry, April 7, 1909. Family Newspaper A 18 PUBLISHED AT FORT PERKY, Ont HURSDAY MORNING | | with to all parts to supply ail nece ; libs: a8'to | : or Hinge-SlayFence that cap £ EUATADAMS, Bell Phones Nowgt FIRES ; LIVE Rea! Estate Hea Coren Sous, nECIRARLE RESIDENTAL sos IN PO T"HE UNDERSIGNED :offsrs' For Sale. that nicely located | and desicadle residental property, situated on the dorner of Joha S$ &ntl Union Avenue, contaming five! lots, with halfsan.acre of Asparagus for the and choice" fr dit froit, . Thedwelling 48 in a good Pusinessy state of repair) 'Electric fight and 1 wats works ahJevéry convenience, | Good barn' and stables. first of April. SOETHING EW | FOR THIS TOWN The Uxbridge Dyin 8; Cleaning: dou not develop this point, and ane | vessel end cre and Pressing House Will CALL every Monday at your Louse | to' get someth Dying Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing And we remodel your Suit or Overcoat to any styl No your clothes look or how greasy they are we will fix them up for you at o very low We also podts to apy style. and we make up New Sts Furs from $35 up. that you will: get everything done uta [very lew price and work gaaranteed. Write or Photie and we call on Mondays. Our delivery will be. every day at. ont jee. expense, UXBRIDGE B'SIGEL Phones--Bell 68 -- Ind. 60, 0) FARMERS ATTENTION £8 cand Charming Effect; Ms MONEY in ¥ mr spire URSERY EED POT This is th do pay. b roish our Salesmen 'with lier ha nd ot FERING! "AND PRESSING HOU fime this Winter "by selling | Patricia Canadian Jisht Inf; try. MS H/6. HUTCHESON, Bolt Phare Offes Ho. 6 Residence No, 4 bart ; ~ oe | every HUTCHESON A Jengwl SUCCESSORS TO, | Rtn J. & DOUGLAS ADAMS, J We MARINE | ap U R ANCE ACCIDENT ML Mortgage Loans, Hav ; i Steamship Tickets days taut there fave DP occasions in our history when country might' 'have' become PAOPERTY FOR SALE |e city sui wh 28 188 d with the good-will of the mijor- ity of Canadiste, had it not been for |: the indifference or even hostility of | American statesmen to the scheme, He says that far-sighted American | public. men considered the grave dan- | ed fos ger of Canada'fs'part of the Ameri. | be Was can Union adopting one of the two | | political parties there as the Cana. | Da dian party. If the provinces of Can- ads, ag states in the unjon, declared i Democrats thoy: would . un- | tempte treps atid small | doubtedly put the Republicans out of | teresting d similarly would de. | the Gre | Btroy Democratic hopes of suosess it | whieh. | they all votéd-Republican." * At pre- | 29, Yess sent the balance between the two | many mj parties in the United Stites is fair- | Tiver aff ly even, a'coudition whieh ig gun a tt posed to conidueé to good "govern. | in. Lake | ment. - This balatie thro RT PERRY, Possession i J | MRS, €.J. PEARSE, 4 © Writer 'says that the Dpiiad | For i Btates could not afford 16 look on no- | last bo Saved if'as a rosut of the war Gan. | the; ada | of the British Empire. and becuine more interested in Tiean, and Aslatle polit thercfore jaud/ tothe p Eyucopean, | Yas. more He ance and 4 8 left to 'guess'. just what would | elements 'in | menace the United States fr such an 'the season' Empire. in the past has been quite { er as it plo the reverse. from a menace fo the | downstream, United States it is difféult to under- | much of the stand pon what he Justifies his fore- | icy coating, bodings, Dut' he {§ Canada 1 destined' with the rest of the overseas dominjons to begome | Was Str more tightly knitted to = the = British | tomed eh Isles, to become part States, 'or fo achieve independence, On the Tattér point, he wastes good valuable white paper by talking | about. 'afl independent. Canada, whose. "nefitrality'" would be goar- anteed by & combibation of Europ- { ean powers... If Canada T hes comes independent she will néver be come a neuter nation... We think the achievements of thig'eountry in. the war should' have made it Impossible for an American to suppose that | Canada would ever BI such a role. masculinity ' has = been ing in our lige. We do matter what bad shape a x over Pury or Fur Don't Torget through thes when navi DYEING, CLEANING Proprietor. Canada's tested. A Record for Service, Major Hugh Niven, of the om to a wate heavy lo e were not so year. . The this cause but in pure hi whose 36 months tn had STOCK and NEW 4 constiftites a record for OES. : floers fh thik war, 1s back me a {time 10 start on | London, Ont., 'decorated bing | Military Cross' and the Dist Service Order, and with = tw wound stripes up. 4 Though he has fought on wpunch' toit. . front coupled 'our list. of NEW rom Drea . S and full particulars. ally avers. ¢ fetance from De ovember, 101%, Ry Th highest commissions. gold oy 8 was drawn closer fn the bonds | of £reat impos { arrangement, and gince the British | spiring about convinced that | hate as eerily ns it But the last boat down this year which the cust sincd been removed. There have been other p grave, and bard the 100 Is #0 commission 'when d down almost over LH 1éw Bours torged ice i thrdfiténed to tis up the lnkes, freely as- iat if was the most Within 'bis memory. oie' founding out his oat, oF a grizzled mas- fitting with the elemints +B i "Tor ® score or more | ve was a striking | opinion' regarding the BEF I avhich the wea- the erews afid the | i their best elforts ory possible ton of el ol Eratn © from the 68, Bland that the threat- might be averted. King stretched forth fan fricredibly short Be hatbors of the up- dikes, and' fllod St, @lair and the Detroit del quantities as va: bean. congider- 8, 8d how {a turn of bis anticipated llores brought to 1 g y of fndomit. igre rshaled ingenuity al 1d" never befofe at- [des ong of the mast to at #88 Jn' the annals of Fi fone: chaptér of Hl when an argony of pie" éargoes worth up abreast in' the | pewposmon. tian sive =z sraoon after | swning whiling ths urs with the jee | away, € passing of the Detroit river In been 'an event nod in 'marine circles 0 erally, There HAE a Slggestion of rom- SSoctated with the who had braved the Ig another Pid to something in- be sight of the steam- id {ts way silently 8 Upperworks and il hidden beneath an faded away into the bad come. agd of much of the moftis- | ¥ OME by those whé had of the United | gone before, figh ting foot 'by 'foot, battling' withisiow and ice in zero weather, picking thelr way warily datious channels from mary guides had long \ Eeasons tion. proved as. danger- the one just closed £0 Some respects, es that in past years inflicting shipping interests, in evidence this : resulting from | comparatively slight, spectacular effects 1917 equals. to tradsport |» 4 The first thing to do ito It will hasten the STOP THE PAIN. cure. Hirst's Pain Exterminator a bottle SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS rr -------------- tariiy waving an occasions: grestinz ln tens aed wun oan who could ney {fite' a' picnic possess 'queer [deas' "off what coli stitutes enjoyment. From Duluth and Fort William and thé other ports on Superior {4 the 'end of the 'trip down on Like Erie the final cruise for eyery vessel engaged in keeping navigation open to the last moment was a memorable event. Ordinarily marine insurance on the Great Lakes is limited to November 30, although there is usually a volun- tary extension of four or" five days beyond that date' to accommodate the final rush. This year the expira- tion date was moved ahead to De- cember 12, with the further privilege of '86ifig out as late as the twenty- second. measdre, put into effect by the com- panies interested because of the. vast quantities of ¢oal &nd ore and grain to moved, thé tailroad congestion, and the desire 6 lend the Govern ment all possible afd. As a result the early part of De- Sember found scores 6f boats still in commission that ' ordinarily wotild have been laid up long before that date, with every prospect that they could continue uninterruptedly for some time, Then came the qitickest shiifdown in twenty years, according fo véteran marine mén, St, Mary's rivér was clogged, floating 166. drifted {ito the St. Clair. river at Port Huron with a temperature below Zero .f6. aid in forming a barrier. lake St. Clair, which"up to that {ime had been an open sheet of water, became a sed of lopse ice that speedily piled high and congealed into masses at some points several feet in depth. . With the channel kept open be- tween Detroit and Windsor by the passenger and car ferries, the. loose ice, contipued down stream; riled un distort such & four. certainly would This was | largely a war | Ear or tne savin channel and, Amherstbusi, "to a : u ors: : Asa result, almost over Aight 100 of 'mord 'yeisels, yalued at many mil- Hons, aud éarryiig' cargoes fi many indtaness represénting more thax & half million: dolldrs each, were con- tronfed By the prospect of tying up far Irom tieir Inténded destination, and even spending the winter in mid- lake, hemmed in by an unbreakable barrier' of fee. It wis a time for strenuous gotion, and the men who were accustomed to doing things on a big scale pose fo the occasion with a promptness that | turned sdeming disaster info vietory after one of the most thrilling fights ever wagéd on the lakes. Grand Trunk and Pere Marquette | car ferriés,- powerfiil 'ice-breaking steamers of the Detroit & Windsor | fleet, ttigs of the Gréat. Lakes Tow |ing ° éompany 'And otherf were |. brought {isto, play, but it seok their , combined efforts and many Bours gf | unremitting battering at. the foe jam before the boats held'fast at the head of Lake Erie and in the lowes river were enabled to move: Bucking ice is not the sort 'éf pas- | time a normal pefson would seléct as his favorite form of pleasure. | Time and again it seemed that the | giant ferries must give up the un. equel struggle, while the staunch tugs puffed and snorted and shoved their nosed into the mass for a few yards again. only to find that further héadway was impossible for a bit, while the channel they had made promptly filled -up almost before the vessels that followed epuld reach the open water. i Yard by yard, rod by rod, mile by mile, the most powerful fidet of ice- breakers ever assembled for such ® task kept at work, and xlways be- hind i came: the 'heavily-laden doing théir bit he sideration the of felorcstation of © denuded kinds. Obviously, the. ©f the highest possible ent fuel values, the fo 'y that in general the greater weight of a non-resinofis 0 more heat it will' give burned. ) ¥or such species as weighing pounds; is req to of edkl A Weight for welght, b Is very little 0 ) s nA of moisture present. When the w is gréen part of the heat which if § capable of ylelding is taken up evaporating the water. The great the amount of water in the wood mote heat is lost. . Where wood is to be biirned fi stove or furndeé intended for coal will be found desirable, ers say; to cover the grate r N sheet iron or firgbrick Jaurodnce draft,' If this is no the wood, is wasted by being consumed fast, aid makes a very hot oo which, in a furnace, may damage fire box. Tost of It is pointed out, "however, heat value is not the usefulness in fuel wood, and snes' ninety-five per vent: of all wood for fuel is Syjsimed Jot purposes, largely in farm | such: factors, #8 rapidity of burning | dnd ease' of lighting are im Bach sectiofi of Canada das ; | favored woeds, &nd these ars said bo' be, in general, {he right ones to Hickory, of the fion-resinous 3 y | has the highest fuel value per UE | #olume of wood, and has 'ad, vantages. It burns evenly 'a oy | Housewives say, holds the heat." | 0ak comes next followed birch, and maple. firey have a relatively low Goit of volume, but have other ad bg Raey 4 te readily ve out 4 qulc that soon dies d . # them favorites with &rs as & summer [Ca

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