~ Dfee hours: --8--10 a.m. WM. H. HARRIS, B.A. LLB. i Pies SOLICITOR, 0 « J.D. McMaster, V.S. on% Post Naw Yo Pom R ADUATE LEGE OF PHYSICIANS » i ORTARIO. * CORONER FOR ONTARIO CO. msipaNos Quen St., PorT PRRRY 1--8 p.m. and Evenings. - Talaphone eonnaction over Bell and Indepnndont lines BARRISTER, &c, "*Buccesser te and geen ant of the offices of the late F "M Yarnold Port Perry, Ont. MONEY TO LOAN, Private Funds at § per cent, 1961. Jno. W. Crozier CONVEYANCER, &e. Office at residence, 6th Con. moh (one mile west of Port Perty,)-- Moxy To Lian. Tesuer of Marriage Licenses. I & FAREWELL .C,, LL.B, County Crown Attorn2y, Barrister, County Sol &o., Notar Public aud Conveyancer, o--South w ng Court House, Whitby, J. ns. Phones --Bell 68 r 2. Ind. goo. J.B. Lundy, L.D.8,,D.D.S DENTAL SURGEON (Suecessor to Dr. R. L. Graham] Braduate, Royal Collago of Dantal Sar- geons and University of Toronto. Office - PORT PERRY, Ont J. A. "MURRAY DENTIST Rooms over Rose & Coy "The Fan" PHONE 03. (ffos fn McKee's Livery PORT PERRY, ONT. "MORTON M. GIBSON, ONTARIO & DOMINION LAND SURVEYOR AND CIVIL ENGINEER {Buccessor to the late W. 1 Yatnold, 'Ontario Land Surveyor, of Port Perry. ) iW dT. 8 Y Phane 231 hast NIGHT 407 80x 28 NDSAY. oT HBO WE Ho Spm. fy it is impossible to bend the stays CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION, (ANGLICAN) REV, C. F.8TENT, B.A., L. Th. Services at 11.00 a.m. only. rs of Intercession ay Tarn : RB. 0. CHURCH, REV PATHBR KEANE Third Sunday at 1039 a.m, ee 1 Ba + ft | ot mn ool hee mst Dillon Hinge-StayFence Madufactured by the Owen Sound Wire Fence Uo. Ltd., and am prepaied to supply this whole community with the very BEST WIRE FENCE produeed on this Continent and at prices that can riot fail to satisfy purchasers. The Ditton Faner is without a peer. It is the BEST because it is flexible; it is a square mash ;it1s a peclect Titige- stay fence, therefore iu fact it is the best fence this or any other country. Before purchasing a Wire Fence don't fail to inspeet the Ditton French, made in J. H. Brown, Deatsi IN AsriCULTURAL MENTS AND MACHINERY, SEAGRAVE IverLe April 6, 1903. [3 "PORT: PE R. H. SHORTT, RRY BRANCH Manager. Dress and Mantle Makar ISHI \ to inform the ladies /¥ that she has moved to the rooms formerly occupied by ler over Mr. Byer's Brug Store where she is prepared to execute all or ders for Dress and Mantle Making in a manner unsurpassed [or Correctness of Style and Charimg Effect. Our chargas are consistent the value given. Port Perry April Ts with 1999; LOCAL AGENT WANTED FOR THE~ oLD RELIABLE Fonthill Nurseries Thousands of:Orehar Orchard Trees need replacing. WAR GARDENS call for small fruits, early bearing fruit trees, Asparagus, Rhubarb plants ete: The demand for Ornamental Stock in towns and villages is large, Secure a paying Agency with liberal commissions, lixp rience not necessary. STONE & WELLINGTON, Established 1837) Toronto, ONT or a Port { captured in | 160,000 fsh,eswhich wor out at something like 1,700 per u : It is esti that 200 lasts have been taken $5 one day, and the men state that they can easily double bf Le RIGHT oun ABTA ks pe f Tens Pen A SNM IN ApYANCE PYANGE. IRSDAY, MAY 8, 1910. Wea-goyerih ent , Within the Kmpire, on federal 1x , subject to the Im- NEEDED. erament within her own Borders," This plan would, he cousiders, medt the objections of Ulster, and would avoid the evils of partition. Soin 4 tition, Inds 2 salut of. the IRV. 8 of service ng the fishing nd, where sprats i have f Iréland, a result the very opposite of that aimed at by the Cen- ire. Party. } ing 37 feet long, Now as to the argni Arnis for or ly two men, made = 'regard ta time, but ter. § became choked, tHe boat y heavily laden fish that buoys attached i the nets w. ged below the sur faco of the" their small" e The men loaded t until the gunwale was almost r with the sea and they were in ger of sinking, and the help of anothe er boat was requir- ed.. When these two boats reached the shore found that had hours no fewer than even treble thig output if the kill- ed companions now on ser or waiting to | rn could be demob- {lized a littd8 more quickly, Fisherma © have been shake out thelr first captur morning and go afloat for the congignment; and when they returnéd (0 shore they found first captures still lying on the t as no men are available to them, As matters now s titul. supply of easily accessible is being lost to the nation ov he Bhortage of labor, to say of the finangfal loss to the themselves ® The men also complain that they een ara handicapped iu whe work : ) the immengsé number of ravenous , = : A seagulls which hover over their | U5" ve catches AS soon d8 they haul In . 4 10 their nets these birds swo I Ay and attack dnd devour the R Sapo 'an the « thousands; ia spite of the forts to beab them off with o ¢ continuous boat-hooks, while the screaming 'of the birds makes the . ( men nearly deaf. a RModel Village In London What is the type of house tha at the British overnme nt re { J) Ba ideal? = According to official de fails § of the Tooal Government = Board's iste, writ housing. a0 heme. which j6 now pub= y : Uvely few res are the princi. | B.A. ADAMS, H. G. HUTCHBSON, Bell Phone Uffice No 6 Bell Phione No.41 Residence No. 4 ADAMS & HUTCHESON SUCCESSORS TO DAVID {, & DOUGLAS ADAMS FIRE INS RAN [rave | LIFE U 0 ACCIDENT | Real Hstate Mortgage hoany/ Steamship Tickets What Will You Do With the Interest? When you cash-in those Victory Bond coupons on ar Sosa Stampg May 1st exchange them ever this sign is > + 4 displayed. for their par value in. War Savings Stamps. Your Country needs this money 'in these days of net and recon- stru . " The purchase of War Sav- ings Stamps is an easy way for you to save, as well as a patriotic duty. The Easiest Method of Saving 10 CAHABAS RANK AS A HOG PRODUCER aeaRRERORRRaGANCRaRNAne 2 ARNOT ANGRARIANANRANANR 19 "w COMPARED WITH OTHER NATIONS ON THE BASIS OF THE NUMBER OF ANIMALS TO THE » HUNDRED ACRES OF LAND IN FARMS: DENMARK. HOLLAND, GERMANY, EAR ICR UNIED us. maa AAaReN § IRELAND annanea 7 FRANCE, naaean 6 SREAT AL. anaes' S$ ITALY onan 4 GANADA, aan 3 aha Re | stores, bedrooms, washhous ¢ bath. Standard! essential ~ fittin {such windoy Pp work of er [iit ys fort CANADY RANK AS A CATTLE PRODUCER woLano BF OF ner OF OF BY 57 © °F 57 FF IF (7 oF OF °F 7 17 FY BY FY BT OT PY IT OF oo ouapsx. (OF (OF OF F577 FoF OF 7 IF FF 57 57 057 0 PP 0C & he z z COMED witH GTHER cnronn AF FT ST RT REET rs BBeMmeiyererarey s OFTHE NUMBER OF ANIMALS TO THE ACRES OF * oy HUNDRED LAND IN FARMS: ) " 5 | SZ? PRODUCER RET 4 RRR ARERR To ANIMALS TO THE . LAND IN FARME Risiine] Twelve houses per acre in urban TAY areas. Eight' Bi ru Maxigiun: of sun working voor Minimum o al districts, for Comfortabl 1 door present famine in ial annduncement is to. be erected C ularly that a mo 1 EOE (5 part This. vik is na! pac dale cae §' expected immediate! a8 the schen and developed & raved: K00:¢ re a Be Given Un AKI W IRISH PARTY. i e Within the Their Policy Empire" Is atisfac i! 2 of the: the 1t Irelan prime or . celal to Col honor Rooseve 1 itcen ORtAS A nition from a I , and ther i) the South or West el that he had in Sir pd friend. Then Capt. bs nn, the chairman ty, whilst hoe sat in honor Shits zhost can' 'pay. to To be created a cellor of a lc o1 5 a Nationalist, and y | bishop is es 5 hone thad n for his'ardent adve to have v a to. burial &t Rule, has, by his signe Westminster. No American of this | t the front, given proof | goneration, we believe, has so well his loyalty to the Enipire hile to satisfy ing Ulsterman, ri ly as her own. It was gh who, on that me- . March, 1914, when deserved the tribute that will be paid Roeser elt. as Col. He was the greats a 'i world «© staunch "friend of the Empire's. Interment in Westminster and the erection of a memorial there are, of Arthur Paget, com- | course, two very dilterent things; that (his but an American citizen had the very remarkable honor of being temporarily interred in the abbey, his remains afterward being sent to the United States, and of a perman- ent memorial being built in the fo of a gtone in the nave. This wag George Peabody, the great Americ philantliropist, who wus born In the United States of Kuglish parentago. orthern province, ation rather than to take part in the " ir Hubert Gough and imperative ween March, 1914, 19, lies the war, come back from e saw Irishmen of ical views fighting e trenches, with or which so many have gained in other battle fronts. . 18 a convinced Rule, as he un- refreshing to § understand it. 'vague about his ded them, recently, | neods self-gov- ersclf. Irishmen 1837, and lived thers for thirty years. In the course of that time ha gave away £500,000 for the Yenefil of the poor of London, The Peabody buildings in the poorer districts of London 2r¢ to-day providing com- fortable tenement homes for more than 23,000 artisans and laborers. In recognition of his great gifts he wi made a freeman of the City of Lon- | don, and a statue of him was erected near the Royal Lichange. When Peab: died his remains were buried in the nave of the abbey; but a month later they were dis~ interred and sent to a final resting | Dlae8 in his native country at Dan- art of govern- tted to the man- neath t 4 Jha Hudson, TY 3 He returned to the Old Country in | | wers (sow Peabody), Mass. As a spe- '¢fal Yonor Queen Victorta had the body sent back to the United States on H. M. S, Monarch, George Pea- body was the only American who Sir Hubert is quite Westminster. this point as he was | 62 the Americans whoge carers have by urges for Trafund | ever had the honor of burial in| In a review of Some | i i | c. Get ue em perinl Parliament ine matters 3 t Handle the Abnormal concerning the whole a 3 recalls c permitting local proving < pani x ¢ cad hei bf 1 ible for two of tl windows liam Cowper. erial to Col. Joseph Lemuel Cheste who waa born in this direction \ { titled him to special recoxnition. of BE the cr Mi gions sible to George Herbert ao Wil- There is also a.m vorwich, Conn. in \ don doris SAAB AC Ta OC wper, both scholars minster, were aley (who, for the poles of wd Mr, © 2" try Moors conveyed his apprehons to: Maude Gonne, who Was a sort of unerowned Queen af Ireland herself in those days, and found that they were fully shared. comm friends, among whom Manus, ing w Arthu Tom Kelly, ter kr "A propos The true Eing even sentinic Irishmen Miss Gonne unicated with half a dozen and tho r hich inclu r GQ rown under his af. the little com- After the rage had aboted the should riot when he arrived, but there was more enthusiasm when seme bright mind pointed out the opnoTs tunity that the incident presented of putting John Redwond and his Na- tionalists in a hole. The macnibers of the meeting hated Redmond worse than they tionalist they hated any Englishman; believed that he and the Na= leaders were merely be. traying the true national aspirations of Ireland. A" his Pi hold few days later Redmond and arliamentary followers were to a meeting in Dublin, the fore runner of other meetings through- out Ireland for the purpose of rals+ ing fu and her half anda for the party. dozen followers had obtained tickets for the great gath- ering given 1. {ha and attended in a body. At a signal they walked out of tha but returned ard re-entered BY ro of Maude Go Miss Gonna 5 a rear door, which admitted them id the stage. Mr. Redmond as ing and. the great aud thoroughly enjoying itself when commotion in the rear caused orator to look round. There, ing through the scores of Nation members and other party 1 who were seated on in _platforn fdvanced upon him nn refused hr : Miss Gonne, however, © gaying that she had tran sact a little businesk, mond, trying to still the furious antor of "his "st porters in Irost intruders to them, sabked Mi fer her questions unt @ exercises. This she nd demanded it Mry his followers ¢ the King of mingvisit Mr} ble and ef rable determinas no question put t circumstances, The nted the wn to Pp ¢ about him insisting } andwer, Then beds and the annual ) Irish Parliamentary Party" ende riot. Tt was the fir I that a meeting f in Ireland ha less broken up. ved that som » also broken 8 Gonne orgs anized 1 of which was Griffith, wha, is of the move- from bad 111 the world was held in y bitter indigs he Roman Arthur 1eOTge Moore td o ftom the bi and become s connection{ r, Moore to know Mr] expiebied 1 and told of hid somes but tHe of hig norange to write to hid receive hint! curate received informed Mr. Moore WO so told him Evange- ain day He ice of' th London, In the « clocks, to say " nott Were HIN MON, ny tl f London occupied a nftfely 1c C at oy ition than they i nded on 1 them un ch as Billitex Litead Bell- minster ngs, have throught OmIN ene pation the new hether fn bafracks ai oned 5 of the ehead, the y it will AL s being Afs- at the Gov= a favorable mnt of week, great niajority of 1s: what mest of a mn avmy like oud | pres one mofey has a very rd. ling veiue. The bonus of 108 sa a week for la great deal for the k {borer or the ex-odd lab 1d not ba the same compensa on r arms to the man I-paid peace billet to wd who fears that del ng it may lead to hi: somebody else has gol Gench and Bard Ro wit and quickness of reparted ¢ Sir KF. E. Smith, . now Lo nancellor, with & of £10,800; at the Ti aa inl, In one of his early' s opposed by an elderly, | ng-winded lawyer, wh Lddpess, Then Sir the "Judge Fredericll rose. Si Jury h "Your honor, i HE Lotlow the exd (imple ot» nice friend whe ¥ just coneliiie 2 sad submit Bs vasd without araumeut." stighily and orderly ran over to! sticking his lead tau ithe intelligent group