kissing is "an FR 2 With the%id s, the English ling 1s ffrageutte leaders 'in France : protested agamst the sew "regulations under which women are excluded from thie privileges oftiie distribbtion of tobacco. Huntsville busivess yimeh will close their stores and offices one day. a during the summer, iothelp.on in the neighborhood or work ir own gardens. 7 "Whale wieat is all right," confi- dently declares the Toronto Star. Could the Star induce its friend Arthur Hawkes toadd a [ew pounds ) his daily ration 7 With the warm weather making only a hesitating start, the price of ice in New York-hasalready advanc- 'ed from 50 to 150 per cent., accord: to the seize of the piece and the 'e fo wo Italian nurses who have been permitted 10 return home from 'Austria assertthat 2,006 persons are being buried daily in the principal Eemetoriss of Vienna. Two thou. deaths a dayis 730,000 ayer, ienna's population i i5 2,000,000. Beaver: of Toronto, the old lately celebrated bef 10and yi was. brought by her par= from the Province of Quebec 'Roache's Point," Lake Simcoe, . hundred 'and one years ago. ler father took part im the war of 2. . Twenty-nine pages of a recent of the Edmonton Bulletin were Fed to contain the: list of city > 10 be sold for non-pay- of municipal faxes. = Forty ud lots are inyolved. 'The amount varyiog from $2 to $1,000 ver, a great number being uader Dad's in the garden, and mother's nitting sox. Spokane is going tc employ three nen in its city's fire department. 'man at Guelph has béen "sent for 6o days for abusing his etables freely saveg wheat is what is needed tion, few minutes hich showed no signs of atid. talked fuite ro He was dressing | 4 drive which had been the nurse. SERVICE AT Waron' ; * A special despatch from W. last night said that the body of 'Sharpe would this morbing Col. at He thought that 'this | i i 'movement in our educa- {tional work was the correct thing. 8. Jefirey, Esq., seconded the reso- lution, and expressed approval of 1 the course proposed: The meeting closed by 'God * 18uve the King." lili MASTERS' HORSE-SHOERS' ANNUAL MEETING PORT PERRY ABLY REPRESENTED The above Association held their Aupual Meeting at the city of Hamilton the weekend of May 25 The attendance was a record one representatives were present from the far east and' west, and the pro ceedings wereopened with great eclat the efficient, gracious and popular Mayor of the city delivering an Ad- dress of Welcome that would have done justice to the most eloquent orator in the land, which was much appreciated by all. Port Perry Mas ter Horse.Shoers were at (he meet- ing en mass, --the three SS S-- Messrs, Swan, Smallman and Swit- zer, together with Mr. Botwright of Sonya, motored fo and from the Ambitious city and had a splendid trip. One of Port Perry's repre- sentatives was honored, during the proceedings at the Meeting of the Association, by 'being appointed Provincial Organizer, Mr. Switzer being the recipient. of the office. | That the appointment is a judidi one there is ho question ; he will doubtless fill the position to perfec: tion, 'We are pleased to know that | the Master Horse-Shoers. of Port Perry have no 'peers at their calling; no matter from where they eminale, and they proved representatives at the late meeting of the Association of which any town has every reason to be proud. SUMMER DRINKS Messrs. T. Cook & Son, Port Perry not only manufaeture the best Summer Drinks extant; but they also manufacture them in abundance and for quality and lusciousness they discount all other Summer drinks in the market. "Tommie Cook's" Home-Brewed Giriger = Beer, of ancient as well as modern fame, has no equal, and besides Cook's Spéci- al Cream, Cook's Dry Ginger Ale, and Cook's several - other produc- suggestion tions in the Summer drinkline, dis- tarice in every respect all other makes no matter where they are produced, ~F. Cook & Son have facilities and' their long experience placed them oni fop for Summer Drinks, and. they expect that' the Warden Neil McKinvon of Can uington' and Coll Farewell, County Clctk, ade the arrangements for the public service. Speaking of Cal. Sharpe as an officer, Col. Farewell said. that the Uxbridge Coy of which Captain Col, Sharpe was then Captain, was al- ways the best drilled in the battalion. Col: Sharpe teavés his wife but no family. Mrs. Sharpe reached Toronto yesterday, accompanied by a nep- hew, Major McCormack, and later in the day was nioteted to her home in "Uxbtidge. Major Harofd Gould, a relative, is bringing the body from Montreal, Col. Sharpe was a Methodist. Buriat. a1 UXBRIDGE A special despateh last night fron Uxbridge said interment will take place there on Wednesday after noon. Senator Shatpe; a brothet, is now on his. way ftom Manitoba to attend the funeral. Friends in Uxbridge recalled that a score 'or mote years ago Col. Sharpe had a neous breakdown and went west to {he home of his brother where he remained a full year likely that the seivices Col! Heimer inthe trenches' Ridge. Wis AT Viuy AND LENS, _Col. Sharpe commanded the 116th at Vimy Ridge, and in the fighting around Lens, and was invahided ta England last December. A nervous breakdown kept Col Sharpe in Eng. land until the middle of April, Three weeks ago he sailed fof Canada, but was forced to leave the trainand go into hospital at' Montreal. Relatives believed that Col. Sharpe was pro- gressing towards' recovery and the news of his death was unezpected. GRADUATE oF TORONTO! Samuel Simpson. 'Sharpe was the son of George Sharpe and Mary Ann Simpson, and was born at Zephyr township of Scott, in the County of |} Ontario, on March 13,1873. Hewas educated at Uxbridge Public and High Schools and later at the Uni- versity. of Torosto and Osgoode Hall graduating from these institu: tions with thie degrees of B: a, and LEB. He was married on A gost 26th, 1903, to Mable E. Crosby, gran ~ daughter of Joseph Gi for North) Ontaria. v hve there, at 645 d down and rebuilding On 'motion of M man, he Treaster to pay Mr. George Haol $5 fo cord of wood for Hall, On motion of Me: Fin Plot man the Treasurer wis instr to pay Mr. Stanley: fogue 8 for wire fence bonus, 4 : On motion of Mr. Chde Pla {be Treasurer was instrigted 10 Mr. Wilfred Mark §3 for repaf Gulvert ; Messrs. J. Wilbrozier Collins, and Peter Hogd $16 Q Mes! . ' ones es » killed ry On motion of Mf, . Jel the Treastirer was instruged to; Mr. 'Jobo Pearce and Be. Gorge : 2 Jackson $2 each for spevicch as Sheep Valuators, WA Oa motion of Mr. Greate Swee! mai, Mr, Clyde Plattel wa pointedto have a culver put i Gon. 9, west of sideroad. Moved "by "Mr. €.. Sweeth seconded by Mr. Clyde PI tens That Whereas the "Dom nion Governmert, ther =" Comiissions, Food and * other gut rollers, in the passing' of lagislat pn, the tegulating ot in the fixi p iti experts in every 9 dustry. in order to aid ment, their Commissions' trollers, i in catty ing out tion. § Be. it Toidors i this Council approve of a Convention af so located point in the' Ontario of representati the Councils of rural m as representing the fa munity, for' the purpose creating an organization il have at its disposal the possible, whose dat in all ei Tecitghe it be of legislation, 'tra wise; also (o aid all ligiti er's organizations itr & that tlie Cost of "such rg: and "its undertakings cc apportioned" among the rural municipalities of the P according to their respectivi ments; andil is suggested (hat otganizations might te 5 {the Presidents ofall ? wn will b be yours. 4 poor blood i8 t El weakness. To Abr. Wilhams' Pik *tlora fi {ail from ( ip } ever male a determing to strehgthen yout constituti bi up your system; to mio: tipnd ? ur: bivod a of physica) Doi up the blood ills: is just the 15 to build medicine you need, Every dose lielps to make' new bloud "which of reaches every nerve and every part] the body, bringing - color to the |. heeks, brightness tu the eyes a steadiness to the hands, a good ap- petite and splendid energy. Thot- condition made thei despdir, ove their present good health' to ths medicine. If you are ove of 'tle weak and ailing give Drs Willian's' '| Pink Pills a faif trial'and uote 1le dally gain is new health and abound- dig vitality. Among 1hiose who have proved the truth of these statements 1s Mrs. Fred Goslin, R.R 12, Ruthven, Ont; who says.~-"A few years ago tudefwent an operation id tamer, I bad been go oark to thi want to do this, ar lieard of Dr, Wil ns der lieving pernicious a in, It took me posaibib. 10 ko improve Your ; Shei eles iiian that perfect bealih "The first thing tobe ahi {sands thoughout thecountry who eff a professor of phitosopliy, whose' lectures |attended, dashed his hand. down upon the desk and shouted, = 'Now they If see what fuser Terr tonicis is.' The students, - like the woeral . hady of the population, suffer acute- ly from Bugger, 1 frequently saw