DANE rl ARR QR ay CAPRA LS Ft Qo ELC ow) a Tiemted hd ot oe en for pebboatien, bet ss 8 guasantee gf good WE nae sme 1 en pnd pom gr shoud rive a the Samia paw I adewmaende NEWSPAPERS. considered as Subperibersml fo got give e2prens anaes in ing: pc; me refuse their 'and ordered thew Eg repens lpi hr Ee moped Ontario Observer. ee ------ PRINCE ALBERT, FRIDAY, JAN. L. TO THE PUBLIC. The commencement of the New Year offers an eligible opportunity for those desirous of Subscribing to this Journal, to forward their names to the cA \pB oxTanio onsERvER the same time avowing sentiments lo suit each individual case or cause--then we {say, each fabric rests upon 3 sandy | foundation, liable 19 be washed away by the first freshet thay may rise, or to topple to the groynd with the first adverse currentof ais. This is precisely the po- sition jn which Mr. Gowan has stood be- fore the electors of North Ontario. At the last election embracing the Conser- «| vative platform ; on the present occasion "| essaying 10 be a Reformer, expecting to divide the Reform ranks, but yet hoping | 10 secure the vores of the Conservatives. ters. | After three years exertion in strength- Je ot vate oF i DFangeraon throughout the _county, with the expect- ancy of g their undivided he openly declares himself in fazour of nunneries, 10 scoure the fraternization of | the Catholics. Taking advantage of the jon as a ticke with which to ingratiste himself into the gocd graces of a highly influential por- tion of the electors, who are, gnd always have bees, diametrically opposed to him in polities, With readinéss of speech, Publishing Office. This is the time for | di ng facts and di i false- the large and influential body of Re- hood ; aided by agents who have brought formers in the County of North Onta- doubtful fo bear rio to px by their sipport, their | 28 the Reform candidate, Mr. Gould; approval of the part we have taken in the political st. We are not merely Reformers by name, but Reformers in principle ; and to the ad- vocacy of fhe- cause we shall strenu- pusly dipeet our efforts. MEETING OF PARLIAMENT. Parliament has been further pro- yogued to the 31st January, and not then to meet for the despatch of busi- pess. : --- The result of the North Ontario Elec- tion, on Monday and Tuesday last, is another signal defeat of the Ministerial compact. Mr. Gowan has lost his "love," and is compelled to return again to breathe the invigorating atmosphere of the place of his adoption--which, doubt- less, he will ind more exhilirating than the air of North Ontario--where be will find ample scope for his flattering pow- i TS rs to cogitate upon the scenes of the past few weeks, and where, in al} probability, his microscopic yision may light on some future darling object then preying upon the credulity of many who, ig reality, knew not his prin- ciples, or to what they were according their support. Amid all these designs and false iesetsios, we find Mr. Gow- with treatigg, exciting the feelings, and | 2 beh those whose privilege it is to se. | G7Y. the public business of this district, to choose those in whom they' have confi. dence and who are in every way compe: tent to exercise the power which \ will be placed at their disposal. We understand 'meetings have been held in various parts of the township for the selection of can- didates, but as yet no names have reached evening at Borelia, pursuant to public notice, when a good attendance is earnest- 4 d, be put 2 £, May gt Sipe Limtub pny PORT WHITBY AND LAKE ___HURON RAILROAD. From an advertisement in the Whit- by Chronicle of Wednesday, we learn that the next annual meeting of the Stockholders of the said Company will January, 1838, at twelve o'clock at noon, for the purpose of electing Di. rectors for the then curregt year, and that the votes shall be taken by ballot, and that thosc absent may vote by prexy- Casapiax ALmanac vom 1858: McLear must say, however, that this year it fully sustains the credit of its and is Nuriliy of the spirited who publish it. "| an defeated by double the majority ob- tained ove; him at the preyious election. The machinations which have been put into operation have recoiled with merir- ed vengeance upon the heads of the in- stigators. thereof --a proof that the Re- formers of North Ontario are not men of straw, but that they have mele suffici- ent 1a stamp with determination their dis- gust of the trickery which has beep ex- ercised to crush their organization, and 10 banish their interests to the winds.-- But the Reform interest has been en- dangered from another cause. A de. spicable attempt has been made to pread mutiny in the camp, through the d ion of principle of in hereto- fore Jeaders in the Reform cause, who have spared neither time nor influence to produce dissension and cause disaffection in the ranks. These proceedings have hibited a lack of principle so por that the return of Mr. Gowan has been 1h map of Canada West, tat regret Shee is no complete list of the Post Offi- | griario were given last year, and which " Cle we see a partial improve- ? would Full wml There are given the Post Office addresses of Sie Feta Cloatoh Yiiidtions, and lov of te nited Presbyterian ministers: might not sause Alig be. done lu testard i0.all the We cannot help adding that if the | dod of 1 (and of fati where | 1 Hi GIBY cecesecceces bimeelf among moultisadinens sections, at leet the mea of theischoice. 10. transact | Jouth Leeds Viton rene 75 us. A meeting will be held on Saturday : ly requested. Sve) canhibpiss will, we | F be held at the Company's Office, Port | Eat Whitby, on Saturday, the 9th day of | East CHO EHO Num OO =m e SS p 3: Vv 3 DEO EN OOM HOO NOOO mm ring g Hr Talbot Brant East--D Christie --H 5 Zl ccecce~o~commcOmmomtoo~ M Daly Waterloo Northom H Poley ~ Ontario South--Oliver Mowat h be given every year. Under the | ¢, York North---J Hartman : Prince Edwapd=-Dr Dorland st, Hyneinthe_--Lopis Vie Victor Sicotte, without delay. ay be had at Mr Tamlinsan's Drug Store, Prince Albert; price, a York shilling. Moore's Romar New Yorker. --We di- Zout fie aniention of vit venders; aud of sgii- Ituri icularly, to the above Joussal, pobished by Moore, of. Bochewsar, N.Y. is a rst-classi preten- gon Conon pda ° agriculturist it is in- luable, and as a family can be Ftc villi g Th ere Montreal--A A Dorion Vercheres--G E Cartier Jacques Cartier--Dr Tassee Two Mountains--J B Daoust Laprairie--~T J J Loranger Hochelaga--Mr Lachapelle St John's--Mr Bourassa ripen Probably, during the whole couse of the elections, so decisive a victory has not been, or will be achieved, as the re. sult of the contest for this county. When viewed in regard to the relative position of parties, and the means brought to bear upon wariops conflicting interests, we assert that the jrigmphant success of the Reformers in this Copnty is not sur- passed by the recent result ai the city election. The same causes which pro- duced the unexampled spceess of Mr. Brown, in the Queen City of the West, have spread their genial influence to more remote districts. The voice of the people--that unmjstakeable and irresist- ible yoice--has given the death-blow to Popish 'intolerance, and issued its man- rather prejudiged theg gssisted 'there PEL AI SI guise to hide the intentign, too glaring to pass cyrrent withont recejving the se .verest reprehension. We rejoice at the efflux of popular feel- ing which hag retyrned Mr, Gould soen. thusiastically at the head of the poll --a result as flattering 'as it is significant. The various trympery charges Jeyied against Mr. Gould by his oppopents have fallen inasmuch as they could not be i being deyojd of truth; the sedulous effart of the Ministerial can- didate to prejudice the mipds of ihe elec tors against Mr Gould, long before he was in the field, have passed scathless over him ; the untiring exertion to greate schismamong Mr Gould's supporters have proved unavailing. His victory is the date against Mini ial corruption. Had it peen otherwise, the public would have guilty of dereliction of duty. But upon taking an abstract synopsis of the main characteristics which have marked Gowan or his coadjutors should haye been so sanguine of success. Ji must be borne in mind by qu readers, that the to success in the late con- paving:stone it Wis laid immediately after Mr. 's defeat at thie last general elec-| no esi tariag the ghee Wares yess he more glorious from the means adopted to ensure his defeat ; the defeat of his min- isterial opponent the more ignominious from the artifices used to overthrow his antagonist. We believe that Mr. Gould will prove faithful to every trust the elect- ors have reposed in him politically, while to the ad of the ii of the Jighly secusmended, suutaising, 4 2. as it does, Naw Yorr, Dec. 30th. The " Arago" arrived this evening from Southampton on the 16th inst. | Cotton was very dull at Liverpool. With three days' sales of 6,500 bales, including 100 ap spepulation and for ex prices were nominaily easier, . tho' not quotably lower. Flouy¢_ had advanced 6d. per barrel Wheat was 84. dearer on the week, and corn slightly dearer since Friday. No circulars have been received, and the above is all that can b= gleaned i ina commercial way fromthe London papers. Consols closed, on Tuesday at 913 a o1f. Several failures are reported---small affairs. News unimportant. SOUTHERN INDIGNATION AT WALKER'S ARREST. " Mogiee, December 29th. A meeting has been called in this city person can fail to admire the straightfor- ward course pursued by oyr late, and the contest; he has manfally levelled the brought against him; as a tiue reformer *| he has been content either to stand or to fall by the verdict of the electors ; be has gained their merited confidence--a confi- dence which will not he befrayed, a con- fidence which will be increased in place of being dimipished, a coufidence which must prove to Mr. Gowan that in North Ontario, at least, his hopes gre for ever de d 10 disgppoia/ apd that his irati to represent this gounty in Par- lament must end in vexation of spirit. Mr. Gould again entessthe Parliament- ary arena with our sincere wish that he may Joggz live to have the honor of repre- county be is closely allied. No candid |, at the arrest of the Walker expedition. The reported re- pudiation of Com. Paylding's course by Secretary Cass has had but'litle effect. The is still i Judge Gale, of the United States District Court. d-cides against the refusal of a clearance to the schooner " Susan," for Greytown, on the ground that the collector hag no jurisdiction in the matter. The "Susay" Judge Gale says her detention is illegal. New OntEasS, Dec. 20th. The meeting called for to-night has been postponed till Thursday, in conse- quence of the rain. All gfe leading pa- pers here express indignation at the coprse of Com Paulding, Boros, es. 30th. The royal mail steamgshjp "Canada" sailed from here at noon , with 61 ngeys for Liverpool and 14 for fal alifax, 5. gph) nearly § $780,000 in specie. resent us in Parliament, ere we find our- selves in the midstof a Municipal Elec tion, This election, although differing | incharagter from that which has just ig de I ey Y g lly are i di d, in- volving, as if does, a of a purely local nature. [tisof the utmost impor. tance that we should haves. good local "| Government, 3 upo thet hinges our prosperity asa community and our ad- senting this important coynty in the Leg- o Hauriz Dec oot. islative Assembly. _ Thege gre no signs of the - hip " Niagara," from Karp, gs 7 on Saturday, the 10th insany. - Scarce have we settled down from the i ; oN Pritavscrita, Dec. 29th. excitement of electing a member to rep- A despatch from Cleveland denies that Mr, Forrest ig serjously fll. He will arrive in this city ina ow da days. ------r Ax Evorexgxt has made consider. able stir in_ the nejghbourhgod of Kin. The delinquent is the dangh ter of a farmer in the who has eloped with her father's iced man. They bolted on Saturday even- Sanka Chapals THE THIRTTSEY VEN Of the thirty-seven Up bers who sustained the Tried to get Nomination, but failed. Now Secking Election. had a cargo of provisions on board, and | Sorzd, WELLINGTON. bee close by s a majority of 211 over Mr. Webster, HURON AND BRUCE. The formal declaration of the poll | Mr. Halmes 301 jig oe rt Mr. Ca; COUNTY or YIpTORIA. The nomination for this a ly eo ing, the banns with the i wi Monda: twp on 4 Ba iy a by a og the, digirictyand 'ally ou the | sith, B vancement as a township. Inthe hands man in a neighboring town. ERIDAY CIR 18 at L:) }An.aticle signed "Ps H." arrived hr a EE 5 Er TO CORRESPOND = : d| A poetic fusion, «C «Clear 1s received, but is notadapt columns. too late for insertion this week. -- | We would caution correspondents when received close upon the day of publication. : Subscribers not having yet paid their subscription to this Paper, will effect a considerable' sgving by paying up at the end of the month now ex. pired--the same as if paid at the Gould's majorit in Uxbridge a 221 77 Gowan's majority in Brock...cccoucsecee sseces 02, Mara and Rama ... eee Majority for Gould in the whole Riding seeeecessseerceenese 210 SOUTH ONTARIO. F rat od Morrison. Mowat. Town of Whitby ........ 167 87 Town of Oshawa 45 100 Township of Pickering... 137 397 Township of Whitby .... 76 341 | Majority for Mowat, 460! SECOND DAY. Cise of Poll. oval. Township of Whitby . 418 156 Township of Pickering. . 610 's Town of Oshawa ........ 141 Town Whitty , Vict 136 262 Majority for Mowat, 779. 'Wednesda was a da of trinm for the Oppoors tion ! A foviems 7 West York carried by Cornwall earvied by Prince Edward carried by Oxford carried by South Ontario carried by North York carried QUEBEC. A serious affair ocourred at the polls between the French and Irish. Some reports say five Irishmen killed, others say two, The polls were closed in con- _isequence, The Ministerialists are re- Joried to have had a large majority, t that was probably owing to the disturbances. ALMA. A sad affair occurred at McCrea's Corners, Alma, during the election. A party of Roman Catholics, in sleighs, were returning from the poll, in Peel, when an Orangeman named Dempsey, who had heen severely beaten by them shortly before, cheered for Allan, and the w Hote of the Catholiés jumped out of their sleighs and rushed upon him. Some half dozen of Mr. Allan's sup- porters came to the rescue, and a gene- ral melee ensued, The Catholics ing | mind fuf superior in numbers, and having axes, adzes, and blndgeons in their sleighs, were likely to overpower the Protestants, and five or six of them , {threw down a young man named Mil- ler. One of the Catholics, John Far- rell, raised an axe tostrike Miller, who was lying on the ground, and in ano- ther moment would have committed murder, when Miller's brother ran into the tavern, seized a rifle, returned, and | great hidden shot Farrell through the heart! The unfortunate young man sprang into the air, and fell a corpse. Another Cath- olic, Callaghan, was severely stabbed. A Protestant, Archibald, was badly |and beaten, and is not ted to live. BE GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY OF CANADA. tal grafic 3 1857, Yo wr Peers | T0218 fui July 1a 18 $1,180,820 903 the past few months. He was welor to the city by a merry peal irom the of St. Paul's Church, -|sumed by fire yesterday (Thursday) : od DLAI oH Cnet ows should sand ---- Provincial. THE DIVISION cou RT Was held at the Town Hall, Manchester, on Wednesday, before Z. Burnbam, Esq., (Judge) There were a number of cases fone p ing any public SIE: ue FIRE. The premises of Mr. James Sanders, Carriage and Cutter Manufacturer,Prince Albert, narrowly esc being oon- morning. It appears that the stove-pipe became loose, and the flame ignited the wood-work through which it passed to}, the room above. Fortunately it was discovered before the fire had made any headway, and an alarm being given, it was speedily extinguished. 07 The Bible Christian Missionary Meeting will be held (D- V.,) in the Wesleyan Chapel, Prince Albert, on | Monday ovening January 11th, at 7 o'clock. Messrs. Eynon & Ashley, and | the resi inisters, are ex I 10 attend. LECTURE. quently rejected by the Editor from | ioteres y 'gratify their | your kind Time NET Ne Yeast Ga The oa life another year, and ane, the incidents ed porAT ho ot omer i. onc Man, piellog LX "locks, to see the children: of Lede A ing id. not a of which mark the oe year which ho ee but, A Me your w Man Ta ha 0d SHG ich Sve bite going on during i in India, pki but it is to be TE less important than those which are be. ing enacted at a distance. The present - Election struggle is fraught with many and important interests to this Province, and secure not a little of our earnest a:tention. Tle con rest which is being waged against the corrupt G is marl by many advantageous points, to the no small discomfiture of these who have ly 'ard ' pout wa farther lease of four years, that they might have ample time to pacity for public plund: Not among the least of these advantages is the return. of Mr. George Brown for this city. It has perfectly para'yzed the supporters of the Government, and has drawn down the ire of every Minis- terial journal in the country on his de. voted head. - From the Opposition being looked on and called "a mere faction," On Monday evening the lecture an " sacred music," advertised in our last issue, Was des livered in the U. P. Church, Prines Albert, , BY the Rov ft Moment It was not the | of the lecturer 10 assume the of | a teacher of music, but merely to adduce ar- | and expl which nd show sacred music to be worthy of study, and consequently worthy of systematic prac- tice. It was therefore shown that the arnt proper regulations it cannet injure y---nay, that rather it im- pe that just as improvement | on among us in other respects so it es to go on this res) After illustrat- ing these points, the lecturer took np the pc en and means of good congre- iE il HH : I sounds. of Fadining as s fully outed by the "ot management of various parts. eo, spoke of time, insisting that the time of the tune composers should be rigidly kept, and that every voice should obey the beat of the leader. It was argued also that the use of yarious ettes, pevtnsiidting ote study and clice, wi be follow y im) o- ro ; and that both for the sake of decorum Porn praises. After of SE ees wd gd appropri concluded his lecture by pressing home To duty of heart hip, in order 1 in the music of Heaven. w We may just add that the attendance was | good, and that several ladies and gentlemen | remained after the lecture, who "joined to- | gether in discoursing some excellent music.' gs | MORAL, FIRMNESS. (From a Correspondent.) High and noble is the character of that man who marks well the distinction between right and wrong, ep walks forward supp ed bp, the strengtl principle, unmov: the Juice of 1 the iuylidade, zh the w] current inion be moving in an opposite direction. bo independent mind, resting firmly on the basis of conscience, cannot be| sufficiently admired, not only fom the mel y CO; it has, 10 Ministerial optics, assumed the dimension< of a party. The last act in | the Election Drama of this city was played at 12 o'clock, last Saturday, when ihe Returning Officer declared Mr. Brown land Mr, Robinson the sitting members ! for the city during the next Parliament-- after which, the respective candidates, in a short speech, a'!dressed the electors, Mr. Boulton, by courtesy, was allowed to speak first ; he presented the speciacle of a vanquished hero, and attributed his defeat, not 10 himself, but to the treachery of the other parties; he forgot that his popularity has very much waned since he last offered himself as a candidate for Toronto. The party that formerly put him ip triumphantly whenever they were appealed to, are now completely divided --a portion of them going for progressive Reform, while the balance adheres to old prejudices and corruption, looking for State favors, and clinging to the "flesh.pots of Egypt." . Mr. Brown ful. lowed next, apd was very enthusiasti- cally cheered. He said litle more than - thanking the eleotors for the proud posi- tion in whieh they had placed him ; he | looked the perscnification of sell.satisfa. tion, but at the same time wore his laurels with be = y. Mr. Rol spoke last, and promised to do a great many things for the Province generally, | but more particularly for Toronto. [tis {10 be hoped that he will keep his promise ! ; People are busy speculating asto whether Mr. Brown will sit for Toronto or Ox- fo:d. If he sits for Toronto, his brother Gordon can get returned for Oaford, and thus add one more to the Opposition ranks ; but if he be called upon to form a governmen', as he no doubt will be, would his re-eleerion for Toronto be sure? These are the two poinis which must determine his choice. - It is believed by those best informed that Parliament will meet, for the despa'ch of busi: es, about the middle of February. One thing is certain, if the Government intend, by to relieve the occurrence, but from the view in lish it JB pueetts Ju human fault. Such a though his ot optoe our wishes ; and pri be the struggle when contested against fl depp odin ip vemed. Through evil repoft and good, he fimily advances, conscious of tl vahdity of his claims--entering into no bois. terous vindication, but acting upon them with a brow calm and serene from the cear- ness and decision by which they are em- braced. This man is : segnlated by those t, public opinic a l em gui; pull a power. Consistency ls written, as with a sunbeam, upon his coun- onariee, anil shail shine Hon the annals of history, when the glory of sounding brass tiukling cymbals are hushed and for- gotten. J. N Borelia, Dec. 22, 1857, by his invincible power, His dignity is SE oh ber of present prevailing monetary distress, tho sooner they meet the better. : Our lent ivic sro producing "quite a ferment. ~The num- candidates for civic honours is unusually Ia Among the number are to be fo two ebon sons of Africa. Don't start! don't be incredulous ! Such is the fac'! Our Corporation has fallen so low in the estimation of the h and hon:st public that it is diffoult ta those | S¢1 an honest, "respectable man to serve in it. Chiseling amorg its members is the order of the day, and honest men do not care for joining such a body knowing that " evil communications, &ec."" --puess the rest. The City Council for 57 held its last meeting last night. Of course, it died a natural death. A more corrupt and unprincipled Council neyer handled the funds or transacted the Lusiness of a MARKETS. PRINCE ALBERT, DEC. 31. 2 23 EEEEBEP EES PEPPER Shanley, Managing. Director and Chief Engineer of the Grand Trunk Railway in the room of Mr. Bidder.--Colonist English and Friugl Ministers both at Hong Kong. The Impera- gevediionis the north 'seems to have Ridicule has shafis, and impertinence has arrows, which, though against inno- cence they may be "levelled i ip vain, have always the power of waundjng tran. quility. dor had gone apis Cavin river. The |i city ring a population. of 50,000 "cre is «great amount of 5 re is a amount of ry and distress at present in the city, which are being increased every day. In my last letter, 'which reached you too late for publicarion; I mentioned that the Cor- poration were about to spend some £5,000 with a view of giving to the poor Tinem- ployed labourer the means of subsistence for himself and family ; but that cheer- ing prospect is now ex| ploded ; ; the people el I the By-law, iving the Corpora- tion the power of assessing them for the same. The only way which I sce of | getting rid of the surplus yikenionet in cities is fo confer i County and Town- ship Municipalities, with the view of securing for the laburer employment. This hint 1s not unworthy of notice, and should be enforced by pvery local Japer av large ha, sto' = 0 Sy nte Waignide va al. 1