os Gerdilicn : When a girl--or a woman--finds lier color fading, when her cheeks and lips. grow pale, and. she gets not Short of breath easily and het heart SryLes ho AT Low PRICES "ELECTION OF OFFICERS "1. Ata regular meeting of Fidelity the eanth in a heavier_than.air mach. ine; owas realized this morning, when "two young British officers, Capt. John Allcock and Lieut. Arthur W. E> Brow, landed "on the Irish coast after the first non-stop flight~ across the Atlantic Ocean, {24 Their voyage was without. acci- ,- 'defitand without unforseen incident, #0 far as can be learned. Tt wasa straightaway clean-cutiflight, achiev- 8d in sixteen hours and twelve min- utes, from Newfoundland to Clifden, Ireland, a distance of more than fig00 thiles. But the briel and modest descrip: tion which comes from the airmen at Clifden "tells of an adventurous and amazingly bazardous enterprise. Fog and mist hung over the North Atlantic, and the Vickets-Vimy bi- plane climbed and dove, struggling #0 extricate herself from the fogs-- Sirplanes' worst enemies. She rose to 51,000 feet, swooped down almost fo the surface of the sea, and ot times Lhe two navigators found themselyes Aiying bpside down, only ten feet above the water. 'Before coming to earth, near the Clifden Wireless 'Station, Alcock oircled the wireless aerials, seeking the best spot to teach the earth. no'suitable ground was found, hanced it. in a bog. ip+Landed at Clifden at 840 2.m. Greenwich mean time, 15th June, - Wickers-Vioy Atlantic' machine, Igaving Newfoundland coast at 4.28 pm. Greenwich mean time, 14th of »Tolal time 16 hours, 12 minules (Signed) "Alcock and Brown." + The foregoing is a verbal copy of the report, ""General Seeley, Under Secretary for the Air Department, sent the following despatch to the flyers: .» Warmest congratulations on your wonderful achievement in ac-' --- complishing the first direct flight across the Atlantic. Itisa splendid font" "A wireless from the Clifden Sta- tion says Ibe mackine of Capt. Al- gock amd Lieut, Browa is sticking nose-deep in the bog. @rap Baimisueks Dip Trick First "London, Jube 16,--David Lloyd George, the British Prime Minister, "has sent from Paris the following to Capt. Alcock: eartiest congratulations to you Brown 'on' your sudaci. achievement." 3 ially delight.d thai h ofiders who fought in Lodge, No. 428, AVF. & A. M. held on' Friday evening, June 13, the following officers . were. duly elected for the ensuing year, W. M.--Bro. Grant Christie LP M~--W. Bro, W. Murrdy S/W. --Bro. F. W, Mclntyre « 'W.--Bro. G. R. Da in--W. Bro. | J+ Di--Bro A. B. Cawkec- D.of C.--V.W. Bro, A.J] Davis Aunditors--W. Bros. E, H. Purdy and Jas. Swan. * CHURCH PARADE THe church service of Old England Lodge No. 9¢S. 0. E., was held in the Church of the Ascension (Angli- can) on Sunday evening, June 15th. We are deeply grateful to the breth- ten of lodges in Whitby, Uxbridge and Blacksiock for their kindness in attendance on the occasion. -Ac- companied by the Port Perry band, and with the 'Marshall of the lodge presiding, the brethren marched to the church where an enjoyable and hearty/service was held, and a spifit- ed aod timely address given by the Rev. J. J. Robbins of Blackstock, taking as his text 1 Epistle (general) of St. Peter, chap. 2, verse 5--"Ye also'are built up, a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer 'up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God by Jesus Christ," --Com. te en EDMUNDS-TAGGART The marriage of Miss Merle Tag- gart, only daughter of Mr, and Mrs. F. C, Taggart, to Mr. Clarence V. Edmunds, son of Mrs. G. L. Ed- munds, of Port Hope, was celebrated on Wednesday, June 11th, at the | home of the 'bride's parents, Macy mony' W the Rev. W. Elliott. The bride was gis father, and wore & lovely gown of ivory charmetise and georgette crepe and a silver tulle veil, and carried a boquet of sunset roses. Miss Louise 'Edmunds, wearing pink crepe de chepe and carrying a boquet of . pink peonigs, attended the bride, Miss Helen McGill, the dainty little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. McGill, Oshawa, was flower girl, carrying a basket of Sweet peas, The groom wis attended by his brother, Lieut. E.'L. Edmunds. After the wedding breakfast the happy couple 'left by 'motor for Myrtle, where they took the train for their honeymoon: trip to Cleve- jand, Ohio. . On their. return they will live at Oshawa." eet re The fishing season for bass and maskinonge opened on Monday last and a goodly number of obr citizens gave it a fair trial. A large Rumbef of good sized bass and 2 landed, which well repaid those who spent a few hours on Lake Scugog: If the weeds could 'only be removed immediately from the dock te Petits there would be ideal trawling.™ palpitates after the slightest exer? tion, or under the least excitement, it: means that she is suftering (rom anaefiia--thin watery blood: Head. ache and backache frequently ac- {company 'this condition, &nd netv- Gusness is often present: ' The remedy. for this condition is to build: np the blood, and for iis purpbscihergisuo medicine that can equal Dr. * Williams' Pipk Pills. They build up and rengw the blood, bring brightness to the eyes, color to the cheeks, and a general feeling of renewed health and epergy. The only other treatment needed is plenty of sunlight, moderate exercise and good, plaiv food ~The gitl or woman whio gives this treataient a fafririal 1 Bere 1 will soon find ying per~}® ook, R. saw her cot d' hex a decline. The:doctor who: feated fier did not help her any, and then 1 decided {o give her Dy. Williams Pink Pills. This decision proved a wise one, for belore six boxes were used she was much better,' 1 got six more boxes and béforethey were gone she was in tlie. best-of health, When she began the use of thepills she weighed only go polinds, 'and under théir use her weight increas- ed to 127 pounds, I strongly urge all mothers of weak girls togive Dr. Williams' Pink Pills" You can get Dr. Williams® Pink Pills fiom any dealer in medicine, or by mail post paid at soc a box oc six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr, Williams' Medicine Cos, Brockville; Oat. The new provincial Minister of Education is showing a most com- mendable spirit of initiative ih con~ nection with "his department, 2a pleasing feaiure of which is {hve fact that he appears to recognize that there are other schools in the prov~ ince over which he presides beside. {hose of the larger cities and towns; whose Tuteres(s are quite as impera: tive: With this in view he bas appointed Dr. Mary McKenzi¢ Smith. of Graveshurst, Dr. E, J4 Sirrs of Nassagaweya, Miss Ethel Campbell of Ottawa, and Miss BE. J, Jamieson of Toronto, 4s doctors and nurses to handle the medical y en. dental inspection sppointees Willd ona visit it summer in BU His_ heart beip able to' succ digegse. oe Parish He was bors in with his paren less than three § settled" at or ne: this Cottnty. "Mr grew up, farmed Darlington tow Scott twenty y=ar active interest was of a. pen ready to help <0 Mrs, H, Hats of ong Scott, D, McKnight, of Viewfield WHAT FAKERS GATHE In the United Stites no $300,000,000 are annually. gathe in by financial fakers who ul worthless stocks, teal 'estate| other 'valueless "things u public. © Capitalized at § this wou chiefly in small. towns and poral] districts. The inspection' to be} made will, no doubt, result in neces sary treatment for adenoids, enlarged tonsils, better care and earlier treat. ment of the teeth, and 'othe child~ ren's "ailments which are .often neglected because there has been no inspection, and the parents are unaware that these troubles exist. rr AUCTION SALE GOING WEST! It will be seen by the posters that Mr. C. L. Love, lot 16, con. 12, Reach, has decided to remove to the . Great West, and in order to. effect a complete and rapid clear- ance of his'large stock of Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Swine, "Poultry, Vebicles, Harness, &c.. has instruct- ed My. Baird to sell the same by anclion--withont _reserve--on. the preuiises, on 'Wednesday, June 25 at two o'clock. * There 'will al offered: a quantity of House Effects. Make a note of the sale. 'Savings Stamps & a small Governmen absolurély safe 'an: cent compounded MENACE OF Tk ¥ PILE "Mobile: fite-Swep people homeless, Ti of | 500,000 "pre Thus read the Tewspa of a despatch descri fire, which neverou pened Ga From one side other; the sort-of ea provokes similat deste is 0 he 'encountered: thing is lacking, a glo 1 cigar. or cigarette st 5 on from i y ci and date and be sure to attend iis Buy War Savings Stamps as. step to getting a $50 Government : ty that begins at home usu y sispends "operations during th They should be ut when free from fncradibly Tage openings for out" dew or other muistare, #nd, dried, IDgmidion farm products ate. avail Pp in coeks, by the Bgenoylapie in Great Britain, according to het than sun as far as}. Canadia 3 : possible, Expostite ta fain or even Ft heavy dew will: change the green! Acotr | feaves to dark "brown avd make of view, towards. Beilish trade. 3s | | "Fihem crisp and readily 'broken: off {suggested in 4 spmmunication ftom). J 08 | 1y handing. Raid and 'dew will the Ca 3 oma of fragrance, |' "a faking { 5 cl - 1" Ibe better in most ca that the most stringent se as requisite to enable ug & he demands: of the Govern "mote and ney AR - 3 Tar Ene