au T-- v I -------- msm THE ONTARIO OBSERV EK, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1858. Rural New " Xrker. | Agricultura, iru and Family Jor VOLUME 10, FOR wo. Nui Tl New ousen io 0 i 1 kegs pon the. bank, | vourably known in East 10k gBat Gpom it. Some child: 'est, North and South, 22 the meet ne podive Wty dit a lly mamtain 2 fii a A SE sod Pree te pion the bet Jour s it, emphatically, the Standard Rural and Family Weekly. " 1siox" 1 Mott among the oysters. Iu a shirt time and pe and i Slee od before be was aware, he hid made a {Otjexts, the Romar coutinuously excels in win of powder from the fire 10 the kez, | merit and reports decided progress in cucu- sich suddenly communicated with the | lation aud As an | ter and sent the man whirling into the | Horticultaral, Literary, Family and News | #, but fortunately 1-2 him dowh ia the | P2Pc canal, it Tas lug been uncival No ly of welve issues | ver, where the water prevented him | yearly, tn Lee ad Traontol Wencen | 3m breaking any bones, aud alo re whic in ome a greater number ! eved his bums. Ile wa< pick-d up' for and timely topics than several or- ¥d taken 10 the Charity Hwpital. Two !dinary ning Sg oly 1s, par excel- 'he children had their fuces slighty lence. a NOLES Ful SALLE At this Office, cheap for cash. J UST REEIVED : A large lot of the Dest Spanish Which will be sold cheap for CASH. A ROSS. 44 Prince Albert, Oct. 6, 1858. JUST RECEIVED FROM MONTREAL ! A Large Stock of Mens' Ladies' and Misses' Ny DIA RUBBERS! 1 1 | | I Sis trut, and it is only 10 be wonder dat; The Paper for the People and the Times ! tthey were not kilied. | Toe Teath Volume will be printed and | i d mn sup style. while its con- | fuowsr s OisTesTasD Pras --Far-} tents will vie with its improved appearance. Bed with comprehensive 1emedies, the | Ail who desires a paper which iznores trash, of a honsehaid fers that be can com- | humbug and Jicocytiu, and eame-liy seeks | and control any externa! or inter bd the asd Home | which his family may be Semils | Happiness of us fa 1 of readers in both | Bat t which mast follow the discovery of the | i Fmpition. Dyspepsia or Sermfuia, perhaps, is racking the frame of wife or child. and | weekiv, each 'number ew puising Eigla ; nothing at hand bat pernicious counterfeits | Double Quarts Pages. of Holloway"s resisth - Guad | Page, &e., given a: the close of each Vol- | against such contineencies "by aseentamig | Lume. that the wonts, * Holloway. New York and | London," are visibie in transparent ietters | ivear; three c «n every leaf of the bxoks of directions ac- 1a club azent. for $10; ten, and one free. Jor companying the medicines. i815; sixteen, and one free, jor 22; Lire Pris axon Puorsix Brrvess.--Ii [and one free, you have any dread of Trphoid, or Billious + free, for 340, (or 39 for $37.59) and any i Fever. suppiv yourselves with these far zreater ghmber al same rate--oaly £1.25 25 Sand vegetable "medicines, which acting as | per copy '--with an extra number for every | e and purifier of the system, 'en suliseribers over thirty! Clab i lo on who resort to them 10 passthroagi 1 sent to diffiaent pt-offices, if desired. As! those terrible epidemics or endemics 'ua-, we pre-pay American po-tage, $1.37 is the | | i for $5; yo and ove free rcathed. Sold at the Modat Building, 335 : lowest ciub rate for Canada. Bradway, New York, by the proprictor aud | i his Agent. the new year and volume. -- nme -- Specimen Numbers, Show-Bills, Pro<pect- | i ues, Ke, cheerfn'ly farmmished (by 'mail or; Markets. { otherwise, at car expense.) to all disposed to] Eo bb ----=--=-------- llend a postion of influence in behalf of the | PRINCE *F. ALBERT D DECEMBER. 1 {Remar and its Olierts. | Address ! D. D. T. MOORE. t Rochester, N.Y. 4 HEROD ME ETING PUBLIC MEETING of the Inhab: Ha te } ©: the Township of Reach will te held 44 rt gE. pew ¥ LEER EPERERELRD 0s 54 fs10d 1 WHITBY MAR RKETS. Whithy, Dec mber 1. 1S53. Wheat, 4s 64 a 55. 6d Oats, Is 3d a Isdid. | [ TTY Hay per ton $10 @ $16. Butter, jd a Md. | at the i . Cd, Jost pe fs, 31< $1, Poraioce, 2 64 Town Hall, | TORONTO MARKET. Manchester, on Fie, Sopartne, prt. ogi a 8130] WEDNESDAY, DEC. 8, 1853, ! am: 33 81 IL AT TEN O'CLOCK, A.M, TTT Epa I I em: '3|Forthe purpose of taking an expression od Hin ET. per re 055 wu T i their views with reference to the Oars per 2 == is Ba | of constrieting d branch line of Cid wih =. LL sea. w Har. per tom _ 1 I I 19 ayaa iom the Maivers Miation, on fhe Tramursperteshel - - - 92 a 0 |ilopé, Lindsay, and Beaverton Railway to] Beyron, fics, pus te te sine Town of Outarte, with a view por dozen, re o o | of extending it thronzh Uxbridge to Mache! Hd Arriss. per bal, ot Tet Bown +2 | Comers, 03 the Northern Road. SOANIUM © Tz W®ma 33: 1S Smith Fs. President of the Port], 'Wass. per load - 4% a ; Hope, Lindsay and Beaverton Railway, I. | HL. Burton. Esq., 3.P.P.. and John Fowler, | -- . { Esq. Contractor, will be present to lay be- | ise S iore the meeting a scheme upon which the --- Advertisements. | proposed line of rad can be carried ont. CANADA A!l persons interested in the welfare of ---- a a SL, Bn ¢ init rT FARR | North Ontario are Tequested to aitend. Reach, Dec. 1, I By order of the Committee." LANDED CREDIT COMPANY, ENCORPURATED BY ACT OF PARLIAMENT. CAPITAL..... ..$1,000000 Wm. H. Poulton. Fsq.,Ex-Maver of Toronto. : Prince Albert Oct. 6, 158, Thos. Clarkson, Esq. ¥ L. Denison, Erg. SHARES $50 EACIL JUST RECEIVED DEPOSIT. ...$2 PER SHARE. A LARGE STOCK OF President ; LEWIS MOFFAT, cso. ! Boot and Shoe Findings, VICE-PRESIDENT, ! NN descrip W.P HOWLAND. Esa, M.P.P. | OF a2! desutipiion., DIRECTOKS, | A. ROSS. : : a4-of H } } USP I RECEIVED = A LARGE STOCK CF LADIES A AAD IN E GLaso ! JO TICE i« herel.y given, that no app' ~ ( cations for Bhirs will Le received OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. th - iSth December. A. ROSS. Parties desirous of taking Stock are ree quested t) signify their int-ntion asa 1 Possible 1» any. of the Company's A © is + who are are provided with lhe Deccssary Tyree Aber Or € 180 24m Tu signs, RIL TOMLINSON, hi. sige Nit, Tn 1 rs = YOUNG FOLKS LOOK OUT FOR THE Great Railroad Rall J. Wt (he i-Angio. Ammticay Hite, Pripee, " Friday Evening. Dosember 17, 1858. o Suitable MM: Lave been _ for the occasion. 's Quadrille Band. 1 50. ; ETS--s Prine Albert, Dec. 1, 1858. XY ". JUST. RECEIVED The Canadian Almanac! URER, STREET, WHITBY, C. W, D. FORD, Z|CARRIAGE & CUTTER { MANUFAQCT BROOK For 18591! PRICE ONLY 123 Crs. . -- © R'E TouLNsoxs A RARE CHANCE * 'Drug & Baok Store. eto ld did ed ARR re S0ef NILES win diay fun 54 eo! both hare been counter | | Town and Cou-try. are mrited 10 try the | ited. Ci Sitges the azouy of disappoint- | ! Model Farm and Fireside Joumal. H i Form, Style and Terms. i The Remar New-Yomxen is publiched | An Index, Toke | | TERMS--Is Avvaxcé--Two Dollars a H } 4g 4 'SYST "1193 100100 a Hog P80 mop popuapasoadug [DOH 'SUAO00H XU 'Liwnoy oy jo ued UTR r » . 'AUANOLLVLS 'SSVI9 SIO) spun 'WpnIsoACT Lasoo) SYNT 'WHdVd WOOM 'SHOHS CNV SLOOSI TLV MMAVITD "STI Jo watwpovsn o1aiduwios wow ey yim [modtojy wosp potuned nf wll igale Hager Hol D H > > | x 3 ! : 2 3 i i THE MIGHTY HEALER ' WORLD KNOWN AND WORLD TRIED. ----- Holloway's Gintment., -- VHE free admissicns of all Nations, as wel: 1 as the verdict of the leading Hospuals of the Oid us well as the New World. stamp thie powerful reseed al Agent as the grentest healing reparation ever ua x known 1dpuflening man lis Peactrative Qualitirs are more than Marrel | 'ous. th-oagh the ex'ernal orifices of the skin, uvisibie to the naked eye, it yeacien the seat of | r the internal disease ; and in all ex tual atice- tions 11s an -ieflarmstory and hear g 4 +10 Pont | wrpass anything else on recv:d, and is Nan i | TAIL ORING DEPARTMEN T, next door to Mr. MeMichael's store, where he will be happy tu see his old customers. up Is order on the shortest notice, and in the most fashionable styles. great aliy. ERY SIPELAS AND SALT ROEUM dre two of the most common and valent dis ord. rs prevalent on this continent, to thes~ the Diatment is especially ania zonistic, ive * modus perandi® 1s first io eradicate the venom and hen complete the cure. BAD LEGS, OLD *ORES, AND ULCERS. Cases of many years sianding that have peri- asciously rrlused 10 yield to ani other re ned o treatment, have java isbly succnmbed 10a few ppi.catiens of this puweifal unguent. ERUPTIONS ON THE SKIN, Aricing trom a bad sate. of the biood or chronic discasc are eradica ed, 2nd a clear and u acnon of this Ointment. It surpasses many of he cosmetics and oiber toi«t appliances in in wwer ta dispel rashes and other disfiguresments | oi the face. PILES AND FISTULA. Every form and feature of these prevalent and tubborn disorders is evadicuied locaily and en irely by the a-r of this emolicat; warm fomen atiens shoud precede ite app'ication. [is heal- og qualities wil be fosnd 10 be thoreugh aud avanab e. Both t*¢ Ointment and Pills should be used mm the--following cases * Suniows, Rbeunatian, Sere Threats, Kunzworm, Sore» ull kunds, Chappe Hands, Suit Kicum, Span Scalds, Sud Ss, « Se lia Dheenses. Totter, Swellod Giada, Users, pine Swe Le Veaercal Sores, Neca! Frap- Fit Wounds of atl tone, Piles, Sore Heads, Runde. ¥7 CAUTION ! -- None are genuine unless the words ** Helioway, New York and London," «re discernibic ae a Water-mark in every teat of the book of ditreiivns around cach pot of bux : he same may be pirinly eren by holding the eafio thr light. A handsome reward will be given te any one readenng such information a may lead to the detection of any pary or parties ng the them to be sparious. 2*a Sold at the Manafac'ories of P Hotloway, 80 Maiden Laur, New York, and all respreiable Diuggiors and D aiess in Medi- cine throughout the United States and the civit ized world, in pots at 25 cents, 63 cents, and §1 each. 13" There is a considerable saving by tak- ing the larger sizes. N. B --Direccions for the guidance of patients m every d.swsder ar- affized '0 rach pat. HE SUBSCRIBER keeps conedufly on hand a large mock of BOOTS & SHOES Si very description, and is prvpared to pay the CHEAPEST TEAS - AND TOBACCOS, DRY GOODS, BUFFALO 'ROBES, CHRONICLE THE FACT. LOWES & POWELL HAVE ON SALE 1HE Wines and Liquors, IN WHITBY. LOWES & POWELL Have the largest and cheapest FURS, In the County of Ontario. FIRST PRIZE AND BIPLORL | At the CRYSTAL PALACE EXHIBITION in Toronto, Oct: 1st 1858. The small Lam i can be burned for one-half cent per hour, giving the light of three candles. mg common Oil or Fluid Lamps, can have them altered to bum the Coal Oil. Foolscap, Letter, Note, and they Papers, |COST PRICES FOR CASH. f to read during the long winter eveniu; in. Port Perry, July 20, 1858. = New Fall and Winter Goods "1 Or anytliing that can be converted into Cash, or on credit, 10 customers who pay [Prince Alharit Oct. 12, 1958. THE CELEBRATED REE . New Goods, but Cheap Goods! 5.4 TEA THE CHEAPEST &0038y AND THE BIGGEST LOT OF THEM, BY ALL ODDS, OF Any Establishment in this 'ere county of ~~ ONTARIO! And if you don't believe it, why just try and yeu will find the truth of it. HH Just received the first selection of Gorde all the different departments of SRY GO0SS, GRGCERIKS, Crockery, J Hardware, COAL OIL AND LAMPS. ebrated Oil and Lamps. They give one-third more lizht at the same cost than - other Coal Oil Lamps i in use, and received the P| Persons hav- & TERMS STRICTLY GASH! : R. H. TOMLINSON. _ Prince Albert, Nov. 3, 1858. STATIONERY 1 ATATIONERI 1) | HE Subscriber has j just veenivod dirt & direct SY the Importers a0 Manufacturers, one of the largest and best selected assortments of a. | COPY BOOKS, MEMORANDUM BOOKS. ENVELOPES, ! ELASTIC BANDS, PLAYING CARDS, PORT i MONIES. PENS, PEN po DE RS, } PENCILS, SLATES i &e., &ec., &o. | Ever offered for sale in Prince Albert. The stock is ve ry complete, and comprises every | i | article in the trade. (5 ountiy Merchants supplied at extremely low prices for Cash. A ood assortment of National SCHOOL BCOKS kept constantly on hand, also, 'Wrapping Paper Furnished. In order to clear ont the balance of stock of Miscellaneous Books, they will be sold at| (= Call and examine thie ptock, and purchase a book | R. HL. TOMLINSON. Prince Allert, Nov. 3, 1855, IRR TGR TRUER BOER! TA LORING! YHE Subscriber would beg leave to inform the inhabitants of Port Perry, Borelia, Prince | Albeit, and the surrounding neighbourhood that he has resumed business agaj in the | Merchauts and others can have their own materials made Cutting Done as Usual--Terms Moderate. J. SQU IRE. G. & MM. CURRIE NNOUNCE TO THEIR CUSTOMERS AND THE PUBLIC GENE- RALLY, that their Stock of Is now complete. The Stock is unusually large and varied, and will be SOLD GIIIEAPY FOR CASII! .. prompily, on ca<h terms. CASH PAID AT ALL TIMES FOR Oats, Barley, + Peas, x... Corn § Wheat. 5 Bank of Toronto. Tat No. 17, Tih con. Keach, by paying ex 'ws. Reach; Joly 27, hid NOTICE HIS is > forbid any person crediting my sors, George I. Truax, and Alexander Truax, on my account, as I will not be re- n| sponsible for any debts they may contract after this date, JOHN TRUAX. Reach, August 21, 1858, 39-3mo Bank Check Found. +. OUND on Suncor Street, about two miles north of Prince Albert, 8 Bank Check on The vwoer may have he same on applicaiion to the subscriber, on JAMES B. LAZIER, 3C Highest Price in Cash For any quantivy of Hides and Tallow. A. ROSS. Prince Albert, Oct. 6, 1558. Ht FARM FOR SALE! 8 AUTHORIZED CAPITAL -- - $300,000 THE |STEAM § SAW MILL Insurance Company | PORT ' PERRY Office, No. 405 Walnut St. Philadelphia. Ws the videritgied Bo have just started Insure against Luss or | or Damage by. Fire, on Steam Saw Mill at Port Perry, and e, and M EING the sou h half of LOT No. 17, in the 4h CONCESSION BROCK. of which Bere are over 60 acres.cleared, and 46 of then: . There is a good Dwelling c. a wll sfwacy on the premises. For Patica om fare apely Pe oRN McNEIL, hid + Brock. Nov. 4.1858. J. x OSTER, +: FRESCO DECORATOR, SREABEATAL PAIATER, THE WAY 70 MAKE A BUSI ot Yo, CLONE HOTEL, E mediate posscesioc will be given. J. WILKINSON ADVERTISE! .. oo 4 on rriNce ALBERT. « en: Berry 'also gpd Stabling vad |, = JOIN §. JACK<ON, ~ gener- pared 10 execute all orders in our line on the ols onesouoe lum. "|, SHORTEST NOTICE. DIRECTORS: We have procured a first rate SIDING. MILL M. JACKSON, M.D. - W. 1. BOGGS, ,. i. J OF the maoufacrure of Si, Sour, | DING, FLOORING, AND FENCING | oF £5 Pra sniogs, wwilorh thickness ut: cach 'ded, snd go| INTIS ABLES NANNY | sub-shot un the Bourds. *ensoned Flooring MOSES BINXS, W, E. THOMPSON "+ Cc. M. I eA b. Pre "| always en hand, aise a large quantity of B. Auven. Secretary. J. 8. Jackson, V. Presiden | SQUARE TIMBER, AGENT: . 1+h eqoare, and all lengthy vp JAMES HOLDEN, PRINCE ALBERT. {: EL M. ' aC Pitew Alaa HOU BH. . XX WB | Dr Vomy, A ET SA LT, IRON, C Ay TAMIL TON & ROBERTS, | Contains a choice assortment of Cloths, Tweeds, STEEL, &ec ices so low as to defy com hi &e., All of which I am determined to sell at and soch as te HE Subscriber is the onl agent Rh x Albert fort ol | surprise the most incredulous, for CASH or PRODUCE, or in fact any thing that can be T y in. Prine bert for the sale of the above ju tly cel- | converted into cash, and ou the usual er ~it ou terms equally advastazecus 10 tnese whe are punctual in their payments. To my customers who purchase on Credit I would say. now is the time to attend to your | Tomy coors who if you wish to secure the alove terms of hase, as all such " [must be séttled this mouth. * ve tiny CASH PAID FOR WHEAT, Oats, Peas, §c., &e. THOMAS C. FORMAN. Prince Albert, October, 1558. FS FALL IMPORTATIONS! FANCY & STAPLE ORY COS GROCERIES, WINES AND SPIRITS, NOW OPEN. HAMILTON & ROBERTS, WHITBY. No. 1 & 2, Till's Buildings, October, 1858. } . 45 ! CROCKERY! Just received, a large and weil assorted Stock of Crockery, embracing some fine specimens of CHINA and GINNER Ser- vices. Having imported tiv same direct from the Potteries in Scotland, we are Re pre. pared to offer it at greatly reduc: WHITBY. Nos. 1 & 2,Till's Buildings, } October, 1858. 46 PALL & WINTER GO0DS ROBERT CAMPBELL, (LATE CRAWFORD & CAMPBELL) Be to inform his customers and the public that be has juit received his FALL STOCK, which will be found large aml complete, consisting of the iatest styie 1a DRESS GOODS, MANTLES Shawls, Ladies & Misses' Felt Hats, Factory Cotto, Str SHIRTEN, COTTON WARP, FLANNELS, BLANKETS, &c., The Gentlemen's DePartment Satunetis, Hats, Clothing, and the Largest aud Best made up stock Nag, Soy i gh Ready-made Clothing, Ever shewn in Whitby, consisting of Mens' and Boys" Cver and Body Coats, Ve « sud A Fresh Stock of GROCERIES All of which will be sold cheap for Cash. : Whitby, Oct. 12; 1858. Pry NEW * TARDWARE STOCK! TE Seinen ib beg to CALDWELL'S NEW BLOCK, BROCK STREET, south of L. II. Schofield & Co. with a now and eplendid Stack of Sheif and Heavy Hestware, hich are detérmined to sell 3 Prices lo suit the times. wl Soi nl to oul hid They would invile particuiss _Rubbr Belting, Cross-Cut, Circular, asd Mill Sews , Hoop, and" Band Iron, &e., Paints, Oils, Jar Tom a Plas Viare, Thbic sod Pek Coho eT oe The fh BURT STC by og ht io : Wer bo osu +8. Mas albuor, Golden Save. to their Customers and the Public geactally, that they have gr Wet Ww % VF = = 45 a Ee RT Er ea rv