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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 15 May 1919, p. 1

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RA CORRES. rem oti OUR MISTAKYS." [Travs:-$! Per ANNUM IN Apvance ONTARIO. CORONER FOR ONTARIO CO. os Qusex St., Porr Pmumy hours:--8--10 a.m. 1--8 p.m. Evenings. WI. 0. HARRIS, BAA. LLB. BARRISTER, &¢., $ d gcc of the = Whe fate FoR Yarnord: Pert Perry, - Ond. MONEY TO LoAN. Privat Fands at 4 per cent, 1900. Jno. W. @roszier A Saw10170R, CONVEYANCER, se at residence, 6th Con. anh (ome mile west of Port Periy,)-- Mexxy ro Loan. wer of Marriage Licenses. me re ee B. FAREWELL, X.C,, LL.B, Coun py + Orewa Attornay Barrister, County S. , &e., Notary Public and Lasve anoer. th wing Court House, Whitby, 9, Phofies--Bell 68 r 2. Ind. goo. 3.B. Lundy, L.D.S,D.D.S DENTAL S8URGEON [Sudcessor to Dr. R. L. Graham] @raduaté, Royal College of Dental Sur- geotis and "University of Toronto. Office - PORT PER PERRY, Ont J. A. MURRA y DENTIST Rooms over Rose & Co., "The Fair." © Hours 9a. m. to 6 p. m. J.D. McMaster, V.S. Office In McKee's Livery PORT PERRY, ONT. "MORTON . GIBSON, ONTARIO & DOMINION LAND SURVEYOR) AND CIVIL ENGINEER {Buecessor to the late W. B Vartoid, Ontario Land Surveyor, of Pott Perty.) * WHITBY Phone 231 {f---------------- 8MITH & SMITH LAND SURVEYORS AND - OIViIl. ENGINEERS + PHonEe-DAY 842, NIGHT 407 BOX 28 LINDSAY, ONT. North Ontario Observer & Weekly Political, Agricultural and Family Newspaper ms PUBLISHED AT PORT PERRY, ONT. EVERY TavEsbiy MORNING a. PARSONS ooh in advance ; REE RO papSr aed METHODIST OEUROK Phone 56. mr REV. WESLEY BLAIOTY, Pastor. Babbath Berviees, 11 snd 1, 'Week Byoning oI REV, C.F. 8TENT, B.A, 1. Th. Berviees at 11.00 a.m. on! y. Services of Intercession every Thursday at 8 p.m, R. 0. CHURCH, REV FAVEBR KEANE Third Sunday at 18.30 a.m, en A Dillon ee St fares Manufactured by the Owen Sound ! Wire Fence Uo. Ltd. and am prepried to SHpplY this whole coninnity with very BEST WARE FENCE produced on this Continent and at prices that can not fail to satisfy purchasars. The Ditcon Fencris without a peer. It is the BEST because it is flexible; it is a square mesh ; itis a perfect hiige ec atay fence, therefore it is impossible to bend the stays in fact it is the best fence made in this or any other country. Belore purchasing a Wire Fence don't fail to inspect the Dirrow Fence, J. H. Brown, DEACRR IN AGRICULTURAL MENTS AND MACHINERY, SEAGRAVE TurLe Apis 6, : 1908 THE HE. A. ADAMS, . HUTCHHRSON, Bell Phone Office No: 6 Bell Phone Ne.41 Rexidence No. 4 ADAMS eo HUTCHESON UCCESSORS TO DAVID 5 & DOUGLAS ADAMS FIRE ure INS URANGE 'icine ACCIDENT Roal Estate Mortgage Loans| Steamship Tickets HH, | | | | What Will You Do With the Interest? When you cash-in those Victory Bond coupons on May 1st exchange them for their par value in War Savings Stamps. War Savings Stamps ean be bought wher- ever this sign is displayed. Your Counfry needs this money in these days of readjustment and recon- struction. ih LS to inform the AE that she has moved to the rooms formerly occupied by he: over Mr. Byer's Drug Store where she is prepared to execute all or ders for Diess and Mantle Making in a manner unsurpassed for Correctness of Style and Charmng I flect Our chdrges are consistent the value given. Port Plier, Apsit I, with 1900. LOCAL AGENT WANTED FOR THE=----ne OLD RELIABLE Fonthill Numsnien Thousands of Orchar Orchard replacing. Trees necd WAR GARDENS call for small feuits, l early bearing fruit trees, Asparagus, Rhubarb plantsetc: Sa The demand for Ornamental Stock in towns and villages is large. Secure a paying Ageney with liberal commissions, Exp rience not necessary. STONE & WELLINGTON, Established 1837) GEO JACKSON, hi iserised Avctionter, Valuator, &e. ns will eps { sales entrusted es. His very extensive Si should be 25 sufficient recom. "to his ability, his sharge Il be dispatoh a k notes. supplied free, Portion wishing 0 may consult bis Sirs the Of vers A Suing 3 Perey, Jor ates fine] ee 4 Phone at Residence, No. oy © CHARGES MODERATE. GEO. JACKSON, "Port Perry P.O ALL FARTS OF THE + McCaw, Port 03 dui £. 33 Las. Sas WHOLE No, 7632 scot three a little island owned by Pres- treet broker of alntains a big per is Ralph summer place, 1 7 e, who in the Opllamore of Lis winter, with his makes his home tle cottage. the {sland in a lt the boat and io for Tsleshoro, Three hours were taken in making the trip of three miles by witer. Hg came back and uj landing and pull {Ing the boat up emto the shore on Mark island he the boat over onto him, pluning'hiM down and break. ing his leg. her husband's tracted hy his His wife kept looking for hand finally, ate groans, found him ploned under the, bi She ig a frail woman but with Bi anging onto his injured limb, she maphged to drag him up to the cottage, ore with the ald of a leather w: d sticks she set | turned on every | and put on al | not until | Telephone calls | station and the | Dark | trdabie. { one knew wha | Mark {sland. The Zizaunia cut her way { through the | 110 inches th | stand, | men | way to the lighted hotise £24 the leg the best sHe Gould. There they were practically ed and help was needed badly. | Mrs. Collamose; 2all of pluck and de- | termination to get Belp, went to the | Player summer There she man- ig the electric dyna- plage is lighted ght in that big bh red light, y Thursday and reday afternoon ut Dark Harbor. sent to the naval ania started to ie what was the or was reached night. There no the frouble at nged to set ag mo by which th Bhe lights were run ail Harbor to. Dark tbout 9:30 Thu was fn some places 8 and . three miles to the Crptatn 8herman and nine went ashore. They made thelr there ing along In the is an easy to save, as igs Stamps way for you well as a patriotic duty. War Savings Stamps The Easiest Method of Saving CARABAS RANK AS A HOS PRODUCER A ARAN ARRAARARNARAAAANN 2 | | AR RRANOARRN RQ RADAR RR 19 = "ena aanannaan® KB COMPARED WITH OTHER NATIONS ON THE BASIS OF THE NUMBER OF ANIMALS TO THE 5° HUNDRED ACRES OF ALAND IN FARMS AaMAARRARNS 8 ammaaan 7 anaaaae § BRITAIN, fTALY r 'GANADA, manaan 9 manaa § | ame 3 , UARADAS RANK AS A CATTLE PROBUCER voLLavo (SF (SP (OF (OF (57 A (7 oF 7 INF OF 57 BF OF IF EE caus. (FSF FF (OF oF FOF OF 57 FOF 657 067 OF OF OF OF RYE AERA REPT RY 2c en CAMADAS RARK AS A SHEEP FRODUCER © AUSTRALIA, PRR AEARREERRRRRRERRRR MR EERERERRR ER RRRR RR REY wan ww_s8 mRBERRERER nAREAR fades ERE ERFRRRRRRRSY En COMPARED NATIONS O 'toLanp UNITE rEs MWmWWEG Garman wean 4 DENMARK new 4 to ; "THE BASIS found ne: enddert Cg frota a tree. | tia e'tage In total darkness with the foor open pat © no si «us of i about nd the courageous ) injure h children sluimber- back to Dark Har 1 a ddctor who wis {ark fElend. The Mark island un- iday x 1 man orning when 18: attended to, -- Brital's indidna, he Indians in the British atmy on the svesterm front, notably the Bikhs, that highly dis itary force trom British Ir ttle In co mon with the Americ 1 men. Th come from the other side of the earth; they are soms of deeply religious sect, nnd fop 50 years or more have been an Important factor in the Brit Ish. dominion of the far Hast. They are tall, weilbullt, handsome men, most of them with beards, and in perfection of drill and nillitary badre ing they are not excelled by any ltroops on the western front. But while thelr methods of figh are quite Algsimi r, the Sikh figh force befng a well-trained military mo he American Indian Is a there is thing In ire very much alike. As a glish writer--Punch and will lve--puts it? fd on epportunity to study ans of the Wast and the he West, and while they imllar in most thiz to courgge, I may aying that it 1s Sikhs of dozen of the other!" one HE 1,000 YEARS. George Newman Seeing that tive medicine the expectation of life at | my forty years in 1838-54 to should nok be 100 or Scientist] ndthing to living aud slon of its ed that there is ie human body 'the full posses- for an indefinite by the gradual alcarcous matter es, and Joints, ossification, through the e 1s little to itely. methods the drink- curiously osed to be uit of which * has simi- monks in ® and two children, | Fi angousealy ive ana secain their faculties to abnormal ages, which they attribute to their sparse diot of 'apples and rice. Hindu takirs declare that youthfulness of body, not of mind, can be retained to any age by frequent baths in diluted glacial acetic acid... These acid baths certeinly dissolve lime calcareous matter, and it is hy that apples contain a chemical. Michael Tete: Suis, he new aroprie- tor of the Isiand of Lewis, in the course of an interview to the press, | has given very interesting particulars | as to his plans for making it a happy | | spot in the Hebrides. Lewis, he re- marked at the outset, had a popula tion of 32,000 at the lasl census "The scenery of the island mag- nificent, it4 climate almost paradigis tal," he sald. "When 1 was lhere | recently the temperature was 10 deg higher ths An in London. Flowers and grow in open there would have to travel as f Wight { mdition you quen to the sixteen these Thare high 1 place by the ) EXC by the Atlantic Lewis has a fore it" Stenographers to Go to Francel A x raphers uniform to en- The physical examinati ill be gaged for the peric War $4 SOE + Blushes Made Tattoo Artists Repair to Order, Ravages of Great War ONDON working tattoo artists overtima are repairing 5s which war work to the com- | plexions of the ladies. In fact as one of them said to the correspondent, | they have become more beauty doc- | tors than anything else. the ravage has = wrought 4 who were unaccustome dail Tr beerd | engaged in work of national import- ance during the war, and the close atmosphere of office or workshop has taken the bloom from their checks and rendered once rosy eomplexions | pallid and sallow. Iace creams and : rouge sticks, lip salve and powder | have done something to effect a | transformation, but these methods involve constant attention and gare | as well as frequent renewal. 80 ladies of all classes have fleck- | ed to the tattoo merchant to have | the tint of a blush rose permanently stamped on their features by means | of roseate pigments worked in by | the electric necdls, | A leading London professor of the | art said that his practice had de- | veloped to a remarkable extent of late. "All sorts of ladies come to my studio to have permanent com- : plexions tattooed on their faces," he said, "The majority of them are | what you might cell 'soclety ladies." When fhe electric needle has done its work they never look tired of wan; they get up im the morning looking as fresh as a flower, no mat- ter how tired they were with festivi- ties of the night before. Many of them improve the color of their lips by baving them tattooed a brilliant red { aud on tho heart. | nelther gold mor red; | snuny hair: 'Apart from our 'beputy doctor' work, we are very busy {attooing or- dinary designs, and there again many of our clients belong to the 'upper | classes." They include ladies of title and even royalty 1 knew at least one Buropean queen who earrics a splendid example of the tatooist's art, I &libtld think fuite three parts of the aristocracy carry tatto marks ----generally just above the kneoe-- and the desigus are invarlable dragons, butter dies, snikes or the [famtly crest, "Bol { sentiinenta 1 and I have tetoosd many of the Waac girls with the badge of their unit. "1 had a strange commission to execute the other day. A young cou- ple came to me with the request that "1 would tattoo something on each of them that would be complete when they were togethe I tattooed on, their hands a d showing a heart pierced by an ow, Half the design w on each shit hand and done in such a way that it was only complete when thelr hands were ges y first flush ¢ ardent lover has ttooed oa his ¢ and he y remove | ut: we turn it ra fic and that "In tl i "OL cools come A Link With Ten: atl € 1 year PRrOuE h her mother connec ted with the well- Told by Gen. iddle, Biddle, nal 1g the 8 in Great Britain, con tamu WILLINGLY GAVE UP WEALTH Rer Was Satisfied thjarious to powe | Its x lar ; titles were heing use cream and the sods which Americans are addicted. Doctor Remsen was making an in- came of something like $100.000 a Fesr {from his shares in the company when about five years ago his friend, Doctor Wylie, head of the United States pure food bureau, suggested a doubt of the wholesoreness of sacchirin Doctor It himself to rig of saccharin upon submitted sof the ac on the digest 0 As a result he as the department to lssy n order pro- hibiting {ts use as a food-sweetener, sen the | FROM EVE TO MODERN DAME Evolution of Feminine Attire From the Simple Fig Leaf lo Most Intef- esting Study. When Eve first started out to dress to cover up her nakedness, she picked the fig leaves soft and green--admired, perhaps their dusky sheen. Dut soon her daughters found this shade quite unbecoming to a maid with tresses so substituted which made them yel- low skirts when dried, and satisfied primeval pride. And then the blondes found peacock blue was quite their most hedoming hue, and robbed that bird 'of plumnge rire to decorate thelt while raven locks of the grass Instead, Brunettes were strung with bright red fentherettes. From beasts they took both fur an hide, and still their wants were supplied; they found the silk Horm at Jie Jnom at which his business tool ; they sheared Angora sh By Jo ts 10 make therefrom ae . winter coats. A | From fields of cottofl and of ; came fabries to adorn their r aud ont and now to Ilooverize on Rasie,tfey'e with beadwork In each army ¥Y, M. C. A. bulld| In the t¥alning camps of America ! (here Is a circulating library of books provided by the American fit ai and one of the duties the secretary Is to see to the circula. tion of the books among the soldiers, In a ¥Y. M, €. A, building at Camp bright-faced young soldier nst the counter and earp* "Have you got any al- sociation, Forrest leaned estly 'inquired, gebra books?" The finifestation deliflited ab this of Interest ln highel ined the book shelved. y boy." he replied. "T'm sor~ that IT haven't. T have seve but not fi &ingle als 1g else' dot" . good book of ads boy secretary; ry to say eral arithmetics the secretary recovt realize, that the a Yodk by Horatie AL Phiek and Luck, o President," he fi S way rejoicing to wanted selecting Vision of an Empress. finyone 5 Fv at taken time to think of widow of Napoleon ne? Nearly half & ww her Frince overs and humiliated s humiliation Inid itiful palace at 1d spurred Gers genik, this tl 2 saw her husband in exile Later she In battle under an Eo, Uisliliods 1d woman, who of pomp nnd and exile, will of, her tindoing ith bowed head of civilization it an extenuating clreums nce to plead, Surely a fitting and dramatic closé to an historic life. + came and Sunt of midway between Sunday nl day mofning!, It was on, 4 morning that the world hear declaration of war Serbia's answer ta vtum came the previous Sunddy morning flrIHg af Civil war and it Lee surrendered r on, the first of Cervera's fleet Sunday morfilngg ng of the peace » Onited States and Germany's suinst Russia ultim was on # ot this that we got the new the fir n of *our it bition would they have got along be tanks?" Blind Potters thouse" at Sayres potteries of the g tunted, Is ex- pected to { the most useful methods of jucating the blinded Making pottery if otie of the which the blind may and, although the Sevres lighthouse hi n in existence only | a shioft v ht blinded men have fal ly been graduated from the mod: eli into the gdvernment shops! The French government has appor- tioned some land to the committee on the Sevres potteries, about to bulld a training blind potters, who will be from there to other faces new "hgh the famous gov x French re-e soldle ns in | become adept clas: the grounds « on which it i school for | graduated tories. - : | o . 1 "i'd Hate to See You Fight" |. Sergeant R. F. Eddy, Sixteenth en- | gineers, said in a lefter received by his father, Frank M. Eddy, that a foots ball game between the engineers and the medical corps, recently played in Ftatice, wird one of the wickedest he bad ever witnessed. Both sled Wi out for blood, and the fact that no ¢ was injured he attributed to the ha ened condition of the players, sea~ soned by many months of severe traime mg About five thousand French soldiers witnessed the game, and afterward one Poitu sald to Sergeant Eddy: "If that fs what you Yankees call play, T'd hate to see you fight."--St. Paul Pioneer I'ress, : yy Made Truck Oriver Smild. A Yankee truck driver's right ford ward wheel had just sunk with an ale of finality into a half-filled shell bol on the road uear Avocourt, and he v throwing over a terrific barrage of pro~ fanity when he suddenly stopped short and his jaw dropped. Then It closed In a grin as broad as, the Sacramento, from whose dis! shore he had gone forth to wat, WAS contemplating the approach the roadside of four stulwart and posing officers of the famous: P guard. On their shoulders, as: marched aloffg in the drt : was a stretcher, and on lay a wounded doughboy smoking. cigarette, Stare and Sitges?

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