& Se Sir Wilfrid Laurier Dead,| MONEY State Funeral Arranged Former Premier ot Oanada Passed Away From Paralytic Btroke Monday Afternoon-- Parliament to adjourn for Several Days. Ottawa, Feb. 17.--Sir Wilfrid faurier is dead. The stroke of apoplexly which he suffered at noon yesterday {lar seizure shortly after midnight. After this second effusion of blood | into the brain Sir Wilfrid was com= was followed by a sim- pletely paralyzed on his left side and | never fully regained consciousness. "Until 9 o'clock this morning he d to ba retaining his hold upon amy:tha hecame d 2.30 this ernoon Sir Wilfrid Lruricr passed peacefully away. Death has removed with dramatie suddeness front the theatre of Can- ada's public affairs an actor who had | walked its stage for nearly half a' century and who had played a lead- | ing part for a generation. | rd ids { It that the work of the Peace Conference is go~! being oow evident i ing to take much less time than the | doleful "critics predicted, 'the news-| paper other | shouters are preparing to take the | eredit. had abodt 4s much to. do with it as| correspondents and The probability is that they | a barking dog {has with hastening | the speed of a railway train, | Sir Herbert Ames estimates Can- financial be $2.000,000,000, a debt of $250 on The 1 ada's war burden to every individual. interest re-| presents some hundreds millions | annually, which has the first call on revenue. Much of this goes back | to the people in the form of interest | on their war bonds. | Montreal's population; exclusive of the suburbs, is 700,000, according | to Provincial Government statistics. 1 "This nieans. that Medric Martin's | bailiwick is between two and three | hundred thousand more than Tommy | Church's. If an exchange of Mayors { for a year or two where possible, | what an interesting time both cities | Fo : might have, i " { " | FIRST-CLASS FARM TO RENT ON SHARES | ar------ 1 OSSHESSION given 1st March, 1920. i P Apply. to i MRS. JOHN ADAMS, | " Ambleside Farm," Scugog. | AUCTION SALE WITHOUT RESERVE OF FARM LANDS Belonging to Luke Day and Peter Day, 100 Acres more or less, on March 4th, 1919, at 11| a.m. See sale bills. FITRST.CLASS Farm for Sale HE South-half lot 17, con. 3, . Reach-- g7 acres more or less, Buildings on both ends of farm and 4t will be divided to suit purchaser, 'This property is desirable---close to school, churches and markets, and -on leading road to the famous Osh- awa market. Price reasonable-- if interested act quickly. Apply to _ the proprietor on the property, JAS. KIRBY, R.R No. 2, Port Perry be-| Greenbank. The marriage service =. | sums, and carried white roses. Miss Eva Leaak played the weddicg "| Of tireir retorn they EY. $300 10 $10,000, have MON been placed with me for immediate in- vestment at lowest rate. HUBERT L. EBBELS, Barrister, Port Perry. cp ------E----EeTIITI North Ontario Observe "(The Offta Paper of the Poopl.) | FOUNDED IN 1857. { only Paper Printed and Pablivhed in | Port Perry: | -- et 1919. So far this winter snow and drifts | have made no dralt on the road] money of the Towaships. } Aman in London deposited $1300 | in a bank and forgot all about it, He was a plumber. U. S. War Department statistics indicate that thirty-five per cent: of the American expeditionary forces | Military Service Aet. yf A _.} He took an active: intzrest in all Thusands of aliens are seeking to leave Canada, at their own ex- pense, and return to their native places in Europe. * Don't abuse 'a man simply be. cause he is rich, You may wake up some morning and find yourself the owner ol a few good laying hens" All the way from Florida comes this advise, "buy your (hermome. ters now. Indications are that they will be very much higher next sum. mer." | "Hens are now laying," says one| Thanks | wondered of our town contemporaries; We where all the eggs in the shops! Orillia Packet | for info. mation were coming fron - St. Thomas Times-Journal : Every girl makes up her mind early | that if she ever marries, she will} never be so patient with her hus | band as her mothers with dad. | The Philadelphia Record describes | President Wilson as "an opportunist The amepable to information." indications are that since he reached Europe he has learned mach, { An interesting story of the trans formation of war industries is te the| effect thet the Vickers machine-gun factory in England to-day is turn-| ing out sewing machines at one-half | war prices. SPLENDID FARM TO LEASE ON SHARES It will be seen by the advertise- ment of Mts. John Adams, proprie tress of 4 Ambleside Farm," Scugog, {hat she is desirous of leasing the This is a grand opportunity for ab industrious and energetic farmer, AUCTION SALE OF FARM It will bs seen by the posters that the Day farm lands in the | second concession of Reach will be | sold by Auction at the Sebert House, i Port Perry, at 11 a.m,, on Tuesday | March 4th. Mr. Jackson will be Auctioneer, AUCTION SALE Posters and the advertisement in| in other columns annownce the Sale by Auction at the Pherrill Farm in the 4th con. of Reach, on Saturday, March 1st, of Farm Stock; Imple- ments and Furniture, the property | of the Estate of Sarah Ann Pherrill. | All will be sold wihout reserve. Mr. Baird will be Auctioneer. Orillia Packett :--Ontario County | Council seems disposed. to assist in tne erection of local memorials at the chief centres, rather than spend all their money on one'county mem- orial. Simcoe County Couecil would be well advised to do likewise. "St, Catharines fruit growers are opposed to daylight saving." And nearly every girl in this town who worked last snmmer [or these same fruit growers is opposed to them. They may pick their own fruit next summer, or let it rot. 25 cents buys a Thrift Stamp. Buy W. S. Stamps. LEASK--REAL The beautiful home of Mr. George Real, Uxbridge. was the scene of an interesting ceremony, when his daughter, Alberts, was married fo James Edgar Leask, son of James Leask, of + Mooeyfuffel Farm" near was conducted by Rev. ]. A. Miller, BA, of to, cousin of the bride. The bride who was given away by ber father, wore white crepe de chine. with orange blos- music, Miss Myrna Beare, niece of bride was flower girl, while famous Leask stock farm, near Greenbanks: The bride for five and TF MARRIAGE LiCENDES i Port Peasy, ONT i i ent I Taka of € Te AUCTIONS Several sums from C. A. COODFELLOW |A | Mr. Jos Sire 5. con. 12, PASSES TO REST |, wright, ha posed of one ACTIVE NEWSPAPERMAN {of his farms, fir over-stocked OF WHITBY--PROMINENT IN PUBLIC AFFAIRS. |, Whitey, Feb. 16-~--The death occurred today of Mr. Charles Al:|b bert Goodfellow, for sixteen years ic publisher of the Whitby Gazette| as fixed the Feb. 25, when Cl Grade Shorthorn QC Sheep, Swine, and Chronicle, afier ten days illness, in his Bfiy-fourth year. He was taken suddenly ill on the sth, but was believed to be improving up to with both anim comfortably pra nd in order ouse his imp ided to hold an , Shropshire ements will The an= { an influential and He was | vincing his readers of the necessity | the {good { crodit to his calling hence his great {at large, owed the deceased gentle- ystem ; his s | ott of order and bh last Tuesday, when his condition became worse, and he was declared to be beyond hope of recovery. He had filled an important place in the lile of the town for several years, all go at Auction ima are che up-to-date. See a note of the tim and be present Jackson will be AUCTION S Mr, Richard } 14, Reach, is gi having no furt ki without the. shighiest the premises on Wedoesd sth. Mr. Marns sane of farm stock, and Ww, animal on jmplements asters, make ace of sale, time. Mr bel ot 18, con. Arming. and ot his Farm , has nego- being a member of the Board of Education, of which he served one year as Chairman, and had been Chairman of the Board of Health for a considerable time. He was Secretary Treasurer of the Whitby branch of the Canadian Patriotic Fund and had filled the office of military representative under the public inovements and was during 1917 President of the Midland Press Association, He was a member of the Baptist Church, He is survived by his wife and a son, G. M. Goodlellow, who is a partner. in the business; by two brothers and two sisters, J, F., of Midland; EF. W., of Toronto; Miss A. Goodfellow of Barrie and Mis. E. Ganett of Watrous, Sask. an inferior His Hories are fusi-cla yough his they are all choice animals, tod & Shorthorns are Grad equal nn everyiirespect for utility [Deceased as a member of the | purposes to the pure quill, and the Fourth Estate, was an honor to | cows and heifers, individually and collectively are all srikingly grand animals, and Rave few equals ; the the profession ; his superior abilities and rare intelligence had much to do with his snecessful 'careér as a|swine are good specimens of the publisher, while he possessed all the | breed they represent, while the Im. { See the posters--make a notetime and the | o-dates and.don't fail fo attend the accomplishments that go to make | plements are up-t | : oy | desirable citizen, | i i courageous, but, while he ! place never dipped his pen in gall, he | sale. possessed the happy faculty of con- Join a War Savings Society. AUCTION SALE ' Mr. Wm O'Neill, lot ar; con: 11, Reach, is giving up farming and in f his stock of of their supporting every object and enterprise that was likely to prove beneficial to "the community and to | grder to dispose | Clydesdale Horses, ;| Shorthorn Grade Cattle, first-class Sheep, and Farm Implements expeditiously he has authorized Mr. Marquis to sell all on the premises on Tuesday, March without the slightest reserve, will be.a good op- portanily 10 secure firsi.class and choice animals and implements al your own Don't! fail 10 see the posters, make a note of day and town in which he resided and | his influence for He conducted. Journalism in a manner where he made felt to the uttermost. highly creditablé to his head and rith ' heart, and was in every respect a This success. . Hisenergy and enterprise : price were "phenominal, he was a multi and utterly despised alleged mem- OF WEAK NERVE : £S Men and Women Also Suffer From This Serious Ailment *No heart for anything" i the cry of thousands of men and women { who might be made well and strong by the new, rich, red blood, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills actually make Misery day and night is the lot of never have repaid. ]-- Ep, Oss. {of hosts of men and women who are to.day the victims of 'weak neryes. Thin, pale, drawn faces and deject- ed attitude tell the sad tale, for nervy ous weakness nieans being tortured Town, Seagrave, has authorized Mr | by morbid thoughts and unaccount- ' 3 {able fits of depression. These suf- Gibson to sell by Auction on the | ferers are "painfully sensitive and premises; on Saturday, Feb. 22, all} agitated by some change remaik his LiveStock, Implements, Vehicles, | Sleeplessness robs them of energy &e. This will be a good oppor.| and strength; their eyes are sunken tunity to, secure desirable animals and their limbs {trembles appetite is aa : poor aud memory often fails, This and articles, at Auction Prices.-- nervous exhaustion is one of the Make a note of day and date of sale | most serious evils affecting men and and don't fail to attend. women of to-day, The only way to PURE SEED COUNTS bring back sound, vigorous health Mr. Purdy is selling at moderate prices Alsike, Red Clsver and Timothy Seed that bears the Gov- ernment Stamp for purity, it hay ing been officially inspected. Good seed means big crops. ? AUCTION SALE Mr. A. Marshall, Prince Albert, bers of the fraternity who degraded it by hat-in-hand trespassing from door to door and from store to store soliciting patronage. The good, old | County town, as well as the County man a debt of gratitude they could AUCTION SALE. Owing to. illness, Mr. Duncan | are clamoring for new, rich blood. The new blood can be liad through the use of Dr. Wilhams' Pink Pills which fact accounts for thousands of cures of nervous diseases brought about by this powerful rood ir and nerve restorer, Through a fair use of this medicine t decpondent people have! bright, active and and implements as should be dn all 'well regulated farms will find it to their interest to attend this sale. Mr. Jackson will be guctionéer! Of all my little froubles That's doing teti days C. But I'm still in the ble 1 There's what we cull icipline publisher and issued many publica-| date of sale and attend it 'without tions both weekly and monthly and | fail, we ave pleased to know that he Bip epee ands ducpatinahas lands atti, CTE RN i "43 had a meh regard for journalism THID » AR Rut" is to feed the starved nerves, which | | And it bites me to the core. these is Mics Bibia South Beach, Que, ¥ am a teacher hy probably due to the ment and arduous } duties I became and suffered from e ness The least no me, and my heart wg lently. Ind ) an Sabappy of Dr. Willia for nervous give them a fair to say that this medicine cof restored my health, and I fidently recommend it to ing from nervons troubles." Dr, Williams' Pink Pills by all dealers in medicine; be bad by mail at 50 cents & six boxes for $2.50 from Williams' Medicine Co., B Ont. £7 a having disposed of his fine farm and is leaving the leaving the locality to and not longer requiring his stock of Horses, Cattle, Swine, Farm Im- plemets, &c., he has authorized Mr. Jackson to sell all on the premises on Tuesday, March 4. The Horses are Clydesdales, the ten head of Cattle are Grades and they are good ones, while the Implements are modern, a number being new. This Sale offers an opportunity to obtain choice and valuable animals desir- able implements, &c., at Auction Prices for all will be sold. Remem- ber the date--Tuesday, March 4-- and be sure you are present at the Sale. WINTER HARD ON BABY The winter season 'isa bard one on the baby, He is more or less. confined to etufly, badly ventilated rooms, It is sonften stormy that the mother does not get him out in the fresh air as often as she should. He catches colds which Jack viettle : band bowalt Ret In Montreal rents hav from $30 to $40, from and from 850 to 855 and in not a few instances this the majority: of ths people are co tomodest an comes; the housing prob) serious for them. More the - only relief, and tl hindered by the high cost comes peevish| 204 materia and cross. To guar agains} this the nd g Ls mother should keep a box of Baby's| Senator Foley has iut Own Tablets in the house. They bill 'n the New York Leg regulate the stomach and bowels and : legalise moving picture a half vears was the talented, effici- sol oT ¢ f OF cho {and popular teacher of The| 'hreak up colds. They are- sold by medicine dealers or hy mail at zg sa box from The Dr ances on Sundays in the civ cent Williams' AUCTION SALE A Mr. W. J. Found's lease of the farm--lot 16, con. B, Mari : near Valentia, (known as The dtd Bryson farm)--having expited and he having no furthét use for hi¢ stock of Horses, Cattle, Swine, Farm Implements, &.; he has con- cluded to sell all on the premises on Friday, Feb. 48. The listis an ex- tensive one and embraces many valuable and choice ammals, and] the implements afe modern, and farmers requiring just sich animals HARD BIET There's ane that makes me bitte, B Which F dou't think ¥ should do. a! 31m Bam Aud 1ts ferriblie 10 be The reason I am punished I will to you explain, I hiked from Whitby Hospital On the flying Grand Trunk train. 1 went without a pase, you see, Which is a serious crime But 1 landed home quite safely With the flying train on time. Alas | a terible storm arose, From where 1 donot know ; It swept the snow and piled it high, Aud the traivs refused 10 go. The storm 'grew worse, the winds did blow And made the snow to heave; And to my sorrow there 1 was "Absent without leave." The dayswent by,a week had passed Bat still the trains were held, The only thing 1 thought about Was meeting Major Weld. Al last a train came buntng thru', I sighed and askad to know 1f it would get to Whitby, Where 1 wanted much to go. The Brakie said they couldn't, The ConBuctor said they could, While the poo Enigneer smiling said They would if they could but they couldn't. However, 1 embarked On this train that gels your nerve; The pagsengers they hollered As we swung around the curve, IL dashed through the drifts And made the snow glitter, Believe me, dear reader, This train's a wind-splitter. We landed in Whitby, Almost half-a.day late, All in good spirits : Ana 1 thought I was a jake Marched into my cotlage As il I'd been told. I first met our Sergeant, Who thinks he's first-class, The first thing he asked me Was "where's your pass 2" Now for my my sentence, | I sure saw my doom, [he 'Sergeant said, at 10 30 Your' for orderly room. Now this room is a horror, As all Pres know; We dread to go init, But I had to go, It was into this room That 1 was paraded, "Shan | left turn | quick march 1" In front of the Major. He smiled as he said, "You sentence will be Nine day's pay stopped And ten days C. B." Again he smiled and said to me, "You've had a nice vacation." To which I asked if to my crime He'd make an alteration. Now, as to my conduct sheet, It was clean, without a crime; Now I'm "Confined to Barracks," And having a very bum time. I've been in this bleedin" army These three long years and more, Now I'm gettiog purished tyelcome through Hell and gunfire" "The hardshipsof the line; , mnd and water, rats and lice, as they wished to dine. r so very lonsy at down my rifle sling ey'd march in fours and colom Jeft them y ] ge and small night and day ; them off al. ketal to sleep with trousers on, | ERIE 4 1 EE aE Eranghton and the late Mrs. Clangh- fon, to Cherles Webster, all of 8 ship Reach. a PIED PRAKCE-- 1n Scoflogs 06 Thursday, Feb. 13, 1919, rr Peart, in his 78th Deceased has resided Off tHe beau- {itdTarid protificlsland of Scugog ovef | thirty years where be hts steadily snd indtistriodsty ear farmi sii riogdy tairitd on farming © With good résults, he being unceas- ingly and constantly engaged at many good traits of hhractds, being | tionorable and reliable and highly tespeltéd by all geqtiaited with fim ; be wa# aloving hisband, and kind and indulgent parent'and an siitvred by df OBI) 56W and two | daughters: Mr. John T. Pearce, Scugog ; Mrs. F. T. Brimacombe, geagrave; and Miss Bessie Pearce at home. HARPER--At 8 Prospect St., Toronto, on Monday, Feb. 17, 1919, Annie Marie Foy, widow of the late William Harper, in her 61st year. Notice to Creditors 0f Isabella Jackson, late of the Town- ship of Cartwright in the County of Durham, Spinster, Deceased. pRRsuart to Sec, 38 of Chapter 129 of the Revised Statutes of Ountario, 1914, notice is hereby given that all ered- itors and others having claims against the estate of Isabella Juckson, late of the Township of Cartwright, in the Count of Durham, Spinster. who died on or about the Twenty-third day of January. A. D. 1919. are on or before the Twenty-second day of March A.D. 1919, to send by post. pre-paid. to W. H. Harris, Barrister, Port Perry, Ont., or to William 1lenry Fallis, Burketon, Ont. the Executor of the said deceased their christian names' and surnames, addresses and descrips tions, the full particulars of their claims a statement of their accounts and the nature of the securities (if any) held by them and that after the day last afore- said the said Executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto having | regard only to such claims of which notice shall bave been given as above required, and the said Executor wilt not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof, to any person or persons of whose claim or claims notice shall: not have been received 'by him at ihe time of such distribution. Dated at Port Perry Ont. this Thirteenth duy of February, A.D. 1919. There will be offered for sale by, | Baird, uctoneer, tis occufatiol: He pousessed WM. H. HARRIS, Solicitor for said Executor, At the Pherrill I --a-- MetEMENTS CATTLE . Cow "1 Massey-Harris Binder; 4 ows ¢ Massey-Hauris Mower 3 Calves ¢ Set Tron Harrows Ha I Bull (registered) i Massey-Harris Seed Drilf Steers & 1 Massey-ltlarris Cultivator FURNITURE 2 Cutting Box + Fleury Plow « 1 Piano 2 Wauon Gears t Organ i 1 Cuter 1 Parlor Suite 1 Bobeleighs 1 Easy Chair 1 Fanning Mill 1 Hall Rack 1 Hay Rack 1 Bedroom Suite [ Wheelbarrow 1 Sideboard {1 Scuff 1 Coal Stove (sell-feeder) 1 Hav Rake Sundry other Chattels ¢ Fork The Terms of the Sale ara as follows Sales over and under to be cash with balance to be secured by thie months with interest at 7 per ceut. ._ All sales of $2500 $2 joint and several notes at if secnrity satis- factory to the Aucioneer, or cash if purchaser-prefers, The above Stock, Implements and Chattels may be in- spected at any time before sale at the above premises. For further particulars appiy to J. Baird, Auctioneer, Manchester, Ontario, or to Messrs. Beaty Snow & Nasmith, Bank of Montreal Chambers, Toronto. Dated this 10th day of February, 1919. A. J. RUSSELL, SNOW, K.C, Executor of the Estate of Sarah Ann Pherrill, Deceased. from war to seas. gets a job. impaired by the personal this But the Government, l.ow- ever willing, cannot provide touch needed in of His HIS is an important hour for Canada. nation is entering on a new era. Let us start this new era right. There are thousands of soldiers returning from over- The Government is doing all in its power to get these men back to civil life. peace. his service. Make The Returning Soldier Welcome The It is passing It is giving a War Service Gratuity--more than any other nation--to keep the soldier going till he It gives him a pension--where his usefulness is It teaches a man a new trade when his service unfits him for his former trade. It gives him free medical treatment when ill ness recurs, and supplies free artificial limbs and surgical appliances. It is binging back to Canada at the public expense the soldiers' dependents now overseas, + 5.00 to ba half cash,