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Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 9 Dec 1858, p. 2

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~~ ~ Taping to regain our shanty before being eomntive snorted, and puffed, and blowed stranger wh-m he had seen dt the sta. Maxvess axp Port Ps ~In today's paper will conmunications written 'for the ario, Observer, published at Prince Albert, ad. vocaifng the construction of & Branch Railway from Manvers station to Port Perry on Lake Scugog. There i quesiion that the project isan excellent one, and 'we insert with pleasure the opinions of our porth western friends. -- 'The inhabitants of those T found two A ar RAILWAY. H Ontario; Mr. Wartbur 3 p ™N ; bo] --. -- z PR i -- ! Presently the conducte rb x SERVER." With a reyvery walked 4 i side. He 10k books from his et, the bank "bil had collected, and!' laid them in Mr. Warthurn's hand. '1 mediately interested, may rest. assured that the Company wil ry their power 10 fi the Port Hope e Neer axo Bear Hosring 1x Grey-- The following is an aecount of a recent 2 exp ithe 1 Grey, County of consisted of three, Neas Peter Gage, and Walter Booth, besides| a young man named Smith, whom we took alo: g as cook, and another named Moulton, whom we had hired as team. ster, to take us from Oneida 10 our des- tination, namely, the township of Grey. Having arrived oa the hunting-ground JE ONTARIO OBSERV ER, THU take notice, that the pavment of outstand- When reviewing the present condition | ing debts for subscript advertiing, and prospects of a country, whether it be = job wark, ---- r---- self.governed or a v, the natu. y would tend greatly 10 the public con. | venience as well as to pablic economy Long credit has b en ex'ended, and we! The object which the proposed line is Keck ral inquiry will invariably suggest itself, " what are its antecedents?" We have j d with pl a statistical therefore trust that p ! us will satisfy our accounts. we built a shanty, with the intention of] sopping a few weeks, and, as we found the game plenty, between Hunting and trappivg we had a good time of it. In five das we kill -d s'xteen deer, and did ® p.eity good business in trapping mnsk- rats and beavers. On the sixth day, when going out to hunt, and within a acmss two large bears] which apneared to be in company. We advanced slowly | towards th-m, and got within range of | the old fellows before they saw us.--| Neas Booth, being an old and experi. | enced hauter, fired first, and the ball en. tered the right shoulder of one of the bears disabling him mueh. The other was fired on by Peter Gage, but being | of oaly wounded slightly, made off. Wal. ter Boo:h then discharged his gunat No. 1. bur without effect, and the animal, rn. razed from his wound, made toward us. Not having time to reload we were forced to retreat with all the haste in our power, overtaken by the monster. Our team. ser was with us, and being a clumsy kind of a mallet fell behind, ahd was forced to tree, but.not bring very smarn at climbing, when he got up about four fet, the bear caught him by the heel. and puliing him down, tere the pants pretty near off him. One of his legs was considerably torn, bat not dangerously. Mr. Moulton at thistime began to think that he was a pone 'Coon. But fuckily fr him, Neas Booth meanwhile had got his gun loaded, and put a ball into the m-nster above the right eve, which read- ily despa:ched him. Gathering around Moulton, we found the chief injury" he bad sustained was ihe fright and loss of his pants; but, thinking he had go enough of the hunt, he started for home that 'afternoon. . We got the bear up to the shanly, and found that he weighed 426lbs. The day being far advanced. | we did not follow his comrade till mex: moring. We soon came upon his track, when we fillowed up, and shoot two o'clock came within sight of the gentle nan. We could not, however, get with. in range, and having only one dog, we could net tree the feilow. We followed | hun eleag 'he banks of 'the Maitland | River iil! near sundown, when lve swam | the river, and Vig) emve up the chase. . a, . ---- -- Ti The following good story is told by a contemporary of an amusing episode which occurred lately on the western railroad and which, slightly curtailed, we give: -- ee * Hallva, Limpy, the cars will start in a minute ; hurry up, or we shall leave you behind : The cars were waiting at a station of one of our Western railroads. The en. gine was puffing and blowing. The bag. gage master was busy with bagrage and checks. The assistants were hurrying to and fro with chests and valises, pack. sges and trunks. Men, Women and cuildfen were rushing for the cars and hastily securing their seats, while the lo A min carelessly dressed was standing | on the pa form of the depot. He was looking around him, and seemingly paid little aueniion to what was passing. I was easy tosee that he was lame. At a hasty glance ove might easily have sup posed that he was a man of neither wealth wir influ nce. The conductor of the train gave hima s look, and slapping him familiarly on the shoulder, calied out, * Halloa, Limpy, better pet aboard, or the cars will leave you behind + Time gh kon," replied the individual so roughly addressed, and he retained his seeniingly listless position. The last trunk was tambled info the, ba sgage car. * All aboard? eried the con. ductor. Get on, Limpy I" said he, as he passed the lame, lessly-d d man. { come, by the untiring zeal and enter- ' shart distance of our shanty, we cam: | | worth.-- Dublin ** Evening Mail * cass wei Just pe plea review of the internal improvments and GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. varied progressive condition of Canada ; " sm-- " | what many of onr grandfathers declared Arrical asd Departure of Trains. must ever be a waste welderness. has be- prise of ite Anglo.Canadian inhabitants, a Highway to Civilization. We do not (21aid the rm! of our own more im. |y ur-liae. social and political interests)! sullicienily appreciate the advance «1' science in our North American depend. encies. The Grand Trunk" Railway, | now drawing uear its copletion, and des | . tined shortly to unite, with one long link 'E of iron, the shores of the Si. Lawn-nce inndbted int dto, H to serve, is not to enable us 1 travel expeditiously to small towns, but to place us in . connection with large cities, whee a good market may ialmest unvarably bé found. One of i the grand results of the line from the | Mauvers Station to the Northern Rail 1 road, wonld be the facility that would ; be aff rded for speedy communication and Lake Huron, is one great palpable | List oF scEATS FoR THIS PAPER. feature in this advance ; but this uniting . fas 4 byshe Saar. Sew Me Leas, King Sucet East been p ¥ the | Ractas Me. 5 5 Cromer. unity of opinion that has led not 'only |p, cenin a pwnd { Ersow-- Mr. Robers Ward Uxeeunce --W. Semich. Faq Vann astox.-- Mr. Murdoek VePhadirn. Greex Bava. --Mr. Frederick Moald. Other Agemeses yet rexmarn io be Sed wp. 17 Po are reqoe 10 met as Ag-ule fw Shes Paper. Canada, but al! British h America, 10 appropriate and adopt the remedies | promuigat~d by Proressor HoLroway a< best suited :o the di lting from their changeable elimate, as 10 those maladies that are the' heirldoms of all the human race. Ove quarier of a cen. tury ago were Hovrowar's Pius axp Oixtxest made known, through the me. dium of the press, 10 the suffering portion of all nations. Without the 'aid of sub. No rotice can be taken of 3uony mons commeications. tcated by the same and adles of tre woes --me arceseanly ior prilicatos, bal 253 prs mics of seed h We cannot unleriabie 10 retwrn rejected coemmica- A! teroceanic wire, they sped their way to| ees i by the « backwoods and log. huts of British | 'rooster fea censors ae fo ser. North America, and were as naturally purchased by the settler when going to his market town as the most staple com wesday wmoruieg. at the ki LAW RESPECTING NEWSPAPERS. Subacrilers who do nef rice «Xpress patio i writing modity for household prion ; How. ro mie fo rvainar thei alerts. tow2y's Rexeoies became individualis- | 5 mbites nar il ed, being suitable to ai, awd within th- wi fron the olfice 19 w + are disected, ther ace hebi -- Fail they have a igled then bie, aud erdored their pares to be disroutiased. i; L If Sutacrive:s ionmve 10 other paces without inform & reach of all, where * Doctors" and " Dispensaries" were non t In the samve proportion as they were the adopted rems-dial agents of Canada in its earliest days, so have they Hh universally admi'ted m.dicines of all! TO CORRESPONDENTS. classes ia its more matured and advanced - stage of prosperity. Never (we are 101d) | The letter signed ** Improvement," has has there been any scch opponents 10 | been unavoidably crowded out. Dyspepsia and Fever and Szue as the | GF Mr. Geo. Yule is our appointed PiLis brave proved thenwelves, by stern { Avent at Whithy. and undeniable experience ; and for the | external amd surface affeciions that arise | = froar morbid influences, as well as from | Tach' me the peadietier, 20d he pansy a sod 10 The forms rection, they wre inchl tesponsabic. "Obssrver. ~ NOTICE TO CORRESPONDENTS. | Wintever is micuded fox inscriien neat be actin. | il a very short time , with the seaboard. This 'would give jour h a fir Py ity " ¢ | importing | exporting with Eir | greater e ¥ than at y t, ard j the beuefits which 'woald arise from i 1 ial relations being = | thus thrown open woald not be solely : of a local natare, but would be re i flected throughout the entire country. : We observe that ina speech delivered ; in Toronto, by Lord Bury, referring 10 ia company which has been formed for | the purpose of shortening the journeys (across the Atlantic, lis Lordship. aid 1 -- sige and coutract on Lehalf of tie | company am agweement for carrying ; the mails between Gai 'foundiand, which is two way and New ! come into force | [ Loud cheers. 1 As the Atlantic telegraph is not who | ian accomphshed fuct, 1 think that { these our sieatiiers ave the nest bust | ; thing, and that merchants will find jt | to their advantage to send their com | munication by that next quickest route | i between the old world and the row. | {At the present moment the terminu- | iof these steamers is placed in New | { York. Bat I am the bearer from tire | company of powers. to fry and enlist | the sympathies of Canada in the pro | Jeet. [Cheers] And should we suc | ceed, we are "prepared to brine a! weekly line of steamers to Quelbre.-- | [Loud cheers J? i Well might am. mmmonncement | i be received with enthusiasm, for the | with their progress inthe min. uti of domestic improvment, as of their advance in commercial prosperils ; and as closely allied 10 both these interess. must be classed the Gigantic Organza. tion for the Health of all Nations, a< founded by Thomas Hollaway, agd which will insure perpetuity ia afier ages by the anributes of its inst, "The Proprietor of the Ontario Ob. server has this week secured for its eol- umns the services of a literary gentle. man, well known to the press of Canada, who will henceforth take the manage. ment of the Editorial Depariment of this Jourual. Every effort will be used, by :he aid of an cflicient staff; 10 reuder the ¢ the able advocate of all mea- surds of Liberal Reform; the guardian of the comtriercial and agricnliural re quirements of Canada, and the champion f the political interests of the Province. The Observer will alwo be conspicuous The Sarnia Observer learns that some of the Grand Trunk woikmen, who reside on the other side of the river, op- posite Point Edward, were coming over 10 their work upon la~t Saturday morming, a bear 'rushed out of a thicket opposite the bank, and p'dnged into the river.-- They made afier ir, and began the attack with their oars, but with very little off 1, for Bruin came ontoard as a passenger, to the no small terror of the boatmen, one of whontt acraally leaped into the river to be out of karm'< way. The bear was again driven into the water, however, and by the aid of a man who arrived in and for i's zealoms tion fo all mar ters of local import apd of general interest. The proprietor, ander these arrangements, confidemly anticirates an increas d measure of support, and would i w the readers of this Ji | impossible wot - Canada must | ne eve great carrying | vers station to Machell's Corners.--See sudden changes from heat to cold, the Ontario { jee of world be Gig ; OixrarenT is said to have no competitor. ; ED SYLYL TPR. LarTOR. y such an toan incalen- We have been led to thus p-culiarizs. SIRED SI Vrms honrn: alate ate told that « It is | iat should our fans atlantic brothers by PRINCE ALBERT, 1858. 1 perase this article hereafier, -------- inside ; ax Wut Rice way of the world," and that States { men en the other side arc not indifier | {ent to the great advantages derivable ! | from such a p-vjeer," as the one adv { cated by Lord Bary. i less 10 affirm that the It is almost need tthe less 10 the County of Ontario than 10 be £2 vr od rr dently count upon the combined ener the old country, and if our projected five | from Manvers Suton be buil, we in| TEN davs' journey from the British mar. | another boat. armed with an axe, the ani. mal was finally despa'ched. The car- ahout 40%bs. Anotter, and larger bear was killed at the same place en"Monday, cros-ing over to the Canada sho : The New Yo erald gives the ful that their mental equanimity can Printer's bills! The Pro<pecius for the ! new volume will Le is<ued next week. lowing gratifying accouct of the ap ----t-- ..H ols: SN ami Bei of the Gouldy The Proposed New Railroad. family :--We are pleased to record the SR pid recovery of the surviving mem bers of the Gouldy tragedy. Mrs Gouldy, the step-mother of the unfor young mad, is convalescent.-- We are again called upon to advert to the proposéd scheme by which a new line could advantageously be laid ed The lame man made no reply. Just as the train was slowly moving! away, the lame man on the plat. form of the last car, and, walking in, ietly took a seat. uble to walk about her chamber. Mr i Hicsien the rally, itis highly Tha riain had moved on a few miles| Gonldy is also rapidly recovering ; one | COUragement which the opel uw: ry ie faxes pol all Whitby gh when the ¢ mductor appeared at the door! of the wounds is head has been | met with since it was proj , little of the car where our friend was sitting Passing along, he soon distovered the non. * Hand out your money here I'-- 1 don't pav,' replied the lame man, very quietlv. «Don't pay I' ¢No, sir?-- * We'll see about that. [shall put vou out at the next station I" and he seiz-d the valise which was on the rack over the head of our friend. *Betier not be s: ; 3 s phn ject the culture of the young, the im- roush, young man,' retdrned the sfran. as his wounds are well the galvanic . county own agaiust the interests of the joa iE . Joung: 116 In pet. conduc released the car. | battery is to be applied. Nr Gonldy {pavers gunefally; Speedy Semaiii whole county ? and that the railroad] ._. . by . themse ne shi pet bag for moment; and sesing he| rétains bis faculties. in a [cation with Montreal and Torumtol Loli Lore ite coimy in yoully boc] "VC "hall develope themacives, and could d+ no more" then, he passed on to| gree. He is alle to freely converse] . virtually place Prince Albert| ek) 7 57 TET pervade every action of the man; and the Ae be mPOod ay 2 pes iow rons oF | ide ACEC Wh he ascbue of 10d the other places upon the line int WPLIUh. ©. | Covamcementel oar youl siromlly se Asholiopeet at & wits fou piues off | Wade Aeuinied itl the suckle of on ton of leaving them back | * , hat should indvcel, lly, by inducing in » gentleman who had heard the conver. | his son, which melancholy information {t 1 i al prot and, io every one in North Outario to urge on wid Fv Ie or in sation just medtioned," looked up at the{ will not be broken to him until there in the County, as | present; and, inl erection of the liné is, that it will pea 2 'adi po dr God, and pred conductor, and asked him-- Do you! reason lo believe that he will | renting for nsa home market, would ~~ rok payers °X soars ha. Me duet, Bopesiy, FO To and th know 10 wham "you were speaking Jr fully recover. The girl Morphy still put us-commercially and otheiwise Foner has ih 3 bine, if love of virtue, whose ways are ways of] now I SNe, sir." That was' b Hospital, --in ns good a position as Whithy: waler fired Sd build the line '{ leasuntucss; and % Bose paths are paths. 3 . SOP i h X ? i . eis i the rchant ha to pay. , =o agreeing ta ease Port Perry Sabbath ho 80. which.we + 1 kiow him. oe oe ome pamet sd th teams which. bei a To moll 5 s a pia anemones shel io the Soung man's Sia' Ss will 1080 ib ic thei merchandise or nrry out their 2" Tot 00 the cou. "Thin will relieve (5, ars bdegunte bh pag nut nasoled. i brother Charles is get. | er ; the sate-pavers of any ex pense, seins thé of the Shoal sone: = weut gn golle his fa ---- constant care | Produes to and frm' Whithy and Osh give to them a useful railioad whea the 1 eat ig # School oon. » » . wb we bos 38 Of entirely healed; the other, and most cians, expresses his convietion that he cover his former strength. Mr. Goul. dy's side is still paralyzed, but as soon The dangerons wounds upon the head, and the bruises upon her arm have been skillfully healed. Her health has greatly improved. so that she is; oper Railroad ; and. from the en- dtage, by the prop red line froin Man. | vers Station we should have a dire: uot be suceessful'y preserved until, of | connection, through Collingwood, with tho] PTR Siete, all others, they have discharged their | Great Western, the New York C-utra! | rand Trunk Railwavs; ani | ;and the G : we shea'd have secured 10 us a commu | {mication with the scaboard, aud with tie | YPar West. : 3 We have been aid that if carried into «fot, would tend to! This | {injure the County Towa, i : ight or might wot be' the case.' Bu: iPower; and intellect will a:sert its high ween Station | "™® Te = Waals Batis < i hi ory es Moms him | considering that, Whitby hs the benefit | Position in spite of every hardier. The A er to Machell's Corner. on the °F he Grand Trunk and the Lake navi jsuccess of our age is mainly attributable | zation, and that the proposed line would { doubt remains that the enterprise will eventually be carried into eflect. The benefits which would accrue to North Ontario from the proposed line of mil vad must be self-evident, and surely nope can fail to elserve the advan- tages that would arise from it: not only to the places through which the line wonld run, bat also to the mate. dangerous. is in a_fair way for heal ing. The brain protrudes very slight- ty. biit 1s daily going down Dr. Van , oue of the attending physi- will recover, althongh many weeks must pass before he can ibly re- eventually suffer material injury. But suppose that Whitby should even be in- jured. the County would be so immea- Whithy are DAY, DECEMBER 2,1858. © i 5 " When in St Johas, Newfoundland. ! the other day. it wus my fortune to iTorunto and with Montreal ; that we fir Wear, a <inews of ihe commercial strength of 1h | importance of the ! ; undertaking extends iss if to every man | ©onqaest over Autumn by hiding her rich | who has a stake in the eouniry, and no: 11imts beneath his snowy mantle. Thou his od we confi. | Prince Albert, and the merchauts of this ias an age of he q this sok j of education is very justly recoguised 10 surably beacficed, that the interes of! | x. > "county thé general funds j= Pp 1 n of the county town would be increased. Seah Ontario it' is worth from $30 10 $100 per acre, and property in ihe town of Wiiby cots from $40 10 $30 per ET -- Sr : J I ---------- a Er ------------ ; i m-- mn pther column, exertions 'be ve beau o recruit the finances of 1 he sc! ith very tolerable 5 still remains a balance against the which it ought, to need but thi re- EE a ------ rion to the redacteur en chef of iF al, that to undergo a depriva- irsute appendage :o his chin, which be ranks as his chi f facial adorn. ment, wonld considerably add 10 his ing this feelings of human nature; when the majesty of mashood is stricken down hy the might of tyranous depravity, and the foot, when it can be bought in a $110 810 in eligible forall purposes from per fot, in the northern, part of the county. Thi: cheapness of land would bring settlers and purclasers, and would induce an ivcrease in the value of pro. | perty in ihe County, together with an in, jcrease of wherewith (0 pay the | County tax. Whitby is of course ner. i vous, and the 'Chromic/e feebly endeav- | surs in throw cold water on the scheme, {but while he recounts his hardships, he | formers that the people of North Oatario cannot attest 10 anv liberal comsideration | from South Ontario, for only at the last meting of the Couaty Council the Reeve and Deputy Reeve of Whithy voted INAY 10 grartof $1000 for the ber. efit of North Ontario. On the one haud tke rate-payers of the northern porticn {of the County contributed their propor. !tion 10 the erection of the County build. tings, while the 10 bear a share of the expenses which we demanded at the last meeting of the {County Council. The time has surely ! there fore, Ontacio must guard our own interests, which, we coutend, will be, in the end, the imernst? of the Coumy at larg Z > | Is it nething'that we can, by the erec- | i nof this line, connect ourselves wich | + cn place vurselves in commanieation with the seaboard, aad withia ten davs' urney of the Brink Market? Is it nothing that we can build up towns in the ceaire of the County, obtain a | connection, through Collingwood with the | thus give tone to the | um 1.27 Fe ® nothing, we ak, that we can «ffet this? And when we can do it mavifesily to our awn advantage and to the ultimate inerest of eve:y Lranch of the Coanty, without any cost to the rate-payvers whatever. can we, under anv reasanable pretext, reject the proposal ? Disiincily, we cannot. i a RAILROAD MECXTING. We beg our readers to remember tha: a public meetige of the inhabitants of 1hi< Toweship is appointed to be held at the Town Hall, Manchester, on Wednesday morning next, at ten o'clock, with refer. ~nce 10 the proposed railroad from Man- Advertisement. December--:he hallowed mon'h of evergreens.and jollity--has at length ar. s~uhern portion efased | | donations te the Port Perey Wesleyan asrived when we of North | Methodist Sabbath School wera inade held in the school roin, Port Perry to ef. dull rs of disease stand stagnant in the cyes of the debauchee ; the simple truths of the Gospel, taught in early years, and long since forgolten--the tauths, in vindicaiion of which martyrs have suffered vpea the ero-s and Ly the stakc-- have flashed back upon the reel. ling intellect, and. permeating the bari { ees of obstinaev. have reseucd him from i the very vortex of despair and death.-- We are assured that further advocacy | would be superfluous, and therefore tak. {leave of the subject in the eon fidence {that the projectors and supporters of the Port Perry S.bbath Schon! wiil wot be | permitted 10 bear an undue proportion of the expense of maintaining them. CC ---- A ---- ep Wesleyan Methodist Sunday Scheols. It has lazely been discovered that the quate to the Liqiidation of the amounts | standing out asainst it, and that t ere was a deficiency in the {nds amounting to abot forty dollars. ETorts have | beer vigronrously made durin; the past | week '0 raise the sum rquired. On! Sunday last tw serinons were preached | at Prince Albert, by the Rev. W. Se | ph nson of Waterloo, Kingston, morning ' and evening, and the resalt was a collec. H tim of twelve dollars in aidhof the school Ou Monday evening a tea macting was fect the same object. Aminastth: com pany were the Revs. W. Stephenson of Waterloo, J. W. Savage, of Princ. Albert, W. Sheridan, Utica, D. A J ha. stone, Cartwright ; and M -s-re. Tomax and Goorae Paxton, Pont Periy, P. and L. Hurd, and R. HH. Tomlmeon, Prince Alben. After tha cmestibles had been dis cuss-d, Mr. Thomas, Paxton, who wa. elected to the chair, brielly, opened th- i i of | Medical Faculty, %e, during his engage: ments over the Province, has, we under. stand, Been earnestiv solicited to visit has 'consentrd 10 do so. A know. ledge of Medical sudjecs is highly es. sential, and' the lectures of Br. Colle: are said to'poseess a standard of merit which render them worthy of general patronage. The Railway Meeting. The Railrcad Meeting held at Neil Sinclair's' Hotel, Borelis, on Saturday evening last, was one of the largest and 'most influential meetings ever held in. - this tawn-hip. The meeting opened by clecting A. urd, Eq, as Chairman, and Mr, R. 11. Tomlinson as Seeretary. After the chairman had stated the object for which the meeting was convened, hs called wp a John Fowler, Esq; Con.. tractor for the Millbrook and Peterbore" Branch, who laid before the meeting the scheme upon which the proposed Rai'- road ni_ht be cons.cucted, und upon what terms he wuld undertake the cons would 10 make the line--forty miles in length-- from the: Manvers Station. thre" the prop sd Town of Outario, Uxbridge, 10 Machel" Northern Rai'road, for the total sum of £250.00), which be suggested could be raised in this wise = By the Port Hope and Lindsay Rai'way Company sul scribing £100.000, Toronto, £30,000, Port [lope, £20,000, himself £10,000 inge be paid by the Municipalities and pri- the line for 21 years, and 1a pay 6 per would 'ake Municipal Debennres at rar, work. If the Municipalities could! raise the £90.000, he would guarantee that - the line would be comleted. Mr. Thomas Pasion 'expressed his meeting, and called ively npn. the Revs. I. W. Savage, and W. Sheri. dan, and Me. P. Hurd, who spoke execu satorily. and gave pines to The Rev. D. A. Joimsions. He re. viewed at great leng:h, and with much fore and vo'ubility. the benefits whic kaowledge, and the responsibility which rests upon us of affording support 10 such rived, aud Winter has vindicated his +f Christmas begin 10 steal arace upon us, < {gigantic plum-pudidings, and the pony {rubicumd puterfamid-as, surrounded by { School had up them, and concluded of the Briti-h and Canadians for its reali. tihe juvenile clemourers for Christmas {by an vrg. nt appeal to an exercise of zation --this coutinent. wiil be placed | soutenirs are 'oomine =t no very great | ! within seven or eight days' journey frum | for the accuracy and ability ofits reports, | distance. Tie sleigh beils already jin. gle. out their merry music, the most healibful recreations of the vear are ------ 0 ---- ee Oar Local Sabbath Schools. Ia the 19th e-ntury --which is distin- i gui~h~d with proverbial | dressed the me: ting. i nlications of the rapidly aivanced sea. | which the introd ivan, a rether a severs winter may be | had shed over th | usefu. and benevolent projects. The <peaker adveried 10 the many evidence: tistacti-n wi h the explanation given hy John Fowler, Esq, on behalf of hi ~elf and F. II. Burion, Esq, of Pure > lmlway a: {the Norhera Ra iroad ly interested in the undertaking shoaid move-- * That it be Reso'ved that the meeting pledges itself to use eve ry effort to car- which had been individually farni-hed 1 of the usefulness of the Saibarh Schools | ; jin which youth were tausht to reverence | 10€ : Pia : j believing that it would greatly add to . - nena) isi . i | their Creator. and properly to discharge | 3 g y others. If the enteiprise of the Briti-l; and visions of mammoth roast zeese ami | Hie Srey pros i ih - duties of Ifa, {the claims which the Pori Perry Sabbath their charity. i prised an elaborate <keich of the iis i and progress of chrivianity aud of edu- ble for its perspicuity: and ornateneas, he | eloquentiy addressed hinrseif 10 a con. | of the bricht effulgenc: } uction of Gospel truths | e carth, and made poin-. ! ed aliusion 10 the means which the Al | mighty had placed within our easy reach! of spreading abroad the Divine Word, and of disseminating a moral and reliai |: ous code. [le adverted to the slicht in- pi : ky Shs ah s be one of almost paramount imp riaace. In knowledge there is unquestionably < < ce that would individually 'e f It by their rende in: & +i anc judig that the eff ct of a liberal en r:bunion would be to afford the desired s ipport 10 the school. He concluded by prop sing 10 hand round a subscription list, the do nations appended to which should com- due hy New's Dav. Tiis arrangement received the gene- ral assent, and signatures for a sum 10 the intelligence which ch and the of s FS tions are' in a great' meastte dependent ises it, ting 10 fificen dollars and a half were given in. hi ; I was factiously ohwérved that in upon the educational advantages lLeld out 10 and maintained by the people of y- Mere school education, without the teaching of Divine revelation, is, it. 'South Outarie hasits railrad and navigation, why sheu'd i grodge to North Ontario'th- proposed railroad coa- venieuce, and set the interests of ihe how , frequently more disastrous than the mast abject ignorance ; hence the ne- ees-ity 'which obiains for the support of thowe institutions which have for their 'accountable circomgitatory feat [in bis case any of the ladies should ch mgr their names before the new year, it was probable that their promise of payment might be held 10 be vitiated! The con- tingenev, of course, excited much loss dread than merriment. The enllegtion having Leen formally auncunced, the meeting separated : 'A Novel Incident. Con.iderable iuerriment was occa. sioned here on Wednesday aflerncos by the arrival of four sleighs bedecked with flying ribbous of every gaudy hue, con. taining a large wedding panty from a ty stayed awhile at Bovniton's Hoel, and the appeared to be, hilarious 10 no small extent, from a . copious (indulgence in " som : The ~wonder- 5h ing erowd by sleigh, which .rnded in she snspping.of]. { th i Teférebog to the proposed a "Fhe meeting thew separated r We learn through the Pays that oS Joan : ry into effect so desirable wif object as projected extension of railroad ; the resources of North Untanio e resolution, which was thereupon carrfed. : Mr T C Forman moved a resolu- The Rev. Mr Stephenson.neg: nd | tion, seconded by Mr. R. H. Tonlin- His remarks com | 30N, to the effect that, "in order to fur- ~ {ther the proicet mentioned in the last resolation, a committee be appointed : PR i SL pa Avanean i ,! for the purpose: of communicating witly SANG again Jo You, and Skating. / cat) 4 rom We Busnran ig oh {other localities interested in the un. # County will be placed within xinr o. | *ndo:her athletic spoits now indulged in. | Iv present day. la language l make the surface of our neighbouring | ket! Besil sthissplendid source of ad | lake present a very lively scene. From { duration dertaking. either by letter, meetings, or otherwise ; =o us 10 secure their co. operation, and that the said committee consist of Messis. Thomas Paxton, J. Holden, P. A. Hurd, George Currie, A. W. Ewers, D, S. Way, Dr. Haight, J. Bigelow, und the mover." resolution which set fopth "That a public meeting of the mhalitants of this township should be called at the Fown Hall, Manehester, on Wednes. day the 8th of December, at 10-0 clo ky for the purpose of ascértaiving their views on the subject. As also of giv- torward and. express their sentiments ¢ upon the matter." 'It was then moved by Mr. Paxton, and seeonded by P. A. llurd, " That a special mvitation be givento J 3. Smith, Esq, President of the Post 'lope and Lindsay Railroad, to attend at the aliove-nienfioned meeting, as Esqs " Carried. "That the proprictors of the following Journals be requested to insert the pro. ceedings of the meeting, viz:-- The Ontario Chserver, Port Haye Guide, The concluding resolution was 'conded by Mr. and was ss ol lows plo, Seon wh, this meet- ing is .dve and .is herby Messrs. Burton and Fowler for their" - | attendance at this mecting,-and the "blo ion wren 4 ith ble explanation they "boen' iid of the shafts, , This accident having tepsired, the party. lefi, with Spare: the deagh.of Dr, A encomiums of the Press, the Clergy, - Prince Albert aud its: vicinity, and \ tach o ond shar Sled "1 i . 1 ir? id. year . - - 125 6 sAlhert Id enable to _ | So would the building u of other towns | woniatian 10 cause to-be liquidated i + -Re-| persona 0a y Sow re oa agimts i amay-be advisable to-expiain ther 3") I Tor ets GOMES ihe" county, and 10 8} sions education isa boon which is most | the : ho Tw ig for a moment, then motioning ile con. |'hose parties who discontinue the r al che d 3' land Je : ey extent, : «}(! Ga 1 : seasua, however, rendered the ghar. li The vacant seat br his side. he | at the end of the volume would be las cheaply as it; éould l be lapdéed a What dA when 'we have the | cherished in clvilised countries, and we tably intentioned, but untimely recom. EL le, so a ul = P| landing the ho a County... her A fae cat tb ln 1 oa. Rent, rly ps verely rated the conductor on the impra. , i foci hern Railroad nme Lum or suns derived vom dt incéviry sphere of So = Hs 1 do all that lies in re of rhe tavellers with incivility JOB WORK. {duce could be forwarded at cheap rates > that they do comme 1 We pouteud tual social life. If we "train up achildin| IMPORTANTC MEDICAL Lec. pri 10 the detridoent of is employ * jer: | * Of all descriptions executed with neat. | to Toronto, which woald, of course, be i eons ir the Coamny ie of| the way he should go, whén'heisold he} TURES. = ~~ - promised 10 report to - y eco. | 1 3 than Soh © rEEIOWns i 2 Swi t Rg So ee : AD and eft hien with an ex Sexy 31d Siapaich, 5d 3 fe Foot eee. a better market than Whitby. Ya Yo: course, pay their quota, and wo lessen the Sil ux dopant frou 3, Aod how of Dr. John Collett, of New York, now - hg a Fogg a Sovsical ¢ rges. ends the first Volame, | "00% Whd¥e the market is not over. burihen of the tax, much more than the{ten it will occur that after long conflict engaged in a course of Popular Leck oy Mp ofl fons ite his numier cnltan ma: stocked, and where everything that which the county town pos- | with the trials of life, when the mind is i iy ol Huron :--Our 'party 1 a Tea: fhe = Gtusevor's lay ; can be raised is likely to find a ready | "635¢s can do. Aud why ? = Because callous, the heart seared, and the brain | "PO" PRY>iology, &e., at Brooklin, and : Boorh | The Retrospect and Drosnects of Brit- args suley we there. Hf hy - which | 20d can be purchased iu No-th Untario | * rium § ible: 10 the better | "10% lectures have received the highest oh North s : : an'ages offered * at from $10 to $10 per acre, while in 34 MH struction of it; which were that Woke ne of 1 Pe fate eapa- + Coruer, ( \nrora,) on the "od en te {eile 5 warfare, stock, leaving a balance of £90,000 ro it. In the «bat in where and tle private subscriptions on the: is vate subscriptions. Healso agreed 1olrass his quiet wet to Ieee, ycent on the cost ;. and wated thar he 'szpire. -- official with- 1] travelling +he public 4m our iber to . ill met which ~, for vely Hope, 10 the building of a hrarehaf raiig var oad 10 connect wrh the P Hope and © { Lindsay 1 the Manvers sa-g" - arise from the inculecatimn of Scrivtaras |" and to termine ar pn Feeling great. pa- for on the paper, be ex sen justi- } dd Mr Thowas C.. Forman seconded .* » N J Richard Lund, W., S_ Saxton, A Huw og . Ms. Thowns Paxton also moved, = This resolution was also carried. 1:07 Mr. James Holden moved the next _- --- ing an invitation to parties from xay >, other Townshiipin the County to come . = A, Td also to F. Hl. Burton, und J. Fowler, Ontario Times, und, Beaverton Post": Mr. C. Marsh secouded" the motion. ® which wus carried» ~ : moved by Mr T. C. Forman. and sa- 4 tended to 7. Mr. Caron, & 'inevohiatit at 8t. Leon, is ii ty of Ste, -

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