Wire (Fence Uo. I Prepace, d to, gop hig with the very¥BEST | ome joy CE produced on'thic i. Continent.and at prices thas cau t fail to satisfy 'purchasers, The Digion Frnck is without a Tt is he BEST 'becauseiit is i A'square mesh | its * i perfect. ineadte fence, thérdfore 3 ONTARIO & DONO BAND SURVEYOR "AND CIVIL ENGINEER {Successor fo the laig W. EB, Yarnold, | Ontario Land Surveygr, of Port Perry.) Heres 1851 YONGE STRRET , TORONTO Phone Belmont & 4 "rooms lormeely. Socapied fats inipossible to bend the' stays finfact itis the best fence. made io A thi or.any ther cowntry.' 4; efore i purchasing a Wire Fi kt faitde i te aspect they Dae RAL LR: ENTS AND Madlinmy, to (URS Y. STOCK "ard SEED POTATOES. This is the right time to start on {an Spring, Saleg i We pay the highest Commissinne aud furnish our Salesmen with Iter aiure witha, "punch" fois, Sen our list, roof NEW OFF IGS und fall Particulars, STONE & WELLINGTON, The Tonthill Nurseries Established 1837) Toronrg, Op. iiss Harrison; Dress and Mantls Wakes. ISHES toc Joform the fadies that she, has moved JB ihe $i ing over Mr. Fh |she + is Prepared ders for Dress dnd Mane A ina mann nrswipassed f | Sorrectrass / St } te. io ae ecut ssi im SOMETHING NY |, spt OR THIS TOWN The Unbridge Dring Cleaning Bic sein Drive Clesaing Pik in 1! ing and Re airing | and: X pw the Ry or md Rep fo | any style. 'No daticr what bad shape yout cl clothes look 8r how greasy they are 'we will fix them 'up for you at a very, low prices 'We fix over Furs or Fur Cats to Any style, and we make up New 88ts Furs from $35 up. Dow't forget that you will" get everything done ata we low price and 'work guaranteed. te or Phone and we call on Mosidays. Oxir delivery will be every expense; UXBRIDGE DYEING. CLEANING AND. PRESSING HOUSE 5 B S163 + Proj riethr. iy at -onr ? eo Did you ever stop to 'think how much value your property | and' investment i be if Great Britain lost. iff th€ present conflict ro SET READY FOR GARDEN How to PET You Your Work aad | Work to a. Pin EVERYBODY GROW EATABLES | | The Paséntials In Planning Garden aves ic. Varieties 'to Plant, (exiribgisa by pons Ei Dens tment of | T NO TIME fo many years has the necessity and impotance 'of the home'vegetable garden £ been 'so clearly shown a8 for this coming summer. Francd our wonderful ally, bs since the French 'Revolution beew a nation 6f small rs, Ler péeple of small means cultivating some available ldnd té') "produce a on of their dwn'house- | ! one rhould do all m ; {6 0 something tyes Mo orga e Porm) Tickets 2 SIR aw aan Plaats Will be mo; ST g if behind low oo, th closely alliod i uld be grown: together, ot in the! fame row, but in rows adjoining one on jane The fences may o. decorated ' wih LAs crops which may be support | 'ed on the fencés by means of sung 1 r lattice work. tabi tot the n he > ab) "Far al they mi arvestsd and the ou used for other erops later: on, he When Soil Is Ready, ~ ; The backyard gardener should des servi clde very early which crops are to be a8 ces for and: shold purchase bis seed, ®¥ P 8000 'as possible. It mupt be re tRFES, Sthored; were di ever, eed my 'be wasted If it is plants p/ 0 early in the season. . The soil' - *H he wim fo receive the hiv The and amatens gardeners mast ; nee Lo many backyard' vevetabie cn 3 will be well advised to, wait uni the! psi middle of May, before: dolng very, "TH much In the garden. Suitable Varieties, A list of varieties suitable for {dens made hy city, town and oH Swellers ors follows: s--Palmetto, Copan Beane Davlg White Wax, Golden | ture yo Wad, Ret I cople > Bocte-- Crosby's Eevdtian, Detroit | Mr. T Dark Red. "You Brussels sprouts--Dalfelth. dublou! Carrots<--Chantena; aman Sanlilowers-Bil Snowball. "Yeo Market, Party " aiden, Winter | Corn-rGolden Bintam, sees Hvergréen. ¥ A Cucumber--Whité Spine, hla Pickling: Citrop--Colorado. Preseryi Mak Maa, Rapids, n, Musk--Paul Ri My n, Water--Cole's Ojitions--Southport Yel Parsnip--Hollow; Cro Parsley--Champian Moss Galea. Peas--Gradus, Little Marvel. Potaties--irish i Mounts oF) ah Soariat Wh i, Sm Teds h let te a agin ng gi Ne Plus Ultra, (wi te Spinach---Victoria, Viro * 4) ar 1 vi Secure. Seed Now--Buat Plant Only | ingly at' that much' of ManusCHy Jace in Rose the neat, I§ one day. 10 doughtily. 'and educatiBid had wen grator of ¥Aumous pub- r perquisites and sal: liberal, ut Amos had diffuse {he information He entered the lec- A%e past year, how- he was Taig hot much ew to wy of pewnrked more thal once. ir 'discourse with.some- to style, shes, profes- a close frie Tyndatt-colibited all ou along the line of 'He asmhned a light al work, sent the ali. devoted to antl- es, and was frowned mind of the erudit edi- Mgnity of age must not ii trifling wit. # Professor Tyndall made hat while old dyel-fn- pgp heads nodded Mpprovs ifielivery of time honored, s, the young students pd béred. Again, his ot called for so much tHe revised his old lec- itattered, criss-crossed a colty popylst, and nis of Aliss Lettie Of thelr transcription. blie stenogrmphier, [ that, chat "with faced ot vom oy Jeatned eo' much from jane a 'Ancient Pompellt Mr. Tyn-. 1d Lettie Rose quits enthusi- "How véry intézest- . profession must be--always by mementoes of ages long gt, author, Iéettirer and ex- ave finished copying the let re to deliver plext week, and also 'Humor of the Angi Ball, I thodhe most of that." iar questioned the professer 8 to the literary taste of his 1s. 4 professor," declared «Lettie "I méan as to its entértain- ties. You will pardori'me for nfy © poor, Inexpérienced ut if I were a young man at t article would give me a sant hour." commented the professer, dition to his museum | went the rounds of | CT RT RO TAT X ifs bam, bruises, sprain from accidents, 5 REE, SOLD By --s | |: We Were discussing the Jobing » not disappointing ticket holders, would have no objection to verte your lecture at the town hall to the double group?" "Certainly: not, if you belleve the thema Will at all interest & mixed andi somewhat Wervous, Bs "Ancient Pom: BOLI%; was aot u. thatae 10. Interest: th general public. - Yt And then, as he placed his Jectors. manuscript flat before him on the read- ng desk, a cold streak ran down his back. 'He gasped, he started, A fear ful mistake kad been made! Bafore him was not the lecture he had select- ed to deliver; but "Humors of the An- cients." Miss Rose had given him the: wrong screed! : A coterie of august college officials filled the front rows ef seats. Inward- ly Tyndall gresned as he imsfined tite effect upom them of the humorous article, for he had not memarized the other, and there was nothifig te do now but gd'on with it, or utterly collapse. He'began. Twice he velitured to': "glani rectly at his stern judges. His sense of dread lightened. He had just récited a famous Reman joke, full of wit and point. The whole row of col iryly. "The editor 1 gubmitted | 1ope officials were smiling, $ne actoal- llite--er--well, sat de'wn on Iti, 'He had no true sencs of hity ed Lettie. "It brings outa if in your literary "ability, pro- lly,' would fry It out some see the effect." ought 'of :doing Jast that," Tyndall in his abstracted o you know: I have often won- "my routine lectures are not nd musty." *y ever that, professor," dis- endly young lady. Is open- soméwhat," reflected Tyn- Miss 1y grinned, anothet. chuckled audibly. And then a bit of fun that was com- prehendible to; the most ignorant, Hirst's. * Nature will TLE PA it quicker if you STOP THE PA! Hirst's' Pain Exterminator , | Fevolutionary agent in * | teen. years of age; ¥ spok: terminftor will' doit do it quickly. If ie. 5 toothache, STOP PAIN with Hirst's. + get the tooth fixed, . « ther Tob THE TIE PAIN ohh do bottle' .~ .,ALL DRUGGISTS REMEDY CO. SEVEN NAMEDHERD Lafayette Only Nineteen Whetl He Came to America. Lg Marte Jean Peal Roche Pret Gfibert Motier was hota September 8, I # ter by Mis title than By any of kis tet names; he was the Marquis fayette. While the birthday of Latayetts: not been generally eelebrated im' United States, no 6th of September been permitted to pass without sems. recognition of Lafayétte's services. . At the age of thirteen hy \iilisrited' an imntense fortune, and he Was only: sixteen' when he married the grand. daughter of the Duke de Nenilles, De- spite his aristocratie vironment, he was from childhood an ardent lover of liberty. '.. "Republican anecdotes always de- lighted me," he wrote in his memeirs, "and when my new ections wished to obtain for me & place at court I did not hesitate dispiéasing them to pre- serve my im ce." When he (first heard of the Revolu- tion 19 América he "espoused warmly the cause of liberty" and offered: his services to Silas Deane, the Amariean "When I presented to boyish face, for I was "ardor in the cause than of ence," wrote Lafayette, "but I ." upon the effect my departure | cause in Framcer: The credit of the Continen | gress was so low thet: Deane' "i y and en: patriotig duty to thelr: ¢ ccy night without fail" he "these 'boys have carried | es